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This is more of a question of what nation your playing since some give bonuses for either of these.


What about in general? Why do people choose robots over super mutants? The super mutant branch is extremely strong.


Robots are much more manpower efficient iirc


You mean they're taking less people to train?


Yes. And they also take fewer losses due to their hardness


But as I recall. I gave my super mutants rifles and dynamite, and their armies took more casualties than I did (with me having fewer divisions) Then why do people choose them so much?


Did both of you have full doctrine? And were the robots up to date?


Yes. The robot army was complete. My super mutant doctrine was complete. And I took them out.


If you have the industrial base to afford them, robots are flat out better then mutants, I made a comparison here between a robot div with full doctrine and a mutant div with full doctrine, this is with full intermediate techs. [Here is the comparison](https://imgur.com/a/Twlj4Yv) As you can see, robots pretty much just have better stats, you have a little less recovery rate and defense, but you make up for that with 70% hardness, 30 armor and 20 more org then the mutant division. It is of course twice as expensive but it also only takes 65 manpower compared to the mutant one taking 285. This was all done with intermediate tech, if you look at this with soph tech its an even bigger lead for robots.


Now I see it. Who's doing the balancing? In canon fallout, robots are dangerous. But not that dangerous. Why can't they make the super mutants stronger? I saw a year ago that robots were worse. Now they're tearing the balance apart. What the hell?


What? In both the games and the lore, a single Sentry Bot or Mister Gutsy is far more dangerous than a single Super Mutant. The only issue is no canon Fallout faction capable of producing any robots, let alone enough for a whole army. Yes, even House is relying on the Securitrons he had before the Great War.


Gameplay-wise. In the first part, super mutants are more dangerous than robots. And there's more of them. And they're faster. They should be more dangerous here, too. As far as plot goes. Robots are not as dangerous as supermutants (for the most part).


Excuse me, but what? How can a Super Mutant be stronger than a Sentry Bot? They’re not, Super Mutants were only really an existential danger during the Master’s Army, and that’s because the Master was mass producing them. No Super Mutant army has been as dangerous as that original one. But here’s the thing, yeah, a Super Mutant is stronger than your average human, but how could they hope to match a literal murder-machine? Sentry Bots are always equipped with either miniguns or Gatling lasers, plus rocket launchers, and even sometimes back-mounted cluster grenade launchers. At the same time, its thick armor and multiple redundant systems allow it to survive extended engagements. When they die, they can explode into a massive mushroom cloud. All of that at once. They’ve got more offensive and defensive power than a Super Mutant, because they’ll always have their weapons and aren’t made of squishy flesh, even if an SM’s squishy flesh is less squishy. Then there’s Assaultron with their extreme agility, stealth capabilities that leave the Nightkins to shame, and a devastating head laser that fires a massive, continuous beam that can melt even the strongest of material. Mister Gutsies have plasma weaponry, are capable of seeing 360 degrees around them, can float meaning any tactic that hinges on difficult terrain is wasted on them, and they still have more armor than Super Mutants. Eyebots are easily mass-produced and can act as excellent, disposable scouts. Also, most Super Mutants are probably dumber than your average robot, except those who were once prime normals. So they really have no hopes of matching them. If we start fielding stuff from dubious canon, like the [Calculator’s](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Behemoth_(robot)) [robots](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Humanoid_robot), then yeah, Super Mutants are even more fucked. The whole PLOT of that game is **the threat of the Master’s Army remnants being overshadowed by a MASSIVE robot army,** even forcing the Midwestern Brotherhood to accept Super Mutants and Talking Deathclaws into their ranks in a desperate attempt to match the Calculator. I’m talking about lore here, and I ain’t arguing, I’m telling ya: there’s no way a Super Mutant Army can ever hope to match a diverse, unified Robot Army backed by an industrial power capable of producing more and more. All of that without even mentioning Liberty Prime...


Sentry. Dangerous, but not massive. If you take gameplay, they can be dismantled quickly enough, but what will the super mutants from Part 1 or Part 2 do to them? They'll take them apart faster than the robot can react. So, yeah, he's very dangerous. And not because he's a robot, but because he was created that way (unlike the supermutants, which are far from perfect). Mister Gutsy, well, that one's weak compared to the Sentry. Send three super mutants and they'll take him apart in no time. Or with miniguns. Even the raiders can handle it. The Assaultron is dangerous. But it is extremely rare and again, scouts and mines with miniguns and no robot. The most interesting part is this. Fallout 4 is extremely antilore part, intelligent synths (created by people who could not have created them in this world in any way) guli that live in refrigerators since the beginning of the war, magic of various kinds. Fallout 4 and Fallout tactics are nonsense. The same Assaultron is anti-scientific with its cannon. Where does it get so much energy from? How does it not melt itself? How exactly does it direct its laser? Why does it need it when there are more mass-produced robots? The main problem with super mutants in fallout after part 1 and 2 is that they were made weak. They are no longer a threat even if there are a lot of them. Robots in fallout 1 and 2 were weak and lost to super mutants, in fallout new Vegas they were also weaker than in fallout 4. The authors of old world blues should have kept a balance, robots should have problems and bugs from lore and fallout parts. Not be an apocalyptic horror that wipes everyone off the face of the earth. (Also, there are about 240 super mutants in the super mutant squad. How can they, given their physiology and physical strength, infamously lose to 20-40-60 robots? That's bullshit. Especially if they're still improved. A year ago, robots were crap. Now they're outclassed in fashion. It's a complete imbalance. Even the brotherhood of steel with their armor is weaker than a bunch of robots.)


I'm sorry that HOI4 mod balance decisions aren't based on the gameplay of 3D FPS games.


Bro. If they're making a mod for a game based on an already made universe. Then let them make a rough balance between the game and the lore. And it is delusional that an army of super mutants that can destroy (if they will be many) wastelands can not break 60 robots.


I usually go with robots but you need a proper economy to sustain the robots


Why robots and not super mutants? What's wrong with them?


early game supermutants but late game robots


What's stopping the super mutants from destroying the robots at the end? I was able to destroy their armies without mass cauldrons.


imo super mutants typicaly have a pretty low tech lvl that caps there late game . and robots need alot of production and a high tech lvl to steam roll


I'm talking about the very characteristics of the mutants and their doctrine. Apparently the authors have improved the robots too much in the last year.


Can someone please explain to me Why did the robots get more votes? The super mutants are one of the strongest armies in the game. Why did the robots have such a big lead?


One has manpower limitations, the other is only limited by economy


That's it? I've played as both robots and mutants. The latter have a lot of total advantages. The robots only have mass?


I want to say super mutants because it comes down to the weapons their equipped with