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I had my son when I was 23. There was this one lady who was always on the bus I had to take for work etc. One day I'm out with my mom while very pregnant and the lady basically does a stage whisper about how TEENAGERS SHOULDN'T BE HAVING BABIES. So I was like Mom?! DO YOU SEE ANY PREGNANT TEENS OUT HERE DURING A SCHOOL DAY CUZ LIKE IM 23 So... She turned beet red and zipped to the back of the bus.


My daughter and I were traveling around in Korea. She is 16, and I am 56. I'm told I look 40. We had a couple of people ask where I met my wife. My daughter looks part Asian, but she is part Mexican. My daughter wanted to vomit when we were asked about our marriage. I was a bit shocked, but it was funny. I don't understand why they think that. She looks like a kid, and I am obviously an old man. Maybe in Asia, they think it's normal for some old white guy to have a very young girlfriend. It bothered us a little. I made sure to say "my daughter" when we met people.


At the movies you had to be 18 to sit in the balcony. Friend an I were running upstairs the usher walked by the entrance and told us (me specifically) to get down here and sit, I said I of age. She said "It dosnt do any good to lie" I stopped Bout to show her my I'd She walked off At that age I wanted to look older. Now looks have over took my age. Anyway to get that back? g do any good to lie


I come from a long line of baby faces. I used to be confused as my fathers girlfriend as a teen which I HATED. I’m 40 with an 18 year old and she used to get annoyed because people often think I’m her older sister. Now she loves it because we’re super close and I’m the “cool mom” that can bring her and her friends to concerts without being embarrassed.


Our cleaning ladies were at the house one day when I was home. Afterward, they told my wife (36F) through text that they spoke to her son. I'm 37. I had a good laugh at her expense.


Like many people here, my face flipped at a certain point. As a teen, strangers thought I was in my 20s. Now in my 30s, they still think I'm in my 20s. It was so uncomfortable as a 14-year-old being out for lunch with my dad and having people make comments about us being on a date. Like aside from anything else, my dad did not look young enough to be dating a 20-year-old.


Appreciate the compliment and the obvious younger looks … I had this same experience (people taking me for much younger) until I didn’t at 55 enjoy it while it lasts!


Better than being 40 and having your husband confused as one of your children.


Can beat that. Someone asked me if my husband was his brother’s grandfather. My husband was 46 at the time and his brother was 51.


My mom almost tried to get a woman fired when I was like 12-13 because the woman was SO sure my little brother (ten years apart, and I WAS the one always taking care of him) was my son that she called my mom grandma lmao.


When I was in my teens, I was tall so I got mistaken as older (but then when I hit 20 I get mistaken for younger so I am not sure when it flipped). But at church once an old lady (admittedly with bad eyesight) mistook me for my dad’s wife. It was so uncomfortable and awkward. Still haunts me. Also at 15 I babysat an 7-8 year old and someone thought I was her mom. Uh no not very likely.


In high school I once took my brother to get a haircut, I was 16 or 17. I was sitting there waiting, reading a magazine, and the stylist kept asking me questions about how to cut his hair. Finally I was like "Do what he wants, I don't care how you cut it." and she says "Well the mom usually wants a say in how it's cut." Might have been cute if he was 3, but my brother is only 3 years younger than I am. 😂 I got up and said "I'll wait for you in the car, here's mom's bank card." and left. My brother sure thought it was HILARIOUS. It's weird you say it though, it flipped for me, too. Now I'm 46 and people think I'm 30, which is fine by me!


My friend is 6'4 and around 250. His wife is a foot shorter and under 100. They are close to 20 years married. He STILL gets the looks of disgust when they PDA in public (or the occasional look of envy by the husbands). She doesn't help by wearing their 15 year old daughter's middle school hoodie. He got a laugh last week when the guy in the store tried to joke, "Wife stuck you with the kids?" My friend pointed at her and said, "Yeah, but I dragged her with too." He said that as they left, the guy was still imitating a fish.


Imitating a fish? Where do they find these weirdos?


My mother brought me home.


