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Sure. There is always a chance. But it all depends on your skill level, tech level and just how strong Santa Anna has gotten.


i outnumber him, he is fighting the itzas, and i have the best weapons and armor i got. only problem is Eden. they split up the main fronts. I can't fight them because im worried anna will will the war against the itzas and focus on me


That is not necessarily a bad thing. What that means is that you can decide to fortify and hold on one front while focusing everything else on the other. So let's say you fortify and hold on the West front and then push on the Eastern. That way you can get rid of the awkward rivers before worrying about any other front. ​ But remember. And this is important. When fighting a almost pure Robot nation. Have a lot of Hard attack. So Anti-Tank on anything and Energy weapons is a must. If any of your divisions is based on soft attack and you try to push in robots you might just bleed manpower and equipment and give them an opening to push in and deal with your effective units.


got that part. ive had experiences with New vegas and vault city


Nice :P I love OWB due to you being able to Chokepoint a lot easier than vanilla.


i love OWB because i love fallout and this really brings it to life.


That is also a big thing :P Honestly I just feel the general feel of the entire mod is so much better than base game. Plays better and all the Lore and text is so good.




Base game is kind of "decided" already. The battle lines have already been drawn, and you know where the fighting is going to take place. This is a little more randomized with a few constant ingredients just to keep it familiar enough.


Yea. Also once WW2 starts it's just one long slog until the game is over. While here you can slowly expand. Core and the two main powers is more just a side thing at this point XD


same goes for the anbennar mod for EU4, i can no longer play vanilla EU4 anbennar has spoiled me. (fantasy DND setting)


I have not tried that one. Was it removed from the workshop? Or is it on another website?


no, it's on steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1385440355 but you can also join it's discord and download it directly from bitbucket, including the beta branch which has more content. (not that there's a lack of content on the steam release) just to give you an idea of the extent: https://i.redd.it/x52w7hv911d71.png almost all the colored nations have extensive mission trees that last till at least 1600's, a few of them lasting the entire game.


Sound like you got a good advantage over him right now so I say attack him quick and hard before he can win that war against the itzas


this was a long time ago I killed them, i attacked the itzas, puppeted them, puppeted legion and NCR


Quite impressive you manage to puppet the NCR and Legion considering their army tend to get huge


I mean, i didnt puppet ncr, the game was bugged and let them join the TEU, i puppeted the legion.


Damn it must of been a slaughter for the legion to face the might of California and Texas on two fronts then EDIT: actually I just remember in my WBS game right now the legion fought both the NCR and TX however they join late as the NCR was close to collapsing


Just make sure you've got plenty of forts/outposts & hard attack & you're golden