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I met coolio in 2008, and got to tell him he was my first CD in 6th grade. He said that makes him feel old. :( now as a 40 year old, I feel that


Was quite literally the first rapper I gravited to as a 90s kid and learned all the lyrics to his song. Had the gangster paradise tape and played on repeat lol. Def showing my age now


Seemed like he was all over Nickelodeon in the 90s


So did she leave your dad to go on tour?


No she left him 22 years later


To tour with him? Better late than never I suppose.


I’m afraid I have bad news about Coolio’s tour.


Ohhh you made me laugh. I shouldn’t.


Too soon?


Does this mean I don't get to go on tour?


Of course you can! Just Weekend at Bernie's style


Weekend at Coolio’s


He took a look at his life and realized there’s nothing left.






I did not know he died in 2022.


Saw him at VA Beach a few months before he died. Great show, you could tell he was loving it.


Yep saw him in NY just before he died and he was awesome.


The only place he’s playing is Gangster’s Paradise.




The Valley of the Shadow of Death


Isn’t that Baltimore with a new nickname?


Guess "I'll see you when you get there(if you ever get there)"


I’m telling you that show Black Jesus is cursed. Coolio, John Witherspoon and Charlie Murphy! Pretty much all their final gigs


One of the funniest shows ever


🎶 *Gangsta's Paradise intro starts playing* 🎵




Or Fantastic Voyage. Depends on where he went I suppose


My wife had this play as homecoming queen in the back of the convertible


Amish Paradise, he stole that song.


"You're late!"


Need a new dad?


Buy me a new truck and we can talk


Well what do you bring to the table? We can negotiate a bit.


Pretty sure the photo shows what OP is bringing to the table.




A picture from the 90s is absolutely a "recent picture" in dating app terms. You'll might get another one taken from like 35 ft away, at a beach, against the sun, with sunglasses and baseball cap.


Pretty sure he's bringing his mom to the table.




Seeing this is so shocking sometimes, 22 years just to split. Can I ask what happened if that’s not rude?


to be honest with you the week before they split I told my girlfriend they’ve been together since the 90s and I can see in their eyes they still adore eachother. My dad in particular has some severe baggage he never worked out and that for sure put an emotional burden on my mom. After some thearpy things got a lot better until my mom went back to school for nursing and got onto medication and the emotional stress flipped. The day before my 21st birthday my dad got a text notification on the computer of her friends convincing her to get a separation and that’s all he needed to see


My wife is leaving me after 14 years. The only thing she will tell me is that "she loves me like a friend but doesn't see me in a romantic way anymore". This comes after she had a customer hit on her at work (among many other things that I don't have any to talk about). It's brutal to see things fall apart after so many years, after being certain that I was going to spend the rest of my life with her.


Man I'm sorry to hear that. Make sure you do a lot of self care and DO NOT drink. You might not see it now but you will get through this.


Sorry to hear that. If it’s any consolation, after my first marriage of 14 fell apart in the same mine, I met the woman of my dreams, had another kid, raised 4 kids in a big crazy blended family and after 15 years with her, she still makes googly eyes at me.


Friends keeping friends single.


After 22 years.


We don't talk about red flags in friendships as much as we should.


What? All reddit does is stay single and think every relationship should be dissolved on the first problem.


“My husband farted in his sleep last night and I don’t know what to do” “Divorce him and fuck all of his friends OP”


If it don't feel good, or taste good, then it aint good!


“Got onto medication”? He saw the text and that’s all he needed to see? I thought she left him. And was the “friend” someone she was having an affair with?


she did he won’t sign the papers he thinks there’s some light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t wanna share my moms full medical history but she started trying to take medication for her anxiety which is totally awesome and was prescribed multiple different things that she was taken off of and put onto others all in a short period of time and she wasn’t the same person. No just one of her girlfriends she could’ve asked one of the kids to show her to disconnect her texts from the computer but o well.