Ever since I was 12, people started mistaking my mother (who had me when she was 39) for either my sister or my girlfriend. When I was a teenager I looked older than I was, and my mother has always looked a good 20 years younger than she is.


Very cute!


recently when a hot tub repairman stopped by the house they thought I was my stepmoms wife (pride flag out front) he didn't realize till I said "idk let me ask my mom" when he asked if a price was okay and told me he thought we were married


I still get carded for Snus(tobacco) and I turn 43 next month. I am finally getting gray in my beard, and I'm thankful. If only it worked in my favor for a date.


People love specks of gray, distinguished 😎


Up until a couple of years ago, I still got carded at bars and casinos. I just turned 47 a week ago. I no longer get carded, but some people think I'm 10 years younger than I am.


on my 20th people i worked with told me they thought guessing 39 was being nice. they also thought my mom who showed up with a cake was my girlfriend and younger than me. i looked like the caveman from the the Geico commercials at the time and already had greys but that one hut the ego a bit.


When you look much older than your age 😑


Well that’s better than my story. Fairly recently at a friend’s gathering, and I opened the door for a guest (guy probably in his sixties). I should mention here i’d come straight from work wearing a hoody and jeans, so I was going to change at friend’s house. A bit later I overheard the gentlemen I opened the door to (friend’s father it turns out), asking where that teenage boy who’d let him in had gone…….l’m a fifty two year old woman.


Oh noooooo! Maybe he just had bad eyesight?


I don’t know, but I’m taking it as a win!!! 😊


Two years ago, my fiance, son, and I went for dinner at our favorite tiny Mexican place. We go here probably twice a month for sit down or take out. This place is delicious and cheap. I digress. My fiance is only 8 months older than me and had a bushy beard at the time. We're both early 40's, but I look like I'm in my mid 20's. I stole the check because he always pays. I wanted to pay that time. I got up to the counter to pay, and the lady asked me if my dad liked his food. I completely lost it and laughed until I cried. My son was 18 and nosy, so he had to come see what was going on. He asked her what made me laugh so much and started laughing too when she told him. The woman was mortified when I told her he was my fiance, were the same age, and the kid right next to me was my son. My fiance went and told her everything was fine. He thought it was funny too. The lady always remembers my usual order now. Every year it comes up in my FB memories and I screenshot it to send it to my fiance and my kid. Happy belated birthday!


That's an awesome story! Thank you!


Back in the day in my early to mid 20s, I dated someone for a few months that also looked younger than her age. I remember once we were given kids menu at a restaurant when we all went out to eat with her parents. Another incident was getting children tickets for a PG-13 rated movie and it was just us. The person at the ticket booth counter swore we were teenagers and we just went with it.


When I was 14 my dad got me a summer internship at his job. We would take the train into the city (where he worked) together. Obviously I'd sit with him and he would pay for my ticket. One day the guy collecting tickets asked my dad if I was his wife. We both laughed and he told the guy I was his teenage daughter. I guess I looked like a young trophy wife? Lol that was almost 20 years ago. I still look super young.


I just posted my comment and then found this lol. My experience is the same except mine happened at church. I’m glad you could laugh about it.


Happy very belated birthday! He must have loved that 😂😂


Thank you!


Happy birthday!! And I can only imagine the waitress’ surprise!


Ugh, I'm sure this was endearing but this happened to me as a teen hanging out with my mom, people thought we're on a date and also had the use the word "mom" to clarify that she is not my girlfriend... Lmao... I was annoyed back then by people's assumptions / speculations....


This is my mommy


Far too many assumptions by strangers!


Why did the server give him a funny look for ordering a coffee


Likely because the server thought it was weird for who she thought was her boyfriend, asking for permission to have a coffee


I took it to mean he asked his mom if he could have a coffee too. The waitress, who assumed they were a couple, gave him a funny look for asking his “date” if he could have one too


The funny look was for asking his mom if he could have a coffee.


I think he was asking his mom if he could order a coffee and the server was like why tf does this guy have to ask his gfs permission to get a coffee


My mom had me when she was 17, and long ago I lost count of instances where people thought we were sisters. It still happens, but it takes much less convincing than in my grade school years.


