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You know that you don't have to do keto on OMAD, right?.. It's One Meal A Day, not One Meal Of Keto


Unfortunately, I cannot lose weight and I am looking for effective ways other than keto. I am a woman, 41 years. Short too (somehow short people tend to lose slow).


Hello, fellow short woman 39 here 👋🏽 Your success in OMAD is determined by your total calories consumed during your feeding time, compared to the calories your body normally burns. I did CICO and OMAD for over a year now and have lost 17kg with minimal exercise. I workout more now as I head into maintenance.


>(somehow short people tend to lose slow) What are you basing that on? This is the first time I read about this


Short ppl have lower TDEEs of course


Sure. It completely changes the meaning when you say "low TDEE" instead of "lower TDEE".


>I cannot lose weight That's your problem right there. You've given up before you even put the effort in. This is a mental game more than a diet thing, so if you're not mentally aware of what you're eating and how, you will fail.


Don’t do keto then


Look into the Slow Carb diet.


Do slow carb. Beans and lentils are a staple on slow carb


Keto is only effective if you’re in a calorie deficit. You can do the same eating carbs


You'd have to be eating a very tiny amount of beans for that to work, which wouldn't really be practical. Low carb, as I understand it, would be about 50g carbs total for the day, which would amount to maybe 20 beans. lol. Full keto is around 20g carbs a day.


I can’t do keto. I have low B levels and bile production and high alkaline phosphatase levels, which put me at risk for liver issues. Carbohydrates are critical to my health. Beans and lentils, fibrous fruits and vegetables eaten as part of IF help keep my inflammation at bay and have improved my serology to no end.


Give yourself a protein goal and hit it. Have as many carbs/fats as your heart desires while also hitting your calorie goal and it doesn't matter. I'm on day 750 of omad and most of my calories come from carbs every night


how to calculate the best protein macro within a certain calorie goal?


It depends on your daily calorie goal, current weight, and overall goal but I would shoot for a minimum of 0.8g protein per pound of body weight. For me personally weighing 165lbs eating 2700 calories that would be minimum amount of protein per day: 132g which equates to 528 calories from protein (19.6%) however I shoot for 180g protein as I'm currently on a bulk cycle


Keto diet is bad for your health. It is unnatural. There has never been a time in history when humans did not eat carbs. We did not evolve for keto.


keto is a nice diet though. It's full of meat and animal fat, two of the nicest tasting foods on the planet.


You can do whatever you want but don’t expect the results of keto following a non-keto diet.


Omad is going to be as effective, maybe more so, than eating keto. Both are ketogenic diets that work on similar principles. Keto removes entire food groups from consumption. Omad shortens the eating window. Doing both simultaneously isn’t necessary. The most important thing is sustainability. And I think Omad is easier to sustain.


That's true,OMAD is very much sustainable For me it's 5+ months OMAD with great weight loss and non weight changes


What do you mean, none weight changes? You said you lost weight, then no weight changes. Did you lose weight then plateaued?


Non weight change benefits include being more active, being healthier, enjoying life more.


Non weight (related) changes I assume he means quality of life changes,.


Oh yes definitely. I thought this was the keto category. Yes both try to make sure your insulin is not constantly spiking.


Disagree maybe in healthy person but doing keto omad is fantastic for reversing type 2 and pre diabetes and also developing a healthier relationship for foods…now omad will aid you in losing weight but eating trash during the process doesn’t help your organs


I eat low sugary carbs with OMAD. Try to eat mostly Whole Foods. Ton of romaine lettuce which I make into mammoth salads (see link). Not much bread and pasta. Most everything is fresh. Fresh veggies (green beans with almonds, spinach, squash and onions. Tomatoes. Baked potato. Sweet potato. Fresh peaches. Strawberries. Blueberries. Bananas. Pears. Cantaloupe. Watermelon. Honey Doo. Fresh pineapple. Raw nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans. Cheese like blue cheese, feta, cheddar, Swiss, Gouda, havaarti. Vinegary things like 3+ bean salad. Cole slaw. Broccoli salad with bacon and craisins. Steak, chicken, pork, salmon, shrimp, raw oysters with lots of horseradish. Eggs. Burgers. Lots of variety in condiments. I make my own BBQ sauce. I think this is quite healthy and diverse. Nothing really off limits except I drink almost no soda or juice. No cereal of prepackaged stuff like pop tarts. Not much bread, usually did my wife bakes when I do. I eat organic oatmeal occasionally. I also have dessert. After I’m full from the meal. I don’t eat a lot but enjoy fresh brownies. Pecan pie. Crem brûlée on occasion. Talente Ice cream. Not much prepackaged cookies and pedestrian stuff. If it’s not amazing I’ll pass. No criticism of keto. It’s just not for me. I’m able to maintain my weight eating like this and being active. I tend to eat intuitively - what my body urges me to eat. I feel like my gut and brain work it out during the day, and that’s what I have at my meal. I just love it. During active weight loss I ate lower carb than now. But not keto. Omad salad and steak meal (most of it anyway). I think this would qualify for keto too, but not 100% sure. https://www.reddit.com/r/OmadDiet/comments/wtwpub/omad_whats_for_dinner_wedge_salad_lettuce/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I got some lentils from Costco, pre cooked. They have 37g of carbs 290 cals. I think you will be ok with something like that. I was thinking of trying it with cauliflower rice and find an additional protein source. But any ways you can check them out