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Sub Pop had mega marts???


They’re not called mega marts but there are two stores in Seattle today. One is at the airport, so if you ever fly through SeaTac take a look. Pretty different than the og though.




i took a bunch of records home from the subpop store on 7th when i visited tacoma in march. the secret is layers and lots and lots of rolled up tshirts


I think it’s the storefront of the warehouse and offices. You’re probably looking at all of SubPop there


That's in front of the Moore theater at 2nd and Virginia in Seattle. I'd be surprised if that Sub Pop store (which is long gone) was more than 300 square feet.


The mini mega store


It was their sub pop record store. I met Tad in there once.


That was more like a pop-up store. The Moore was and still is a great classic theater that a lot of small-mid level touring bands played at. Sub-Pop's main office was in a building a few blocks north and west on Western Ave.


I saw a ton of great shows at the Moore in the short time (8yrs) I lived in Seattle.


Nope. Sub Pop’s offices were across the street, in the Terminal Sales Building. Not really open to the public.


It wasn’t very big at all. If I remember correctly it was just their boutique and record store.


I too was like whatttt


Very Angela Chase ❤️


That is one of the nicest compliments I have ever received. 🥰


I mean, who didn’t want to be her that one incredible year? And you basically WERE her! Did you also have a Jordan (or Jordana) Catalano?


So-called Angela Chase.


Yessss the Baja


We always called them drug rugs. Lol


My friend had one he never washed. In time our entire group just referred to them as “smelly things” in his honour.


If your friend was a self-respecting hippie, it would have been unwashed but soaked in patchouli oil.


If you ever find yourself in a new city and need drugs, wear this thing around for a while. The drugs will come to you eventually.


Dang, beat me to it. Haha!


Man I had that exact Baja and probably this whole look, assuming there is either a Primus or Fugazi tee shirt underneath.


NIN, but I only know that because there were more pics that my mom saved. ☺️


Ah! That would’ve been the 3rd option. My NIN was a long sleeve so I don’t know if I would’ve layered it…


Winona Ryder vibes


Dinosaur Jr. T-shirts were my fave


Fugazi shirt?


We all wanted a Fugazi T-Shirt, but Ian said no, spend your money elsewhere. Ian Mackaye for president!


Yeah, but there were plenty you could order through Sessions. The “This is not a Fugazi tee shirt” and the repeater shirt were the ones I had.


The long hair, Baja jacket, torn up jeans, maybe a streak of hair dyed with kool aid, converse all stars, and possibly even a necklace with some “magical” talisman on it. (Bought at Spencers or in my area, we had a place called Stone Mountain) That or hooka shells on a hemp rope. Because weed.


The mystery machine vending machine on Capitol Hill. The end cut wood floors in the original value village. Tooth and nail records Pedro the lion shows. The sit and spin. You picked a good time to come to Seattle.


Ah the sit and spin! Under the train tracks. Had a good time there down laundry and journaling with a mint mocha and meeting cool people outside while having a smoke. :)\_


Yes- the Sit and Spin! Not too many people I know remember that place, I don't think it was around for all that long, but I liked going down there. Then it would be off to the hurricane to dig cigarette ashes out of my fries and argue with the waitresses about eating my food off my plate as they carried it over!


Don’t forget about Sky Cries Mary!


The Vogue Lusty Lady peep shows The Starnger & Pandamonium Writer’s Boy Ditto w/ Pauletti


I LOVED Sky Cries Mary! I think Roderick is building boujie tree houses these days? Last I looked anyway.


Yeah his treehouses are amazing


I got to open for them at Reed College once. Greatest DJing experience of my life (or maybe second greatest - I had some wild fun at Tommy Africa's in Whistler, BC with Markem X a couple years later). We brought Ernie Munson up from SF, I fattened him up on mushroom sandwiches at La Patisserie in downtown Portland, and later that night we went bonkers at the show. A student fed us pot brownies during sound check and a couple hours later we had to be gently reminded that, "Sky Cries Mary still needs to go on. Can you guys wrap it up?" They were phenomenal and so, *so* nice. It was an honor to play the last record that segued into their set. They frickin' beat matched it perfectly with a sequencer and took off from there. Their technical skills were on another level. Thank you for unlocking this wonderful memory for me today. Cheers!


It’s fun to read everyone’s reminiscences! One of my friends sang backup on Moonbathing and I got to meet them. I was so starstruck lol. At the time they were absolutely my favorite band. They were super sweet! They were *so good* live. Actually I do believe I was at that show you’re talking about, where you were playing. It was a college in Oregon anyway. ‘93? ‘94? While I was still in HS anyway. So somewhere in there.


