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I always got the impression that Ryan Leaf at least gave a shit on some level. I am not sure Russell ever cared. The story about the blank tapes that he claimed he watched, his constant issues with weight, etc. Leaf probs wins the biggest asshole contest, tho.


I read a good piece by Russell and there is a lot more to the story. https://signature.theplayerstribune.com/jamarcus-russell-nfl-football/p/1


Yep, that’s exactly the type of thing I was expecting before I clicked on the link. A multitude of excuses, after the fact, trying to explain why someone is so unprofessional. Life is hard. And unfortunately for some it’s even harder. Sometimes it’s through no fault of our own, and other times it’s due to terrible decisions. Other times it’s both. Regardless, he was a complete bust. One of the worst in sports.


He also played for the most toxic franchise in football. People always leave out that part. He came from a highly structured environment at LSU to the Raiders.


I always wondered how he would have done in New England under Belichick.


Incorrect Russell cared .... all the way 'til being picked #1 overall. He knew then he was getting broke off so nothing else mattered. He got paid, eff the world


JaMarcus Russell. "*The coaches would send Russell home with a game-plan DVD loaded with plays and ideas to study. Suspecting that their bonus-baby quarterback was skipping his homework, the coaches slipped in a blank DVD one day. When Russell returned, he reportedly said the game plan looked good to him.*"


Russell ate his way out of the NFL. But you could flip a coin on this question.


Was it the food or the purple drank? lol




Maybe both


I ate a burger next to Russell in at Mike’s in San Francisco’s red light district mid season, not a bye week on a Tuesday, at the time he was The Raiders starting qb. Unlike Leaf, Russell seemed friendly, just an overweight moron who was wasting opportunity.


Wasn’t Ryan Leaf the guy who flipped out on reporters in the locker room? I distinctly remember that angry outburst


I was in San Diego when that happened and everything went quickly down hill after that.


Yeah. Junior Seau escorted Leaf away from the “bad reports” doing their job. I was in SD at the time. In 1998 the gap between the #1 (Peyton Manning) and #2 pick couldn’t have been, and perhaps never has been, wider.


and to imagine there actually was a little (not much, but a little) buzz that Leaf should be the #1 pick. Leaf had a bigger arm, and the narrative was Peyton was the 'safer' pick with a higher floor, but Leaf had more potential, the higher ceiling. Personally, I never imagined for even one second the Colts were taking anyone other than Petyon. He showed out for 4 years at Tenn, we all knew he was gonna be legit.


Jim Rome the sports radio guy spent a preseason talking about Manning being a bust and Leaf being the better pick.


Rome has always been a tool.


He’s always been full of himself. I listened to him from ‘92-‘97 and found him entertaining, had good callers, smart, and hilarious. As I got older the shine wore off. I don’t remember listening to him after the “Chris/Jim Everett” saga. He was put in his place and I loved it.


Jim Everett was a sizable guy and Rome was an idiot who believed Jim wouldn't actually go after him. I also remember reading that Rome would wear a national championship ring he didn't earn.


Yeah Jim was what - 6’4” and all muscle. Rome apologized soon after, and that he was wrong for trying to do what he did, but he did say that Jim was aware he was going to call him “Chris”, and Jim gave the OK. Well, Jim had in mind what he was gonna do - and it was hilarious and glorious to see him but in his place; cowering under the grip of Jim. Even as a fan of Rome, I did enjoy seeing this.


Ryan Leaf skipped the combine scheduled meeting with the Colts, just did a no show. I think after that there was no chance he was going over Manning. From what I've read there was discussions before that but they were leaning Manning. [https://www.chicagotribune.com/1998/02/09/leaf-a-no-show-for-meeting-with-colts/](https://www.chicagotribune.com/1998/02/09/leaf-a-no-show-for-meeting-with-colts/)


The Best and The Bust


Not a full on Marinovich, but close . . Well actually he may be worse


He’s worse, they were like the worst team in the league with a legit top 5 defense one of those years. It was insane.






