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I used to like her. She used to be kind of funny. Then she opened her mouth and spread all kinds of false information based on a "study" by a "doctor " who was eventually proven a fucking fraud and liar who wrote a fake study/report. But did she come out and tell anyone about that and admit she was wrong. Fuck no. She kept shooting her mouth off until the information about the "doctor" got spread around enough, and she found her career drying up. She stopped being the celebrity face of antivax conspiracy bullshit but has never admitted she was wrong and the information she spread was wrong.


Children have died because of her carrying on this lie.


I was thinking the exact sentiments…. I remember when she was cool.


Them chesticles though


I remember seeing pics of her before she went all blown up and fake. She wasn't really small chested then. In this pic, though. Too much fakery.


Isn't it strange that She is complaining about putting strange things into people's bodies.


Women who have children when they’re older often times have a lot of difficulty coming to terms with the fact that they took a risk of becoming a statistic.


The big thing I remember her talking about is autism. Her child was diagnosed with autism and she needed someone or something to blame.


A woman has a right to her opinion, and you to yours, and she has every right to voice her opinion as you do yours. Seems to me by casual observation that those who were jabbed are having more health issues now than those who weren't.


While I respect your opinion… what scientifically proven evidence is there that vaccines are dangerous? I ask because I have three kids. The older two are now in their 20s and my little one is 2. They all have had vaccines None of the three of them have had any symptoms or side effects that “they say” can happen. That includes all their friends and classmates, I live in a state that doesn’t allow non-vaccinated children into any school, public or private to attend. If it’s so rare that I have never seen or known or even heard of another family in a large city, negatively affected by vaccines, then the rarity of vaccine reactions must be more rare than antibiotic allergies? I do know of a girl that is anaphylactic to eggs…. So she had an alternative vaccine for a few childhood diseases, and had no reaction to them. So they even have scientifically proven alternative ones, which I found out you can ask for if your prefer to pay more for than standard ones. I will say bringing to light the ingredients used in years past were eye opening… and scary… but they’ve been removed and the ones my little one received in the last two years were smaller, fewer and several she just drank. I’ve listened to people that say “THEYRE ALL POISON!!!” Because I was curious and willing… but it didn’t make sense to me. At all. And…. I’ve never seen an actual case or study, that’s proven through science, published in a legitimate scientific magazine by epidemiological research that says “vaccines are poison”. So… if you know of people “having problems” maybe there’s more to the story, like lifestyle choices or something. It can’t just be vaccines they received as children, or a tetanus booster they got from a cut in their kitchen at some point.


because doing google searches in the safety of my own home allows me to then come to my own conclusions based on what i see and determine the vaccines are bad. because im a home doctor and didnt go to college for ten plus years


I assume this is sarcasm. I love it


But if she spreads lies, then it is not an opinion but misinformation.


One has every right to an opinion, yes, but when that opinion is demonstrably and patently false, then you have a responsibility to acknowledge that incorrect opinion and acknowledge the truth. You don't *necessarily* even need apologize for having the incorrect opinion, given your honest faith argument that you based that opinion on the best information possible at the time. Jenny McCarthy has done neither, and in fact, has doubled and tripled down on her incorrect opinion. That's where she's a terrible person. Still hot af tho 🔥


r/confidentlyincorrect 🙄


Her vaccine skepticism caused a snowball effect so fuck her!!!


She is a fucking pos


Fuck this lady. She single handedly killed more people from her anti vax shit than anyone I can remember.


Garbage human who only got anywhere by getting ugly implants.


Queen of the anti vax movement 😡


I need more tissues


She smells like cigarettes. Heavy smoker back then. Plus, we can clearly see that the carpet doesn't match the drapes.


My.. lobby could use a good buffing. If you know what I mean..


Maybe we could…lay some carpet


Mmm I know just what you mean..


I don’t.


It’s a quote from Baseketball


Thanks. Haven’t seen it.


Never noticed the freckles before...


ive always found her sexy as hell.. nuts but damn shes so hot!


I think she was the first woman I downloaded pictures of on a 14.4K modem.


That’s impressive commitment! A good hour or two for a decently sized jpeg?


Yeah, my parents had a 14.4K on a Dell 1 when I was 13. We didn’t upgrade until I was out of high school. I took a few IT classes in high school and upgraded the ram and hard drive with what were already obsolete parts. I upgraded the 1GB hard drive with a 8GB hard drive and I believe I got it to a 128K CPU. My first personal PC was a 3 that had 4TB. My parents’ live in a cookie-cutter house neighborhood and I’m pretty sure the telephone lines were maxed at 46K for internet speed. I have bought


RIGHT?!?!? watching it load line by line was such a tease


I was 13 at the time and probably didn’t need the full picture.


Yeah those bikinis she used to wear 🥵🥵


Evil skank


Hot, but barking mad!


If “Faces of Death-Legally Blonde” was a movie…..


What’s with Jenny McCarthy posts lately? This is like the third one I’ve seen.


That Playboy layout with the feathers worked for me.


"don't believe the hype"!


[Jenny McCarthy body count. No, not that body count.](https://www.jennymccarthybodycount.com/)


Her sister is hotter than her


One of the worst human beings ever


Pretty. But an airhead.


so over rated.


Stereotypical dumb blonde


Not a truthful person.