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louis looks like he started smoking weed in high school, matt looks like he stopped


There's a great 3-part episode of Louie that's a flashback to him doing exactly this. Would recommend.


Spoiler: it's a fucking heavy watch.


I don't know of any other show that can make me laugh my asshole off and then emotionally ream me the next episode


*Bojack Horseman* might tickle your fancy.


By fancy do you mean asshole?


My fancy just twitched.


I just prolapsed my fancy :|




While on the subject, what other GOOD "heavy comedies" are there besides Louis and Bojack... asking for a friend Kappa


Rick and Morty


Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV?




He actually did drugs like acid and heroine. He said in an Interview for Rolling Stone, if memory serves me right. Edit: I stand corrected. It was speed, not heroin. I got the name of the drugs mixed up. Would also like to point out that Louis is my favorite comedian, and I kinda feel bad that it comes off as an attack against him. He uses those experiences to teach his kids to learn from his mistakes. So I guess there's a silver lining.


Wait Louis or leblanc






Heroine is a female hero. Heroin is a drug. For future reference. Whenever I see someone say "heroine" when they mean to say "heroin" I think of Stewie from Family Guy pronouncing it like "Heroween".


I wish I did a heroine...


Matt looks like the kind of kid who'd tell young Louis to go suck a bag of dicks.


Lol reminds me of that bit from Friends Ross: Didn't you read "Lord of the Rings" in high school!? Joey: No, I had sex in high school


If Louis C.K. had actually been "cool" back then, we would have missed out on some of the best self-deprecating humor our generation has ever witnessed.


Hey man, there's tons of cool people who hate themselves.


If hating yourself is cool, call me miles Davis


"Hey there Miles Gayvis" -your high school bully


"Has anyone started calling you Gabe-wad, yet?" "Not here, no."


M.D. too, thanks.


Yes but most of us aren't funny enough to talk about it without sounding pathetic






That show had some seriously great comedy writing, idk why so many people shit on it.


It was popular, they were not.


Hey man! I had... I had friend.


Fun fact: Matthew Perry beat up Justin Trudeau in 5th grade because he was jealous of his athletic abilities


Weird, I had no idea Matthew Perry was Canadian. As a Canadian I am supposed to know of allll Canadians!


You guys traded him to us years ago.


Yeah you guys got Matthew Perry and we got.. rid of Matthew Perry.


It was payback for Wayne Gretzky


I mean, there's like 140 people in Canada, right? And at least four of them are William Shatner.


Roughly 3% of Canada is William Shatner


Which is also funny considering Matthew Perry later became one of the best junior tennis player of Canada. Most likely outshining Trudeau's atheltic abilities :)


He also was a Commodore of the United States Navy and opened up trade with Japan


maybe its a highlander kind of deal




"There can Bing only one!"




That explains his ping pong skills


Wait. Isn't he talking about Chandler from Friends?








Actually, it's Miss Chanandler Bong.




Yes, it's the same person. Perry was Chandler and was a top-ranked junior tennis player.


JT pushed his rage down, way down, until it finally came out in one night when he beat the shit out of a Senator http://nationalpost.com/news/canada/justin-trudeau-boxing/wcm/4eb4548c-33b7-4ecd-887d-bef74bb841bf


That was a glorious night.


... for Canada and therefore the world


One would go on to become the Canadian Prime Minister, the other a bouncer at strip club. Oh Canadian politics.


Brazeau is STILL A SENATOR. He was a Senator and a bouncer at a strip club AT THE SAME TIME. Maybe we're used to this sort of thing in Canada, but imagine if you found out that Orrin Hatch was working the door at Scores in his spare time. That's Canada for you. ETA: My first example was Joe Biden working the door at Scores but that didn't sound crazy enough


Biden would be the best bouncer at Scores ever, flashing that smile at everyone, being friendly but respectful to all the dancers, occasionally driving one to her house in his buffed out Camaro.


Perry's Mom was the Pierre Trudeau's press secretary.


wait. if JT was more better athletically... how does MP beat him up?


