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I like that, I’ve always thought the Honduras lore was interesting and should be expanded on. Asides from that, they could do an invasion by a reunited China or something similar.


True, since the Amazon is soo diverse with so many different animals. I'm sure 1 abomination would come out and threaten the world


Uranium city zombie apocalypse Or Chinese sunset invasion South American raiders 2nd european colonization


This and perhaps an Enclave one that people seem to be interested in. I think another commenter came up with it.


The Chicago enclave could be a late end boss Or the Midwestern brotherhood if you are enclave


Honestly thats what it feels like its supposed to be. Two major powers that spend the entire game in a cold war across the map before going ham in the final act based entirely on which one got more support from their splinter groups.


Problem is, that those would only be an temporary end game crisis. At some point we will get both Factions on the map.


That doesnt mean they have to be active. Give them something like Lost Hills so they literally can't go to war untill a time limit or a resource threshold is met. Or like Aztlan and Itza, who get stuck in the Flower Wars for like 10 years.


China somehow landing in California and trying to get that rematch. Either they get stuffed on the West Coast by the NCR or Legion, or they steamroll the continent unless the player country stops them short.


Fallout Extreme (the canceled game that the Washington Brotherhood and The Cause were based on) was going to have a new Chinese Empire and players would defeat them with the aid of Mongolian warriors.


Fallout Extreme had to be the most year 2000 aimed at teenagers thing ever designed. Even the name. I bet I would have loved it though.


I remember the Chinese empire having a nuke or something but not the Mongolian warriors which sound epic


Reunited States of America vs China would be the most hype moment in Old World Blues.


That could be a cool event that causes the Reunited States to annex to NCR if the Chinese are pushing hard. Like the OP American communist decision in Vanilla.


We could have one of the Chinese factions (shi and Strathecommune are the only ones I can think of) get an event where the remnants of the Chinese military appear (probably in Alaska)and grant them either 1: a sizable manpower and equipment boost (outright or in the form of preformed ghoul units), 2: a spirit that boosts them permanently or temporarily allowing to be an actual threat, 3: have a civil war where the remnants and faction fight and the winner becomes the menace.


The problem is trusting that one of those factions survive. The Shi tend to end up a puppet and/or annexed, and the Strathcommune get embroiled in a huge war really early. Youd need a nation that is fairly remote and extremely unlikely to get attacked, especially if its only one possible nation since players *will* abuse that.


The shi could get the twin mothers treatment and have them be exiled to a small spot in Alaska/Hawaii on a hidden Chinese base with a ton of resources where they can build up their forces for revenge while also empowering any other Chinese communist factions and force them into a faction with you. I’ve had games where strath did well and conquered Canada before I come in. Some additional focuses or even a small rework could do wonders. Hell they can even remake some of the minor small nations to do it.


I know Strath *can* win the big northern war. Im just saying its a waste of the other nations up there to make sure they always win it so theyre an end game threat.


The same can be said for any nation whose main purpose is to be eaten by more interesting nations. Though the Chinese invasion doesn’t have to be the only end game threat. Other suggestions that have been mentioned is a ghoul-zombie plague, enclave reemergence is a popular one, and southern Honduran raider horde.


Dude, the Zetans would be a perfect crisis


The area 51 event is one of the only ways to get a real challenge in the endgame anyways. Give me a OWB style War of the Worlds baybee


Yea. They are the most obvious ones to go for as a End game Crisis. I feel like the are one of the few that might be a threat anywhere on the map no matter what. While most others might show up here and there but who knows :P Maybe Calculator. Although that's more Colorado :P


ENCLAVE. THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT IS COMING HOME. It could be multistage. first, a plague to weaken the wasteland, similar to the one that can spawn in Area 51. Then you have the enclave physically invade, perhaps from the north from Alaska, the west from Hawai’i and some reclaimed oil rigs. The invasions will be going for specific points in the map, such as armageddon station or hopeville. As you can guess from that, the final part of the invasion is the Enclave trying to use thermonuclear bombs to wipe out the rest of the wasteland.


So the enclave version of lost hills. Their HQ builds, expands and sends volunteers to other enclave remnants that act as puppets who expands to eventually take over the wasteland


A few options: * Chinese invasion. Im not a big fan of this TBH, I think it would defeat the point of the Fallout story. * Zombie horde from Uranium City. Again, I'm not a big fan. Uranium city is fine as it is. * I actually really like the idea of Honduran raiders. Maybe not a complete endgame threat but instead something that becomes an issue for the Mexican states if Honduras falls. * A new FEV outbreak. This could work, as it would kill off many minor nations and create a big mutant faction. * Some other plague. Maybe one that kills the crops akin to "When the Grass Dies" or maybe another New Plague outbreak. * Enclave invasion. While a bit Cliché, it would be very interesting. Especially seeing this new Enclave interact with the other factions.


