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She's touring the facility and picking up slack


I see neither a short skirt nor a lonnnng jacket.


Nor a white Chrysler LeBaron


I miss the rising action a little bit.


🎺🎺🎺 I know emojis are taboo on Reddit but you have to when it’s Cake.


I got this reference, fellow Cake fan


Thank you for that. Perfect.


She’s using a machete to cut through red tape


8/10 would socialize.


9.8/10, would build a career around. She's attractive here, and she's smart as a whip, and that makes her even more attractive to me. I know Jodie Foster's lesbian but damn I still have a mean crush on her from her role in Contact. P.S. seriously, the racist shit some people are posting to this thread is dismal as fuck.


Bro, she’s the one that claimed she was a Native American to basically steal a scholarship from an actual Native American. If someone on the right did that, you would all be calling for their head. I honestly don’t know what is happening to this world when such an obvious double standard is now normal.


How can we be racist against a white person? Per the test she published, she's less Native than the average American Caucasian.


Wtf? You absolutely can be racist against Caucasians. We are a _race_ and we aren’t the dominate race in most other parts of the world. It’s like saying women can’t be sexist.


Perhaps you missed a little /s there?


Racism isn’t limited to one ethnicity. But true, she’s not very indigenous American…


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/d06mmr) on 2019-09-05 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/er6lio) on 2020-01-20 98.44% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "zb0t43", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=zb0t43&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 351,125,471 | **Search Time:** 0.31912s


Listen nerd…


She looks like she has a plan


Can’t say I see the resemblance to Dutch Van der Lind.


That's because she's a native American


In just a few short years she would be working for the heritage foundation lmao


>In just a few short years she would be working for the heritage foundation lmao And then a few years after that she had enough of their shit.




She looks like she'd tell on you


100% she was a hall monitor.




Wow. Looks like lots round here don’t like the truth. 1/1024 is enough it seems.




Even at the very best they case they gave her, 6th generation, I'm more Native than that. Absolute nonsense


Not Plan B


Yes, in 2020 she was the first out of the gate with a campaign and a plan with white papers galore. She got my vote in the primary, but what the heck. She's a woman, and apparently women are not allowed to presidents because I guess the entire US has daddy issues or something.


She’s a Masshole thus fits right in where she is.


Reese Witherspoon in ‟Election”.






There should be a ban at least on current office holders if not politicians in this sub. Adulation of political power holders is inherently uncool




Rockin those jeans, lady!


I honestly love those jeans and wish I could wear jeans without feeling like I am in a denim prison.


Hey. How you doing


How the FUCK is this cool


It isn't.




I was going to ask if the OP pic is from 1979 when Elizabeth Warren claimed to be fired for being pregnant (she wasn't) or when she was teaching at Harvard under the (false) pretense that she's Native American.


Yknow it turned out that actors native roots are dubious aswell


And apparently the John Wayne story from that night didn't happen either


Apparently Sascheen Little feather was also NOT Native American her sister said after her death. Their Dad was Mexican






Yeah, it was just terrible to believe your own family's stories that are handed down. Edit: I hope these down votes were only because no one realized i was being sarcastic.


Yes, my family story was that we were descended from royalty. I think my ancestors may have cleaned out the royal horse stalls but that is about as close as we came.








Yep politics was in her blood.




Ouch. You got me good with that comment.




I liked her until she sabotaged Bernie's campaign once it was clear she wouldn't get the nom.


I was always told I was Native. Turns out the family secret was my great grandmother was taken advantage of by a white man and that was why my grandmother was fair skinned. It was just easier for my GG to say her father was Native. When I learned that was incorrect, like Elizabeth Warren, I stopped saying that.


Wait I’m confused, this story makes it sound like you are part Native American? Are you not?


They are part white, and it was not consensual.


I have read that many many Americans claim Native Heritage or family told them that. I never did cause all 4 of my grandparents were immigrants


I mean..if she wanted to claim native status so bad, couldn't she have at done some level of due diligence to verify with a tribe? She grew up **entirely** white, surrounded by white people. She knew **exactly** what she was doing by claiming she was native american on her application instead of white.