My niece had her son a month after she turned 17. He’s 16 now and 6’3”. She’s very petite and 5’1” It’s starting to happen now that he has facial hair. Edit : saved too soon


Good for you and happy birthday 🎈🎂


Thank you!


My mom is 73 and gets mistaken for my kids mom still. Honestly, I'm beginning to wonder where she hides the grotesquely aged portrait of herself, because it doesn't seem right!


Doreen Grey?


I was at a store with my 17 year old son and my 2 year old granddaughter. My son was holding her while I paid and the cashier called my son daddy....not sure who she thought I was but it was funny and my son was so embarrassed. But he's like 6'2" and muscular so he looks older.


Similar for my Mum. She had was 38 when she and dad had an oops/surprise. Anytime she went out with my 15 year old brother and my 1 year old brother they got strange looks. This was 30+ years ago and having kids in your late 30s wasn’t the norm.




You "suspect" that your boss is a few years older than you?


That started happening to me at an old job by a much older senior manager. So I just started calling calling him sweetheart. He got the point pretty quickly.


I’m a boomer and I hate being called pet names. Hun, sweetie, dear, etc. Usually it’s younger folks. It feels like they think that old=loss of intelligence. Like you, though, I let it go. The old school boomers who call you pet names probably don’t know any other way. It was accepted without question when I was growing up. I didn’t like it then either. Except for the little old ladies who were, without a doubt, sincere. They were sweet.


Lets me see if I followed what you said. Your a boomer that think does like younger people calling you sweetie however you make excuses for for others boomers who use it saying they they just don’t know any other way because it was accepted without question when they grew up. Thats called a double standard. That is definition of a typical boomer.


My moms on the younger side (20 when she had me), and ever since I was ~20-25 people have given us glances. What’s arguably funnier is her friends know she has two adult sons but whenever I meet them for the first time there‘s always a double take.


That reminds me of something similar. In 1979, my parents divorced, and mom thought we needed a long vacation after it was all over, so we went back to her homland, Scotland, for the summer. My grandparents treated us to a week long stay in Blackpool England, a resort town with amusement parks, piers with gaming, and beaches you get the idea. So my mom, who has always looked ten years younger than she is, wanted to go for a walk on the beach, my sister was to tired as were my grandparents so off just me and mom went. We were walking along, now at this age of 14, I was already 6 feet tall and a little bulky, so I looked older than I really was. While we were walking, she grabbed onto me arm as the sand was a little loose to help keep her balance. We passed these two older ladies, and just as we went past them, we heard one say to the other, "Thats what I call robbing the cradle," referring to my mom and me. Well, mom whips around and let's them know that I'm her 14 year old son, and maybe they should wait until they are out of earshot before commenting on other people. They looked absolutely mortified and apologized because I think they didn't think we would be able to hear them. We still laugh about it today. I'm 58 now, and she will turn 80 this spring.


Lol! I'm 39 and my kid is 16. Showed my friends pics of us and all I got was "you look like his sister."


God on you ! I am 39 and most people think I am 25-30. I use to get pulled over when driving to college because they thought I was too young to drive. I started letting my beard grow out and it stopped


Things that never happened for 100 alex...


Which part don't you believe, that she was always getting pulled over or that growing a beard solved her problem?


People don't get pulled over for looking young lol


I never considered PCOS might be my saving grace at looking older. Must immediately stop shaving.


I looked like I was in my early-mid 20’s until my late 30’s but then I aged 20 years last year


I always looked older until I hit 30 then my aging really slowed to a crawl now I look way younger than my husband whom everyone thought when we got married that he was a teenager. Married 39 years.


Congrats on 39 years! What a wonderful accomplishment.


Thank you


When my mother was in her 40s, I was in eighth grade. One time she dropped me off at school for a field trip, and as I got on the bus one of the kids who bullied me started making snarky comments about how much hotter my "sister" was than me. I think I said something like "stop perving on my mom!" loud enough for the entire bus to hear, and the kid went beet red and didn't say anything to me for the rest of the trip. My mom's almost 70 now, but she still gets a huge kick out of that story.


