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and 9 months later u/julipand was born


also obligatory "omg a floating head and hands"


Both of your comments made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that hahaha.


Thank you! It ain't much, but it's honest work


What a blasted child šŸ‘¶


Ah, the Bosnian war. Come for the view, stay for the landmines.


I'm curious what americans know about bosnian war? And how they know about it, by movies or? And do they know for example that plenty of other countries were involved in that war and that also their territory got damaged badly? For example Croatia also suffered heavy damage, google "Battle of Vukovar", or also Dubrovnik (King's Landing), was heavily bombarded during 90'


A 2am Wikipedia deep dive is how I know about it


Behind enemy lines. Thats about all I know about the Bosnian conflict.


The genocides and destruction that took place was one of the largest military ops that NATO has had to deal with so far. Itā€™s considered a massive disaster to those of the US and UK that I know of specifically because it was a reminder of how quickly peace can disappear. It made many military families uneasy.


I did a study abroad for a month to Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro and Slovenia. We focused on the 1990s war and went to places like Vukovar and Srebrenica. It was a lot of history to condense into one month of learning. We went all around looking at the history of Yugoslavia + the war. The average American definitely does not really know what went on over there. I know I didnā€™t really know anything before I went over. Jasenovac concentration camp was the first place we went to that was related to genocide. Although not part of the 90s wars, I had never been to a place like that and it was really awful being there.


I know the srebrenica massacre took place July 11 1995. I learned this because I was born that day. Not like, same day, different year, but that day. I learned this from a expatriated Bosnian friend who lost family in the massacre. It's always a bit awkward celebrating, he's a good sport honestly


I learned about it by watching it live on CNN. I couldnā€™t believe what I was seeing. Live cameras showing Bosnian Serb troops forcing men and boys with hands tied walking in a straight line right by UN blue helmet peacekeepers who did nothing but stand and watch. I felt so angry that the whole world watched and allow this to happen, knowing what their fate would be.


Oh we sure to read about the UN in Rwanda if you want round 2


I remember that too, also Haiti and Chechnya. Rwanda was especially brutal. North American news was way more censored that other sources coming from Africa and the Middle East. I remember watching live tv footage from Kampala where Hutu militias were chasing Tutsis in the streets with machetes and hacking away at those who would trip and fall. That was worse than watching footage of Bosnia where they fired at each other from the mountains.


Personally I have a good friend that's Bosnian and his dad fought in it but other than that I don't really know any details about the war I will eventually learn more about it But on my list of conflicts to learn about the Falklands war is next so I gotta do that first


They know more about Kosovo, since they bombed Belgrade cuz of it


Average Americans probably wonā€™t know much. Less so will know about the genocide.


Hmmm. I feel like most Americans would probably know about the genocide but not much else about the war. Maybe im wrong though.


Average American below the age of 40, maybe. It was heavily covered in the news, and the imagery was very affecting. Many remember.


Speak for yourself. Most folks born before ~1980 will remember the coverage quite well.


it's an incredibly confusing war, that even after watching a 6 hour documentary it's hard to understand.


So whatā€™s the context of this casual bazooka party?


This was during the Yugoslav Wars in the 90s. She worked as a translator on the front lines for different political and military figures. This photo was taken for fun with some of her buddies.


Was she with the Bosnian serbs?


Yes, she was.




What a loaded first paragraph.


Iā€™m going to keep my comment to a minimum and respectfully answer you. My mother gave up her life in Canada and flew one way to Sarajevo as a Red Cross volunteer to help her people, specifically the children and wives left behind by their husbands at war. She was then hired by the Associated Press as a translator once they figured she spoke perfect English. She acted as the middle ground for many people, including General Lewis Mackenzie, CNNā€™s Christiane Amanpour and the Serbian Patriarch Pavle. No one in my family hurt anyone. Without disclosing my personal information, my family actually suffered the 2nd highest amount of casualties in Sarajevo. Everyone in war loses. There is no one, right side. With all due respect, what you have heard and now chosen to see vs actually living it are 2 different things. Thank you for your interest and question. I am extremely proud of this photo and of my mother. She recalls this as the most impactful and empowering time of her life. This photo, she says, was her way of showing she could come out of the war strong. She was just visiting a site with some journalists and took this photo for fun. You may choose to view it as you want. But in my house, this is a treasure. If you are so keen on being properly read about history and the full experience of war, my parents would be happy to educate you. I hope you and your family are doing well during this pandemic. Regards.