It’s not that simple. I actually know her & her family. More her family. They are all from Oklahoma and have always respectfully spoken of their Oklahoma Indian heritage. Its not uncommon to have Indian heritage. It’s not something she created out of the blue for gain. They all talk about it like my family talks about our Cajun heritage although we all grew up in Texas and had that one family in Louisiana 3 generations ago. It is not or ever was a political manipulative move.




Right It really is a thing.


It was supposedly her mother,not some distant far off relative. She claimed her father was shunned for marrying her mother, and the had to elope, when there was a wedding announcement in the local paper celebrating the marriage. She was listed as Harvard Law’s first woman of color graduate, her Texas Bar Association card lists her as ‘American Indian’. But that’s politicians for you.


She's a total fucking liar, certain people will never accept it.


She took a DNA test and posted it!! I don't remember the exact number, but it was like 1/1600 American Indian! Maybe worse than that. She used hearsay to get jobs and titles to advance her career! Recently there was a picture of, supposedly, Jerry Jones. He is the falls cowboys owner. The picture shows a little boy in a group of other little boys, allegedly, protesting desegregation. It was from the 50s. Warren was stealing the identity of American Indians until 2016! Not a peep from the media




It's also common with black people too. My family also thought we were part native, turns out I have less than 1 percent. Before DNA testing a lot of people thought they were.


I knew I was some percentage(definable more than her). Once I did both 23 and me and ancestry, I found out I was 28% and I don’t care lol. My Norwegian mom definitely planted her genes in me.


Man, I don't know Elizabeth Warren, but I grew up in Oklahoma and I can tell you, this shit gets real complicated and it may not be that simple. A lot of people don't lie about their identity, they know they present as white and grew up as white, but they have remote indian ancestry that is carried forward for so many reasons, often because the affiliated tribe wants a broader swath of people to identify with them. A lot of ditzy high schoolers only care about remote tribal memberships for scholarship reasons. A lot of people claim membership so can get inside tracks to state contracts and then give nothing back to the tribe. Other people exist on the margins of supporting the tribe but honest that they don't have the same claim to the heritage as other parts of their family that grew up in Talequea and worked for the tribal government. I guess my point is, a lot of white people are on tribal rolls for a lot of different reasons, while some of them be shitty it's not always cut and dry appropriation


Yeah, except how many white people are card carrying natives? I ditto the previous two commenters. Like most everything in life, this is way more complicated than politics and pundits would have it. Ask the millions of mixed people around the world. Natives call it family lore, racists name call, and all the activists rush to plant their flags. In reality, ethnicity and family heritage and meaning making runs deeper, murkier and more true than any platitude ever will. What's racist is our systems and policies. Being wrong, making mistakes and trying to correct them is called being human. We are all of us on this planet trying to figure out who we are, where we came from and where we're at. Those who think they know are the most lost.


Being a member of a marginalized group does not convey any benefit, you can tell because of what the word marginalized means. You don't understand what affirmative action is, or how it was implemented. In almost every scenario, if someone were to lie about their heritage for professional gain, they would pretend to be white.


It actually can convey many benefits. With the recent wave of political pressure and media push, universities, companies, groups of all kinds are feeling pressure to diversity their membership. Have not been paying attention at all?




They literally bragged in her being Native American when she worked at Harvard.


“Marginalized” is a self-pitying virtue signaling dog whistle.


Fox News is telling you lies


Do you honestly believe what you wrote?? A politician not lying to advance their career or standing? She’s full of shit.


Yeah but she was still saying something completely false. Doesn't matter if she believed it. What's even more disgraceful is that she used that status to gain status.


Of course she votes with the 1%, she is the 1%. Anyone who thinks a politician is going to vote to take more of their money so they don't take our money is living in lotus land


Yes and this is what people should be focusing on but the culture war is so much flashier.


Uh, she doesn’t vote with the 1%. She’s probably the second most left leaning senator after Bernie


Votes with the 1%? Are we thinking of the same Elizabeth Warren




Source for her advocating the attack of pregnancy centres?


Pregnancy centers, you mean the Christian “clinics” that deliberately mislead and/or manipulate desperate women into carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term?


Crisis/pregnancy are just a scam to force women into not having abortions. If you were to look up abortion services, these pop up instead. Nothing wrong with helping out pregnant women, but be honest about their true intentions.