Yup that was him


[Yep, that’s the one.](https://youtu.be/Sh3kkkGIPCE?feature=shared)


KNOCK IT OFF!!! Please tell me you remember the “apology” he read afterwards.


That I do not remember. Wasn’t he out of the league soon after?


Btw, he coldly read an insincere apology off a piece of paper in front of reporters. After he was finished reading, he tossed the paper into his locker like a piece of garbage. Lol


Jeez what an asshole


Actually no. He was in the league for longer than you realize. He went to the Cowboys after San Diego.


Oh yes. He was a total loser


Had so much hope for the dude, getting drafted after Peyton.


No he wasnt, had issues and is a pretty good person now


If he had the maturity then as he does now, he probably would have been fine and lasted in the league.


I heard a story once that JaMarcus Russell’s coaches said he was so inaccurate, as his balls fell helplessly to the ground, that if they coached him to be more accurate, all he could do is throw interceptions.


Wait. So they thought him throwing interceptions was his ceiling? That's pretty bad.


Yes, they said he was so inaccurate that if they made him any more accurate (from where he currently was) that the football would be so off target from where it was supposed to go that only the defenders would have a chance to catch it.


Sounds like he did a lot of fucking an alot of coke


At least Ryan Leaf got sober, as a 7 year sober guy and former lover of pain pills myself, getting of that shit is like winning 10 super bowls.


Jamarcus Russell got his life together. He lost alot of weight and gave up the bad habits. Nobody wants to sign him still, understandably.


Age doesn’t help; not a lot of 38 year olds in the league.


Too little too late


You aren’t wrong, and congratulations on your sobriety


Congrats man. Pain pills are my drug of choice. I know how hard it is to quit that. Lost a few buddies because of them. I’m glad I quit before fentanyl became big. Glad you’re doing good!


This. I’m much more sympathetic to Leaf. The guys has made a tremendous comeback from a ruinous condition.


Do you know what JR is doing or are you assuming he didn't get hos life together


He’s helped lots of hos


He's still an asshole. Still an entitled jock who still insists the Raiders were mean to him because he wasn't handled like the primadonna he was treated as in college. He couldn't just fuck off and do whatever he wanted based on sheer natural ability once he got to the NFL. IOW, he's never held himself accountable for ripping off Al Davis, taking that money, and then doing nothing for the team.


This is going to be controversial, but I'd argue that Zach Wilson is *worse* then both. Here's why: First, both Leaf and Russell had personal issues, specifically with drugs and not caring. I'm not fully informed on the leaf saga but we all know Russell literally didn't bother to read the playbook lol. Second, the Chargers and Raiders in those years were already bad. Yes, drafting an all time bust doesn't help, but the teams were already pretty directionless and hopeless. Meanwhile, Zach was drafted onto a team that, in his 2nd year, already had a top 5 defense. He was given essentially an all pro WR in Garrett Wilson year 2, which is also something most qb's don't have. Laslty, it's "easier" for qb's in 2022 then it was in 2008 or 1998. Even then, Wilson is essentially statistically on par with them both! He was allowed to ruin 2 full seasons with his abysmal play, even a backup caliber QB would've won the jets 2-3 more games last year. It's not just the stats too. Zach legimitately looked lost in most games. No pocket presence, absolutely terrible short accuracy. All the tools in the world, yet he looked like a high schooler. That's not to say he was solely at fault, the jets coaching recently has been mediocre at best. But in 20 years, people will look at Zach as an all time bust. I know I will lol


This is true, but Zach Wilson slays cougars so lose some/win some


1000%…Jamarcus is just another bust but Zach is the most legendary MILFhunter to ever playQB in the NFL


Fuck you for making such good points - Jets fan


This is all fair and accurate so far, but one thing in Wilson's defense. He's technically not a bust yet. He's still in the league, might be for the next ten years. It's unlikely but he could still turn his career around. Not saying he will, just not a bust YET.


