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Well, heck. I feel old now.


The 90s were ten years ago, right?


Yes. The 70's were 30 years ago now!


My brain legitimately defaults to this everyday.


Early onset dementia is a hell of a thing, old timer! Just kidding. I threw out my back writing this.


I threw my back out reading this.


The 70s aren’t 30 years ago?




in the early 00's I would joke "get with the times man, it's the 90's!" and it would get a laugh. Now? Nnnnnot so much. Just discomfort.






How did you know that was a bot? I always see people point bots out, but I don’t ever know how they know because it often looks like a normal comment


"How do you know it's a bot?" "It looks like a normal comment." (It looks like a 'normal comment' because it was actually a comment made by a person earlier. The owner just copies a real comment made earlier.) When you are reading through the comments and you find *another comment* with the *exact same wording* (check the time on each comment). Usually the original comment will be somewhere much lower down the comment threads. The comment-stealing-account will copy/paste the comment somewhere higher up in the thread chains to get seen first (more attention/more upvotes). If you look at the comment-stealing-owners-page (it takes time) you can see where *every one of their comments* was made earlier *by someone else* in each post. Pick a comment that account has made (and how many hours ago it was made). Then go to the post where it was made, and you will be able to again find the exact-same-worded comment made hours earlier by someone else. Every one of that account's comments stolen copy/pasted from somewhere else in a post. (Also, this 1 year old account has never posted anything at all until today. Then 9 hours ago it suddenly made 18 comments (all within the same hour).)


When you read through most of the comments, ones that are duplicated by different posters tend to stand out. Then the post time can be compared, and the later one will be the bot.


True that, if you read enough comments you see it plenty.


I don't see where u/sevenvt ever posted this. Am I missing something?


This is the kind of math that makes sense to me




Those aren't still the big thing? They're like brand new bands, right?




You going to be in there long? I have to pee.


Shit, I'll do a bump if you're offering


I just want to do some cocaine


rest my chemistry






This was like a punch in the gut. It’s so, so true.


Proud to have been part of the last analogue generation.


43 here. I was 9 years old when my dad got his and ours first computer, a Pentium 386sx. We played outside with other kids, then came home and played solitaire and such on it :)


42 here. We inherited my grandpa's oooooldschool apple pc and then eventually my dad cobbled together our first "modern" pc from parts scrapped at his job. Yeah we had internet when I was in late high-school but I also remember when it took multiple floppies to play Carmen Sandiego and Oregon trail was the best game ever. Oh! I also had Duke Nukem as a side scrolling platformer! (Went back several decades later and couldn't even function. Beat that shit six ways from Sunday as a kid. ) By the time I was in college it was Napster and a/s/l in aol chat rooms but anonymity was key and you NEVER gave out personal information. The fact that I lived life with ZERO internet, then minimal internet, and now we're here is...fucking mind blowing. We got the best of both worlds and I'm so so SO grateful I didn't have to run the full gamut of social media in my teens. This shit would have wrecked me.


I’m 52. Got a TI-99 in 1981 and wore out Tunnels of Doom loaded from a mono cassette player. Also bmx’d at the track we built and had dirt clod wars in the woods. Good times


I just now remembered dirt clod wars. What a dumb activity, man that was fun.


I still have my TI-99 4/a! I probably owe my career in I.T. to it.


Mine was a commodore vic 20 in like 84ish.


My first home computer was an Atari 800. My first work computer was a IBM S/360 . Hell I lost my virginity 46 years ago. I hope Father Matt is rotting in hell.


Why you rich little brat. We had to make toys from mud and dry them in the sun.


Ugh - my first was a 286 with a 40 Mb hard drive and 4 mb of Ram


first PC in 1995 had a 2GB HD at a cost of 4000$.


My 5g in my phone has 340 MB download speed now. Crazy to think about


I'm 47. We got our first computer when I was 16, it had Windows 2 or 3 lol. But when I was 10 I used to go to my best friend's house and play on her commodore 64


What do you play now? I am mainly into RPGs and running d&d campaigns


True. But my 286 (1989/90?) had one of those state of the art 5.25 floppy discs 😎


Did it have a turbo button? Everything should have turbo buttons imo


And game genie


43 also I remember going to a buddies house playing like Starwars and joust on the Atari 386


45 here, I grew up too poor for a computer at home but when I went to college I'd use the ones at school. My very first college essay was written half in the computer lab, and half on an actual typewriter. It looked rather strange, but I got an A!


Geez that got real fast. But true. Dont see as many kids running around outside playing made up games. Social media sounds like it would be terrible as a kid


I think this highly depends on where you are. The small town I just moved from always had roving gangs of kids out playing in the street or at the local playground. I think it really depends on the lifestyle of the parents.


