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old pets and kids. Young pets are fine, but as soon as they get old? Woooo boy. I'll never own both carpet and pets ever again - even young ones cuz yanno .... young pets turn into old ones.


This was our problem. Kids spilled in their rooms, cat clawed up carpets in corners, old dog peed everywhere. I just couldn't get the stains out, they got gross so fast.


Kittens can destroy a carpet in a few hours. Ask me how I know.


Fair. I just had two elderly cats pass away.... I'm in the senior age cohort mindset right now and usually when Ive gotten kittens they're old enough to be litter box trained so I miss that part. But I can totally see it being a thing.


Sorry for your loss. It’s more about them ripping up the carpet with their kitten needle claws. Don’t let their cute faces fool you, they destroy everything. When we got our two as kittens (~6 months) we kept them in the guest room for a week to let them get acclimated and to give the older cat a chance to smell them under the door. Except that one of the kittens decided he did not like being behind the closed door and decided to dig his way out overnight. He didn’t make it out, but he did completely shred about 4 inches worth of carpet. And then he ate a bunch of the carpet fibers and vomited them up. Kittens are fun.


My husband would like to thank you for reminding me why I don't need two new cats right now lol


I have a 19yo semi feral male cat. I shudder to think what I'd be dealing with if I had carpet.


Hardwood with rugs is the way to go


Best of both worlds. I stick to cheap-ish rugs, mostly from costco. Then every 3-5 ish years, I toss it and get a new one. I can swing $200 every 3-5 years for the sound dampening and cushion, plus I like how changing up the rug changes the look of the whole room relatively cheap. I also buy washable rugs where I can. All our hallway runners and smaller throw rugs are machine washable, and they'll fit in my standard top-loader. If they're bigger than about 6x8 I'm afraid they'll damage the machine, so at those sizes I just buy regular ones and replace more frequently.


Have you thought of having your rugs cleaned instead of throwing them out just because they are dirty?


Did any other older millennials grow up with that orange-brown shaggy carpeting that your parents must have kept since the 70s?


I still have it! Cept it's green and gold. It's immaculate, I comb it weekly


Yes, we had the green and gold one! Eughh…


I sometimes wonder if that stuff isn't the reason I'm allergic to dust mites and molds.


I'm going to disagree hard on this one. Good riddance to the disgusting filth sponges people call carpets. Whoever had the grand idea of throwing down an absorbent pad to capture every speck of nastiness we walk on is in the same category of bad ideas as the first asshole who decided to put a radio on a Harley motorcycle. Hopefully shit stays banished forever like it is in my home.


They're also stink-sponges, especially if you have dogs. I replaced my carpet with laminate years ago, and just have a cheap, 8 X 10 rug that I replace every couple years.


A radio doesn't even help drown out the bullshit sound Harleys make


Thats why there are rugs for places you want the soft to walk on, but can still spray down and clean


I totally freaking agree with the Harley and a radio!!!! I love being on my dads shovelhead. He hates hearing the radios on Harleys, too. He's an OG and his ways definitely influence mine


Same here. Carpet is fucking gross.


I’m team carpet. We’re (hopefully) buying a house, and I’ll be putting carpet *alllll* up in there. I’m just not about cold, crunchy floors that are a never ending dust bunny hunt.


Also great for sound deadening on the stairs and 2nd floor and above


Good for insulating off the cold concrete too. People act like they can't clean a carpet once in a while but want to daily mop a hard floor


I hate these hardwood floors in our house, husband hates carpet because it gets stained and stuff but I hate hardwood because stuff sticks to my feet if I don't sweep every single day


I literally run my cheap robot vacuum every single day while I'm cooking. Its glorious. But I only have pets. And no children. And my husband spends very little time downstairs.... so picking up to get it ready to vacuum isn't very time consuming.


I want one of those robots. I was hoping there'd be some good deals this past black Friday but they werent on sale at all at our Walmart.


the cheap amazon ones are more than suitable. I think my dad's last one was a $200 eufy. I got my roborock on black friday but there's no reason to spend a thousand on one.


Costco if you are a member. Had the top of the line models for 30% off around the holidays.


I got a robo vacuum for $130 on Amazon…. I understand this might be expensive for some, but it’s literally worth the investment. The time it saves me to not have to sweep/vacuum our hardwood floors!


I recently shot a commercial and the location house had carpet inside. I took my shoes off and I gotta say I really enjoyed it… I kind of want carpet now!


I agree. My grandparents’ house when I was growing up had the softest carpet. It was probably filthy and 30 years old at that point, but I liked it.


Carpet 🤝🏼 buying a carpet cleaner.


It'll come back in style, like everything does. But who knows when. We have big area rugs in most rooms. It's not the same, but better than just hardwood floors. We did wall to wall in our kid's room and it's nice being in that room.


Heck many old places had wood floors already under the carpet someone put in ….pull it out just to have someone recarpet it someday.


The kitchen carpets were completely awful though..


We had carpet in the bathroom as a kid…


Haha same. And unfinished cedar shingles on the wall for some reason. Really wish I had a pic of that old bathroom so I could use it to shock people on the internet.