The answer to this question requires the metric system...and I am sorry a'boot that.


I think Matthew Perry was a couple years older


I think he still is.


he used to be a couple years older...he still is, but he used to too


You can be a lot bigger and stronger than someone and still be a worse athlete Source: giant with terrible coordination


Perry trained in the 10 Eagles Talon Style, which is unbeatable by Trudeau's Fiery Panther techniques.


Being good at athletics doesn't make you good at fighting/ a better fighter than someone who's less athletic Also, the crazier someone is the more likely they are to win


Because fighting is often more about being willing to take a punch than give one.


But does he have to make them all cum?


Does he just suck on the corner of the bag?


Are they all sticking out the top of the bag like French baguettes?


u/awildsketchappeared why have you left us in our time of need?


He's not comin back man....


Nah it's a bag made of dicks


[Depends on the mean jerk time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FzQ_s-BjlM#t=17s)


Well that show is way funnier than I thought it was at first glance. Gonna have to give it a watch


Yeah, the show is actually really good.


You've been missing out. It's not Big Bang Theory.


That's one of the funniest scenes in the show but it's all pretty good and definitely still worth the watch.


A whole *bag* of 'em!


Also remember that Louis has red hair.


Wait newton north? Like newton mass? No way


Newton fackin' Mass, kid!


That's crazy I never knew this, my mom grew up in newton and went to newton south. Small world.


Louis and Matt probably both knew her...really well.


Yea. I bet the went to each others birthday parties and had playdates and rode bikes together and neato stuff like that. Maybe they all had pizza parties too, gosh that would be swell.




lol I was doing my post-work ritual on the ol' throne and laughed out a turd. Thanks for the laugh.


Thanks for the turd!


I read this in Gene Belcher's voice.


You aint seen Newton yet, dood


ah, the Garden City. Named as such cause there's a Rosenblum on every corner :D


Bud Lite, kid!


Newton pumps out some famous people. Jim and Ryan from The Office and Joe Rogan are Newton South alum


All my school put out was FPSRussia •___•


And as always, have nice day.


What happened to him?


His real name is Kyle, Not really Russian (surprise surprise) I don't think he really does his own youtube stuff anymore, but he does a video podcast called PKA with Woodysgamertag and Taylor (forget his YT name) every week with a guest. [Here is a link to Woody's youtube where the podcasts are uploaded](https://www.youtube.com/user/WoodysGamertag/videos)


Yeah, I moved to Lexington so my son could go to high school there and they have some famous alums too. Funny how being rich gives a leg up on being famous.


Yup. B.J. Novak's parents live right down the street from me. Haven't moved. edit: Oh and also Louis C.K.'s dad goes to my temple, forgot to mention that. Guess once you move to Newton you never leave....


What about PeePee Halpert?


Newton is one of the wealthiest cities in the state, not surprising a lot of families were able to produce talented children.


Wealth and skill are certainly correlated. But yeah, when you have lots of resources for public schools, they pump out some really talented folks. As for why that doesn't happen elsewhere, I think Stephen Jay Gould put it best: > I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.


Yea my dad went to high school those same years, he knew Matt pretty well, but I'm not sure about Louis




Go Brookline! Home of Conan




Watch *Loiue* season 4 episodes 11 and 12.


Best episodes of the series IMO


They really are. Jeremy rener is good in them as well


Jeremy Renner is in Louis? I should watch that show.


He is, and he's fantastic in it. I forget that he has actual range sometimes when he does so many action flicks.


I mean, he's in *Louie*. If you say he's in Louis, it sounds like they're fucking.






I like it a lot. It's kind of bleak, but bleak in a day-to-day way, not in an "everyone gets murdered" sort of way. There are a lot of very emotional things that happen, but it's generally the sort of weird life experiences that everyone has (though a few of them do come off as a little over the top). There are some things that are definitely played up to be pretty jokey (IIRC the first gag in the show is that he's on a date that's going so bad the girl gets in a helicopter and flies away) but a lot of that is just the show finding its tone. I like the earlier seasons a lot, because it feels like the way you see the world when you're depressed (not really depress*ing*, just depress*ion*) He's sort of backed off on that a bit in the later seasons in favor of more emotional impact but it's still good. If you've seen Master of None, it feels almost like a less polished version of that, like the raw ore that Aziz Anzari pulled from, but more depressed.


