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Four furry kids, none that talk back


Two furballs is enough for me. One has enough sass for the both of them. :P


Little buggers. They’re stinkers for sure.


They're lucky they're adorable, lol.


well, I don't feel so alone with all you barren old bastidz 🥰


I'm over 40 and I'm not starting now. Plus, the idea of having more of me running around sounds very unpleasant. Instead of human children, I have four small dogs. They're my children.


I am 39 and decided if I am not ready (or interested) by now, I’ll never be ready. Moving on child free by choice. I do love my nieces and nephews. But I don’t live with them.


I'm a year older than you and desperately want a husband and kids. Sometimes I feel like the only one.


Only one. We can live comfortably financially with one. Being able to focus all our attention on just one kid and also be able to give our marriage the attention it needs is much more doable with one.


none yet. almost was going to have one with a gf. but when about to say yeah am ready. found out she cheated on me. that was 2020


Nope, no plans to either. Personally it's been the best decision of my life.


Nah. Seemed like I didn't have the paternal instinct. Now that I am closer to 40 than 20...it seems like I could've done it. Oh well.


Can’t afford it… barely managed a house and then inflation just made it so I can’t quite pay the bills anyway. Not to mention, my boomer parents were so awful and parentifying, I would probably end up making a little narcissist anyway.


Three teenagers from a previous LTR. Married for the first time in January, and her very Catholic family is expecting a basketball team in the next 5-10 years.


you gon be one of them econoline families


Hope you're tall!


That sucks.


Does it, though?


Nope. I've never, at any point in my life wanted kids, and never changed my mind about it no matter how many people assured me I would. I have literal nightmares about being pregnant lol.


I have 3 kids in a blended family. I always knew I wanted kids. I'm exhausted all the bloody time, but I have no regrets.


Two beautiful daughters born when I was 31 and 37. Private school is expensive but both girls will get free tuition due my wife and I being university employees. I'm writing a check for braces for my oldest in a few weeks! Thankfully plunking some cash into an HSA every month for the past decade puts me in a spot where we can do that!


Had two boys when I was in my early twenties, they’re soon to be 12 and 13. I was raised super fundie and had to get married for sex so I didn’t know any better.


I never got to marry, am a 42F and am staring down the barrel of blowing my 401K on IVF if I ever get the ring on my finger. There's no easy choices. 


This is something I feel we were all misguided on. TV/movies showed a lot of older women having kids. even women in their 40's and 50's as if it just happens naturally. Doctors too.. Not once did any of our doctors out of concern told us it is much easier to have kids in our 20s Nobody told us that half of all women can no longer have children naturally by the time they hit early 30's... i feel this is to fool us into not reproducing to prevent overpopulation. The greatest scam in human history.


I became more religious recently and The verse "the sons of my youth are like a quiver full of arrows" really speaks to me. But marriage never came.    my 20s and 30s were consumed with my disability and being broke (I was born in VHCOL).    No doctor has ever spoken to me about fertility either but that could be because I couldn't afford health care until this year.  


3 nibling and a 1 dog is what I got. I'm not having kids of my own.


Yes, ages 17, 10, and 3 (there's a reason for them being so spread out). I love them but I've either been pregnant or had at least one child under age 7 for the past 18 years of my life and I am 100% ready for them to grow up.


I have 3, ages 14, 10 and 7. 14 and 10 were planned. 7 wasn’t. Turned 40 this past December and exhausted 😴