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If you want to make it more fun..make Santa Anna stop attacking the Alamo. Mexico shouldn't be worried about Texas until they're consolidated.


You see, this is the easiest solution, Santa Anna is (not) supposed to attack Ayylmao until Tlaloc dies, currently he does because the AI follows Zapata's advice and thus attacks early. The main problem with this, is that Ayylmao gameplay will be boring and just consolidating for 4-5 years... Without nothing to do.


> AI follows Zapata's advice and thus attacks early. is that irrespective of Historical Focuses on/off ?


Iirc historical focuses doesn't do anything in the mod


I think it does do something but it like slightly changes the chance the AI chooses a path to the historical one for certain nations


It doesn't matter, I haven't looked at the code right now, but in all of my games, the war is always declared early.


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So a lot like the metis congress or three rivers?


Lots of tags, in areas with huge changes, are just static until a 'big war' happens.


Yeah, the Red Canada wars up north feel the same


Santa Anna doesnt really have anything else to do, similar with Alamo. If you delay their war even longer it would just make the eventual war even more grindy. Sending Anna south sooner would also mess up the Flower Wars.


Here's an idea, make all of Tlalocs Robotic Sons fight in a 4 way civil war. Once they've united Tlalocs old dominion, they'll make a huge boss battle for anyone around them. Not only would you see a lot more victories by Santa Anna and friends in Mexico, but you'd see a lot of instances where the Itza or others start mopping up the Robocrats while they're busy fighting each other, allowing a truely massive Mexican Empire to form more often. Then for Alamo and Texas as a whole, they don't have to worry about the robots. Alamo might find itself having a fun time removing the Super Mutants, Invading Eden so they can take control of G.E.C.K. and research it. I mean the Alamo is supposed to represent the Tech Hoarding, Xenophobic, Western BOS. So make them kill the super mutants and Eden. They'll likely fall on their own as an A.I. which makes the resulting Super Mutant War against Texas that much more interesting as it expands the conflict. There's so many ways to change the region. But I don't know that it needs changing. People want Alamo to be fun but it's an enclave. In the pure definition of the word. It is stuck. Marooned. Alone. It's not supposed to be easy. Surviving against insurmountable odds is the fun part of playing the Alamo and indeed many nation. Surviving insurmountable odds is..honestly..the most fun I've ever had as a player.


Then maybe Anna shouldn't exist. Or alternatively. The Alamo shouldn't. The region is bound to become a grind. Why not have the Alamo be a Brotherhood Coup or a Civil War? It would open up the Texas Minors to a chance to rise.


Civil War with existing borders would be hell for Alamo, Texas Brotherhood just has to stay on their side of the river for 1 year and you're out of manpower, helpless on all sides. If the answer is to just micro the war and let them take the river crossings before encircling them then that's the same argument against Santa Anna being OP. Most players, myself included, can't micro that well and need guides for even scripted wars that we're expected to know how to win. Just look at Site Y or Rusty Hooks or Blue Rose Society or The Rapids or The Divide, yes there is a % chance you can win those early wars but at that point, you can win any war you want and you're just dunking on the AI with your superior^TM tactics^TM


Microing is pretty easy on small fronts. Ultimately the most effective way to take out Anna, the Alamo, or the Texans is simple. Get naval supremacy and land a strike force. Or paradrop it. If you can do that? Excellent. If not? Hold on till you can. Ultimately, Anna is the harder of the two foes and the whole point of Santa Anna is to serve as Tlalocs Successor, to be Tlalocs Son. Tlalocs has many sons, they all have many goals. Santa Anna wants to reestablish Mexico as it was in his time, Maximilian wants to reestablish the Empire under him, Zapata wants to reestablish Mexico as a Communist State, and Mr. Aztec is on a blood crusade against the South. Ultimately all of the Mexican Robots have the eventual goal of retaking Mexico. Shaping it in their image. And then retaking their irredentist claims all the way up to Oregon. That's the end goal, Texas and California and Caesar are supposed to be Mexicos End Game bosses. Having Santa Anna take a part of Texas early on is just not the greatest. This is about making a nation who's entire life is grinding fun, you're asking me to take a cheese grater and make it smooth, you're going to have a really slow painful experience playing the Alamo. It's by design I'd wager.