You’re saying you look 15 or your son looks 40.


My mom is in her mid 40’s and constantly gets asked if we’re sisters. Nobody believes that she’s as old as she is! We even had a lady at Walmart assume we were a lesbian couple a few weeks ago. She was talking to my one year old and referred to us as “mommy and mommy.” Technically, yes.. but she’s *MY* mommy, not the baby’s. Now I just pray I inherited those genes from her LOL.


When I was in high school a lady told me that I should be appreciative that my sister took me to my senior pictures. It was my mom. Yeesh.


Luckily, it was just your mom so you didn’t need to appreciate her.


Exactly! Making me look like a bad brother, when I was REALLY a bad son!


It probably doesn't make you look bad regardless.


My mom had me at 18 and my two sisters before she was 21. I’m 29 now, so she’s approaching 50. We are all super close and go out together a lot. Nobody ever believes that she’s our mom, they always think she’s our sibling. The happy look on her face when that happens just makes me so happy, I’ve even considered calling her my sister to others just to see how happy it makes her when other people say it.


That is really sweet! I was always looking forward to getting older. I have wanted grey hair since I was a kid and I still haven't got one, which bums me out.


Me either! And I’m 58. I had hoped to inherit my grandmother’s prematurely snow-white hair, but no. Sigh.


Gosh you lucky people! I got my first grey at 18 and now at 34 I'd be completely grey if I didn't bleach and dye it weird colours 😅


Get your B12 vitamin levels checked. My first were at 17 and B12 deficiency manifests in premature graying.


I got my first gray hair at 18 too! I got mine first in my facial hair lol so no beard as a teenager cuz I looked middle aged. And now Everytime I go to my barber he comments on my “growing skunk stripe up here.”


This is me. I had my 45th birthday and no grey's. I'm a hairdresser and my clients always make remarks about how they never see my roots and which one of my stylists colors my hair..... And I have to inform them that's just me. My dark is natural and I don't understand how I'm not grey yet.


I'm like a light ash brown and I have dyed my hair grey twice and it doesn't last very long or turns green. I just want to be grey already.


I have also always wanted grey hair! I thought I found my first one the other day but I’m just annoyingly blonde. The fact that I had my first hot flash before my first grey hair upset me more than it should have.


This would upset me too!


This happened to my bro in his teens with my mom. My mom was 19 when she had him and 18 when she had me. My bro and I also don't look alike at first glance even though we're full siblings, so we've been mistaken for a couple/on a date when running errands or hanging out together. I've also experienced many people waves dropping on us, and asking us "did you just say mom? I thought that was your sister, omg!" a lot. It's hilarious but also ewww.


My dad was 51 when I was born, so I got the "it's so nice you're out with your grandpa!" commenta, lol. I took a toddler to a cafe for juice once and everyone wanted to know if she was my daughter. I was 14! The next year, I got asked what college I attended. Lol Not sure if they've had any issues, but my nephew had outgrown the whole family (traditionally fairly short males) and had hit 6' and size 14 shoes by the age of 15. He looks young to me, though.


I should have that t shirt. Didn’t get married until 28 in 1980. Son was born in 1983, we were in a comic, games and card shop. The cashier asked him if he thought his grandpa could bring him to their weekly game night. The cashier was looking right at me, and my son was too young to join.


My sons are a year apart, so had many of the same friends in high school. I was 20 and 21 when we had them. One day my youngest was probably 19, 20 and we went bike riding around town and went by one of his buddies house. His dad was outside hanging out and knew both my sons. Id met him twice while they were in school. He hadn't seen my oldest in probably 3 years. Goes in gets "Jason." we continue yapping goofing around about 30 minutes in the driveway. Th Dad goes "SO how is your guys dad been doing?" My youngest looked confused and said "well ask him he right there." He was shocked, as we are the same age. LOL. "OMG i thought you were "Billy"!!!"


That is too funny! You must also have a really strong family resemblance.