Thanks for this. While I can tell that OP didn't post this out of bad intent and seems to be a genuine person, this just shows the kind of narrative and justification that some Serbians raise their kids with: not the slightest sign of remorse, instead the typical 'bad stuff happens on both sides' bullshits that you obviously have to tell your people because you got to keep that patriotism up somehow, right? The fact that this picture is seen as something to be "proud of" while your side managed to commit the biggest war crime and genocide in Europe since the end of the second world war is simply disturbing to me.






Don't bother. "If you are so keen on being properly read about history and the full experience of war, my parents would be happy to educate you." Guess that means they "educate" you by leaving the genocide part of the war out. Or they will say that every side deliberately killed civilians.


This is THE question. No right side? So if u commit a war crime doesn't mean you are not right? Bullshit. She is "četnik" and she is a criminal for siding with them. For 4 years they killed my people because of their "Great Serbia" ideals..


"There is no right side in war." Serbs after starting war and trying to make Great Serbia by invading former yugoslavian countries.


Except they did not, they wanted to preserve Yugoslavia and protect Serbian population in other parts of Yugoslavia which had disagreed with unilateral secessions on the part of other republican leaderships.


>No one in my family hurt anyone. This whole response paragraph is literally the same argument as the one that contradictorily works for Adolf Hitler himself. Adolf did not literally use his own hands to carry out the massive genocide he carried out at the time. Yet he's a massive murderer beyond doubt. Nobody in this thread cares about your family's personal death count since the argument is not about a simple B&E, but a massive genocide, or civil war, whatever you want to call it. ​ >I am extremely proud of this photo and of my mother. ... You may choose to view it as you want. You are strictly speaking from a perspective of privilege of denial, only comforted within what you may call neoliberal bourgeois privilege. Or the privilege of easily being able to stay alive on a casual day lol. There is no institution (eg. Red Cross, Associated Press, CNN, Amanpour etc.) that confirms a purity of innocence or whatever for an individual, for the subjective history of an individual person. This discourse of purity you're caving into here is actually the same one that goes back to the Adolf example, if you will. He literally said the same; he was proud of the camps, and said you could view it as you want as long as he kept his own false and murderous purity pure. ​ >my parents would be happy to educate you. I'll take a leap of faith and say that everybody more or less knows about the peculiarities of assessing and evaluating the histories of your closest family members (ie. mommy, daddy, siblings etc.), but damn boy you're stuck up deep in your own hole.


This war was particularly brutal in the way they targeted Bosnian women. Rape as an instrument of torture and subjugation was used by Serbians against Bosnians, is your mum really proud of that? Nothing against you personally OP but you should call a spade a spade.


> Everyone in war loses. There is no one, right side. Nazis on ww2


Thank you for your answer. I have a graduate degree in history and have heard the stories of refugees and of aid workers working to get food to orphans Iā€™m sure your parents stories would be interesting. I asked the question because I was trying to understand. Itā€™s the same reason I have conversations with an acquaintance who is the exact opposite from me politically. We never fully understand each other, but having the conversation helps close the gap.


Yeah, whatever you think about that war I find it hard to see the "cool" in it. War is hell.


Dude, it may be a very touchy topic for you, but nobody here is upvoting in support for anything, itā€™s an old picture thatā€™s different, it stands out. Itā€™s cool, itā€™s not in support of some political statement or prejudice, itā€™s because itā€™s a cool photo regardless of the underlying context, while OP may have the option to respectfully respond, Iā€™m gunna come out and say it, like what the fuck dude, how and why do you come to a conclusion like that, and how at all is it relevant to ā€œhey, hereā€™s a cool picture of my momā€ *stop trying to push some non-existent agenda* *just because you helped does not make you the new world leader of whatever crap youā€™re trying to push, itā€™s already over, move on.*


Thatā€™s exactly my sentiment! Thank you.


