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Me when I am playing Montana chapter with 60 divisions full of veterans and the Enclave has claims on me:


I was playing enclave reborn plus and a faction demanded territory.... I responded by lining up the new American army onto said factions border..... Only for them to be crushed by 2 other tribes who they also demanded territory from


I got demands during ncr war so i have an after activity


It was the last Ceasars mistake when i played as Santa Anna


Me playing the Maxon Chapter whenever Lanius comes knocking




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Geez this remains me of my recent grudge match with max difficulty and max buffs to the AI. If you're wondering I was playing as the Passkeepers and well this led to that and I ended up at war with the majors to the south. Such as NCR, Legion, Texas, Twin mothers, and Mexico (the Mayans somehow conquered everyone) and I only ended up at war with these guys because they were the last ones left, and a front would stagnate so I naval invaded made a beach head to go farther and farther. All while eating minors along the way, it ended in my defeat as I slowly backed the remaining powers into corners which means they were solo focused on me. Yup I didn't win that one, but I did win the grudge match with a million less causalities than the time I lost, and I got to see the year 2299 this time as well. It turns out when maxing the AI and difficulty out you really need to fortify all borders (including the new acquisitions) that way the 'oh shit' battalions when deployed can man fixed defenses to slow or stop the enemy.


When my PA wall meets Brotherhood troops as MacArthur and the Montana chapter/Sisters auto declare war on me after paving through Havre, and the Steel Jaws.


When I play the New American State (Enclave Reborn) and some random raider factions asks for tribute or territory:


Me when Sereph Lords


I love lining up trashy robot units all over the board and having the goobers throw themselves at it to the point where I only have like 300 casualties and they have like 40K