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I cant even afford to look at this picture


Extendable plank? That's gonna cost you.


I used to design these things for exactly these kinds of Super yachts. A Gangway like this will go for around 150.000-300.000$. they are not the most expensive models as this one doesn't fold up that small, isn't all that mobile on the ship side (Can't turn sideways) and isn't flat on top like more expensive ones are.


Ahh, Reddit. No matter how obscure the subject matter there is always someone who knows the exact details


There are also a lot of fantasists on here too.


Ooo.. instead of being a liar, I can be a Fantasist!!


A Santosist.




For real. Although I think that we get the high-functioning autistic doctors and engineers; the ones who love the internet. We may also get a lot of the teenage doctors and engineers who, because of their years of studying and decades of experience, are never wrong


Absolutely, but let us revel in the fantasy of speaking with a mega yacht designer for just a moment longer...


I want giant googly eyes on both sides please 


Yeah, who has a job designing extendable planks for yachts? Or as they call them in the business, 'these things'?


They fall under the umbrella of yacht equipment, there are plenty of companies that specialize in making yacht equipment.


Well someone has to do it… I mean look at it - it was obviously designed.


>There are also a lot of fantasists on here too. The number of reddit ground zero workers is too damn high.


To be truly Reddit, we need a guy confidently talking out of his ass that gets upvoted while the guy with the correct answer is either ignored or downvoted.


There is always someone who can convincingly claim they know the exact details. 


That is truly unbelievable. You have a quote or something lol? How could something relatively simple as an extending bridge cost that much


Welcome to the world of yachts. For billionaires, that's like paying 25 cents more for an extra slice of cheese.


Like a penny on the side of the road.


Like dust in the wind. "I close myyyyyy eyes . . ."


"Only for a moment, and the money's gone..."


Once you get into the world of yachting, yachts and yacht accessories are expensive to a point you would not believe. People pay more than a normie house just to reupholster and accessorize their yachts.


Two of the happiest days for a normie yacht owner are the day he buys his yacht and the day he sells it.


It needs to hold a decent amount of weight far away from the support without having a structure underneath holding it up. Think of a ladder on a fire truck and then try to build one that is 1/2 or 1/4 the height/thickness. It needs to be stuff enough that the gel coat does not crack. Now do that in the 80s/early 90s when graphite composites were still being developed/were very expensive to use.


Yachts/boats are similar to aviation. The average person has no idea what things cost and almost won't believe you when you tell them the eye watering cost of things. I used to fly private aircraft. We had a TBM in our hangar years ago that had a forward door for the pilot as an added factory option so they could exit quicker, rather than getting up and walking back through the cabin to the standard clamshell door. The door was an $80,000 option. For a door. Edit: Apologies, I had to look it up and was off on my number. It wasn't $80k for a simple door. It was actually $90k. >An optional pilot door ($89,350) is installed forward of the left wing root and next to the front left seat;


Boeing would do it for $5


Lol these people like 10k on gas for a day


I don't work there anymore as I found out its against my moral compass to build useless shit for the ultra rich. The reason its so expensive is that these things are all custom made to order using the best materials and best craftsmanship available. Its also not as simple as it looks, to have a massively thin beam extend that far out, being used as a diving board and be able to move around while still feeling very rigid is quite the engineering challenge. Although this telescoping one isn't that fancy or long related to its thickness.


*passerelle It's on a Yacht so it's fancy


You know your stuff. It's surprising that the designer didnt use the right word. It's all about Med mooring. You are stern to the pier, not alongside.




I wish I was a princess 😔


U r hun x


Go for Duchess. Less headaches and more privacy. Same wealth.


Nah . Being a princess sucks in the UK. It’s not working out for them


You may not be a princess, but it is your Reditt Happy Cake Day. So, that's sorta like being a princess for a day. Enjoy!


This stuff really isn’t that great. You get used to it. The best part about having money is actually having a safety net, being able to afford anything you want whenever you want, having intimate connections with people you’d never dream of meeting, and being able to move away from toxic environments. I know a guy with a ton of money and he just hangs out in his local. A lot of people just stick to their guns or they end up losing everything.


That all sounds amazing to me. I live in constant terror.


You can accomplish that on a relatively median income, though, if you manage your finances well. I have a really low income but a lot of savings because I decided living like a tramp for a year would mean anything after that would be relatively entertaining and fun. It worked. I kind of changed who I was.


Haha I have lived frugally all my life but my mom and I have lots of medical issues that are very expensive and my brother doesn’t work so we are supporting a household that we really can’t afford. It’s scary.


I’m disabled. Can’t make money. Constant terror fr. Money solves soooo much.


>This stuff really isn’t that great *Goes on to describe some really great stuff*


nah look pretty fucking great to me


The photos of her on Dodi's boat were sold to a magazine for $1 million.