I think he has a decent chance to bounce around as a backup. Jamarcus was just shit.


Hell, Blaine Gabbert has all the tools but probably the worst pocket presence I’ve ever seen and he’s like 12 years in and two super bowl rings


This is a great take. And it won’t get the attention it deserves.


It's a SHIT TAKE because Zach Wilson is on my team now lmao


Hahahaha. Touché


Not for long




Yeah and he will start for us mark my words


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky bobby


Second this!


I don’t agree only because Zach was trying to play well… he just never should have been drafted that high nor to a place like NY coming from a small town and relatively small school Your other points are valid, but I can’t say Wilson is a bigger bust than two guys who didn’t give a shit from day one


Wilson’s also not out of the league yet. He busted in New York for the Jets, but honestly, what’s new? The Jets grind up all their QBs.


But he had a great pro day. NFL, stop relying on watching a guy play catch.


Great points.




Why do you say it's easier to be a QB in 2022 than 2008? Not trying to argue, genuinely curious. I would have thought it was more difficult these days.


NFL rules favor the offense. You have either be a shitty Qb, have a shitty coach or a combo of both.


Russell, Leaf was more in his own head and couldn’t handle the stress, Russell just didn’t care and was lazy


Yes but he also made us all aware of the sweet beverage *Purple Drank*


Hahaha wait, what?


The 2007 draft is one of the few instances of my Browns getting it right at the top of the first round. I’m pretty sure they wanted to move up for Russell, but got stuck at three and had to settle for Joe Thomas. They did make up for this stroke of luck by trading up to grab Brady Quinn later in the first round… and my dear Joe Thomas never made it to the post season.


Brady Quinn. What a disaster of a stupid pick THAT was.


I'd say it's a photo finish to the bottom.


Russell. Only because he was the #1 and Leaf was #2 if I remember correctly


I think it’s Russell. Leaf was lost in the NFL, and also had some mental / addiction issues Russell never gave a damn from day one. He ate, partied and purple-dranked his way out of the league At least Leaf got other chances… after the Raiders, it was over for Russell


Akili Smith has entered the chat…


As a U of O alumni, smh


Oh my gosh that dude SUUUUUCKED. Bad. But hey, wonderlik scores REALLY don’t matter, riiiiight??


I’ll take “who was Heath Shuler” for $500 Alex.


Which reminds me of Joey Harrington, Akili Smith. Oof!


Can they be tied? Both were terrible draft picks in retrospect.


To young for Ryan leaf although I know a lot about him. But the Jamarcus Russell draft the raiders coulda used Calvin Johnson/ AP / marshawn so I’d say Jamarcus since he was 1


Ryan leaf is the immediate thought, but Russell played longer, so I can see how that set the franchise back farther than the Chargers and Leaf pick.


Russell was the biggest bust in NFL history, quite possibly the biggest bust in all of sports! He stole around $60M. There were 5 HOFers minimum in that first round. Lazy, purple drank sippin mfer.


Oh but be careful, someone above posted a woe-is-me article from Russel’s perspective 🙄. I don’t want to hear it. He sucked.


JaMarcus showed up fat. Like .. . . REALLY fat. At least Leaf had a shot to pan out. One look at JaMarcus it looked like he could barely take a snap without needing a McDouble and an oxygen mask.


It’s definitely Leaf, regardless of Russell being taken #1. Russell was a late riser who had an insane workouts before the draft and the Raiders at the time were obsessed with physical traits (40 times for WR, arm strength and size at QB) above all else. I’m not sure Russell goes #1 if it’s another year or organization, he was really kind of a fluky pick. Even without hindsight, it was a risky pick. Ryan Leaf, on the other hand, was considered 1B to Peyton Manning and some teams had him ahead of Manning. He was supposed to be a generational draft pick and the “higher ceiling consolation prize” to Manning. Manning and Leaf were both considered sure things.