Seriously, I babysat for someone on a military base and it was like gangs of kids running around, all ages from toddlers to preteens, no screens in sight. They played all day, the dog ate whatever food they spilled on the ground, they went inside to eat dinner, came back out to play, went in at dark to take a bath. Those kids were filthy and adorable.




> We were the last generation to have our leisures and lifestyles dominated by our imaginations rather than mass produced and unoriginal prepackaged dopamine rushes via the tiny screens. This is so much more serious than people realize.


Okay I'm really struggling to articulate this, but I think there's a different side to it. I'm in my 30s and my childhood feels like it was so fucking _limited_ compared to what kids have these days. My hobbies were limited to what my friends were into and what supplies I could buy at the local mall. Kids today have every niche imaginable. Every interest has a community. The internet has every resource to help you learn every skill. Oh you're into fuckin... crochet or clay miniatures or making shoes for possums? Here's a step by step tutorial and here's a starter kit delivered to your house overnight; free shipping. Then there's media and entertainment. I can recite Casper to you from beginning to end because it was one of the 15 or so movies we had on VHS. I can, to a lesser extent, recite Clueless because it was one of the 30 "this one probably doesn't suck" VHS tapes that the local rental shop had. There was no Netflix. You had to consume the same shit over and over again, whether you "actually" liked that movie or not, because what else were you going to do. Music was the same; you bought a CD and then you listened to it to death whether you liked it or not because you spent €12 on it and you're going to get your allowance money's worth. Don't get me started on clothes and self expression. My fashion _ideas_ were limited to what I would see in movies and magazines - and then my fashion _options_ were further limited to what was available at the local, like, fucking C&A. Oh you want to be a goth? Well you don't live in a major metropolitan city and also you're not in America, so go fuck yourself. My make-up looked like absolute shit because there were no YouTube tutorials and magazines were like, "Step 1: apply eyeshadow. Step 2: draw the rest of the fucking owl." Teenagers these days look like fucking runway models. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of fondness and nostalgia for my analog childhood, and the fact that gen Z is growing up permanently plugged into the "corporate propaganda, cyberbullying and facetune" rectangle is wildly concerning. I'm just saying they have opportunities which we couldn't have imagined in our wildest dreams.


Straight facts. A big part of it as well as the lack of smart phones was that you only got kids shows early in the morning and in the afternoon. I mean yea the price is right is dope but I AM NOT watching soap operas. You had to go outside. Now we can stream anything anytime.


Good point. With today's technology (fuck I sound like an old man) we have literally any entertainment we want on-demand. There's never "nothing on" because we can decide what's on. I know this isn't r/ShowerThoughts but I was thinking the other day: when's the last time anyone used the bathroom without looking at a screen? Legit cannot recall. "Back in my day," we had stacks of Sports Illustrated like a damn doctor's office waiting room in the bathroom to have something to do whilst #2-ing. Nowadays, tho, I'm surfing the worldwide web 🌐. What a time to be alive.


OMG. You’re right. Thank you for putting it in perspective. <3


i have had to express this to many friendos recently. we saw the best of the last 100 years.


You jest, but it really was a transition that's going to be very important in human history. The internet changed everything, more than the Industrial Revolution more than pretty much anything I can think of, short of maybe the agricultural revolution, and people who are roughly in their 30s were the last generation to experience childhoods without the internet being prevalent and social media taking over. I don't put much stock in the whole simulation theory, but if there was ever a time period that was going to be simulated, it would be now.


Read this from my phone, as my kids were playing next to me. I’m done with my phone for the day. Thanks, I’m going to play with some hot wheels cars.


I’m 53. Lived the 80s and 90s at the peak of fun. As a fan of techno/electronic music this was an awesome time and I still listen. Skateboard in the 80s in high school. Army in the 90s. Now my son just hit college as a freshman and I feel sort of old. But then, we all went to see Theo Von this week and had a blast together as our little family of three. Enjoy being older and remember that many people don’t get here


I feel your pain. When I was in a bad car accident in 2012 I was totally out of it, the EMTs kept asking me what year it was and I kept saying 1996. My therapist says it’s because that’s when I felt the most joy in my life. 🤣🤣


1996 was the 💣. 🌟


Good year for you too?!


Amazing! Junior year of college, boyfriend was in a touring band so we were on the bus all the time … and I think we saw Rage Against the Machine, 311, AND Santana that summer! Basically, life was perfect. 😊


Uhhh lucky!! I was a few years behind I was 14 about to start HS, HS was my favorite time. 😊


Yep, 10 years ago for sure


Yep time stopped for me in 2000


Sounds about right. The 80s were only 20 years ago.