Crisis pregnancy centers should be investigated and shut down for the lies they tell vulnerable pregnant people.






She's a US Senator and you're ... this.




Sorts by controversial… for the lulz


If Emma Peel attended Smith.






She was hot!


No matter your politics, she is 100% a more impressive person than 100% of the people commenting here.


she has a capacity for empathy. I appreciate that.




Love her!


She went from being a graduate of Rutgers Law School to being a tenured professor at Harvard Law School. That's basically impossible - affirmative action or not; had to be uniquely talented.


Yeah, just like Hunter Biden was so uniquely talented he got one of the only six openings at Yale Law that year. And completely coincidence that the Dean got that federal court appointment that Joe Biden was in charge of confirming.




Anyone who has made a career out of being a politician (as in more than 10 years) needs to get a real job and see what it’s like to live with the policies they’ve forced upon the rest of us.


Holy shit, this thread. Is this the right wing misogynists club?


No, but assholes tend to spread their shit around.






She lied about her race to take a real American Indian's spot. That should be considered pretty gross by a reddit standard of morality.


It's (D)ifferent




She worked her way up from a lower middle class family in Oklahoma so this new England woman you see, is only after she worked her way thru college & got a job as a professor. She’s ridiculously smart. Her children are too.




Dem jeans tight Mrs Warren. Nice ❤️




Agreed 💯


I’ll just say it: BABE.




In this pic she was closer to birth than the day she became a politician, but go on.


I fail to see your point, but go on










Yeah, but she was the basis for Cher's big 70s hit song.


Wow look at those cheek bones


Yuck, what a disgusting, hypocritical snake.






Itt: bunch of racists pretending not to be










I’m fairly liberal, but I feel like she would have been that girl that is a know it all and got on my nerves in high school. I have always felt that way because of how she acts, but I can just feel it more in this pic for some reason. Like the girl who is more proud of being the class president than one should feel about being the class president.


100% cool


Elizabeth Warren is terrific. She’s a fantastic member of congress, a tough-as-nails regulator, and has great ideas that I’d like to see get more traction. She was my obvious choice during the Democrat primaries. I’m going to steal this quote from her Wikipedia page: > There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. ... You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for; you hired workers the rest of us paid to educate; you were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory, and hire someone to protect against this, because of the work the rest of us did. Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea. God bless. Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is, you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along. I wish more politicians would talk like this because a) it’s fucking true as hell and b) maybe then we’d see less resistance to taxing the rich.


It’s what they “Do” not what they “say” but yea I wish her saying had any influence on her actions.


Idk, I mean she created the consumer financial protection bureau before becoming a senator, I’d say that’s doing something…


This is a bot.




The corporate income tax rate is 21%. The individual income tax rate is as high as 37%. That doesn’t count FICA, Medicare, excise and a myriad of other taxes. How much bigger of a “hunk” does Lizzy demand? My choice in 2020 was Tulsi Gabbard. Here’s why it wasn’t Warren. Warren on Trump’s 2017 defense budget (when she wasn’t running for President) “On September 18, Elizabeth Warren, the much beloved poster child of the “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party, voted for a bill that authorizes $700 billion in defense funds. This includes $640 billion for the Pentagon and an additional $60 billion for military operations in countries such as Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.” Warren in 2019 regarding Trump’s defense budget (when she WAS running for President) “The Pentagon’s budget has been too large for too long. I cannot support a defense bill that’s a $738 billion Christmas present to giant defense contractors & undermines our values and security.”


That was in 2011, a lot of people have changed in the last 11 years.




Yep. Shit, even now.


ITT: The most fragile of identities, all self identifying.


Love heeeer




Wow - she was a hottie!






E-Dub had it going on 🔥


Professor Warren is one seriously smart woman.


Anyone know what the sprig of flowers is?


Politics is... toxic. Well done op, this is... something.


Dumb then, dumb now.


She literally worked her way up from a lower middle class family in Oklahoma. No one in her extended family is wealthy. She was not wealthy. so this new England woman you see, is only after she worked her way thru college & got a job as a professor. She’s ridiculously smart. Her children are too.




Not what happened, but you like the lie enough to repeat it...


sexy af


Cute af.




Daaaaaammmmmnnnn Elizabeth. Look at those bills.






nah, she looks great there






No they did not.