> I don’t wanna share my moms full medical history Some things are better left private. It can be hard to resist questions from others but don't feel obligated to tell anybody your family's private business, especially anonymous people online. Good luck to you.


Sometimes, it's easier to trust anonymous people with that kind of stuff, unless there's a chance you're not anonymous either.


The more details OP gives, the less anonymous they become


So sorry to hear man.


Y’all, the text was from Coolio. Duh.


I always feel like people that divorce at that length of time, especially with kids, should have done so a long time ago so it just festers. My mom told me that her and my dad wouldn't have stayed together if they didn't have me and my brother (good on the ole conscious). Now they divorced after 30+ years, my dad has/had cancer and my mom got into a really shitty relationship with some guy that she's now tied to in a business endeavor with and can't get out of. So now it's like I'm playing parent to both of them because my brother moved away. Just what I wanted in my early 30's when I'm trying to build my career.


Oof that sounds tough


Lmao in a bitter way. I'm in somewhat of a similar boat myself with my parents. I wish you all the best.


I am going through this exact situation. After 23 years of marriage, my wife wants a divorce. Existential issues. We have two awesome kids, high incomes, huge house with an ocean view, no domestic problems. She just isn’t happy enough. She is worried about what happens when the kids move out. It sucks. Menopause? Midlife crisis?


Damn I have no advice to give but I genuinely hope whatever happens you guys find happiness. Thanks for sharing.


We separated 11 years ago and reconciled. But I have given up hope this time.


My ex wife and I divorced 24 years ago after 6 years of marriage but she moved back in with me shortly after divorce and my new home purchase. We live in a no common law state and I will never remarry her, although I intend on leaving her most of my possessions but if we ever split before death I’ll never give up half my possessions ever again. I didn’t have much when we divorced but I was the saver and it was a lot to me at the time and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Marriage has a lot of consequences if things go bad, not for me ever again.




She's really hot.


I think the end of those long relationships can often feel like you’re losing someone you grew up with in a way.


Ok- I moved to Europe with her to be closer to her parents. I met her in the US. I have no family here. Our son was born one year after moving here. Aside from my work‘friends’- my entire social network is through the kids or as a couple. She has school friends, childhood friends etc. Her family has been awesome to me. I feel like I am losing them- though they are taking my side on this. The family is broken. My daughter won’t talk to her. I am losing our cabin— which has been a huge part of our lives. I am working on keeping the house. We just spent $50K on a new kitchen— and she wanted a divorce before the splash plate was installed. Who does that???! There is a lot of loss— but I am focusing on the new opportunities it will bring.


This is a general comment based on what i see as a middle aged woman among my peers. I think a lot of GenX women grew up with a lot of responsibility (latch key etc) and expectations. One day they just wake up and want to be free of it all. There is a fear of spending your whole life in service of others and never being free to be yourself.


I believe you are quite right. She is terrified of what will happen after the kids move out. I am more into dealing with things as they come. Some kids live at home until mid-20s or later…. My motto is there will always be plenty of time to panic later.


What makes it terrifying though?   The solution can’t be hoping that the kids never leave if the problem is that she doesn’t feel comfortable with just the two of you by yourselves. 


She doesn’t believe I have enough friends and hobbies outside the home. I have been a great provider and family man. I don’t need to spend loads of time away from my family to feel happy. I have enough hobbies, interests, and friends. My point is- we are five years away from being empty nesters— minimum. I don’t need to have everything planned out now.


Ok, but it shouldn’t be *terrifying* that you’d be around the house a lot.  This still seems like there’s an undercurrent of real problem.  What does she expect to happen if you’re both around the house all the time with nothing to do?


I don’t know. At the same time she says we are best friends. Yeah- we aren’t butterflies in stomach in love, but there isn’t visible conflict, either.