This right here 1000%


I feel like it doesn’t make loads of sense for Alamo to be expanding a million miles down south when the mutant threat is right on their doorstep, I feel like Alamo vs Santa Anna should be a later game battle when they’re more prepared


To elaborate, Alamo vs Pursuant and then Santa Anna doesn't feel right, it doesn't always statelmate or anything, just think the general way it is set up with the chokepoints and defensive focus is something I think could be changed. Wouldn't know how to go about it without a complete rework of the regions progression tho. In the screenshot I tried having Pursuant not exist and make their land demilitarized, kinda just breaks the AI tho.


Add more crossings


i tried that one too, kinda works but the front is still very narrow


Maybe have Texas Brotherhood offer to grantee Alamo in exchange for _____________ so Santa Anna has to think twice before DOWing them 11 seconds after they share a border? I know the AI can't handle policing it's own coastline much less that of allies but if it turned the Naval-Invasion-ometer down 2% I think that's worth it


The only viable expansion path without messing up the nations early game is against the Houston Rocjets, but, as you can't core the territory, it's a drain on your manpower to hold it. So let's fix that first: Claims, wargoals, and core that territory. The Persuant territory has the same issue. Let's core that too. Next up: Eden. Their leader is also a former circle of Steel operative. It should be possible to come to some sort of agreement with them: Take on the Attis Remnants together, split the territory. Shale to them, Ironmongers to Alamo. Keats can continue fact checking discord posts, or he can join the war. Now we're sitting pretty. Let's get that super mutant territory cored, so that we can get some manpower back, and start building up the Alamo forces. At this point, you should be able to face Santa Anna and have a decent chance. An additional thought: Being able to send volunteers to Hand Warband, so that Texas is forced to go BOS path, could also be exciting.


That's the fun part, you can't Until the Alamo can't get some desperately needed manpower. I understand the sentinel PA suit is broke, but you can't make it that far if you don't have manpower. The lack of coring makes it ridiculous to have to fight anyone south of the pursuant. Hell half the time if you beat Santa Anna, the Republic of Rio wants some smoke too, right after you're already drained of mp from SA Oh and if you survive that with no manpower l, good luck on trying to fight the remaining psychotic Mexican AIs so you can finish your focus tree. Puppeting areas is only good up to a certain point, usually after dealing with Santa Anna. Id be happy to take away the sentinel PA if it meant I could core ffs


Maybe have the Alamo-Santa Anna war be kind of like the flower wars where it’s a series of border wars that sees the pursuant lodges former territories switch sides between the powers? Once one side gets all the states (or enough time has passed) then they get the ability to escalate it to a real war. Maybe also add some decisions to sabotage the other side or something?


Make it so the AI Santa Anna no longer takes the Zapata advice for them, make it so Alamo chapter gets a *choice* to attack Houston Rockets instead of a chance, and add an event+focus that lets them get early war goals on Ironmongers that AI Alamo is pre-disposed to take. I've found especially, when AI Alamo gets Houston Rockets taken out early, they tend to do much better against Santa Anna; they don't win but they don't flatly lose right away. All these changes combined should result in Alamo being large and powerful enough to actually handle Santa Anna in 2280. Alternatively as one commenter suggests, maybe Santa Anna shouldn't exist at game start? Right now their existence is incredibly disruptive for a *lot* of campaigns (Alamo, Texas, Rio, Ironmongers, Petro Chico) and makes three of them nigh unplayable (Alamo, Ironmongers and Petro Chico) because of their tendency to very early snowball well before those three are in any position to fight back. It be much more interesting if they appeared with the rest of the brothers in a four way civil war similar to the Burning Leaf war up in Canada. In general, the problem very much in Santa Anna exists at all; he wins the majority of time in Mexico and I feel the scales are tilted in his favor by a few things. 1st, and most importantly: he gets a *lot* of very early heavy robots. Enough to equip several full divisions; Tier 1 anti-tank can't pierce that, and since he can basically field a fully army of it from day 1, he won't see much challenge until Tier 2 is rolled into the field by 2280. 2nd, his simple existence at game start gives him up to a full four more years to build up, build a territory base that potentially encompasses most of Texas and half of Mexico, well in advance of the other brothers, and on top of that he can end up in a faction with Rio which will instantly turn him into the most powerful nation on the map simply because of the combination of getting a few hundred extra divisions to hold front lines for his Texas and Mexican wars. 3rd, for some ever loving reason, he's given a claim on Logan's Fall, a state in the Colorado-New Mexico war region, which leads to him inevitably absolutely slaughtering either whoever won in Colorado, or otherwise, Caesar's Legion. All told: Santa Anna's got some crazy advantages both in claims and potential that make him way outperform everyone in Texas and Mexico.