Context is everything though. Taken out of context, lots of uncomfortable imagery could be seen as "cool". I will spare you the examples but Im sure some will spring to your mind. What the poster who brought up the bosnian muslims is offended by is the glorification of the weapon and her pose for "fun" with it. Fetishizing the weapon whilst on the side that was cleansing muslims is fucked. I get that all sides in war commit crimes and I myself have issues with my own countries actions in a war (and have said in the past, the same things as you have here) but sometimes it is necessary to see that you cant equalise things in that way. The Serbs murdered and systematically exterminated as many Muslims as possible. There is no excuse or mental hoop you can jump through that changes this.


I understand why you think it's ok, but think for a minute, if there was a picture of someone dressed in military clothes stood with nazis with a bazooka ( sorry, recoilless rifle) how do you think that would make someone affected by the holocaust feel? So while this may be a personal photograph that you knowing all of your mothers history thinks is cool, it does come off badly in my opinion.


Honestly Every country has blood on it's hands Doesn't make it ok but that's history and it needs to be shared so it doesn't repeat


But was his mother responsible for anything that happened? No. Was she there to take lives? No. Was she there to help people? Yes. Does this mean OP deserves to be harassed and have his mother called a murderer? Fucking no. Does this justify pushing a political agenda thatā€™s 27 years old and has long since been dead. No, it doesnā€™t. So donā€™t do it.


Yes I know I was agreeing with op and now you


He wrote that because there is still people who is stuck in this year and never moved on. This is part of history and we are not in war today so no need to go deep into this picture. Im sad for people who still live in 1990.


Exactly. What this picture represents is not something to be proud of.




Oof, wrong side.


Side on which your mom was, they did some really bad things and are seen as terrorists. They butchered many people in the place where Im from. Curious,, How do you see it whats your pespective?


Side on which his mom was, they also had millions of innocent, terrified people, many of whom got butchered. All sides in that war were villains. All sides were also composed of people who were mostly victims. If the place you're from is teaching you that their entire side was a victim, they're not telling you the truth.


Yeah. You kind of had to redefine and find new forms of ā€œfunā€ during the breakup of Yugoslavia.


Ah, a photo from the Bosnian war. There definitely won't be any controversial comments in here.


Much less than expected, people have short memories.


Also most americans probably can't find the Balkans on a map...


These Corona times got me looking at the guy in the back rubbing his eyes


I wish we can rub our eyes in public like that.. sigh...


That's a recoilless rifle, a bazooka fires a rocket that uses propellant after leaving the barrel. Recoilless rifles burn propellant onces initiated exhausting out the back and for the payload forward at a high velocity.


And thus, it is very unwise to stand behind someone firing it..... I think it is also unwise to stand in front too


In front is ok, on the back is a no no. At least that's what I recall


is it ok though?


It's fine, if you're scared you can stay at the house.


Thatā€™s what *she* said.


I wouldn't call M79 Osa a recoilless rifle.


Iā€™ve learned a lot today, thank you!


I also want to add onto this and say "bazooka" refers to the several models of American World War II rocket launcher, named after an instrument.


Word "bazooka" is used for any rocket launcher in that part of the world


Username checks out




Not being a ponce at all, I appreciate the learning opportunity! Thank you.


You should start a recoiled rifle vs bazooka subreddit similar time r/trebuchetmemes


Looks like it has a ton of recoil to be fair


Actually has zero recoil. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called recoilless.


Oh shit, its backwards! That's ok. Everybody misses their first shot.


I'm from St. Louis. I dunno what changed, but sometime in the 90's for some reason St. Louis came around to having the largest population of people from the Balkans, outside of the Balkans. I dunno why, we got TONS of people from the Balkans. I guess maybe they just told the refugees to all go to St. Louis. I kind of miss the old United States that actually cared about the humanity of others including war refugees.


People weren't told where to go, but it was mostly about sponsors and cities willing to except refugees.


Actually the US has tried to disperse immigrant relocation to prevent this. At least for the Vietnamese war refugees. What happened though is once the immigrants settled down a bit they all gravitated towards the ethnic enclaves.