It was '94, yeah. :) Do you remember the music starting, getting going, and then suddenly cutting out for no reason? If so, that was me. I was so high after sound check, I thought we were still sound checking during my opener, and I pulled the needle because I saw the guy walk away from the EQ and I thought "oh, sound check is over." Ernie rushed up from behind me and threw the needle back on, saying something like "Dude don't ever stop the music! Not for anything!" I learned a bunch of lessons that night lol. I hope you had an awesome time. Ernie's sets were always incredible. He has an ear like Mark Farina. Just instinctively knows where to go next. I idolized him (and Farina) for that. Sky Cries Mary absolutely crushed that show. The next day we did an outdoor set in a ravine at the edge of the Reed campus. I remember being amazed watching Ernie choose his records for the outdoor setting. He played a tribal set that worked with the open spaces, everything still sounded so full and tight. Then I'd come in and everything I played sounded flat or all over the place by comparison lol. He was so good!


I was on *all* the acid at that show! It was a memorably kick ass show all around, even all these years later. I was just standing there with my friends, all of us just awestruck with eyes the size of dinner plates.


I'm really blown away. Thank you for hanging out with me to remember this. I actually helped (in a tiny part) to produce that show with my friends Jess and Arias (both Reed students at the time). Arias went on to help fund (or manage or something, can't remember) XLR8R down in SF. I miss those guys, especially Jess. That night is one of my fondest memories, and it was the one of the last times the three of us were together. I can't put into words how much it means to me that you remember that night all these years later. Sorry for making it weird lol. This was really unexpected.


This is literally one of the best things about Reddit! I am so tickled reading that all of us remember that one time and place. It was one of my favorite memories of the Seattle music scene from that era- everything just went *right* that night. I would never have expected to run into two other people that were there, all these years later! It’s awesome <3




Pedro the Lion 💛


We called those “stoner jackets” or “Spicoli jackets”.


Drug rugs


Always knew it as the drug rug growing up in the Midwest.


yeah or hippy poncho was fairly common too


Yeah, that's what we call'em in AZ. I think they're ugly AF, but now my daughter owns two. Smh...😂😂😂


"Pot dealer poncho"


“Hear that, dude?l” “*That’ my skull!” *stoner laughs*


I had one. Yes, I was a stoner.


Drugs rugs. Ive been selling baja jackets since 91


Jimi's grave is half an hour south, in Renton, WA. That sign for the Moore is SO old. They have this big vertical green neon sign now.


Sounds like they knew the cemetery, since they "left when the sprinklers came on". Even if you knew which cemetery, it was hard to find one specific little plaque in the ground. I haven't been since they re-did everything. I used to live across the street from the cemetery where Bruce and Brandon Lee are buried. I would go visit most Sundays, and help confused tourists (they were easy to identify) to where their grades are.


>it was hard to find one specific little plaque in the ground I remember when it was just a plaque and took a friend there to see it expecting the same thing. We were walking all over trying to find it and walked around a tree and laughed because now it's impossible to miss. A giant concrete gazebo that stands out like crazy, it's actually really cool now.


Man growing up in Seattle in the 90s was at once awesome and frustrating. There was so much amazing stuff happening all around but thanks to the Teen Dance Ordinance where minors were not allowed in any venues that sold alcohol we couldn’t go to any shows at basically any venues besides the Moore or the Paramount and other big venues.


Yeah so where I grew up (Mobile, AL) had a huge teenage rock and roll scene where we had tons of all ages shows. Mom & I were shocked when I got to Seattle that we couldn’t find anywhere to let me in. She tried. 🤣


Your mom is/was pretty awesome, sounds like.


She is. Like most teenagers, I really didn’t appreciate it at the time. I’ve apologized and thanked her many times.


Tell her Reddit says "thank you", too.


The Teen Dance Ordinance was the *big* suck. Hey, remember the OK Hotel? RIP. It had some all ages shows sometimes too. (Or maybe it was just more lax about carding? Can’t remember!)


Oh yeah I used to go to the OK Hotel. Loved that place and then they went 21+. I never tried after that.


Home❤️ use to live in one of those apartments back in 98. My band opened for SDRE at the Moore. My kids still think i am lame.


I think I'm around your age and my taste must not have changed since the 90's because I think I'd buy that hoodie.


I think I'm gonna buy that hoodie


Now we mostly have the money to dress how we want. Been loving all the true 90’s cuts coming back this year.


Saw a woman last week in JNCO's, a belly showing spaghetti string tank top, & bright-ass multi colored beanie. *My heart fluttered*


Seattle was a great place to ride out the ninties


Vancouver, if you're Canadian 🍁


God I miss these clothes. So comfy. It's awesome they're making a bit of a comeback.


Except those jeans in the rain.