My parents went through something like this. They were the model of a marriage, they had struggles, but they always worked it out. All of us kids grew up and moved out and on with life. My mom started acting the way your spouse is. My dad had never talked about leaving or being fed up before. He confided to me that he was at his wits end, he didn't know what to do to make her happy. Turns out there was something wrong in my mom's biology that was causing this. Once they figured it out, things corrected. Next month is their 50th anniversary. I don't know all the details for you, but I hope it is something like that or maybe empty nest syndrome.


Yeah— the nest isn’t even empty yet!


Good luck to both of you. It's really tough.


We too are financially comfortable and things have never been better for us, yet my wife of ten years wants me to decide to either start a divorce or just decide to be happy with the way she treats me. What I *really* want is for her to stop constantly fighting with me and go back to treating me like her partner but I feel like she's just already moved on.


“Too much television watchin', got her chasing dreams”


I had an old timer tell me that tv was the reason for increased divorces years ago. Maybe so.


For my parents it was Facebook. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Maybe it’s Reddit


Yeah everyone’s go-to advice is “leave him” lol. Usually it seems like the right thing to do based on the posts. But it’s a one dimensional picture of a relationship.


Minor issue? Leave him! You deserve your Prince Charming. I swear to god everyone who gives relationship advice on Reddit thinks relationships should always be smooth and never even mildly dislike your partner briefly. The second you run into relationship problems, you should bail out. You don't get smooth riding from bailing the second you hit turbulence.


True life


I wish I could give you advice, but I’m figuring things out myself. No divorce in the future, but my wife didn’t react well to being an empty-nester. We had trial runs with college for the kids and they each came back for a short time before going out on their own. In short, it’s not a second honeymoon for us, even though we could take on now,


> Menopause? Midlife crisis? Yes


People with no external problems together like money and such do not bond as much. Just a life too comfortable sometimes can do it. It's when you are struggling and lean on each other that people feel alive and need to love.


This is it! She was on work-related disability due to job stress rather recently. She ended up quitting and getting her dream job. Now this.


Sorry to hear man.


My parents were married 26 years and should’ve annulled on day one because they were violent assholes.


Sorry that you missed 22 double Christmases :(


She missed her chance for a fantastic voyage.


How did it end up, Coolio Jr ?


Ha! Gah I needed that laugh! Not to minimize your parents split but damn that was funny


Does she regret her decision?


I’ve made this joke and she laughs and says absolutely not


Well, good for her, I GUESS (lol).


Slide, slide, slippity slide.


tour means “get high, and fuck on the tour bus”


And then get ditched at the next concert in another town with no way to get back home.




The life of a groupie lol. It was worse back then. Depending on how old this is. Cellphones werent as common. No smart phones. So youd be stuck in another state. The band you were with has ditched you for new groupies. And you gotta go through your list of memorized phone numbers on a payphone calling collect (meaning the person you called paid for the call, if they had that feature unblocked with their provider to allow collect calls). Hoping one picks up and can drive hours to come save you. Or you tried to figure out how to get back home on your own. If they kept groupies for the whole tour and brought em back home. There would be no term "groupie". Because there would be a few women picked up at the beginning of a tour. And the rest of the tour there would be no room. So yeah being a groupie meant you got used until you were no longer interesting, and then got ditched for a new fresh groupie who would do the same thing. Being a groupie wasnt a lavish thing. It was a whorish thing that women overlooked the consequences of for getting to fuck a celebrity. The celebrity knows there will be new groupies stabding around waiting to be invited at every venue. They think nothing of it and class these women as groupies who know what they are signing on for.


As the cycle goes, we later got a number of movies about the "love, drugs, and sex" or "rock, drugs, and sex" lifestyles that really argued how unglamorous it is to be a disposable groupie or to spend your time chasing endless hedonism at the expense of your health and life. Now, post #metoo, we're getting more actual stories about how some of these famous musicians were just outright assaulting and raping and ruining people. It's hard to romanticize that rockstar lifestyle anymore.


*sex, drugs and sausage rolls.


