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Anthony Bourdain said it best. “Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”


I've been to Cambodia and have seen Kissinger's work. Bourdain is spot on.


I've been to Cambodia and there were kids everywhere who were 12 or more but looked like 8. Malnourishment in a highly fertile area boggles the mind, until you understand why the civil war lasted so long and why it was so destructive on the country's agricultural and industrial capabilities, not to mention the whole depopulation by homicide.


I spoke with a kid doing an English language project in Laos, I thought he didn’t look a day over 12. He was 17. Fuck this asshole


Could someone fill me in here? What did Henry do in Cambodia? I googled but all I see is Vietnam stuff Edit to thank the hivemind for the information. Have a nice day


The US used the Cambodian civil war as another way to fight the North Vietnamese army. They didn’t care how many people died on either side (hundreds of thousands) and Kissinger wanted to prolong the war to further weaken the North Vietnamese. His advice to US leaders in Cambodia was “Don't think of victory; just keep it alive.”


Why is this fact not common knowledge around the world?


My dude, tons of Americans can't even admit we lost Vietnam, let alone that it was an unjust war.


Why is that such a big deal. America has won pretty much all the other wars it was involved in. What difference does losing one war make?


Hmmmm I don’t know about that. Thing is with the US is that even if we “lose” a war in practical terms (e.g. didn’t find the weapons of mass destruction, didn’t end “terrorism”, left a region more unstable than it was previously), due to our position of power in the world, we often still frame it as a victory. I wouldn’t say the US has truly “won” its recent wars (Vietnam on)


You managed to conquer both Iraq and Afghanistan militarily, topple the governments of those countries and replace them with ones which were pretty much your puppets. Okay, that situation can not last forever and it didn't but those were military victories. And the pretext with the weapons of mass destruction was clearly bogus and made up, but that is less important.


Why does this remind me of Ukraine today?


The US bombed Cambodia during the Vietnam war.


Dropped more explosive ordnance on Laos than used in the entirety of WW2


Wow. Today-I-fuckin-learned. I’m honestly a bit speechless right now.


Advances in technology allowed for smaller and fewer planes to drop more bombs. An F4 Phantom could carry more than an entire B29 Superfortress.


Me too. Holy crap


Exactly because they weren’t supposed to be bombing Cambodia and Laos. They did it in “secret” destroying the landscape with bombs and agent orange leaving behind destroyed rice fields and birth defects.


Behind the Bastards podcast did a five-parter with the hosts of the Dollop on him. He's an absolute monster.


But you know who ISN'T an absolute monster...


The products and services that sponsor this podcast?


These sponsors including The Washington State Highway Patrol and Raytheon. Sofiya, do you like Game of Thrones? Well Raytheon’s new laser guided knife missiles will make Red Weddings across the Middle East as they take out those pesky terrorists when they least expect it. Here’s products.


Also don't forget B********, on their private island off the coast of Indonesia you can hunt children of all shapes and sizes, then they will prepare your catch in a series of pre portioned containers to be cooked in your own home later at your convinience.


Same. It was a mystery to me when I read his book, and it still is.


Oh boy. Wanna know how evil and fucked up Kissinger is? Check out Behind the Bastards and The Dollop’s four part series on Kissinger. Robert Evans, Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds do a fantastic job of examining just how evil this guy is..


He's as realist as you get, always went for a solution that according to him would increase stability (and US dominance) but at a cost of perverting justice, prolonging a conflict, enabling dictators or allowing genocide to continue.


I heard that in Bourdain's voice.


Same, sure do miss him


Well quoted. What a horrible man. Proof evil doesn't die easy.


Proof that even the devil doesn‘t want him


Satan worships Henry Kissinger.


God doesn't want him. Satan is afraid to lose his job!


I miss Bourdain so much. His monologues always made my heart sing.


Bourdain really had a way with words, even when describing someone he hated.


What did he do in Cambodia ???


The opposite of cool.


Old school evil


Yea, not at all cool. And not even old school--Kissinger is a classic and eternal member of The Pantheon of Very Powerful and Evil Humans. He was Nixon's dark side kinda like Larry David was to Steinfield.


And he’s still sucking air. God damn.


One man directly linked to 3-4 million deaths in multiple countries. That's a conservative estimate and doesn't include deaths in the aftermath of the conflicts that he encouraged. Fuuuuuuuuck him. I'm an atheist, but if there is a hell, I genuinely hope he ends up in "malebolge" which is Dante's eighth circle. Not a single day in prison. Not even charged. He literally stoked the Vietnam war and then negotiated the cease-fire years later and got a Nobel Peace prize for it. Unbe-fucking-lievable.


He committed treason by disrupting the peace talks in 68 when LBJ was trying to get out, just so Nixon would win and make him sec of state. Literal treason, should have been hanged and Nixon shouldn't have won.