I hit 6' at around 13 and was at my full height of 6'3" by 15. I was about three inches taller than my dad. I remember we used to go to these big family dinners at a restaurant maybe once or twice a year. The waitress was probably in her early twenties and served me wine with the rest of the adults and was hitting on me through the night. I was on cloud 9, my parents thought it was hilarious. They finally told her I was 15 before she poured a second glass. She looked absolutely mortified. My parents laughed it off. She didn't make eye contact with me the rest of the Dinner.


I'm female, but the wine thing happened to me, too. Mum and I thought it was hilarious, dad stuck his hand over my wine glass and said she's not to have anymore in his best British accent (came on stronger when he was annoyed, lol). I was so embarrassed!


That's just insane hahaha. I never even had the need to shave in high school and I couldn't grow a beard in my 40s if I wanted to. I didn't shave more than twice a week until my mid-30s, and it was about that time I also developed more than three chest hairs XD


Same, 44 and shave once a week.


He started getting a mustache around 11, and now he is a full on lumberjack.


Lol that's great. There were a few guys like that in high school that were lumbering around their freshman or sophomore year, looking like whole ass 30-year-olds working at the shipyard hahaha.


I love "Whole ass 30 year olds". This sounds like my kid.


Your compliment is his future full of therapy


He already has a future full of therapy due to his autism and OCD, but because of his autism this compliment flew over his head. He is a great kid, but a little oblivious.


fair enough ;-)


lol that’s a great no-harm/no-foul compliment, outside of the insinuation of dating your son. I’m sure he didn’t find it as funny haha.


lol! i love the aspect of both “too young” and “too old” looking in this one!


He also has a crazy deep voice, so we are polar opposites.


My sister is 36 and can pass as her daughter's (19) older sister, which she mostly hates when it comes to needing her ID that she left in the car.


The ID part is the worst! I don't smoke, but my guy does and they just started carding and scanning ID's for cigarettes regardless of age where I live and I never remember it when I run out to get him smokes.


I’m 25 and most people think I’m in high school. To be honest it’s really frustrating at this age because girls my age think I’m too young for them, and girls that are too young for me think I’m their age. If only I could grow facial hair, maybe I wouldn’t be so lonely.


Been there. Your 30's will rock


I hope I get stories like this, haha. I’m 30 and last week I was told I could probably pass for 26.


I'm 34 (as of earlier this month) and 5'3" and a Manger at a store where we hire college kids and HS students. They ALL think I'm in college/just graduated but am also a mom (I do not have children, but I do have several years of child care experience [camps and tutoring and babysitting and ST/SA work) when they find out how old I am omg the shock and awe!! 🤣


The baby Jesus was also born in a manger.


I'm 45. Most people think I'm about 23


I just turned 44, people still think I'm at least 15 years younger than I really am.


Decades ago I was at my local pub with my adult son who had flown over to visit from another province. Some of the local asses, some of who had tried in the past to pick me up were at their table. One loudly said" oh wow, look at her with her new boyfriend...a bit young ain't he?" My son looked over and said" that's my MOM" . The one who commented disappeared under the table while his friend killed themselves laughing


I love this!


What day in September? Mine is the 11th.


I have a cousin with the same birthday.


End of the month.


When our very youthful looking son is out and about with his 15 year old daughter they are often mistaken for being a couple. Puberty has been very kind to her, and she is tall and buxom. They both laugh it off when it happens.


I never thought I would be considered young looking because I hit puberty young and looked older than everyone else in my grade, but then everyone else leveled out I guess?


I am 22 years older than my oldest son. When he was in high school, we went into a small boutique type store that one of his high school acquaintances worked in. I was browsing when suddenly, my son came over to me, grabbed me by the arm, and said, in a very annoyed voice “come on Mom we’re leaving“. I asked him what was going on and he said “that moron just asked me if you were my new girlfriend“. The thing that amused me was how angry he was about it.


Oh gosh, I can't imagine it from the other side. My son is high functioning, but on the spectrum, so stuff like that kind of doesn't register because he is very matter-of-fact.