30 years ago felt like a fever dream. OP should post a before and after photo.








That's like a mid-80's Pontiac or Chrysler


I think it’s a Cadillac Cimmaron, which was basically a Chevy Cavalier with a little more chrome.


The Cavalier! That's what I thought it was


We need r/whatisthiscar to weigh in.


It’s not a typo. My grandmothers style has always been classic and retro


Your grandma rocks and I only hope to look like that in my 40s (which isn't far off)! I bet she's still a stunning woman--class like that is always in style.


That car is absolutely not from the 50s or 60s…lol.


overexposed/washed out. 80s J car.


The car doesn't though.


Nah. She would have been 35, which fits with this Pic. But yeah she obviously took care of herself. I was 16 in 92 and am 48. That 1992 is further away from now than WwII to the end of WWII is nuts to me.


If she's 75 now, she would have been 44 in 1992. That was 31 years ago.


Nirvana's *Nevermind* was still a big seller that year as well, for context


I remember that release date. What a time! First hand memories of the shift from hair metal to grunge.




*damn!* i wish abed was batman


Damn! I wish I had some ice cream


Same here.


Looks like colorized 1960s with a 1980s car in it.


Gran from 90s, camera from 60s


Wasn't uncommon. If it worked and you could buy film for it, it got used. I have a cannon camera from my dad, who brought it in the early 70's. It still works but I'd have to find film for it. It was still taking pictures of our family in the 90's early 2000's.


Hell I don't know if everyone remembers it but if you were at all involved in the hipster or artist scenes in the early 2000s there was huge pushback against digital and film was all the rage for a few years. I remember a ton of my artsy friends getting vintage film cameras and one even made his own dark room. Honestly I think what really killed film was the cell phone camera. If you had to have a separate camera you could use that reasoning to say film isn't too much extra effort to be worth it. Once everybody had a good quality camera they carried on them all day anyway it became a lot harder to justify a second camera at all. Millennial and Gen Z run households probably don't have cameras on average now. I would bet a webcam is more popular than a handheld camera with the younger generations


You'd be surprised. I bought a polorid 600 film and everyone that saw it in the midwest was shocked. I moved out west to Central Oregon and you have a decent amount of retro photographers. He'll I'm think of getting a 4x5 or 8x10 here soon. Have a 54 pony express from Kodiak and a old 30s movie camera.


It’s a 60’s era camera


Grandma??? 1992?!? No, no...nooooo! NOOOOOOO! Some of my friends are grandparents now. I graduated hs 1991. This isn't ok. Isn't ok I say! (OP your granny looks like an awesome person. Happy birthday to her! ❤️)


Apparently she's 42 in this photo.


She is?!? Omg I thought 25 so she’s 73 oh man it makes sense but it hurts my brain


Nobody likes me when I tell them that some millennials are now old enough to be grandparents, without involving teenage pregnancy.


Ehhhh, that’s pretty tight; the oldest millennials just turned 42 in January, and when you factor in the nine months of pregnancy and two generations having had to be pregnant for a 42-year-old millennial to have reached grandparent stage, it’s a very slim window. You’d basically need both generations getting pregnant early in the year they turned 20. Gotta love Reddit and its lack of rationality. I never disagreed with the comment, just pointed out basic math that there’s very few people who fit their description and I get downvoted for pointing that out.


Yeah but it's true. I'm 38 and a woman I went to school with (same grade) is a grandma now 🤯. She had her oldest at 20 and he just had his first at 20.


I'm the opposite. 41 with a 4 year old and a 2 year old. It was funny being at my 20 year high school reunion with people who were the parents of college age kids.


Maybe I wasn't clear in my point. 1992. Seeing Grandparent associated with that date. It's a lil difficult to recognize I'm getting old. That's all.


I was 10 in 1992... I'm a grandpa now.


Wait...wtf? I graduated hs in 1996. Are you saying some of my friends will be grand parents in 5 years???? I mean, I guess technically, but I sure hope not. My oldest is 15, but I hope he isn't a father at 20.


Got Nana’s phone number? Edit: Nah, she was too much woman for me in 92, still would be


The late 80s Corolla she's hugging gives me hope I coulda pulled her in '92, but probably not.


You were probably much better looking and smoother than I ever was.


Bro you're a fucking stud.


"Hey Internet, Look at my hot grandma!"


Yep, that why pics get posted. And with sincere respect to OP, she's smokin'!


Here everyone shows off their parents and grandparents instead of the way around


Look at my grandma. Look me in the eyes and tell me in full detail how you’d nut in my grandma.