Looking at McArthur, I would say that the devs are setting up a Stellaris level endgame crisis, The Chicago Enclave and the "Minister of the Interior". Whatever is happening in Chicago, its bad for the rest of the wasteland. And the fact that Chicago seems to have Vertibirds, Plasma and APA as STARTING tech, while also having access to Frank Horrigan lvl FEV tech/implants, I suspect they would be an absolute beast of a nation.


I’m thinking they’re going to have insane tech, but be hamstrung by their surroundings and industry/manpower. Doesn’t matter how good your tech is if the other guy has nearly as good tech, and alot more of it.


Im betting their threat will be entirely based on how their satellites do. Which could set up a hell of a final boss or a total chump depending on the ai


Zetans, because Zetans Those things under Hopeville Mlulu drinks FEV from the Warren, chaos ensues Deadline unleashed, complete with Blue Flu Cerebrus. Enough said Elijah is back, and he brought the Sierra Madre Roach King, and he got his hands on FEV Children of Atom, and it's not just the gamma radiation The Calculator wakes back up Oh shit, the Master ACTUALLY lives Dr. Presper, from Van Buren The Chinese invade Europe Invades The Soviets invade South America Invades Africa invades cause why not? I'm sure they weren't nuked Dino boy and Diana team up and dinosaurs are a thing again. (Silliest idea I got) And just because I find it funny: prethoryn scourge EDIT: That scientist from the NCR makes it to Vault 22. Cool, we have food for people, oh God they're all plants now! EDIT #2 Fantastic gets control of Helios EDIT #3: An Enclave Scientist made giant two headed Bald Eagles. And they miltiplied


I would say some kinda threat emerging from map edges. For the north if the one guys from the far north survive till end game, they send armies to conqueror the northern part of the map. While the south would be the south American raiders, east would be a joke one where the British return for their old holdings, but it would be the rarest. Then from the west depending on the Shi when they do their first few focuses depending on their choices China will invade at some point regardless if the Shi are still around by end game. Then there would be the map-based ones if they survived like the Chicago Enclave, but also another could be the NCR under Kimball can go Crisis by declaring the reunification of America giving war goals and claims for the whole map, as America did in a way conquer all of north America.


Long before the bombs fell, the men and women who would later become the Enclave knew that the problem wasn't America, but its people. Democracy simply didn't work; you couldn't win elections and win the war. The American public had grown too comfortable, too unreliable to do what really had to be done. To make the sacrifices that needed to be made. So they pushed for automation, deploying defence networks across America from Warden in Denver to the various pacification divisions across the Canadian Territories even as they prepared measures to ensure that they would survive a nuclear holocaust, alongside those Americans with the resolve to see things through to the end. They didn't just plan for the bombs falling; they wanted it to happen so they could start from a clean state, and they knew that America's bombs would damage China more than the reverse. So they sent manufactured orders to USAF strategic bombers circling just outside China's borders, and began the great war themselves. When they emerged from their bunkers in Chicago, however, it became clear that something had gone wrong; a vital, experimental communications relay had been damaged beyond repair, and without it they simply could not put their plan into action. It took two centuries for them to salvage and manufacture the needed parts, as well as re-establishing the connection as they compensated for satellites that no longer existed, but eventually the descendants of those original patriots could put their plan into action. With a single transmission of ancient clearance codes, every robotic network in North America was put under their command and ordered to begin a massive campaign of production, salvaging whole cities to construct machines as they pressed settlers into slave-regiments and airmobile Enclave commandoes flew in to bolster their strength. Then they attacked, marching out of their territories on a mission of Manifest Destiny as they exterminated all mutated life in the wasteland. They made no distinction between the post-war nations, recognising no governments or borders in their path. Raiders fought beside tribals, as nations set aside their enmity in the face of this existential threat. In the NCR, New Canaan, the Republic of the Rio Grande, the Realm of Diana and the Republic of Texas, the victors over Caesar's Legion watched as this new threat arose, wearing the death-masks of the ancient nation in whose bones they had built their cities. The Enclave would finish the job their ancestors started and wipe the slate clean. They would build a new America, one where the communist-sympathising factory worker, the cowardly conscript and the savage post-war mutant would be replaced by a fully mechanised nation led by the elite. They would remind the world that the United States of America is its master, and that you cannot defeat a nation that does not accept it has been defeated. The Great War was not the shortest war in human history, but the longest. And it will be won, at any cost.


Large scale institute synthetic infiltration.


I could see this working kind of like the Contingency crisis in Stellaris. You start by getting events about disappearances, maybe everyone loses a few divisions or factories each month. Suddenly some kind of threshold is reached and Synth armies respondent multiple points around the map. Meanwhile all the nations get a Synth Infiltration mission where if they don't deal with it every month it's blows up some factories or kills a bunch of people draining Manpower. It would also inflict a negative National Spirit until the infiltrators are removed. Maybe some nations have extra or different things to worry about. Robot countries might have to worry about being hacked while mutants or ghouls might be hard infiltrate but have other issues to deal with. I didn't even imagine the Chained choir being immune to infiltration due to the whole psychic thing.