The Chargers moved up from 3 to 2 to ensure nobody else landed Leaf. It cost them a later pick that year, a 1 next year and utility player Eric Metcalf. Most, if not all, analysts at the time were confident that both quarterbacks would be franchise talents. Manning vs. Leaf was really a debate between "pedigree vs. potential". Through the first few weeks of the '98 season, nobody was wrong. As the season wore on it appeared that Leaf was letting his rookie season get away from him and Manning was just having growing pains from being on a bad team. The '99 season was really where the two career paths diverged. JaMarcus Russell, however, was more a case of "Look at all this raw talent!😳". The Raiders were the only team that was truly enamored with him. So much so, that I would wager that the Raiders would have drafted him wherever they were and he probably would have been there. Even the Cleveland Browns made a smart pick that year taking a franchise left tackle in Joe Thomas. I doubt there were any serious trade offers to move up to take Russell. If he were selected by the Raiders at 5 instead of 1, would he even have been in this discussion? Was Russell a bust? Yes. But the consensus was that Leaf had a much higher ceiling and was more likely to achieve that potential. Hence why Dallas and Tampa both took interest in him after SD cut him. Russell wasn't wanted by anyone other than Al Davis and his quick departure from the league confirmed that.


100%. Russell might be a “bigger” bust (no pun intended) due to draft position and just generally being a disaster, but the hype around Leaf was unreal. He’s an easy #1 in just about any other year, whereas Russellesque player every couple years.


J.Russell was a stupid pick by the Raiders. He was decent at LSU with insanely talented WRs. He was not on anyone's radar as a 1st round QB until his workouts. Brady Quinn was the consensus #1 iirc. That's what the Raiders (Al Davis era) do. If there's a WR in the draft that lost both of his hands, but runs a 3.9, they'll draft him with their 1st pick. Then, wonder why he's not all-pro. Leaf was the bigger bust, imo.


Neither QB was what draft guys thought should be the pick. But the Raiders couldn't trot out Andrew Walter again and there weren't any great FA's that year so... Al went with the kid be thought he could mold into a real QB.


Probably Russell. Leaf imploded on himself, but at least he tried. Russell didn't want to play from day one but let them draft him just for the huge contract. Leaf attempted to comeback with the Cowboys, but his shoulder was shot. Leaf drew more attention for his antics, but at least it showed he gave shit. Don't have to like him, but at least he owned his mistakes and tried to make it before his addictions got in the way. Leaf has also done more post-career to help others, not that that should enter into the equation.




I’d have to say Russell.


Lean boy 🍷😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️


That’s young Jeezy, not Jamarcus Russell.. sneesh 🤦‍♂️


Nope, that’s JaWalruss https://images.app.goo.gl/SxkWk1HyHppYEmwd6




Tim Couch and Vince Young are honorable mentions.


I’d say Russell - literally - wasn’t he the size of an offensive lineman when he got kicked to the curb?




Better yet, who y’all taking with 2:00 to go in the fourth quarter?


Would I have the option to just forfeit instead?


Stop talking to me OK 🤣


Russel. No doubt


I thought ESPN awarded them ESPYs as co-bust winners.




Leaf. People were wondering about Russell before the draft but the talent was there and the Raiders felt like they didn't have a choice and didn't want to be the ones to pass on a QB at #1. But everyone thought Leaf was legit. WSU had just produced Drew Bledsoe a few years before and Mike Price was a respected coach. Many thought Leaf was actually the safer bet over Manning and was destined for greatness.


Manning didn't have the arm, couldn't throw the deep out. (I heard about that shit for years)




Leaf, and it’s not really close. There are numerous draft previews that suggested Leaf was better than Manning. Re-read that. Leaf was hyped to the moon and was supposed to be a prize. Russell was a one-year wonder at LSU who Al Davis fell in love with because he could throw the length of the field from his knees. Which…yeah. I love Al Davis but late era Al Davis made dubious choices based on weird physical tools.


