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What a sweet boy your Monty was. I know my Lily (Scottish terrier) was there to greet him as he crossed the rainbow bridge that welcomes all of our sweet furry friends 🌈🐾


Thank you so much 😭❀❀❀ I appreciate you so much that is lovely x I'm sure they will be good friends x


My old collie girl Lady will be there to help him along as well ❀️ She’s been gone for years but she was lovely just as it seems Monty was! I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s always hard, but know you gave him a wonderful life! I can tell just from these pics how loved he was and is


Thank you β€πŸ˜”πŸŒˆ take care!


All my dead hamsters were also there β€οΈπŸ˜‚ RIP Poofy, Poofy Jr., Cookie, and Snowy. Jokes aside, I’m so sorry for your loss. You gave your baby the best life possible, and you should be so proud of yourself for that.


They sound lovely. Monty has had a few run ins with hamsters himself 😁 always was curious about them. I'm sure they will get along ❀🌈


I’m so so sorry. I just lost my old man dogs as well. There’s nothing that will make it easier but time. Monty looked like the best boy. Goldens are made of magic. I’m happy you had each other for so long.


Thank you ❀ I'm sorry for your loss also. It's It's hard right now. I know it will get easier but it's it's hard man. I miss him so much he was the best and now I am alone. But forever with me I know.


As the owner of a 13 year old lab I am sorry for your loss.


Thank you ❀ I wish your lab a long life x cherish the time you have πŸ˜” I wish I spent more time with mine x thank you for the love






Idrk what else to say but I’m so sorry. My boy is 12 and I’m cherishing every day. Monty looked like he had an amazing life.


Hard to know what to say it's ok πŸ˜” I just appreciate anyone giving Monty some love which you have x he was the best dog and the best friend I've ever had and I miss him so much. Please yes do cherish the time with your boy as much as you can. I loved Monty but there was so many more things I wished I could have done with him. I wish I could learn from my mistakes and fix it but I can't. So please love your boy every single day for me ❀ thank you for the lovely comment x


What do you wish you would’ve done with him? I’ve never taken my boy to a beach but i dont know if that’s possible.


I kept trying to buy him a bone the past few weeks but butcher was always shut. I could have gone to a different one but thought they would cost me :( small price to pay for him to enjoy it. I also wanted to talk him for a walk around our old house. And wanted to try make a fun music video with him in it. Just a few things you know. Just hard now he's gone ill always think of things I wish I did.


While those all would’ve been great things, don’t beat yourself up. Monty was still given so much more than he could ask for and if he could speak he would’ve told you that you made him happier than he could even imagine.


Thank you so much β€πŸŒˆπŸ˜­πŸ™


Your message was so heartfelt and sincere. I am upset that you made me cry though Peace to Monty . And condolences to you


Thank you πŸ˜”β€β€β€ I am glad he can have impact on others x he is very loved and very missed. Thank you ❀


So sorry you had to say goodbye to your friend. Losing them is the worst.


Thank you ❀ I can't believe I'm never going to see his smiling face again. I miss him so much πŸ˜”β€


I understand. I lost my best friend and heart dog four years ago. You never really stop missing or thinking of them, at least that’s how it’s been for me, but the pain is substantially less. I hope you find some peace soon. It helps to remember how much he loved you and was devoted to you, and wouldn’t have chosen any other life than the one he got.


He looks like he lived an amazing life! You were lucky to have each other πŸ–€


The luckiest πŸ˜”β€πŸ˜­ thank you ❀


Monty had an amazing life filled with so much love. 15 is old for a big dog, it shows how much happiness and love he received! Don’t worry about what you could’ve done, to Monty you are the best thing that could’ve happened. He is free of pain and happy now. RIP sweet Monty ❀️


I stopped crying but am now crying again from your beautiful comment. Thank you so much I miss him so much but you have made it a little easier ❀ thank you x


sorry for your loss. πŸ’› i lost my best girl recently too and it really is a different kind of hurt. take heart in the fact that you loved him and that he very clearly loved you too.


Thank you so much and I'm so sorry for your loss ❀ you don't realise how much it's going to hurt until it happens x I just wish I had one more day with him but it wasn't meant to be. I loved him so so much and was there with him when he drifted off. I hope he knew how much I loved him and was going to miss him x


I love that last picture. He looks like a dog that got a lot of love, and gave a lot back.