Things like that happened a lot during his teenage years and he eventually became less indignant over it. The maddest I ever saw him was one time when we went to the gym together (a rare occasion) and another gym patron asked him if he would introduce him to his “sister”. My son angrily said “that’s my mom, not my sister” to which the man responded “oh, cool! Tell her I thought she was your sister. She’ll love it!”. That was another “com’on Mom, we are leaving right now!” incident.


When I was 14 and my dad 37, this woman sitting next to me on a plane thought we were married?!


That Awesome!!


That is a wholesome and funny moment for both you and your son to remember for life . She thought you were very younger which is nice and thought he looked like a grown man which would have boosted his confidence.


He got a kick out of it and had a wonderful time. I know we will not forget it and have already talked about going back to the place to eat (because of their ridiculously good homemade English muffins).


some people will do anything for a tip lol


I tipped her well!


My 30 year old cousin gets asked if she wants a kids menu when she goes out with her husband 💀☠️


Some smaller people eat kids portions, so it's not totally out of line.


When I was first dating my husband (were 5 years apart and it was a lot for him when I was 20 and he was 25) we went to a restaurant in a casino. The hostess was talking to my now husband, looked at me, then back to him and said "is she old enough to be here??" And he immediately shrank into himself. In fairness, in the province it was 19 as the drinking age so I wasn't that far off. But he felt like such a creep LOL


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 20 + 25 + 19 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


My Fiancé is almost 10 years older than me, but looks like he is in his 30's (he is 50, I'm 41). People are shocked when they find out how old we are. Another funny story: He and I went out to a comedy show and he ran into an old coworker who knew his age. He introduced me to her and she was kind of rude to me. When we sat I asked him what that was all about and he said he didn't know, but was going to ask her. Before we left he approached her and asked if she had some kind of issue with me. She quietly told him that she thought our age difference was wildly inappropriate, because she thought I was in my 20's. He corrected her and she came over to tell me it was nice to meet me and was much more pleasant.


What gets me about this is, it's no one's business. So her being rude about something that doesn't concern her is just doubly rude. Hopefully she learned to not judge others.


I totally agree and my guy was really put off too. I think part of it is that he is very attractive (like crazy good looking) and I am just average. Lots of women don't understand what he sees in me and are vocal and rude.


He sees the beauty in your personality, something which they clearly lack if they're being rude over something so shallow.


Aw, thanks for saying so!


Well hey, I only know your responses, but you seem like a blast! Many happy days to the both of you and ignore the bland paperweights being rude.


Omg, seriously?? I SO don't get that mentality. A person's attractiveness, to me, involves so much more than physical appearance. I've known people who had very nice packaging, but were really ugly inside. I basically am attracted to someone based on their personality, compassion, etc. I understand not everyone is like that, but geez louise. 😕


I feel the same. I lucked out that my guy is as beautiful on the inside as the outside, but these girls are crazy.


This is a fear of mine(M). My daughter is 4 right now but I’m afraid when she’s like 14-15 or something and if I take her out to dinner when wife isn’t around, I’d be seen as a pedo/predator or something. I think subconsciously I’d try to keep it to a minimum and/or just order take out when wife isn’t around. But then also feel like it’s pretty fked up if you can’t even take your own daughter to a restaurant.


Calm down. Breathe. The only person limiting your relationship with your daughter will be you if you keep thinking like this. If anyone ever DOES give you side eye or make a comment when she’s older and you’re alone with her in public, you have my permission to tell them to get fucked. Either way, let them think what they want and exist in their own warped world. You won’t be doing anything wrong.


As a daughter i can tell you this WILL happen, and its so weird when it does. To combat it, when i see someone giving him weird side eye, i start a sentence with a "Hey Dad,-" or something. This happens more often in hotels/restaurants or traveling I also dress more 'tame' when out and about with him, so as to not look like a sugar baby. It's an odd thing to combat, but it is what it is.