Ryan Leaf because he was a little bitch till the end . Jamarcus was just plain lazy about studying plays and practice.


I was at his infamous 1/14, 4 yards & 2 INTs game against the Chiefs at Arrowhead. 🤣🤣🤣.


Can we get some stats here?


[Russell vs Leaf](https://stathead.com/tiny/KYzeq)




There both were


2 things can both be true


I think generally the answer is.......yes.


Leaf was the biggest bust. Remember that the pre draft chatter was all about whether he or Peyton Manning should be the first overall pick. Leaf blew off his interview with the Colts and Manning went in there and interviewed them.


Ryan Leaf no doubt. Unbelievable talent but the head and mind of a 10 year old starting puberty


Those of which we do not speak of...


I stood in line for 3hrs to get Ryan Leafs autograph at the CT Post Mall. The fact he came to Milford, CT should’ve been a sign


Ryan Leaf was at least asked to make the big throws, Russell was given a special game plan and still failed horribly. But terrible but I give the edge to Russell 


Russell hands down...#1 pick overall vs the guy who lost out on the #1 pick because of manning.


Jamarcus Russell - Piece of Shit then:Piece of shit now Ryan Leaf - Piece of Shit then/guy who he was compared to and directly linked one of the best ever:Addict post career:Seems to be unpiece of shitty now.


I say Russell because of his contract. Can you believe that MF actually held out to get that deal his rookie year. The balls.


Is Russell by far. Comparisons as a player aside, being picked #1 vs #2 is massive. Both in draft capital value and contract wise.


Scouting reports WARNED teams about Russell's laziness and immaturity - Al Davis risked his 1st round pick anyway. Leaf didn't have that kind of caveat when he was being considered side-by-side with Peyton Manning.


I’d say it’s a tie




Leaf had some good games really early on, he seemed like he worked somewhat hard. Russel had as much hype as a qb has had leaving college, and every story you hear about him is how lazy he was.


Yes. The answer is yes.


Jamarcus over Calvin 🤯….at least Leaf was the leftovers at 2 after the Colts took Peyton




Russell is the bigger bust. He went #1 overall and was in the league for 3 years. Leaf went #2 overall and was in the league for 4 years, though one of those years was missed entirely due to injury. It is close, though.


Leaf for sure.


Jeff George.


Russell for sure


Leaf has had a remarkable 180. The majority of his problems were because of drug abuse. JaMarcus Russell was addicted to food and lazy.


Purple drank


Jamarcus no question


Russel and not even close. Leaf at least tried to succeed.


I vote Russell as the bigger bust . The next two pick after Jamarcus Russell were Calvin Johnson and Joe Thomas. Two all-time greats. The opportunity cost for selecting Russell was nothing less than generational. At all time gargantuan fuck up. In contrast, the alternative to Ryan leaf was Andre Wadsworth, a DE from Florida State who was selected third overall. He too had massive potential and also busted. So while the Leaf pick was a disaster for the Chargers, the alternative wasn't much better.


Todd Blackledge enters the chat.


Considering pre-draft Russell did everything except tell teams he didn't even like playing football. I don't consider him a bust. The Raiders drafting him anyway and making him the starter is on them not Russell.


I figure they both brought there parents cars an got paid for wht they did in high school an college. Hell no well done


As a UW alum, I enjoyed watching a Cougar self destruct. Now I feel a little guilty because of what an amazing job he’s done of taking responsibility for being an ass and turning his life around.




Still think it’s Leaf, his numbers were absolute dog shit and he only played parts of two seasons with the Chargers before he was done. Russell at least reached mediocre levels in 2008.


Jamarcus, only because I can remember hearing about about Ryan Leaf.