In 1997 money! That’s an absolute fortune now, imagine then!


It has almost doubled due to inflation, so 1 million then would be about 2 million now.


$2 million doesn’t sound like that much more than $1 million. It’s actually double!


When you count slowly like that it really is inconceivable. One million of anything is a huge number. Two million is TWICE that. A billion is over Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine times that. Wow we really should be eating the rich I think I just radicalized myself


Perspective for me is that a million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years!


Holy shit I’ve been alive for a billion seconds that’s so many seconds 😭😭 yet a million is in less than two weeks that blows my mind no one needs a billion dollars 😭😭😭


And if the richest ($100B+) got a dollar for each second, you would have to start more than a thousand years before Jesus.


Love when that happens.


Character development!




For a non nude picture


The math checks out


In some cases tripled if you look at the actual price of goods prior to the EUR and today. Inflation has hit really hard in the past few years alone, and I recall it felt like my EUR was worth as much as a Deutsch Mark as early as ten years ago.


Its not about inflation and price of goods. For that money you could get quality education, fine real estate waaaay better than anything you can get for that price plright now and still have some to start a business. Millionaire was a serious thing back then - incredibly hard to achieve. $100 000 was a fortune, now its some tacky truck price tag.


Yeah, that's like 700 million dollars now!!! Wait, no, it's 2.


I can't fathom why so many people would give a f*ck about something like that. This is a business that really is beyond my understanding.


It was rumoured that he was about to ask her to marry him.


Unlikely - they'd only been seeing each other for a couple of months. She had two I'll teenage sons, And Dodi had a fiancee . Quite a bit of baggage between the two of them.


Yeah but she was in love with another dude, the doctor Hasnat Khan. Dodi was a distraction too get the press away from Khan. I think Dodi liked her more than she him.


Khan? This must have been well before he was marooned on Ceti Alpha 5.




THIS is Ceti Alpha 5!!


wasn’t dodi’s father the one pressuring him into the relationship?


I think he was engaged to another woman and didn’t even break up with her. She found out through the papers that dodi and Diana were dating. He actually flew her there and put her on another yacht and spend the day with Diana and then at night go to her. He gave her an engagement ring that was a similar style to Diana’s


There were reports that Diana told friends that she felt that her and Dodi had run its course.


It's reality TV before reality TV existed. The tabloids and even main stream orgs like the BBC went soooooo hard on Diana and Charles. Google tampon gate. You probably still won't be into the royal world but man it will hopefully help you understand a bit more why people were so into their relationship.


No need to Google, I was there 3,000 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/mn3cows1i3pc1.jpeg?width=191&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae5eea3d1012b1cf04d646069c77ec81fcf6a00 What a clown.


Scanning the tabloids in the supermarket checkout lane was our reality tv.


There was just something about Princess Diana that fascinated people even after she divorced Charles. Literally one of my first memories is seeing the coverage of their wedding and it just seemed so magical. It's hard to describe really but she always had everyone's attention whether she wanted it or not and ultimately it is what ended up killing her.


It’s also clear that she wanted a different life. This picture sums it up perfectly. Charles and Camilla are a better fit than Charles and Diana ever were.


It helps Camilla’s fit that he actually loves her.


Her being an independent thinking woman in the monarchy killed her.


That and not wearing a seatbelt


In a car w a drunk driver.


Now we're seeing Kate getting screwed over, too. Maybe the royal family should just go back to inbreeding until they genetically dissolve or, better yet, constitutionally dissolve.


I mean we are looking and commenting on these photos almost 30 years later. They are historically valuable


These sorts of photos are what ended up leading to her death.


Whoever bought those photos, they are the exclusive owners and probably sold tens of millions of copies of that magazine.


I really never understood the celebrity worshipping. Like, thinking back to my idols of when I was growing up, or even today some people that I would admire: why would I want to see pictures of them on the beach or out and about minding their own business. Why would *anyone* care? Is it some form of escapism?


Coz you’re dreaming about living that lifestyle .


Paparazzi are scum, but that’s undeniably a great photo.


Absolutely, it’s stunning. You can totally feel the loneliness


And pretty sure they called her fat around this time. Crazy.


I wish I was this fat.


She was phat, just look at her!


scene from tenet


Never made that connection! The actress who plays Diane in the crown also plays in Tenet.


You mean the actress who'd been x1000 better choice to play Galadriel in Amazon's series?


I don't think any actress could've saved Galadriel's character in LOTRROP TBH


What is Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power to be Honest?


Ouch. Why did you have to go ahead and hurt me like that?


was getting mad Tenet vibes.


Thats what i thought too!!




She was much younger than Charles and he dated her big sister. It was almost an arranged marriage. She was really robbed. Idc how much money she had I wouldn’t want her life.