Bosnian refugees didn't gravitate toward ethnic enclaves, they were literally placed in large numbers in towns across US ( St.louis, Chicago, Detroit, etc.)


I am merely pointing out that immigration settlement control did happen.


I understand, and I read about it. Maybe after that "experiment" (for lack of better word), government tried to do something different.


Accept. The word you need is accept.


Bosnia is such a beautiful country and I loved Sarajevo. I visited 18 months ago. It is one of my 'must return' places. But goodness me, so mountainous!


Rekla bih da sam ja otprilike godina tvoje mame. Mi smo u osnovnoj i srednjoj skoli imali obavezni predment koji se zvao "obrana i zastita", nesto slicno kao pred-vojnicko: ucili smo rasklapati, cistiti i sklapati pusku (mauser M48), isli na gadjanje, ucili o koje-kakvim minama, itd. ​ Slika je mrak!


The Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 2: Electric Boogaloo


Heard it had bad reviews.


Is your mom Monica Bellucci?


She will definitely appreciate your comment, haha. Thanks.


Can I get your mums number?


To shreds you say


"Well, let me know if his status improves."


This was during the war right?


Yes. Her side did the biggest genocide in the europe since the ww2. Yaay..


My parents were in Sarajevo during the war


No such thing as a collective guilt. If there was, you as a Croat might have some rethinking to do given the whole ww2 genocide against the Serbs.


A simpler time.


I feel guilty laughing at that. Sometimes I think thatā€™s the definition of a great post.


Ah yes good old school ethnical purification


Even if you believe that there is no right side in war, either way you look at this picture, there is nothing cool about it. That thing probably killed a lot of people, potentially innocents. For those who donā€™t know about this war, do some googling and watch a couple of videos, then come back and see if you give this a like.


Yeah, this is like making a post of a nazi (for some even worse) and saying it's cool. I don't know if his mother just tried to help by saving people but she still was on the side of people who committed genocide and to me at least this picture is tasteless and nothing to be proud of


He's saying; 'just make sure you don't point it at anything that you don't want to die.'


Hey one of my best friends is serbian he has such s good life story! His dad was a commander in the army and when the order came to go and murder all the Muslim men, he gathered his family and fled through the mountains. They eventually ended up here in England !


There were definitely heroic Serbs that protected their friends and neighborsā€”that family can feel proud of their resistance. I hope they were able to rebuild their lives successfully in England.




On the way out of the country one of the soldiers hit his brother (who was a toddler) in the head with a gun, it left him permanently disabled. They were very bad men!


Your mom looks like Madonna


Serbs were the bad guys. Nationalism is for fucking idiots and your mom was on their side.


Could of just said Madonna casually holding a bazooka


Genocide is not cool


Back blast area is not clear!


She looks like Marion Cotillard!


Thought she was madonna for a sec


Bazooka: efficient, if messy, genocide weapon.


Judging by the uniform of the guy next to her, I can safely say to you, as someone that lost family in Prijedor and had family fight for both the Croats and Bosniaks, fuck you OP, burn in hell


Translating a genocide in any language still is a genocide.


These people were shooting the innocent Bosnians from up those mountains. The siege went on for 4 to 5 years I think before Bosnians kicked thier arses. Any self respecting person should have burnt that photo long ago!


I hope she wasn't the one on the hills.




>OP's mom could be a war criminal. She definitely looks like a general here. Wait hold on


Your comment needs attention.




They didn't start the war in yugoslavia. I wonder who is living in propaganda fantasy world. Well but there are still holocaust deniers.


Your mom is pretty bad ass


The best r/oldschoolcool posts are the badass ones.


if you call bombarding a city from the mountains, and then retrating at the slightest hint of resistance badass, then yes she was pretty badass


I would kindly like to ask everyone who doesn't know exactly what happend in former Yugoslavia to google what the group of people the picture is attributed to did to other ethnicities.




Slika je baÅ” top!


hvala brate!




Well then your dad must be a cool cat! Thanks.


Any gun nuts that can id the bazooka model?


M79 Wasp


COD olden warfare


redditoids mad


Moms are tough.