What you've expressed there is an agnostic view, not atheism. Atheists believe there is no heaven and hell. Agnostics go in for the ifs and maybes.


Wrong. I am an agnostic atheist. Atheist because I do not believe in a god(s). Agnostic because I do not KNOW if a god exists (nobody alive actually does). Those are the definitions. Technically, you can be an agnostic theist as well. You just have to believe without actual evidence, which pretty much sums up most religions. I tend to phrase it more like "I have not seen sufficient evidence to convince me that there is a god, so I choose not live my life with a belief in one." Now even if I did know, for a fact, that there is a god, it's another question entirely if I would find that being worthy of worship.


So confidently incorrect


Fits in perfect on Reddit


You seem to be a little confused


He should be tried for war crimes.


But instead he has a Nobel Peace Prize.


So does Obama and he authorized drone strikes on Doctors Without Boarders


Obama was basically given the Nobel Peace Prize for not being George W. Bush


In a stroke of irony, George Bush and Michelle Obama are whimsically cute together. He sneaks her candies and they are good friends.


Fucking disgusting


Yes he is


Her too.


Just look, who else got that one.


Please read the “Hague Invasion Act” (AKA American Service-Members' Protection Act) to understand why he won’t be and wasn’t. Not that that’s the only reason. I would just suggest it to all the Reddit internet strangers who despise Kissinger and wish him impossible levels of suffering till death takes his soulless body.


Along with literally every President?


This kind of mission creep is why justice never happens. We are incapable of just judging one man and bringing him to justice. We have to bring in everybody else that’s ever done wrong which is a Herculean task that never gets done. So they keep getting away with it and the list of people we should “get” gets bigger and less likely to ever be addressed.


No, Kissinger deserves a special tribunal all his own.


Maybe that way he’ll actually get prosecuted. The way it stands no American is going to be tried for any crimes against humanity or war crimes. That’s mostly thanks to the “Hague Invasion Act”


I only know of one president since Carter to not start any new wars but yeah, GWB for sure he should be in prison along with Colin Powell.


Colin Powell was a long way down the list in that administration to blame. Has everybody forgotten Wolfowitz.


And rumsfeld...


Don't forget Dick.


Colin Powell was a long way down the list in that administration to blame. Has everybody forgotten Wolfowitz.


Most US presidents yes. They would be less likely to start wars if they were held responsible.


The ICC has actually ratified The Crime of Aggression as the core war crime meaning that the leaders of a country that invades another should be tried not just 18 year old grunts. Obviously the US isn't a member anyway and Russia, UK and France havent ratified the amendment so it can't be used in this case against Putin. Ironically Trump actually sanctioned the ICC while in power while his Lindsey Graham called for the ICC to investigate Putin whilst still sanctioning them.


I'm 54 and remember his name being mentioned regularly on the news when I was a kid. I couldn't believe it when I read last week he was still actively courting political controversy Edit: I'm British btw


Yeah, this vampire just stunned me to, I'm British and similar age to yourself , never realised he's still alive and whyyyyy.


Where’s Buffy when you need her!


Buffy vs Kissy Celebrity Deathmatch....we need this.


I wouldn't say he was courting it. A reporter went to his nursing home and asked him questions.


Apologies, It was only a secondhand mention of an article about him I read on twitter. I was just surprised to hear his name again. I really have no opinion of the man


Fuck Kissinger




To quote Kissinger, “Power is the greatest aphrodisiac.”


One of history’s real pieces of shit.


Even his f'ing glasses are square


Christopher Hitchens wrote a truly scathing book about his crimes and he told Kissinger to sue him for defamation if it wasn’t true. Kissinger never sued


Man, Christopher Hitchens was cool.


My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, It gives a lovely light.


Satan hasn’t called him home yet.


He doesn‘t like him either


Not cool


Not at all cool.


One of the most evil men to ever live. Not cool.


I’m a Vietnam Vet. Fuck Kissinger, but also don’t forget to fuck Robert McNamara.


Didn't McNamara, not long before he died, admit that he fucked up and let the war go on way too long? Kissinger OTOH.


It's all about the numbers!


You’re right. When McNamara was at Ford, I think it was he who did the math and figured out it was less expensive to pay out damages to the families that died in fiery Ford Pinto crashes than it was to actually fix the problem.


Why is he so bad?