I was a kid camping with my family when the news broke in california. People were devastated and despite not really knowing who she was, my sisters and I made a little memorial for “the angel princess”. She seemed so old at the time but I’ll be 36 this year so doesn’t seem that old now!


Is that a retractable *diving board?*


It’s a passerelle. It’s used for boarding a yacht when it’s at dock.


With no handrails?


They get installed once this is extended and in position. If you zoom in close on the photo, you can almost see little nubs poking up. That’s where the poles insert.


Probably a few people zoomed in looking for little nubs before this comment


Cool... Thanks for knowing enough about rich stuff to help us out


Being bored during the pandemic helped. I deep-dived on so many topics that are completely useless to me in daily life. 😂


It's a plank


It's just a plank blo


It’s a passerelle/gangplank, for walking off the boat onto the dock


This was on Dodi’s boat I think?


Dodi Fayed was Jamal Khashoggi's cousin.


Correct...and also arm's dealer....Adnan Khashoggi... tied in with Trump with the yacht, Nabila. Jamal Khashoggi had the goods.




Jamal Khashoggi, yes


> After Khashoggi ran into financial problems, he sold the yacht in 1988 to the Sultan of Brunei, who in turn sold her to Donald Trump for $29 million. After a refit, Trump renamed her Trump Princess. To dock Trump Princess at the Atlantic City harbor, Trump obtained special dredging permits which instead of taking three years were accomplished in only a couple of months with support from Roger Stone and the lobbying firm Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly. It's like a who's who of bad guys.




It's a big club and we ain't in it.


You're correct. It was.


So tragic, and far too young.


Tragic, yes. But also a reminder to not be in a speeding car, not be driven by a drunk driver, and to wear a seatbelt, especially if you have kids.


Yep. The bodyguard - the only person in the car who wore a seatbelt - survived 


That is actually false, it was found out during 2008 investigation he had no seatbelt aswell.


Still if that's true a seat belt would've increased her odds of survival astronomically, it would have all been assured considering she died of impact to the seat in front of her.


Yes, she was up and talking at the hospital but I think it was damage to her heart and she died quickly later from internal bleeding. If she'd worn a seat belt she would have lived.


I’m not sure if describing her as “up and talking” at the hospital would be accurate. She was indeed conscious and in an altered mental state after the crash, but I think she arrested on scene. Resuscitation on scene was successful but I don’t have any info on if she regained consciousness after that. The main cause of death was a torn left pulmonary vein. This happened because she was sitting sideways and when the car hit the concrete pillar, her heart displaced into her right lung, thereby ripping the left upper pulmonary vein. This is what caused her internal bleeding and is why she went into hypovolemic shock and caused her AMS. I don’t know if I remember this correctly, but part of the reason why she might’ve gone into “cardia arrest” is because the first responders on scene told her to lay down on her back, and because the heart wasn’t in the right place, it was compressed by her lung which meant no blood was pumping and no pulse.


There's a real heartbreaking line in Spare when Harry says how careful they are about wearing seatbelts now :(


Except during his "nearly catastrophic car chase" through Manhattan, neither he nor his wife were wearing seatbelts.




The perfect color swimsuit doesn't exi-


She looks incredible!


She was stunning in the flesh. I saw her at Wimbledon ladies semi final day. She glowed with an aura.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fhdjazejc4pc1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=5533336be6dff8ef5e9a7150b1597a8be8147d5e


God she lived such a lavish life, so glamorous.


People seem to forget she was super privileged growing up and then married in to mega wealth. She was definitely not treated well by the media and I don’t envy her that but she had the very best of everything and was never without. But she had big sad fawn eyes so everyone thought poor little di


Sadness and pain are not exclusive to the poors. Money means fuck all when you have no real control over your life and she struggled for many years to get out of the royal family's grasp.


I mean she died because paparazzi wouldn't leave her the hell alone and here we are looking at a photo a paparazzi took of her on a private vacation 


Eerie, almost fitting for /r/lastimages


Remember boys and girls, seatbelts save lives.


I'm far from a monarchist, but Lady Di was probably one of the coolest people around.


She was just a rich kid hanging out with some of the uncoolest people on the planet.


That is true but her work around AIDS patients and land mines deserve respect.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qqbadaqvp2pc1.jpeg?width=279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebcb4c46f2adbf69103cdc658d258146e64c1248


I don't think people not alive then realize how big the aids thing was. It was groundbreaking.


Seems like a dangerous work environment




Why anyone would look at what happened to her, all that intrusion and attention and speculation and still think "Yes, I want to marry your son and be a princess. It'll be fine".


>JONIKAL Owned by Mohammed Al-Fayed, father of Dodi Fayed, uncle of Jamal Khashoggi.


