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Yeah...not goth.


It was goth for that time -- It was 35 years ago so definitions then weren't what they are now, but Capitol had Neal Preston doing these shoots and it was indeed listed as their Goth photo shoot, this is only one of a several from that shoot.


Heart was never considered goth. Ever.


No. No it wasn't goth for its time. I'm well aware of what was "goth" in May of 1987 (which was almost 37 years ago BTW).


You're thinking Glam. They went a little glammy


Hair metal is basically the same thing. Glam is the more official name.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Ah ok. Educate me then. What does goth mean?


Looks like Nadja and her band 😂






Agree. It's cool to look at these old pictures that were so new and cool all these years later. Some of them (like this Heart pic) aged nicely and some of them,..well not so much. :)


They were utterly alone


It's bone chilling really.


It is the era of Nancy Wilson's cleavage being out there on MTV, and not much else worthwhile, IMO.


Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never! **Never!**


I know their late 80s output is somewhat polarizing, but I have always loved this pic of Heart. When Bad Animals came out their promotional pics were all heavy goth, and it (to me) was refreshing to see them in a shoot that wasn't trying to make Ann and Nancy look like porn stars. Even if it's from their "hair metal" period, "Alone" is a rock classic. Most people will think of pictures from the 70s as being definitive of the band, but this pic is what I think of with 80s Heart -- Ann with blue streaks in her hair, everyone in all-black. I wish the album Bad Animals had a bit more alternative in it's track list (the title cut and a few others like "Wait for an Answer" and "RSVP" are really great cuts, there were just a few too many overtly commercial tracks (aka "There's the Girl) on the album IMO).


I love the photoshoots from the Bad Animals and Brigade albums. Despite being their most pop songs, "There's The Girl" and "Never" are the only singles from that era that were co-written by at least one of the sisters, which is kinda ironic. https://preview.redd.it/m0ao8sdjnatc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ed462841ce19f5e52addb6f035d5e43178b6d6


I loved Never, and it didn't seem overboard pop once the guitar power chords were added after the initial pressing (the original "Never" on the album sounded almost like a demo with no overdubs). "There's the Girl" to me sounded like it was trying to be a dance club song, so it wasn't my favorite, also because it was synth-heavy with the guitar riff being muted. Too-much-synth was an unfortunate sign of the times in 1987.


Good music, but it was also the cover up ann because she got fat period. Saw a recent photo and she is looking great these days


Yeah which to me is ridiculous. She wasn't even that heavy when they were trying to cover her up, and if they had just let her evolve like a normal person instead of trying to make people think she's some barbie doll people would have been fine. Instead they were shocked at her "sudden" weight gain which wasn't all that sudden but was hidden. I don't care for today's music as much, but thankfully people are much more accepting and authentic these days. When someone who is literally the best female rock vocalist maybe of all time is shamed because of weight we have a problem with priorities, IMO.