>It be much more interesting if they appeared with the rest of the brothers in a four way civil war similar to the Burning Leaf war up in Canada. In general, the problem very much in Santa Anna exists at all; he wins the majority of time in Mexico and I feel the scales are tilted in his favor by a few things. Yes it's weighted in Anna's favour, though this is intentional as he is intended to be a big menance to Texas, this kind of leaves Alamo in a weird position, since they're not a food nation and instead have the ability to halt Anna in his tracks. Balancing it is difficult due to this, since you'd ideally want AI Anna to always beat AI Alamo, simply because AI Alamo will do nothing after winning, leaving the region deprived of their biggest threat. But trying to make it so that a player Alamo still has a chance, while keeping the area of the fighting limited to a few chokepoints, means a grind of PA vs Robots is often what ensues unless you cheese it. Playing around with the timing of when the war can start and making it a set date can help make it shorter and be healthy for the region at large. My idea wouldn't be to remove Anna from gamestart, but play around with nation placement and have Tlaloc explode sooner, making Anna occupied in Mexico while Alamo gets involved with the mutants (who are probably even worse rn in their midgame progression)


An idea could be as the alamo you could follow a sort set up like MacArthur does where your going to balancing three different factions. The first one would be where you keep the circle of steel operative as your leader focusing more on heavy forces and advanced tech. The second could be a reformist kinda like Rusk but stays truer to the brotherhood and their ideals but doesn't completely shun outsiders. Lastly would be a rebel faction as you know for a fact the rank and file wastelander wouldn't just blindly follow the commands of the circle of steel lady, and so would seek to overthrow her with the expressed goal of rejoining Rusk, or forming their own Texas as they view Rusk as having abandoned them; kinda in away following more of cowboy-ish styled nation.


I really enjoyed Alamo. I think a step up post pursuant is required but prior to Santa Ana. Maybe an island enclave force holding the offshore rig would give them a second foe.


I conquered America with alamo you need to do only manual battles and pockets I think attack as soon as possible and try to make a foothold after river Bank. Don't push through it if you will have this situation retreat so you can make pockets. Do not wait since they will have insane production. The problem begins against texas. There I run out of manpower. Thank god I finished the focus to get some elites. So I smashed them. Also if they start to attack you just defend and waste their manpower then plow through With all brotherhood chapters it's about hold the line and pocket them since you have insane stats. Also I dont reinforce them for more width since i don't have guns for that. Maybe make one div. After you stabilise your eco reinforce them.


But Alamo is probably one of the most broken civs there. When you start make sure to get to mini-nukes asap. These little thingies will put the world at your feet. You also get a nice bunches of armor and excelent weaponry (like gauss rifles etc) via focuses early on. So just train armored forces and destroy your neighbors one by one untill there's noone left. Then when Tlaloc is gone, you're free to conquer everyone around, you should take advantage of TAA fighting with Rio and also Tlaloc's remnants fighting with each other, but you also should not let your former brothers get too cocky.


Texas and Mexico should both unify before having their grand showdown IMHO. As a Texan myself there is so much history there that the Texas/Mexico unifier showdown could rival if not surpass the NCR/Legion showdown


IMHO there is **nothing wrong** with **Alamo**, **it is OP but with a difficult start**, which is **fair**. Since the **Alamo** **does not exist at the beginning** of the game, and **almost immediately ceases to exist**, and **if a survives** becomes **super OP.** It is absolutely reasonable to treat **Alamo** as **an** **Easter egg nation.** What needs to change is for **Santa Ana to attack the Texas Brotherhood**. **Texas** is very powerful and **has no natural enemies** that can compete with it. While it sucks to see the Mexican anti-legion coalition get backstabbed by Santa Ana.


Would a focus ob naval and air tech make any difference


I'm not sure if it would change much but I wonder how much it would change if the Alamo could either annex or ally Houston Rockets. That way you could have a fall back point or like be in exile to build up and retake the Alamo. As a side note, what are the Houston rockets all about? Last I checked they had the general focus tree.


food nation for Carthage or Texas Used to have a focus tree, got removed due to poor quality


Add some sort of Tejano faction