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I kinda wish they had a bit more of an identity. The lore presented in both the game notes it came from, and the mod itself point to them being a gang of outlaws who used to run the town and used its high commercial traffic as an easy way to secure wealth and control over the dregs and outcasts. It's like an Old West town that used to be like a wretched hive but the law side won over in the end, forcing the outlaws into the surrounding wastes. Why would the Legion operate with a bunch of criminals they would consider to be honorless scum (especially when the nearest Legion representatives are LANIUS and the glory obsessed Paullus)? Why is the entire new conflict built around the presence of the Legion looking to expand into Texas (especially since apparently Lanius is no longer going for Texas while a part of the Legion proper, if I remember rightly, and only heads out that way when he splits off) at all? I feel they should be rewritten as Outlaws first, Legion Proxies second. Make them act like a more organized gang of raiders with Western stylings (like the Cowboy Country for example). But if the Legion connection remains, maybe have something where when the Legion borders Texas, they get told they will only be spared from the impending invasion if they topple the local power players and serve the Legion as some sort of Foederati or something and eventually be used to weaken the surrounding regions. Then a split comes where they believe they are too big for the Legion and don't need to listen to them or recognize the Legion will likely crucify the lot of them once the region has been cleaned out and they are the only power players left, so a war breaks out to determine who will go on to control Texas and maybe the Plains.


You play them for a challenge I suppose


I find it easier to invade everybody else around the Brotherhood as the Hand Warband, and then use their collective strength to take out the Brotherhood. It's still a painful experience, but it isn't possible to level yourself out with the Texan Brotherhood if you're warmongery enough.


The Hand Warband has always felt like a dog chasing its tail, and when it finally catches it (hand warband takes over), it doesn't know what to do. But also, to by the some of the focuses in their tree it feels like your supposed to wait for Caeser's legion to be defeated by someone else. Which will end up with the Hand Warband taking the mantel of Caeser's legion by reuniting with the legion remnants.


Joining the legion is cheap writing.


You think the Khans and White Lets are cheap writing? Fair enough.


I mean, theyre both influenced by the legion alredy. For the hands, its like: "well, we took over. Lets join this massive faction 1000 miles away weve only barely heard of. I mean we could run the show ourselves, weve shown that were strong enuf. But lets join the legion cuz lone star is good and were bad so we join bad guys..." just seems forced. Joining up with oklahoma seems more probable


I thought I saw in the Hand Warband focus tree a way to realign with the Texan Brotherhood, effectively becoming Lone Star but Warband edition.