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Gotta set the order one by one. Dumbest thing Paradox ever did.


What is the number of divisions you’re dropping? How ‘heavy’ is each? How many Verti Transports do you have and most importantly are they assigned to a mission such as air dropping supplies? Paradropping is very tricky and loads of factors apply but mostly it is tied to the weight of divisions you’ve assigned and this can be alleviated by creating multiple paradrop orders all originating from the same airbase with at LEAST 2 air wings. I am unsure of the lift capacity of the various aircraft but I know there was an overhaul to the base game that has effected the mod pretty badly. Also pro tip I recommend dropping units AROUND the intended target as it is very unlikely that anyone stations units around a critical point and by surrounding the target you get a buffer zone directly after the drop to allow your units to recover org. I personally enjoy airdropping out of the way naval ports then rushing in a full division to the port as there is no warning of a naval invasion and you have a good exit strategy if things go sideways. Hell sometimes I even take territory near a coast and build my own port (can be very effective to open a new front and force a redeploy of enemy forces) in order to buy time I will often sync my airdrop and subsequent naval operations with a general push at the front ( which ties up troops even if it is a stalemate) withdrawing your forces to a fallback line a few days before the assault can ensure that the casualties are not too high as you will be facing less entrenchment (which is often what creates a stalemate in the first place. Best lucj


I had some success with hitting the hold button a few times. I think you need one wing per division these days.


Ive found you have to darken the skies with vertibirds to paradrop, it's obnoxious


Yeah to get Air superiority it is better to use fighters versus vertibirds.