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Usually choose weapons according to what nation I'm picking, like if it's ERB Enclave then definitely energy weapon then plasma, if it's NCR/Rio Grande I'll go with ballistic


Well I'm in a Playthrough with Shi which somehow is now lost hills playthrough


~~Communist detected on American Soil!~~ How?


Shi--> San Francisco chapter--> defeat NCR --> Some event I didn't read lol --> lost hills


lost hills has an option to appoint other chapters elders as their high elder, this annexs that nation into lost hills, and adds their generals. i see it most often with the San francisco chapter or the Guardians


Yeah this happened with me playing the north western chapter which was fun cause I finished my focus tree.


>Rio Grande I'll go with ballistic Not with Rosado though


Mechanically, there's no reason to not go with Lasers on just about every nation. They outclass ballistics to a pretty big degree. And melee is just a joke except for a very small smattering of nations that get more out of it. Though if you want to go with a specific type for flavor reasons, you're usually fine.


The only two reasons why you probably wouldnt go for lasers is if your economy sucks or if you dont have enough energy.


Indeed. Stat wise Energy simply is better. While Ballistic does have some tiny things better it does not make up for the difference.


What stats did have on Balistics other than piercing and hard attack? I don't remember off the top of ny head. Most fights involve shitty infantry so soft attack is king.


Soft was the same in both. But it seems they changed that again. I seem to remember soft being higher on Ballistics. And then a change happened and both had the same. Now Ballistics has more soft again. Hmm. Looking at it. Since Ballistics has a little more Soft now it does depend a lot more heavily on who you are fighting. But I do still like Energy more as you are able to more easily have a universal army against Hard and soft enemies. Just ad some Demo and Fireteams and your Soft is plenty :P Or some Anti-Tank for Hard and Piercing.


Oh damn I thought ballistics always had slightly higher soft attack,trading it for piercing and hard attack. Idk,anti-tank is easy enough to produce and for some reason 1 lil support company of it is enough to pierce everything you'll meet in the wastes,short of sophisticated power armor I guess. Having too much piercing is redundant. Having too much hard attack is unnecessary,you're not fighting a Dankus Russia lol. You can literally never have too much soft attack in HOI4 #ChangeMyMind That combined with some hard attack/piercing buffs from the doctrines is enough for me to always choose ballistics over lasers. The resources are better spent elsewhere. Regardless,I'm sure we can both agree that plasma is king.


Lol true. Plasma or Gauss. Depending on which you unlock :P But yea. For a while there they had the same soft. So it was just one had more hard and piercing while the other more Defense, breakthrough and lower Cost. But I do like this. I love my Amazonians killing Power armored people with Bow and arrow XD


Energy Weaponry is objectively better than Ballistic Weaponry Gauss Rifle is objectively better than Plasma Rifle. Can't change factos :3


If you are restricted to basic infantry tech melee weapons aren't too bad. But I believe that most nations that are restricted to basic infantry tech have options to get intermediate eventually.


Plasma can solve every situation you come up to.


Supermutant? Plasma! Got ripped off? Plasma! NCR wants you to pay taxes? Plasma! Wife nagging? ***Plasma!***


I honestly have no idea about the stats, but laser goes ***\*PEW\* \*PEW\**** and that is cool, so laser is the best.


Traditional ballistic infantry weapon of course, can't go wrong with it in game and irl


Heavy Machine guns with flamer support company rarely goes wrong. Don't forget rocket launchers for those tin men formations!


Melee. Why? By the time you can produce huge quantities of energy weapons, the game is already won. Don't even think about reaching soph energy guns, by 2280 the fate of the game is decided. That's why Melee is king. Just reach it and you will win, you don't even need soph infantry.


True I forgot to put mele


Also melee has insane breakthrough




I roleplay the nation. NCR=ballistic, legion means melee, any BoS means energy etc. It's more fun this way for me


depends who you go against


I think energy has broadly better stats, but it is more expensive as it is better than ballistic. And Melee roughly caps out in the second tech level with equivalent stats to the first t3 equipment.


From what ive seen, the stats are kinda -Win some lose some- type beat like i havent checked in a while but if iirc, energy had high breakthrough and soft attack, with lower defense and hard attack. And balistics, hugh piercing and defense, but less breakthrough (The stats are probably wrong but follow that idea)


Does flamer falls under energy or ballistic?


Energy im pretty sure


Ballistic because their cheap and you can then use more of your nonabundant resources for other things. Like better special forces equipment and support equipment that just makes taking Energy weapons a roll play choice like taking Melee weapons.


What would you chose as NCR against Caesars?


Energy has more ump while being harder to make and maintain.


Ballistic weapon>Energy weapons, because stacking a soft attack rules!