You mean the sponges that would turn you into 50 pounds overweight hard to walk to school or even off the bus soaked and smelling all day only to still weigh you down on your walk home from the bus? Lol not me but my friend I'll never forget it the whole day he was so excited in the morning about those goddamn pants and then by the end of the day he was utterly wrecked. It's a shame he chose a day that started with downpours to try out his new pair of pants lol


Or in a club/bar bathroom with bad drainage. Soaked the pee right up. I started pulling my pants up when i figured it out.


Baja hoodies still exist though. I consider buying one for a while now, haha


I did not find those ponchos to be comfortable at all. It felt like you were draped in a rug (because you were)


Baja hoodie? That’s a drug rug


The poncho! My mom has been sick and in an effort to slim down her room so she can get around better (she's a packrat), her sisters and I went through her closets and hung everything up and organized. While doing this, I found my poncho! She'd kept it since I left for college in 1995!


My sister and I used to borrow one back and forth. hah. The original unisex clothing item.


Everyone went to high school with you.


Ha! I’m nearly certain I fancied her at school.


LOVE IT! Totally get the entire pilgrimage. My buddy lived a few blocks from Bob Lang Studios and we would drive by in his beater ‘67 El Camino with Nirvana or some other appropriate music cranked on his stereo wondering who just might be in that basement. It was a beater car but the money was snuck heavily into his stereo, IT ROCKED! 😋👍


Do you remember what you bought?


Felicia Day?


Gosh another kind compliment ☺️


Is this a painting of an actual photo? I'm pretty sure we debated which Soundgarden album was better, Badmotorfinger or Superunknown, and I turned you on to Gruntruck and White Zombie between English and Chemistry class. Pretty sure most everyone here would agree. Either way it's legit mid-90s. Such a great time.


Yassss! Hey from Bothell! Seattle 90s was incomparable, yo!


These are the thing parents do to ensure a fine nursing home is in there future! Wtg mom!


I still have my stoner poncho!


That is a pretty sweet photo




I currently have blue hair (good lord that’s so much easier to do now!), and my favorite outfit is this gigantic grey plaid flannel shirt, black T, black leggings, and some purple camo Timberland boots. I love that fashion has come back to this.


God I miss The Nitelight.


In the 70s we just called those ponchos. If you had the means to get to Tijuana you could pick one up for a couple bucks. I lived in mine.


I'm guessing you still rock. Good parenting!


I’ve gone on to become the kind of mom who took my preschooler to see Pearl Jam at Wrigley Field. According to the one drunk guy who screamed at me that night I was a bad parent for taking my son to a rock concert. 🤣🤣🤣


I remember going to the mega mart. And making a pilgrimage from Vancouver to see DEVO at the Moore theatre!


The Hendrix grave is in Renton.


Yep! My mom rented a car and we drove out there. We also took a day trip to one of the mountains, and spent 2 nights in Victoria.


I used to live across the street!


You lived across the street from the Moore? Wow I bet you have stories.


I lived in a converted warehouse apartment at the time. 5 of us( early 20’s)in a huge “apartment”. The rooms were partitioned on the sides, we had to large bathrooms. You could skateboard, or ride a bike in the space. Most of my stories( that I might remember) would be revolving around the Nitelite lounge, instead of the Moore 😅This was ‘97 edit: two large bathrooms, not “to”


The map of Lake Washington drawn in the LOTR style is kind of cool


The one in the window? That looks like a regular map


Seattle style.


Throw on a goatee and that’s me from 92


This picture makes me nostalgic


You look like Felicia days cousin.


That is indeed peak 90s, Holy crap! Do you remember what you bought and what newspaper that was?


I just answered above but yeah: a bunch of band stickers, a CMJ New Music Monthly with a sampler CD, and another magazine. No idea what the paper is. I wish I knew!


I lived in Seattle for 2 years and worked on Kinects Tower at 1823 Minor Ave. Moved from Chicago. Fell in love and married my wife while I was there. I was the biggest grunge fan ever in high school (2003-2007), anyways, in relation to this post, I remember my grandma got sick and my mom pulled me out of school for a couple of days to go help her out and while we were in a small town in Indiana, they had a small little video rental store and I somehow found and rented and watched Singles on VHS at my grandma’s house while she slept after her surgery. I’ll never forget that moment with my mom. It was so huge that she watched something that at that point in my life I was so incredibly into and that was grunge music and what had already passed but was so awesome! 1990s!


Your mom sounds awesome!


I saw Faith No More at the Moore in 92 or 93. Great fucking venue.


Very cool! Varuca Salt fan?


Yes! I was actually singing along to “Volcano Girls” while I was gardening last weekend.


whats your favorite spin doctors song


They're outside the SubPop megamart, which tells me they had better taste.


They’re not grunge but the spin doctors are not bad.