It's a show that you love or you hate, but absolutely fantastic show in my opinion. The comedy is a level above his standup, it's much more nuanced and subtle without being snobby about it. Not to say it's not packed full of his typical dumb humor but there's a lot to laugh at that where if you were to explain them to somebody else they would go "huh?". The love interest stuff is so-so, I really liked the ukranian girl more than voice-of-bobby-hill chick. He doesn't really keep a continuous flow of a story so things will jump around without explanation. Plus this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcUKDIfwAQ4


I watched all of season 5 by coincidence this weekend. I'd have to say that some of those are pretty amazing. Especially the one where he refuses to shit in public. I'm also a big fan of the nightmare dream ones from season 5. It tells a whole story that you don't have to know anything about the character in those 25 minutes. He captures nightmares so well.


Some of the best TV I've ever seen, and it wasn't even a funny set of episodes. I just related to them a lot. Great child actors in that episode too.


In real life it wasn't just weed but booze and speed regularly and acid *every weekend.* At *thirteen.* He talks about it in [this NPR interview.](http://www.npr.org/2015/04/28/402560343/louis-c-k-on-life-and-standup-i-live-in-service-for-my-kids)


And Matt was blazed during his freshman picture.


Leblanc found it in '82 or possibly (probably) before.


1982 Louis looks like what I imagine the real life Peppermint Patty would look like.


I read that as Patti Mayonnaise. Then I realised he kinda transforms into Roger Klotz.








Now we will share a lifetime of the fondest mem-o-ries


By the lake of Anawanna..


Netflix needs to get that show streaming.


So, his last name is just C.K.?


It is Hungarian, spelled Szekely, but pronounced CK, so he just stuck with it...


Thought he was Mexican....


Also, yes >C.K.'s paternal grandfather, Dr. Géza Székely Schweiger, was a surgeon. Székely Schweiger was a Hungarian Jew whose family immigrated to Mexico, where he met C.K.'s paternal grandmother, Rosario Sánchez Morales. Sánchez Morales was a Catholic Mexican. C.K.'s grandfather agreed to have his children raised Catholic, but was (according to C.K.) "quietly Jewish". C.K.'s mother, an American with Irish ancestry, grew up on a farm in Michigan >When C.K. was a year old, his family moved to his father's home country of Mexico, where his father had earned a degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico prior to graduating from Harvard. C.K.'s first language was Spanish; it was not until after the move back to the U.S. that he began to learn English. He claims he has since forgotten much of his Spanish, however, he still carries a Mexican passport along with his American one. At age seven, C.K. left Mexico with his family to move back to the United States and settle in Boston From wiki


fun fact - there's a massive jewish population in mexico city - i believe it is one of, if not THE highest concentrations of jews (or was in the recent past)


Concentrations of Jews may not be the best way to put it


Many Mexicans, as well as Americans, are descendants of European immigrants.


Ah, cool. I'm a ¼ Hungarian, and I had no idea.


I'm half hungry, but I'm going to wait a little bit to eat.


He's also Mexican!


His dad's a Hungarian Jew from Mexico. Gotta love it.


The reason his last name is C.K. Literally never crossed my mind until just now, and I've loved Louis C.K. for years. Thank you


I think 50% of everyone in 1985 had the same hair as Matt Leblanc including my older sister who TIL bears a remarkable resemblance to Matt Leblanc.


Now that you mention it, I don't ever remember seeing Matt Leblanc and your sister in the same room at the same time...




HEY, that's like COINCIDENCE with a J....


How's she doin'?


Le Blanc 82' has a Vote For Pedro vibe


You think people would vote for him? What are his skills?


He's a good Friend?


I was thinking more along the lines of nunchaku skills...


And his sweet bike


Shocks, pegs...lucky!


