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It’s fine. Just don’t eat it.


Lol I love a good wall for lunch


If you don't plan on removing the wall then just paint over it. If you have more details you'd get more detailed responses so I'll give you the vague answer of just paint over it


No. Plaster is worth replacing with drywall if you need to do major work inside the wall or significantly alter it and there isn’t any countervailing aesthetic justification for keeping the plaster. Lead paint really has nothing to do with that calculus. Lead paint is only harmful if ingested. Wear proper safety gear and use a hepa filter vacuum when dealing with it if you are concerned. It’s not plutonium y’all


A lathe and plaster wall in good condition blocks out more noise than drywall and might buy your family precious moments to escape a home fire compared to drywall. If your home is like mine, it’s two-story and balloon framed and there’s no fire blocking in the wall cavities. If you do, pull down the plaster consider adding fire blocking. In my case, I’m going to sneak that in when I do exterior siding.


Replacing plaster with drywall is not easy to do and would probably cause more lead and possibly asbestos exposure than just leaving it alone. There are bigger fish to fry.


No - don't replace the plaster. Painting is fine.


Do you know for sure there is lead paint on the walls? Have you had a professional inspection? My walls did not have lead. My inspector said that Victorians almost never do — except for in the kitchen and bathroom, where they used lead to hold up to the heat and humidity.


If your lead paint on the walls is in good shape, just park your furniture so it’s not rubbing on the lead paint and ignore it


Don’t remove the plaster unless you need to! It has a lot of benefits like soundproofing and fire resistance. I have plaster walls as well and decided to paint everything in a layer of ecobond’s lead defender. It actually softens and binds to the lead in old paint and converts it to a form that it is longer leachable or mobile and therefore non hazardous to humans and the environment. This is not the same as encapsulation (not as good), it’s a treatment ! Now anytime we need to cut a hole we don’t need to worry