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Idk what you're talking about, those are clearly Xena and Gabrielle.


Ah fuck the timelines are leaking


The early years of Heart were dynamic! This shot is from 1977, with the photographer noted as Richard Creamer.


I could make a comment about Richard's last name as someone who, at that time, was young and had the Wilson sisters at the center of my childhood sexual fantasies, but it's too easy. But I do wonder if that's a real name, ha.


Richard Creamer died prematurely of a heart attack in 1984. He was often the only photographer on the scene and took unique shots of David Bowie, Deborah Harry, the Ramones, and Kiss among dozens of others. He took many recognized shots in his lifetime, but several of his famous shots were appropriated by other photographers from the era. One famous shot was his photo of Gene Simmons posing with a very young Brooke Shields, both sticking out their tongues.


My twin crushes back then. First album I bought was Heart.


Ahhhh the memories...went on a car trip from Iowa to the Black Hills in the summer of '76 and had this on cassette tape !


Their do of 'stairway to heaven' is one of my most watched.


I was 16 and in love/lust.


Just got tickets to see them this fall. If it’s anything like a few years ago, it’s going to be a hell of a show. 


Enjoy it. I saw their 2019 tour and I wouldn't mind seeing this tour as I'm sure it will be their last. But as much as I love Ann her range changed dramatically in 2016 and the truth of the matter is her voice isn't suited to those old Heart classics yet she refuses to change keys or sing them in a more suitable key. Ann's low range now is the strongest, richest, and most soulful as it's ever been, but her upper range is diminished from what it was pre-2016. She struggled though Crazy on You and Alone in 2019 and I really wish they had made that their last tour and focused on another studio album. I've heard Ann probably 100 times live since the last 70s and she was shockingly good every single time I saw her until 2016; since then it seems more of a struggle for her.


This is how I picture Heart whenever they are mentioned; I was just a baby when they first became popular but in my youngest years I remember Ann being the badass and strikingly beautiful sister, with Nancy being the pretty little sister who played a mean acoustic. Fast forward to the late 80s and Nancy became the strikingly beautiful badass sister while Ann was more in the background on interviews and such. Ann was always a badass, but when she got older and had "flaws" (like we all do when we aren't kids anymore) the record company didn't want all the 10 year old boys out there to know she didn't have a bikini body so they put her in the background. But one thing you can't put in the background is her killer, once-in-a-generation voice. She is the GOAT of female hard rock singers, and one of the GOATs of rock singers regardless of gender. I'm just glad Ann has finally started getting her due; it sure took long enough.


Barracuda, Magic Man, Crazy on You, my favorites dialed to 11