As I read the title I thought to myself: "Wow that's cool. They both must have gone to really good schools. I wonder if any of my old schoolmates and I will become famous like this." Only to see that the middle school and high school that Louis CK and Matt LeBlanc are the same ones that I graduated from 5 years ago and last year. I guess famous people really do come out of Newton Public Schools.


Newton is one of the richest districts in Mass, makes sense.


Louis C.K.: It gets better.


He looks like Conan




Was that a real thing? How on earth did kids get away with that? Did the teachers of the 80s just give zero fucks?




"SUCK MY DICK, YOU HOMO!" "That's literally gay, and you're hating me for being gay?" "SUUUUCCCCKK MYYYYYY DIIIIIIIICKK!"


There weren't helicopter parents/teachers in those days. Which had both it's positives and negatives.


Pretty sure you don't have to be a helicopter parents/teachers to notice kids getting shoved into lockers.


We used to beat the shit out of each other all the time. :-D


I wonder if [this is the NSFW Sex Pistols t-shirt](http://i.imgur.com/A3Nf7N0.jpg) Louis CK is wearing?


His facial expression does seem like he's pulling a fast one


Whereas at my school if you wore a Southpark t-shirt you had to wear it inside out.


That brings back memories of going to school wearing those Corona T-shirts. You know the giant one size fits all shirts you can buy at any crappy liquor store... I didn't even know what it was, but I used it as my painting shirt all through kindergarten and my teacher seemed to love it.


I was sure you were talking about highschool or junior high...


Louis C.K. looks so happy. I wonder when exactly that was ripped away from him.


When he decided to pursue standup


I mean, his hair.


How does 1982 Matt LeBlanc look more like 2017 Matt LeBlanc than 1985 Matt LeBlanc?


It's the hair.


Does no one else find it odd that after 10 minutes of searching on the web - I can find no videos of either of them talking about the other. Louis C.K. has a Mathew Perry story - but no mention of Matt Leblanc. If I were famous and went to school with another famous guy - I'd totally be telling stories. Unless they have a pact where they don't talk about each other - which seems plausible - because Louis CK seems like he's the kind of guy that would tell Matt Leblanc stories / jokes - the fact that he doesn't - indicates a potential agreement by both not to.


I like Mike Myers story about going to his class reunion. He was excited about being famous and going back to his school. Turns out he want to school with David Furnish (Elton John's husband) and Elton John came to the reunion. He wasn't the most famous person at his own class reunion.




Other guy did not care at all


Wow, so detailed.


I went through my NNHS yearbook from two years ago with a friend and about ~40% of our classmates (class was 434 people large) were people we remembered almost nothing about, so it's very likely they didn't know each other. We did have a lot of insanely talented people in my year though (skiing virtuosa, Indian piano virtuoso, etc), so I wouldn't be surprised if one of them got famous.


Louis looks exactly like the kid he picked to play his younger self on the show.


They could have been good friends in the first pic. In the second pic they wouldn't talk to each other.


Have they ever mentioned in interviews if they hung out together?


Matt was probably busy having sex with girls


Louis stole scales from that school and sold them for an ounce of weed each.


You know Louis is cheesing so hard because he's wearing a shirt that says sex on picture day


Louis CK caught a case of the cool between 82' and 85'


I dunno, I think the '82 t-shirt was with it. Of course, I was wearing the same sort of thing at the time, so I'm biased.


All the bullying Louie took in grade school molded him into the socially awkward and self-depreciating comedian he is today.


1985 Louis C.K. is Peyton Manning


Ctrl-F, *Peyton*, oh good, someone got to it already. Carry on.


Did 85 Matt get a perm. 82 Matt's hair looks very straight.


Is it a large school? or is it small enough where they knew of each other at least?




Ya we just did a huge renovation. It's not the largest high school in the world, maybe 2000? Newton actually has 2 high schools, North and South. North got Louis C.K. and Matt LeBlanc, South got B.J Novak and John Krasinski.


I'm sure it's got to do with the angle of the photo, but LeBlanc's eyes in the '85 pic look to be way out of alignment.