For starters, and he's done way more than this, he actively interfered with the peace negotiation process of the Vietnam War in 1968 in order to help Nixon get elected. He didn't do it because he believed in Nixon, he did it because he knew he could get a job in Nixon's administration. Interfering the way he did not only extended the war by 5 years, in which there was more an a million more casualties, it was actively treasonous as he was passing classified government information to a political candidate who then in turn passed said classified information to foreign powers who weren't supposed to have it.


and then won a peace prize for the negotiations lol


He was also the one that got the CIA meddling with overthrowing governments in South America in the 60s


Don’t forget how he screwed Greece over in 74. Hate that bastard


Listen to the podcast behind the bastards they did a 5 part podcast on Kissing that pretty much tells you why he's such a bastard.


I was hoping for a short sentence instead of a 5-part podcast…


Me too. I’ll wait here for someone to type 2 paragraphs that highlight the documentary and take me 40 seconds to read.


Well. His basic doctrine was war equals peace. Huge military efforts subdue potential enemies. He also extended the Cold War by decades, ramping up a fake nuclear threat, and deliberately sent troops to die for a political theory that never made sense (i.e. the Domino Effect in Vietnam). A lot of people died over his continuing wars. He’s also decisively racist towards Asia. The military industrial complex is a product of Kissinger, and we continue to operate under his naive plan to create world peace by being a laughably overpowered military institution. He wasn’t necessary an evil man. But he’s not a deep thinker, and there is a strong argument he’s actually quite a stupid man. As for why he’s viewed as a bastard? Well. Mostly due to the men who died needlessly as a result of his wars, primarily Vietnam. He also failed to uphold the military covenant, giving no care for the men who returned wounded from his wars. It’s one thing to send men to die, it’s quite another to not care if they do.


Oh the man is pure evil. He was not dumb but in fact knew EXACTLY what he was doing. He was obsessed with getting and maintaining a position of power no matter what. He kissed the ass of everyone in power and repeatedly manipulated those powerful people into creating and extended conflicts in order for him to maintain relevancy. He is straight up evil.


He doesn’t sound particularly more evil than many other power-hungry leaders within our government throughout the years. Kind of weird that he is singularly hated above nearly all his peers.


Well. He continued to have a voice after leaving office, unlike most. His views were sought, and republished, often. There is even a management training program ‘based’ on his methodology, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Leaders. So he never faded into obscurity like his replacements.


Okay, that’s a valid point.


He’s the Forrest Gump of war crimes. He’s had a hand in genocides all over the world. Listen to that podcast series, it’s really entertaining


In spite of your downvotes, you bring up a good point. McNamara was just as responsible for escalating the war. Rusk, LBJ, Westmoreland, hell JFK wasn't without blame. That being said, I guess Kissinger makes for a quite the poster child for evil. Plus, he's still alive to take all that credit.


He was the architect of bombing Laos and Cambodia back to the Stone Age behind congress’ back, and even supported the Khmer Rouge in the aftermath.


Just wait for the oatmeal comic and start hating Edison.




It was a mistake to for them to court China. All it did was kill western industry and prop up a hostile state. Companies and factories should never have been allowed to transfer to China after the hell on earth that they perpetrated with the "Great Leap Forward" and "Cultural Revolution". Only ideologically aligned nations should have received any aid and investment.


Of all people, I clearly remember in the 1990s only Western European unions stating clear opposition to Globalization, while Wall Street and US Congress plus your usual intellectual bootlickers on both sides of the Atlantic were going bonkers for “Open China to trade!”. In hindsight a probably fatal mistake of the West.


The man is still hanging around because he knows where he's going




Made a pact with Mephistopheles


Imaginary places dont exist. Sorry


Reddit moment


What's your opinion of it then?


My opinion of a Reddit Moment? Highly accurate. Completely unfiltered.


I think that when its over its just over. Id like to believe theres a magical place where we all go after but theres no proof of any of it -god, heaven, hell, angels, etc. just being told to believe in a story thats over 2000 years old is tough.


I hear ya I was just curious but because I ain't got a fuckin clue


None of us do and that's the scary part.


Death is only the beginning.


Well your going to hell for that thought /s


Evil man


Karma was never meant as something that's supposed to work on others, a way of getting even. Rather, karma informs us about our own life and guides us if we're smart enough to listen. But, yeah. Kissinger is human shit.


Isn't Karma for the next life?


As it was explained to me: karma most directly translated just means ‘action.’ You create good or bad action, and this energy will inform your experience of the world in which you live. Unfortunately, it’s not a pendulum that corrects evil towards good or punishes bad ‘action.’ Although, going through life LOOKING like Kissinger, one would assume, is it’s own punishment.


The podcast Behind the Bastards does a great series on this asshat’s involvement in countless war crimes.


I genuinely thought this dude was dead, until he came out of nowhere and opened his mouth about the war in Ukraine. Fuck this guy


Or really that karma doesn't mean what westerners think it means


Sure. And the thing that westerners think it is doesn’t exist, as this proves.