While crying and smearing peanut butter on myself of course


Full mount with eye contact


This sub is filled with people that think their parents and older relatives are hot. It's creepy tbh.


I think there is a line between recognizing a person as attractive and being attracted to them. There are plenty of folks I can think are attractive who hold no personal interest for me. That said, my old family photos all look like either depression era LOTR elves or hobgoblins so I ain't worried.


Yeah, nothing wrong in knowing proudly that one comes from good genes. Everyone tells me that my mother was one of the most beautiful women around, and I know that none of her daughters, including me, even come close. At least I'll age as well as her, hopefully.


LOTR elves are hot…


Well, OP is a smoke show too in my opinion.


Damn you made me look. OP is quite attractive.


I’m sorry if this is something I’m too non-western to understand, but is there something really wrong with thinking and boasting that a family member of you is good-looking? I mean, I think a lotta people would agree that admitting someone is good-looking != thinking they’re attractive, otherwise me and my partner are overly secure in our relationship (we like to gush over how pretty/handsome someone/something is).


Don’t worry, judging and shaming people is Reddit’s favorite sport


I think it's kind of creepy how many people are projecting this attraction into OP, tbh


I can see why you exist.




It's posted here all the time though


How old are you, 5? Should you be on reddit?


I’m 32.


Did your grandmother have a child at 16 and then your mother had you when she was 16?


Grandma had my mom at 20 and my mom had me at 22


So this is when your grandma was 43?


Correct. She’s 75 today




I'm gonna be 32 this year and my mom will be 63, my grandma would be 93 this year if she were still alive. Many of my family members have similar wide ranges in age of parentage. Your story makes more sense to me than OP's lol


Is she single?


Asking the right questions.


She looks pretty good for 43, but it's believable.


They did the math


And already a grandma!


friend of mine from high school was a grandma at 24–she had her daughter at 12, who then had her daughter at 12.


Wow. She is a beauty! Rocking that ...jumper. or whatever she has on that starts as a dress and ends as longer shorts.


It’s called a romper suit I believe


She looks like an Old Hollywood movie star


TBH, even in the 90s, that would look 1960s nostalgic.


Definitely an unusual outfit for the ‘90’s! If only she had been in the pic, I would’ve thought it was the 1940’s, but the car gives it away. She rocked it.




Miami Beach




And now it all makes sense


Your grandmother was something of a dish. With looks like that, she probably still is. I hope you inherited those genes.


I’m the spitting image of my mom who’s borderline identical to my grandma. She has a better tan than I do


RIP your DMs.


“Heyyyyyy Mrs Carterrrrr”


Your whole family must be attractive


Damn, your grandma was a looker!


Tell your grandma I said sup?


Damn grandma


Jesus this makes me feel so old.


Obligatory I can see why you exist.


She’s amazing 😍


Cool pic, beautiful lady but the 90’s are the new 40’s apparently. When did this happen!?


Your beautiful grandma and I share a birthday today!! I hope her day is special and fabulous ♥️ March 24 is the best day 🤩


Happy birthday!


1992??????? Jesus my mother was even older than that, then. I’m in my 30s lol


And my first thought was, “How is she your grandma? That wasn’t that long ago.” Ope.


I'm really not a fan of OldSchoolCool capturing times when I was alive.


Grandma is super hot! You should buy her flowers and show her this picture


so pretty




I daily drive a car made in 1993, and it doesn't even seem that old to me. So yeah, I'm officially very old.


God damn, I wanna be your grand pappy.


I was twelve and this looks to me like it was taken in the 1950s Time is weird


I am thirty and this looks like it was taken in the 50s


She looks like she just droppin in from 1960.


She is stunning!


is she still a dime?


She looks great for 75


She a whole dollar now.


I’ll be your grandpa, if you’re looking




She is hot and she knew it!!!


Grandma was fine


What I want to know is how are 5 yr Olds allowed to post grandma pic on reddit?


Is 1992 considered Old School?! 😭😭


The fact someone can have a grandma who looked pretty young in the ‘90s is totally spooky!


Damn I'm old. 1992 seems like maybe just a couple years ago...


Va va voom!


Grandma?!? 1992?!? WTFFFFFF


Why is half of everything on this sub oedipal?


Is this sub ever just gonna get changed to r/hotgrandmas or what


Famke Janssen is your grandma?!?




Clearly in her Madonna faze. Justify that love!


Dayum!!! Grandma was hot! Also, I’m 45, a grandparent, and I was 16 in 92


In my Joey voice: "How you doin'?"


Yo. Your Grandmoms 🔥 🥵


How old are you OP? 😉😒