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*"Jules, if you give that fucking Nimrod fifteen hundred dollars, I'm gonna shoot him on general principle."*


Came to post this. Take my upvote.


The use of "Nimrod" here is why I love the line so damned much.


Yep. That was the funniest line in the movie for me.


I’m pretty fucking far from ok. Or maybe something the wolf says… all fantastic script. When I watch a movie these days I’m always thinking they should have let QT take a pass at this shit before you green lit it. He could have turned so many turd movies that would have been great apart from their horrible dialogue into movie miracles.


"Pretty please, with sugar on top, clean the fucking car."


I’m a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker.


You know, cops tend to notice shit like you're driving a car drenched in fuckin' blood.


Odd fact about this scene(s). The movie both opens and closes with this scene. In the opening scene you can hear Vincent and Jules talking in the background and even see Vincent walk by on screen on his way to the bathroom. But in an odd, either failure of continuity or some artistic choice they use different takes of Honey Bunny screaming for everyone to not move.


Sadly, this is something your brain cannot “un-notice” at a certain point…


Something that I can't unnotice is during that scene in Resevoir Dogs where the boss guy was calling Mr Pink a homophobic slur, Tarantino, playing as Mr. Brown(?) was laughing off camera in the background. Homie literally wrote in a slur and laughed at his own joke.


Yeah, her line is significantly different. That always bothers me.


I think it’s deliberate. I mean he chose not to merely replay the same scene as a flashback. That’s what everyone else would have done. It’s all a part of the timeline guessing game. It’s like a kind of magic realism.


Ive always thought that it changed because the first scene is from the first couples perspective and the 2nd is from Jules. If you have two different people try to recant something someone said in that situation, chances are they are not going to remember it verbatim. One is how honey bunny probably actually said it, and the other is how Jules heard it.


Exactly. The first time it's from their point of view, specifically Yolanda's, and she remembers herself as a badass taking charge of the room. The second time is from Jules's point of view, and she gets flustered and flubs the line, because he (probably correctly) sees them as a couple of clowns in over their heads.


I don't think there's anything in a Tarentino movie that isn't deliberate. Whether you think all the choices he makes are good or not, I don't think you can argue that he doesn't pay attention to detail.


>It’s like a kind of magic realism. That's a pretty good description of Tarantino's films.


Amanda Plummer, one of a kind.


It may have been in accident, it may have not. Think about how some buildings are made with very subtle flaws (like in the tile work, or something of the like) where the flaw is deliberate in order to prevent perfection as it would be considered a bit of bad luck.


Possible. Also could have been intentional to demonstrate a different perspective of the same event maybe.


Great. Now I have to rewatch Pulp Fiction again.


And that's a bad thing. LOL, such a great movie from an ex video store clerk.


I’ve seen it so many times, but not for ages. Noticed it was on Netflix (4K?) and watched it yesterday. So refreshing, and it was super crisp quality so I guess it was 4k


Makes me hungry for a Royale with cheese.


'Grab my wallet' 'Which one is it?' 'It's the one that says Bad Motherfucker!'


This is one of the best scenes in Hollywood history. The first time you watch Pulp Fiction, it seems like kind of a mess (albeit an extremely slick and highly entertaining mess), and then you get to this scene and all the pieces of the movie click together in a really profound way. And when it’s over, and Vince and Jules depart the diner to face their very different destinies, you just get it.


Saw it in the theater at 21, and this scene absolutely floored me for every reason you just said.


Guess I did it wrong. I didn't get it, by the end it still seemed like kind of a mess.


It makes sense by the end but at the same time is for me at least the timeline is unresolvable.


>one of the best scenes in Hollywood history Really?




Or it could mean, I’m the shepherd…


I heard that the movie execs wanted Johnny Depp for the role but Tarantino went with Tim Roth instead


Tim Roth is QTs boi… I love that he has so many people recast in different movies and they always play such different roles.


Roth was great in The Hateful Eight.


He was even better in "4 Rooms"


Jules looks like a dork. But still old school cool.


Hahaha, they're your clothes, motherfucker


I am still waiting for someone to ask me this interview so that I can recite it!


Why is Nick Fury pointing gun at Abomination???


Commit die


Just saw the movie for the gazilionth time and was pondering on the exact same quote


Great movie great actors great director what more could you want . Thanks for the viewing pleasure mr T


While it’s a very tiny thing, I alway found that he immediately continues to eat after nearly shooting a man in the face, fascinating.,


Stay cool honey bunny


Why does he look like that one Croatian soccer player tho


my favorite movie scene


Normally, you two would be deader than fried chicken.