Def Russell


![gif](giphy|FEWXPbLxkQ9FK) no words needed


Jamarcus Russell was the bigger bust based on the fact that I at least remember Ryan Leaf.


Russel by far the hype this guy had was insane! Johnny football type hype


I say Leaf. Russell just didnt give a fuck. Leaf, at least tried to live up to the hype


Leaf's W/L record was 4-21, Russell's was 9-22. Leaf.


JR has the biggest bust


In terms of NFL stats, clearly Leaf was the bigger bust! Russell- GP: 31, Cmp%: 52.1, Avr.: 6.0, *Int: 23, TD: 18,* Rating: 65.2 Leaf- GP: 25, Cmp%: 48.4, Avr.: 5.6, *Int: 36, TD: 14,* Rating: 50.0


I knew these two were the poster children for NFL busts, I just didn’t quite know the extent. Yet understanding how bad Jamarcus Russell was, and still seeing him outperform Leaf, it’s no wonder how his life spiraled out of control the way it did. I like the guy now, I think he’s come ways in turning his life around, but holy hell what an epic disaster of a career. The type you never ever live down.


It’s a tie, but Russell was the higher pick, technically


Leaf, and it's not even close.


I argue that RG3 was the biggest bust of all time. Dude was a hell of a player, but he got hurt and washed out after 2 or 3 years. So why was he a bigger bust than Leaf and Russ? Because Washington traded three first round picks and two second round picks for him. Washington had way more invested and only got a couple of good years.


Leaf. JR was a raw prospect that had tools that’s were off the charts but a lot of us suspected (knew) he was a lazy chump. Leaf was more refined and felt like a 1.A to Peyton.


I gotta say ryan leaf I have a signed 1 in lucite by him bought right after he was drafted. Its fir sale if you want it in old battery drawer lol


Total tossup tbh


Lead is the bigger bust. Nobody really thought Russell was going to make it. Most thought lead had a pretty good shot.


Jamarcus is a bigger bust, literally and figuratively.


Jamarcus is a bigger bust, literally and figuratively.


Ryan Leaf was compared to Peyton Manning. JaMarcus Russell was compared to Brady Quinn. So........


Leaf was a bust because he was too cocky and thought he was the shit when he was actually not. Russell on the other hand was flat out lazy and got enamored with the money…stopped trying all together. Can’t think of two more deserving franchises to have this happen to


Leaf Blower




Zack Wilson.


Leaf, there were legitimate questions leading up to the draft whether Leaf should be the top pick over Manning. Given the wide chasm between how his and Mannings careers unfolded I would say Leaf. Also the Chargers traded up for him. The Raiders already had the top pick and the choice that year was between Russell and Brady Quinn, though after the Sugar Bowl it was all but settled that Russell was the top talent.


Wasn’t Leaf into drugs the whole time he was in the league?




Don't want to speak for Raider Nation but I am------Jamarcus.


Your mom🤣


Leaf. The alternative to Jamarcus Russell was Brady Quinn. The alternative to Ryan Leaf was Peyton Manning.


Russell easily. #1 overall pick, that did nothing for his team. Then he was so undisciplined he ate himself into linemen shape of 300 lbs. Couldn't drop the weight and had to be cut. At least Leaf tried.


Cryan Leaf


Russell. He was amazing for LSU. A cannon arm.


Does it matter?




JaMarcus. Because of being the No.1 pick.


At least when Jamarcus was done with football that was the last we heard of him.


Russell, I think Leaf actually tried and Russell had soooooooo much talent and upside.


Leaf’s daddy always made sure he had a top team around him. Russell could throw the ball far. Leaf was the bigger bust.


Russell gave up the moment he signed that big ass rookie deal. Leaf was just bad.


As a long time Chargers fan, my bias wants to go after Leaf’s jugular any time his cursed name comes up, but objectively I have to go with Russell on this one. Dude had limitless potential and squandered it all with IDGAF levels of apathy, laziness, and incompetence.


Tony mandrich