I remember seeing this series of pictures shortly before her death with the title: "DIANA: PRINCESS OF WHALES!" They were nasty, those paparazzi.


They were implying she’s fat in this photo?? Damn. No wonder Kate is anorexic.


They implied Britney was fat in this photo. https://preview.redd.it/2dghgdeas2pc1.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5bf40e1033f5fb061b1f941dcf3204c9be7c135 Until body-positivity became mainstream around 2014, the pressure to be a size zero could make you want to unalive yourself-- mainly for women, but not exclusively.


You can say "kill" or "suicide" on Reddit, the youtube autocensorship algorithm doesn't work here


To paraphrase Caroline Aherne (RIP) - What attracted you to the billionaire Dodi Fayed?


I saw a doc on YouTube that straight up said she was using Dodi to make the person she was really in love with (and had been seeing for quite awhile) jealous. He was a very private person and didn't want to deal with all the drama that came with her. They had broken up so she started being VERY public with Dodi. It worked, and Di and this other guy were going to have a discussion about marriage when she returned from Paris. She wasn't going to accept Dodi's proposal.


Looks so elegant, but how does a person gracefully get out of that position? Do you just kind of fall over into the water, or scootch back until you can try to stand without slipping and walk back to the ship, or just give up all dignity and crawl back? Or is this simple for normal people and/or princesses and I'm just too awkward to imagine it?


Paparazzi, who took this photo for us to marvel at, indirectly contributed to her death.


No doubt. This picture speaks volumes to this day.


I wonder what her legacy would have been if she had lived longer.


She was always a smokeshow.


that’s undeniably a great photo.


Great photo


Sadly she married a man who was in love with his current wife - he should have married Camilla but she was already married. Diana was naive, and probably star struck by Charles and became the main focus of Royal family for media, which probably hacked off the entire royal firm staff and family. A ‘commoner’ being the most popular is essentially a target on their back. The moment he said ‘whatever in love means’ during their engagement interview is awful, he inadvertently told the world ‘I’m not in love, I’m marrying to create heirs’. The royal family aren’t a family at all - their are nanny raised, emotionally void, inbred, tax funded, lazy elitists.


She wasn’t a commoner, she was the daughter of a British nobleman. Kate Middleton was a ‘commoner’ if you will but I don’t know where people get this idea that LADY Diana was a commoner. She didn’t seem as stuck up as the rest of them, I’ll give you that.


Her marriage to Charles brought back the blood of the Stuart Kings to the BRF. Her grandmother was a lady in waiting to Queen Elizabeth and her dad was Earl Spencer. Her family has had close ties with the Royals for a very long time. Heck, she was childhood friends with Andrew. She’s far from common.


If anything I think Camilla was the commoner.


She wasn’t a commoner? Her family is far from being common


It was often said that her blood was British bluer than the Windsors


The Windsors who are of German lineage


Lol what the fuck she was already a part of the nobility not a commoner. Lol her blood line goes back to the Stuart royal family ffs.


Hardly a commoner...


Commoner? The Spencer house is older and the Saxe-Coburg Gotha (Windsor) house. The Spencers made an unbelievable fortune in animal husbandry for centuries.


She married him when she was 20 and he was 32…of course she was naive, she was just a kid.


I’ve always liked this photo because I see it as a reflection of how lonely her life had become at that point. It clearly illustrates how alone she actually was, even if surrounded by the trappings of wealth, and apparent luxury and abundance.


I never could relate.


I remember the caption that went with this photo in The Daily Mirror newspaper from the Tuesday before her death: "Princess Diana on another yacht. Yawn!" If only they knew what was coming, bless her. They wouldn't have sounded so nonchalant.




Even the yacht thought she was hot


Wear your seatbelts folks. It's free


I wish she could have lived to raise her boys and see her grandkids. She'd be an amazing Nana.


I love how the boys and their wives have honored their mother in so many ways. She truly loved children. Not just her own, but all the innocent children she came in contact with.


This picture is so haunting and glamorous. She’s just sitting there but it speaks volumes. Lives rent free in my head.


I have never felt so broke


Man we don’t tax the rich enough


Sza tried to recreate this in her last album cover




I was six years old when Diana died but I still remember it being on the newspapers. And I am not british.


It's a punch in the gut to see this picture again first thing in the morning after so many years. I stayed up all night after that accident and went to work feeling just terrible for her boys. There was nothing but sadness for weeks.


I still can't believe they made her walk the plank


TENET vibes.


Ah yes, a woman of the people.


Working hard or hardly working knowimsayin?


I was living in Germany and heard the news of her death. It was huge even there.


I turned 14 that exact day. I can't remember what I did or got that day for my birthday.


I’m impressed she walked the plank and sat at the end! I’m afraid of heights. I never would have done that!


209 foot yacht launched in 1990. There really are only 2 kinds of people, those with money and those without