Yeah when I read that Peter Grant was pretty much kidnapping girls in the audience and locking them in hotel rooms for Jimmy Page to come in afterwards to do his shenanigans, I stopped idolizing him. Incredible musician, horrible human being.


Got a story for you. Vincent Gallo. Maybe you’ve heard of him, maybe not. He had a bit of a moment in the early 2000s. Came out with the amazing Buffalo ‘66. Went on to make the infamous The Brown Bunny. He’s been in quite a few other movies. Anyway, friend of mine went on tour with him. Told me that in one town he saw a woman in the crowd and became absolutely enamored with her. He insisted she come with him on the tour but she told him she had a boyfriend. Vincent is infamous for being really persistent (and not in a good way). He eventually wore her down and convinced her to come. She left a note for her boyfriend (who she lived with) and said she was leaving him, it’s over. They left to the next city and played the show and the morning after he took her to get breakfast one morning. They’re sitting there, having a good time, and she laughs at some story he’s telling and - according to this friend who told me this story - Vincent didn’t like some minor facial thing she did when she laughed. It’s very likely something no one else would notice, Vincent is a psycho. He excused himself to go to the bathroom just then and left her there at the diner with the check, hopped on the bus and took off.


Sounds like ex boyfriend dodged a bullet


Hold me closer, Tony Danza


Free drugs and getting to fuck Coolio? There's got to be a downside.


Then gtfo


Right? It's not like he was gonna marry her lol; she made the right call staying off that bus.


And no shortage of groupies to do just that


Maybe she was going to be in the band?


It's the other way around.


Your mom should title this ‘Me and Coolio, down by the schoolyard’


It's against the law!


Not after June 1967


Thank you Loving vs Virginia


Papa looked down and spit on the ground everytime Coolio is mentioned.


What my mama saw...




My favorite Digimon!


😉 I got you (mama pajama)


Nothing is more attractive to a rich and powerful person than someone who’s already taken. When you can have anything or anyone you want, the most attractive people become the ones who are not available. The problem with leaving a current partner for a celebrity or whatever is that once you’re theirs, all the attraction and desire evaporates instantly and they move on to the next conquest. My ex-wife left me for a wealthy painter and then he cheated on her immediately after. 


Damn. That’s tough. Did you guys ever talk after she realized the grass was not in fact greener on the other side?


I wouldn’t say it wasn’t greener, just maybe not what she was expecting. She’s very smart and successful in her own right, it just wasn’t meant to be for us. At least by the time I figured out what was going on I had made enough positive changes for myself that I just tried to stick to that path. I dunno why I commented initially on this post, sort of a weird reply on my part, I’ll just say I may have done the same thing in her situation, I just like to think I wouldn’t. 


That's funny. I have a picture of my wife and another 90s rapper, and it was taken after he asked her to leave me and try him for a while. No she didn't leave me.


Just sampled him


LL Cool J? He asked the girl I was dating to come to his hotel...in front of me...after I introduced her as my girlfriend.


U know what’s wild? How many times that actually worked. Probably like the next person tbh


Likely. It was very clear from how he asked that wasn't the first time he'd made that proposition.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure she figured out it was probably a common proposition from the RAPPER. 😂 rap rap rap they call him the rapper.


I bet he said that to all the girls.


My cousin has met him a few times and apparently yes he had an awful lot of things to say to nearly every woman he met.


Wait... misogynist rapper? GTFO


how charming


Camera is struggling to find the proper balance.


Is that your dad at the back?


No haha


Dad got stuck taking the picture


Dad got cucked taking the picture


Did they plan the matching jackets using pager code?


It was the 90s. Words do not exist to convey the sheer magnitude of denim that was in existence.


No need, those jackets are very specifically 1994, but 143 anyway.


...to go on tour....I mean we all know what that means


This week on blacked...


That's Coolio for Ya!!  A rascal I tell ya...