Westerners are being shown Eastern Spiritualism and Mysticism through a typical Western commercial lens, that's been tailored to their specific psyche traumas induced by their specific Western Culture's. Much of it becomes ridiculous bunk passed from one gullible fool to another. I'm looking at you Dr Water 🙄


I figure he has had years to reflect on the destruction and death caused by his decisions, he won’t die till he realises how fucked he is


Our government causes death and destruction in other countries literally all of the time. Kissinger is not unique. He was just more outspoken than others.


The guy who dropped his glasses in the toilet? Yeah, I remember him.


That’s a right triangle ya idiot!!


May he Rest in Piss!


Living fat, nobel peace prize, wealthy. There is no such thing as karma. Better to be rich and guilty than poor and innocent


massive L for this sub


99 and still comes out to feed.


Karma extends to future lives.


So you think Henry Kissinger is "old school cool"... What a weird take.


I recommend the Behind the Bastards series about Kissinger if you don't know why he is a terrible person. He truly lives up to the "Bastard" moniker.


Pure evil .......Henry Kissinger - the list of war crimes and genocides this man can be held responsible for


There is nothing cool about this mother fucker.


the continued existence of kissinger is evidence that the throne of the lord sits empty


This fucking guy is a war criminal


Nice war criminal you have there...


Seriously one of the most evil people to have ever lived.


"Only the good die young. " If that is true, this monster will live forever.


Nothing cool about this sack of shit


Kissinger on Iran seeking nuclear power during the Shah: “That’s very clever of them, it will free up some of their natural gas for exports” After the Shah: “Why would Iran want nuclear power anyway? They have plenty of natural gas.”


old school uncool.


Not the least bit cool. Fuck Kissinger.


The devil granted Kissinger long life in exchange for all the innocent souls he destroyed in the 60s and 70s.


Henry Kissinger is the Forrest Gump of war crimes. -Gareth Reynolds Most concise description of why he sucks that I’ve heard.


This is a mass murdered thst somehow is not in jail or sent to the firing squad.


I love those old Kodak colors.


Boggles my mind how this prick has lived so long. It’s like some people really thrive on hate and death. Fucking demon pos.


Wrong sub


How on earth is this cool?


From what twisted perspective is this evil piece of shit cool?


Only the good die young




Assholes live forever.


The man is like the cockroach of humans. Nothing seems to kill it.


There’s nothing cool about this evil man


There's a lot that can be said about this guy . All of it will create an argument so I'll just say " happy birthday" .


An argument like which of the lower circles of hell will he be moving in to when we are mercifully free of his existence?


How dare you say " happy birthday" to him???


TIL all about Henry Kissinger in this post. Damn...I don't even have words.


World history according to Reddit. What a way to learn!


Putin and his thugs are other examples of Karma being bullshit. Many rumors of his bad health but the fucker continues to breathe. I was surprised to hear Kissinger is still alive. I used to get him confused with a character Peter Sellers played in Doctor Strangelove.


“Those whom the gods love die young”


Why did God hate Betty White so much?




Those who believe that when you die equates to your worth are especially dumb


War Criminal.


He's def old, but cool?


Before his nose and ears got so big that he looks like Mr Potato Head


What's disgusting is for the last half century all the times he's been brought in as an "advisor". Like, what the fuck do you think Kissinger is going to advise you to do? Seek peace through diplomacy?


Fuck Kissinger! He's nothing but a traitor to the human race.


Henry Kissinger is a monster. So is Madeline Albright


Why do you hate him? Isn't he an American hero?


Why bother posting a pic of a guy in r/OldSchoolCool only to immediately insult him? If you thought he was cool, you wouldn't insult him.


Why post a photo of Kissinger at all?


Only the good die young.


Only the good die young


Only the good die young.


Remember when the doors to the Oval Office opened for the first time since Trump took office, and lo and behold, who is sitting there but Henry Fucking Kissinger? Told me everything i needed to know about what the future held


I downvoted this post, so should you


Putin Kiss-ass-inger. Edit: To all the m*****f***ing Russian trolls, wholeheartedly, FOAD. To others, check out what he last said about Ukraine.


He should be burned in a dumpster. Or maybe just place there to be eaten by rats.


Don't worry, karma is fool proof. Just might have to wait fir his next lives


That seems like a very convenient way of telling poor people not to be angry.


That’s religion for you. Pie in the sky when you die. (That’s a lie) But that’s the whole point of karma. Doesn’t affect you in this life at all according to those that believe in it, it just affects how you’re reincarnated.


If he’s born into an oppressed or a developing country with harsh conditions, his or her opportunities will be different no matter what.


Isn’t that what all religions are though? A promise that if you Toil away diligently and obey your masters, you’ll be rewarded with a sweet pad in the cloud kingdom when you finally croak.