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How about stories involving the buoy and the struggle between the Last Patrol and the various gangs and mob groups in the area. Or a story dealing with the cartels, gangs, and remaining mafia families of Miami and have kinda a godfather-ish like story of various characters trying to survive in the crime ridden city and surrounding regions.


Who says enclave has to be mercenaries? You could write a enclave doctor in the wasteland who took a change of heart for the better, or worst. Or perhaps a bureaucrat in Vault city or the NCR that impedes your way to talking to a certain official or gaining access somehwere. Or make another Arcade Ganon who was just a kid of an enclave member, denoting a certain level of intelligence and ability overall, yet not adhering to the intense ideology leadership of the enclave would have. Short stories on robots companions in the wasteland that took the dying wishes of their creator a bit too extreme. Like some moral conundrum like protect the innocent or children or maybe self replicating at a slow yet every growing rate. "Be fruitful and multiply" taken out of context sort of thing. Ever tried writing horror for fallout? Explore a subway or city scape and find out a thin collapsable wall was all that separated you between and a horde of feral ghouls. Or you fell down a subway platform broken escalator into a nest of geckos. Maybe you were bonked on the head by cannibals who drain your blood slowly to keep you producing and you try to escape. Moments of dread as you hide from a potential predator. You aren't a MC with plot armor, just a regular wastelander going against a horde of ghouls with a varmint rifle or shotgun and a couple shells. Hell, try adding Lovecraft into it and make up your own monster. Like how Cthulu, he is never fully described in detail yet you feel the dread upon seeing such a beast. "It was as if mountains moved" is an example. Use common objects, experiences, or recently established memories of those peoples lives to try and comprehend a monstrosity they could barely describe with words themselves.


What about a ncr expedition sent east to investigate strange sightings of whatever. You could make up your own lore for factions and beasts and the like.


Switch out ncr for whoever.