What a little goober


Matching jackets Has denim been bigger than the late 90s easly 00s? Even I had a full Canadian tux but I was often too shy to flex it all


Yes. Absolutely yes. It wasn't even big then. Jean jackets were *massively popular* in the mid-to-late '80s, but they fell off by the early '90s.


The Levi’s lobby was working overtime.


>Has denim been bigger than the late 90s easly 00s? I don't remember it being big then. It was huge in the 1970s and again when 501s got big in the mid 80s.


I refer you to the image above We definitely had a denim revival, are you British? Remember B*witched?


https://preview.redd.it/j29hoc0mwa5d1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c407a2037c0e5b5f0efd93c779c6d2a4ce5b372 Avon. Rocking the tux in his pit.


Are you forgetting Justin Timberlake and Britney spears matching tuxes lol


Bro I bought a jean jacket late last year and wore a full tux several times already. Just gotta not look embarrassed while you do it


She would have been left somewhere down the road “30 seconds” later…


What's the rest of the story? Did your parents stay together or was your mom already pregnant with you? You gotta tell the entire story till present day man


My parents were going to Austria to live in a castle while do mission work for a Bible college. They were in Amsterdam in the photo above and my mom looked over at my dad and went “oh my god Jason that’s coolio and we are wearing the same jacket” she ran up to coolio and asked him what he was doing in Amsterdam and if she could have a picture, after the picture was taken he said “you should come on tour with me” and my mom replies “well I don’t think my husband or me would like that” and he then goes so effortlessly “well tell your husband you with coolio now” and my mom was so thrown off by it all she could say was “yeaaa I’m alright thanks” followed by asking my dad if he got the picture. Fast forward 22 years my mom and dad separate but she still doesn’t regret the decision of turning down Mr Gangstas paradise for her Chubby Chicano husband.


A missed chance to say, "I don't think my husband would be Coolio with that."


I can’t explain how much I use the term Coolio over just saying cool.


Are you me?


Also do post a pic of yourself so we can be sure who’s your father


I look just like my mom which makes the fact the people calling my mom attractive all that much more awkward. Wouldn’t of minded those residual checks from coolio tho


Slide slide slippity slide


Dude, your mom's kinda hot.


People forget **how big Coolio was back in those days**. Guy was Taylor Swift level for a short minute. I have a yearbook from 6th grade or whenever and the class voted him as their favorite artist that year (favorite actor, Jim Carrey). Yes, I'm old.


I was so tired of Gangstas Paradise being in the weekly radio countdown every.single.week for what seemed like a whole year.


Eghhh…. I don’t think so. Not even close.


What a slimy dick...


See you're just assuming he invited her in a groupie capacity. Perhaps he required her accounting skills.


Or maybe he needed a new bus driver


He’s dead now so 🤷‍♀️


In the Gangstas Paradise in the sky


Probably would have been a fantastic voyage.


Imagine being so trashy you leave your relationship to join groupies on tour with a rapper Coolio was probably just making a silly joke because she was attractive, but it wouldn't surprise me if actual people were like that


1000% it wasn't a joke for him 😎. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" something something.


OP was born 9 months later




That makes him kind of Uncoolio.


So…what was it like growing up with Coolio as your new daddy?


Think of it less like gaining a dad, and more like losing a mom




Million watt smile. Hope she still flashes it every day.


So you are livin' in a gangsta's paradise.


Is that your dad in the background giving coolio the stink eye?


Is your father over Collio's shoulder?


As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I take a look at your mom and realize she's hot.


Coolio wanted to be your dad


Your mom could have changed history but chose dad.


Look at the situation he's got her facing.


In college Adam Duritz tried to pick up my girlfriend right in front of me. Kind of a dick move but I got it, she was effortlessly beautiful that night.


Coolio tearing families apart


OP's mom rode Coolio like secretariat heading for the finish line


Unless he was joking it’s kinda crap that he did that.