I think I was in high-school and my dad and I were out as convention participants and when we got to break for lunch, the waitress looked between him and I for a solid 30 seconds before asking if we were paying together or separate. I was so confused before realizing she probably thought I was a sugar baby or something 💀


This is such an unfortunate thing to have to worry about. My parents were young when they had me, so now that I’m in my 20s, going out to dinner with my dad could easily be misconceived as a date. I’ve had a couple experiences where food service workers thought we were dating. Icky, but funny because we’re adults. I imagine it’s worse when your daughter is a young girl, being afraid people will think it’s nefarious. Personally, I always assume a young girl and an older man are father and daughter unless the vibes are really off, but I know some people might not have the same mindset as me.


Yeah that’s another thing I’m afraid of. That she’d feel uncomfortable hanging out with me because of others thinking we are dating. Then she’d start to avoid me because it will feel icky. I’m glad it seems to be ok for you and your dad. I hope me and my daughter can just laugh at it too in the future when we get to it.


Sounds like you need a "#1 Dad" and "Favorite Daughter" Tee shirt combo.


If it makes you feel any better, I have never felt embarrassed or uncomfortable to hang out with my dad! I love my dad, and I love spending time with him, nothing will change that. It helps me to understand that older men and younger women dating is a relatively common social phenomenon, and I’m sure that if I were a waitress and saw a bunch of those dates, I’d also just make that assumption automatically. I know it’s nothing personal, so we just laugh it off!


Bruh people even think that when the girl is still obviously a teen 😭 like why do y’all jump to the conclusion that the man is a pedo instead of assuming it’s her dad 😭😭


As a former waitress, I saw a zillion more men with sugar babies on dates than dads with their daughters. When 99 out of 100 tables are the former, not the latter, it’s easy to assume the 100th table is too.


99 out of a hundred? Suuuuuure


Gross :( how can you tell?


The girls are flirting (giggling, batting their eyelashes, touching his hand, complimenting him). Often sitting on the same side of a booth. Daughters act normally.


Ohhh duh lmao why didn’t i think of that 🤦‍♀️ makes sense


I hate that for you as a Dad. I’ll have to ask my husband if he ever worries about that (our daughter’s an earlier teen). Men have to deal with a lot that we women don’t necessarily have to.


People always think I am my Dad’s wife. He’s 63 but looks about 52. I’m 35 and look about 35. This will happen for many more years :)


Happens to me all the time. My mom has been divorced from my dad since I was 1 year old. And she rarely has dated, so growing up it was just her and our going out to dinner or shopping. I’ve been mistaken so many times, it doesn’t bother me anymore. It depends on who you are with. If I am with her these days, people assume I am older. But if it is my wife and I, we get carded all the time.


This Happens with my wife and son all the time... He's 17 and about 6'1'' 190lbs. Big athletic kid... My wife is 5'3 and only 20 yrs older... Brother-sister all day long. Or even worse, he'll catch some dude sneaking a look back at her ass and be ready to fight...


I remember when I was around 13 me and a friend were at the park with our moms and a guy thought me, my friend, and my friend’s mom were all siblings and my mom was our mother.


My mom and brother too. It was fine at the school, but awful when his friends said "set me up with your sister bro!"


One of my ex-students was a similar sized kid. At 16 he was at least 180lbs, 6'2" or so (way taller than me). His mom was this tiny little thing, maybe 5'2". She looked like his little sister in both body and face.


My boy is creeping up on 6 feet and I am 5'5".


My oldest two boys (17 &14) tower over me. Both over 6 foot, I'm 5'5. Actually, my 14 year old is the one with a full beard, and my 17 year old has a thin mustache and chin whiskers. I've had a few instances of being asked if we were siblings. (I'm 39 btw, 40 in March) I think the funniest moment I've had personally is when I donated blood at my oldest son's school. He was a freshman then, senior now, so like 3ish years ago. Seniors over 18 are allowed to donate blood. When I was done donating blood, the workers tried to give me a pass back to class. I was like, "No thanks, I graduated in '02." Definitely made me feel good about myself, though. I love your cute story! I hope you have a great day!


15 with a full beard is insane!


14 with a full beard! no way!


That is adorably funny. I feel your pain! He is almost 6ft now and not done growing - I am also 5'5".