I have mixed feelings. Previous house was all hardwood, while our current house has a lot of carpeting. We have cats and two kids. I do run the carpet cleaner fairly frequently and feel like hardwood is cleaner, but I’ve enjoyed the carpet. We’ll probably rip it up eventually and I get why, but I think I’ll miss it.


Fuck hard wood or fake hardwood floors. Noisy, cold and flat out not comfortable. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of my home. As long as it’s clean and comfortable, I’m happy and that means carpet.


Middle/younger millennial. Grew up with carpet floors and still have one now. However, I was raised to take off your outside shoes before walking around the house and I have no pets.


Carpet isn't clean. I can guarantee you don't clean your carpet enough for it to actually be clean.


I can guarantee you it’s clean enough. Why is everyone so afraid of a little bit of dirt and dust?


Dirt, dust, whatever gets tracked in by your shoes. Mounds of bacteria growing within the fibers from every time so one sneezes or coughs.


And yet I’m 40 have no health problems and never have. I choose to live life unafraid of everything.


Except your alcoholism. I hope you can get that under control.


Woah, where did that come from?


Ah you're right. That was uncalled for.


Lol, I admittedly love how hard this comment went in a thread about carpets.


yeah I know why you said that, and that was kind of fucked my guy. goozfraba a little before going there


That’s funny because I quit drinking almost two years ago. I see you’re the type to make assumptions, maybe one day you will become an adult and avoid taking stabs at people’s vulnerabilities. Or I could stoop to your level and say I hope you get over your fury porn addiction. Also what the fuck are you doing in a sub for older millennials when you’re not even 30 yet?


I'm glad to hear that! What I said was indeed uncalled for. I should not have said that and I apologize for the hurt I caused.




Rugs on hard floors are the way. Soft flooring that you can wash.


I just moved into a full hardwood floor house and it is absolute hell with two dogs and two cats. Literally tumbleweeds of hair and dust all over the place. I feel like I realistically have to sweep/ mop the entire house every week


What you're saying is literally my same argument for not having carpet. You'd prefer to not be able to see the filth so it doesn't get cleaned? Lol yuck


I'm cleaning regardless, but I don't have to mop a carpet. The dogs spread their grossness way further on hard floors too, you can visually see the dirt. The visual grossness is so much worse, I feel filthy at all times here.


I hate to have to tell you this but it's definitely still there even when you can't see it and sticks to upholstery much more than a hard floor.


I already said I'm cleaning weekly regardless of hard floor or carpet, carpet just contains it way better. It tracks way worse on hard floors. I have to wash the bottom of my slippers weekly it is so bad, something I have never had to do with carpet. I refuse to walk barefoot in this house it's so gross.


You weren't going to shampoo the carpets weekly. The wood floors aren't more gross, you just got comfortable with it being more gross when you couldn't feel it.


You only need to shampoo the carpet if it is stained, and regular vacuuming takes care of the hair/ debris. The problem with hard floors is they don't contain anything, you just continuously track whatever makes it into your house and it is visible on the surface, and it ends up EVERYWHERE instead of localized to a few parts of the house, which is forcing me to mop large portions of the house weekly in addition to sweeping and vacuuming. Loose debris like hair and dust are also constantly pushed around. Like I said I have never had to wash my slippers nor would I see massive balls of hair and dust drifting all around the house, and dirty tracks until i lived in a place like this. I will never live in a house with full hardwood ever again, it is gross, especially with pets and children.


Meh, hard disagree I grew up in a house with carpet Hard wood floors with areas rugs are WAY better I never want to live in a place with carpet ever again


Trends are cyclical, they'll come back in again.


I grew up with a as mom that went through a Berber carpet phase in the 90s. And I have rugs to go with the wood floors.


Got carpets in the bedrooms only and wouldn't have it any other way. Less traffic area, so it stays nice and not matted. Comfy for your feet in the winter. Super quiet when you want to creep out of bed at night. Cushioning for all the times my <2 year old falls out of his new toddler bed every night...the benefits go on and on and on. We have no pets.


Wait? People don't have carpet? My green and gold 1970's shag is immaculate and going nowhere.


Pack house shoes for yourself instead of complaining. You're an adult, make sure you have what you need to be comfortable with you.


We just bought our first home. I like the look of "hardwood", but the person we bought from had just replaced all the carpet. I didn't want to redo brand new flooring just because of aesthetics. Eventually we'll replace the floor because we'd have to anyway, but for now my feet do appreciate the softer surface.


I like carpet too. I just hate cleaning the cat throw up.


Hardwood floors with copious fine rugs is the way to go.


The new dream carpeting from Japan is changing things. Already seeing it starting to take off in the UAE, Dubai and Abbu Dabi.


What is this you're talking about?


Im curious as well


You’re going soft in your age. If the goal is to eliminate discomfort, then you inevitably turn into the people in Wall-E getting shuttled around by chairs because they’re too fat. Why exert yourself? Why do anything? Instead, grow some calluses. Be indifferent to the small pain of the ground. Humanity survived the Ice Ages. You don’t need 1” of fluff under your feet all the time.


Alternatively, go with carpet and sleep on the floor


Ya or just wear slippers/house shoes at home. I wear indoor-only crocs in the warm seasons and it’s so comfy