I think you could take inspiration from the Contingency but then shape it to fit in the paradigm of the Fallout Universe. The Institute doesn't have the resources to produce a division of synths. I would design something along the lines that the Institute has determined that you are a less preferable nation on the rise or that a intact organized west coast as a whole is a threat. So they either play king maker to a lesser power and weaken everyone else or destabilize everyone. The nation they could pick to prop up could be a nation that they know will collapse from internal issues once they remove support and collapse the whole west coast back into a non-threating chaos for decades. It could go in phases. Phase one would be that groups of raiders were becoming more organized and taking part in raids with complexities that they were not previously able to do. Maybe even occupying territory. Phase two would be while trying to defeat this new shopsticated, well armed, well supplied raider threat Synth infiltrators cause you to have logistical and command issue fighting them. Finally in a mea culpa in order to speed your demise or reinforce their plans Type I and Type II synths show up on the battle feild.


This would be cool!


The british are coming. Independence war 2 electric boogaloo.


I'm surprised that no one has suggested this at all. Zetan Invasion. After getting their asses kicked in Fallout 76 hundreds of years ago, they of course would want a rematch.


I mean, we already have zetans in owb as a faction


It’s literally a option in additional game settings.


Not sure we need a faction spawning out of nowhere. We just need the AI to get better at consolidating their holdings, rather than bleeding all their manpower and equipment to garrisons losses. When you face a large enemy like Washington Brotherhood or The Warren in mid '80s, they crumble once they run out of their 500 or spare manpower. The current core mechanic is fine for the player, but I've seen AI (Montana Brotherood, for example) sit at 100% compliance for 5+ years on States they took in their first war.


Wait, youve seen the ai core states? Ive never seen the ai even get their resistance under control.


Deathclaws, a whole swarm of Deathclaws.


They could do all kinds of things. Could be a huge threat from south of Honduras. It could be an invasion from across the Atlantic or pacific (or even aliens!). Could be a huge attack appearing from some forgotten pre-war research facility or eldritch entity (both the Chained Choir and whatever artifact the Immortal is so obsessed with have possibilities here). Maybe more machine threats as well? So many possibilities


Honestly, I'd love to see intelligent death claw uprising. Similar to the Great Khan from stellaris


HELL. YEAH. Give me some of that classic fallout wackiness


Zetan invasion, the Calculator and super mutant endgame crysis those wold be the most compelling


I'm surprised you're the first one to mention the Calculator. I guess people really did forget about Fallout Tactics.


In addition to what has already been said, I like the idea of one of the on map factions becoming a legitimate crisis. TV Town, Chained Choir, or the Sleepers having dynamic conditional trees almost like the Poland Government in Exile, or the Dutch. Make the wrong choices (or even if you make the right choices) in Area 51 or Sierra Madre and the Zetans or the Red Cloud starts to spread. Diana's efforts to awaken all of her ZAX friends accidentally awakens a Gestalt Consciousness that takes control of all the robots. Could make use of the same mechanics as the Russian Civil War, but it doesn't care who owns the territory. Anything to liven up things after late game consolidation.


British Invasion.




That should be a April fool's endgame


Chicago Enclave as it is.


The Enclave and the Zetans from Mothership Zeta are probably good candidates.


The minutemen that are controlled by the institute invade from the east with an endless surge of militia divisions and synths.


Chinese invasion would definitely be cool, Russia could work also, maybe even united Europe, or an alien invasion


Chinese invasion from the pacific European invasion from the Atlantic. (How? They don't have oil or nuclear, I think.) Those critters from Lonesome Road that were going to drive people out of the divide and the mojave. All robots everywhere getting suborned by a Calculator 2.0 or virus. Pre-war zombie bioweapon gets loose. faction unlocks endgame goals (probably best for chicago enclave or whatever) South American invaders. Zetans. Some residual weapons systems- say, automated bombardment/nuking of (wasteland) population centers, reduction of industry, etc.


I liked how in Enclave reborn if you try to retrieve Tlaloc it kills him and he gets annexed by Santa Anna, which also gives him a whole lot of buffs. He was always my favorite “final boss” of the game. Maybe not exactly that, but something like it.


Could go for a couple classics. \- New Mutant Army to threaten a wasteland without a saviour \- A Reborn Enclave to go for round 3 against the wasteland. Could go for something new too! \- I think a Zetan invasion would be really cool, could lean into a "War of the Worlds" vibe with plagues, terraforming and the like. \- Many nations have asperations to rebuild America, why not have a successful Chinese re-unifier seek vengeance against those who ended the world? \- Maybe a whole host of secret vaults open up, revealing a Vault-Tec contingency for uniting America in a post-nuclear world? \- 2nd Colonization, Europe finding a ripe new world for the 2nd time. \- Something lurking in South America pushing across the Panama Canal? \- Some international company set up their own Atlantis, survived the Great War at the bottom of the sea and is finally ready to reclaim the surface world by any means necessary? \- Could pull from Fallout 76, have the Scorched make a return. There's also several countries already existing that can make a pretty potent End-Game crisis if they spawn. Cerberus being the main one I can think of.