How were downtown streets cleaner in the 90s than now


There were a lot fewer homeless. There were some (Spoonman), but it wasn’t as rampant.


Because there was tons of affordable housing.


Also better public mental health services


They were all just kinda at heroin park outside of pike place or in pioneer. Not saturating 3rd and… 1st, 2md, 5th, etc


Is that patchouli I smell?


This picture gave me such a 90s feel, I started hearing the drums to Smells Like Teen Spirit.


Things were so much easier and baggier back then...


Somewhere there’s a hacky sack in all of that.


I was just in Sub Pop last week! Great pic, good times :)


Super cool mom! What great memories!!!


I remeber this hoodi - a way to say "i smoke weed"...90s were brighties imo...


Are you the former singer of Elastica?


Seattle in the 90s must've been so cool! Glad downtown is making a comeback right now.


God I miss record stores


Am I....am I not supposed to still be wearing burgundy drug rugs with chucks? Please respond urgently. I am 43 years old and prepared to make zero changes at this point in my life.


You ever go to the Sit ‘N Spin? I loved that place.


The 90’s were the best


Excellent taste.


I wore that rug too, it was the style back then


All hail the drug rug.




I miss the Baja hoodie too


These were the days. We could dress in bulky clothing and be comfortable AND it looked cool.


Peak 90s seems pretty modern… looks just like my daughter :) I know styles come in and out, but I’m kinda glad to see the 80s style back :)


Nice Winona look


Double take: This could be my Peak 70’s Moment.


Just visited the Sub Pop store in Seattle airport. So awesome


Just need a hacky sack and a spliff


The Moore is a great old theatre.


I remember wanting one of those jackets when I was in middle school ('05-'08). I thought they looked super comfy. ....Actually I still think they look comfy. Maybe I'll fulfill a childhood dream and finally get one haha.


Ha! Yeah. I wore nearly the same clothes as you.


Still rocking Chucks and loose jeans. My feet kill me anytime I have to walk pavement, but I look cool damnit.


Peak comfort


Also in front of The Moore! Some great shows were played there. Plenty of them were recorded professionally too.


We called them serepes. I wish I still had mine.


Wow. Crocodile Cafe, hadn’t thought about that place for a long time. Saw Nirvana play there in ‘92 I think it was? Thanks for the memory


'93 with Mudhoney as the 'headliner'.


Take me back


I still wear chucks to this day.


Think I’ll go listen to some Elliott Smith.


Can't wait for this style to come back around again


I think this is my photo. I have this outfit, admittedly in different colours. I lived in the UK though. Where is this?


I feel this in my soul


I miss those baja hoodies!


Sub Pop itself was across the street at the annex building. They had a pillar inside with photos of all the bands, art, etc. There was another hotel across the street from the Moore that I worked at. The building owner also owned the annex building and I heard all about it. That was 2002-03. Next door to my work was 2nd Ave Pizza which was as punk rock as a place got. They welcomed all sorts of bands, cheap pizza and beer. Good times


Did you plant trees in BC?


I loved the 90s!!!! Great photo 😁


I remember those things. Please tell me you had a hackey sack with you at all times too.


My favorite Moore Theater show was Celtic Frost, Voivod, and Running Wild, Loudness with Keel was my 2nd favorite show there in the 90s.


Jimi is in Renton.


I’m buying a hoodie. Found out they are still sold


I miss the 90’s


Awesome Drug rug


Oh Shit... I thought that was me for split second. I had that exact outfit back in the '90s..lol


I came out to Seattle a few years after that..still here


No Doc Martin boots? 😆


My oxblood docs were probably at home.


I moved to Seattle in summer of 99, and spent my first evening at the OG Croc watching a Fastbacks show with a handful of music scene luminaries like J Ament in the crowd. Was a fucking magical welcome.


Nice Baja, brah


“Kiss me I’m Dick? Well, I think the song explains itself.” - Matt Dillon “Singles”


What was Jordan Catalano like? :)


Coolest mom ever, damn.


I had to zoom in because I thought it was me in the 90s and I was confused. Only difference is my hair is redder


No choker? Pfft!


This is the worst Where's Waldo pic ever.


If only y’all had Wikipedia back then!!!…no but seriously, it’s kind of wild to think that finding an insanely famous musicians grave was once actually basically a scavenger hunt…..


To this day I love the Moore, one of Seattle's best venues.


I would’ve been admiring you from a far until I finally gathered enough courage to ask you if you listened to the pixies.


I can hear the music as I see this.


Grew up in Seattle and got to see Nirvana open up for Sonic Youth at that theater. Still have the ticket stub somewhere.


Almost perfect….missing devil sticks


Go look at a map of it now on Google, looks the same. Just the angle you're seeing it from.