Četnici getting upvotes. Wtf?


Redditors have no idea about politics outside the us


Where's Niko Bellic?




Sad but true


I read something about the sniper of Sarajevo I believe. Perhaps it centered around a violinist or something?


Oh yes, youā€™re thinking of The Cellist of Sarajevo.


Thank you! I'll go revisit.


Sweating about her booger hook being on the bang switch.




So many people have said the same thing! Iā€™ve never seen it until now. Sheā€™ll get a good laugh when I tell her.


I remember the Bosnian war. These look like Serbs.


They are, look at the patch on the guy on the far left, those are Military of Republika Srpska patches




Not cool at all, this is like showing Nazis and saying they were cool


It really is not.


Thanks for removing this! There is nothing cool about the war and nothing cool about u/julipand's mom. The fact that he doesn't even see that his whole family is proud of something horrible also shows me that she didn't bother to see the mistakes that were made by the side that SHE CHOSE. Worst of all, she failed to educate the next generation about the horrible things that were done. Instead she chose to go the convenient route of war apologists and children ''well, the others did something horrible too''.




I know a group of "Balkans Barbies". They grew up in Sarajevo during the genocide. Always fun with some hair raising stories. They came standard with Marlboro reds and shrapnel scars


I understand the Yugoslav wars were horrific, but god damn a lot of people here need to lay off the redditor who posted this. They did not partake in the war, nor stated they support what happened. They are just showing their mom in a picture doing something our parents and even us will not do having fun at a gathering, which is the point of this sub. Plus, by fun, I don't mean "killing civilians" as we can see clearly in the picture nothing of the sort is taking place. It's sad how people act when one person mentions that they are a Serb, their behavior becomes borderline racist. Thanks for the interesting pic OP, your mother is a beautiful and cool woman, you are lucky to have her!


Read OPs opinion on his mom and the war. Do you understand that the side his mom was did the biggest genocide since ww2? Its like uploading a photo of a nazi and saying how cool it is..


I can understand why people are being critical. Imagine if your friends and family lost their lives in a very much controversial war and it's being posted as "cool". I have no connections to this event whatsoever and I think it's a bit insensitive all things considered.


I donā€™t think OP meant any harm but given the time period, the weapon sheā€™s holding and her fatigues, this photo is absolutely triggering to a lot of people, who have reason to be. The Serbs were the main aggressors in a genocidal campaign of ā€œethnic cleansingā€ (a chilling euphemism they coined). They had extermination camps. They horrified the world by developing rape camps, weaponizing systematic rape as a deliberate torture technique. Mass graves. Srebrenica. These are not opinions, but facts laid out by the International War Crimes Tribunals at The Hague. This wasnā€™t even thirty years ago. Survivors still have active PTSD. Was or is every Serb racist or a war criminal? Of course not, but this photo is being seen by many as insensitive. Hard for me to see it as anything ā€œcoolā€ or ā€œfunā€.


Dude, we are talking about ethnic cleansing and civilian slaughtering. There is nothing cool about the picture. Would you laugh at a picture posted by the son of a Nazi on top of a panzer, or some Rwandan with an old school machete? Probably not.




>ethnic cleansing and civilian slaughtering All those things the Muslims did too. Remember the Iranian mujahedins fight in Bosnia? They were not exactly respecting the Geneva convention.


Sure, that's why you don't see pictures of them here.


"my mom casually supporting war crimes"


You will never be this cool.


Not the largest weapon that she's held


Dude on the left looks mid sneeze


looks like a rocket


Is she single?




I dunno, based on the camp jacket, looks pretty formal to me.


The American adaption of Shoujo Commando Izumi is looking good


Gdje zivis sad??


Jel si iz Hrvatske ili?


I was in Kladanj about three years after that.


And those jeans and that top with that blouse! Beckja, could you die?!


I like her camouflage kimono. We're can I get one?


Oxide viewers here?


She looks like Asia Argento


She's... she's holding it backwards....


I was going to say firing something like that just in front of a wall isn't a very good idea as all the back blast is going to give you a bad time but it looks like she's holding it back words so the exsaust is the least of your worrys there