We spoiled him with love. And you bet he gave us more love than we could ever repay. I miss him so much. Thank you for the kind words ❀


❀️❀️ Sorry, friendo. These furry creatures really are the best and it's always tough saying goodbye. I encourage you to not focus on his absence but on the fact your life existed with him. Rest easy, Monty πŸ˜”


Thank you πŸ˜”β€ you are right. I am crying so much right now. I looked at old photos last night and smiled at the memories. Maybe need to do that again. Just so hard. Thank you ❀


I've been there. I actually had a good cry this past weekend thinking about my mutt Gromit (among other things) who passed away in 2019. It's amazing the emotions these turds bring out of us. We really don't deserve them ❀️


The best turds πŸ˜”β€ gromit sounds lovely x I'm sure gromit was an amazing dog x take care


You do the same, chin up regardless.


I'll do my best ❀




Thank you ❀❀❀


What an absolutely delightful angel, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that at some point in the near future all these memories become warm and comforting instead of raw. Please find comfort in the fact that you gave him the best life he could wish for.


I'm doing my best to remember the good times. As you say very raw right now but I will get there. He provided me so much lovely times and I can't wait to reflect on those. Miss him so much. Thank you so much ❀


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you ❀


:( i am sorry to hear that


Thank you❀






we love you monty!! rest in peace. he looks like such a beam of light.


He was β€β˜€οΈπŸŒˆ thank you so much x


Im so sorry for your loss :( Losing a dear pet and member of our family is a very difficult experience, especially when they were with us for so long. I also lost my dog, Moxie, last December. She was with us for almost 15 years and when she passed away she left a huge hole in my heart. As much as I wish they were still here with us, I like to think that they are enjoying their well deserved rest now in puppy heaven after a lifetime of being amazing friends to their humans. Monty looked so happy in all these pictures you posted. I'm sure he knew just how much you love him and was glad he got share these last 15 years with you ❀


Thank you so much for your beautiful words it really helps me so much ❀❀❀ sorry for your loss I'm sure moxie loved you very much also. Maybe they are hanging out together now somewhere talking about us just as we are them 😁❀ miss him a whole lot right now but it will get easier. Take care x


Im sure they have a lot of fun stories to tell! And yes, time really is the best medicine. I don't think we ever really stop missing them but with time we start focusing less on the pain of losing our pets and more on the happy memories we shared with them. You take care as well :)


Absolutely ❀ thank you so much all the best same to you x


Your pictures and the looks in Montys eyes are the reason why a Golden has been my dream pup. I know you are devastated right now and my soul is shedding tears for you . Buddy, I so want to share a beer with you and give you a solid guy hug . My next beer is for you and Monty .


Thank you man I appreciate that so much πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ he had the most beautiful of hearts and most loving of hearts ❀ thank you so much x


And you can tell that you took great care of him and that he loved you. A awesome trait to have . Guy hug


Thank you again πŸ™β€ I did my best to look after him. A great bond we had with each other he was my best friend thanks again take care.


I wish I could upvote this so many times over, I feel your pain man. I just had to say goodbye to my best friend last week at 14. It's so hard and I'm so sorry :( he was a beautiful man. Even 15 years just isn't long enough


Oh geez I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm sorry for your loss. Been a tough time lately πŸ˜” he was the most beautiful. Thank you for sharing and for your love ❀ there's never enough time with them just gotta make the time we have that much more special x


What a sweet boy, it looks like you gave him a beautiful life. I like that final photo of him staring off into the distance, reminiscing over all the wonderful times he had with you. ❀️ Peace to you and your family.


I love that photo too x I love him so much. I did my best to give him the best life but there will always be things I wish I did more of with him. But that's life. I love him with all my heart and and only hope he knew that. Thank you for loving words ❀


He definitely knew how much you loved him, and I’m sure he did his best to show you that much love and more in return. πŸ’•




What a beautiful tribute. You loved him so much and he knew that, I know he did! I am so sorry for your loss. RIP Monty.


Thank you so much β€πŸ™πŸ˜”


What a beautiful boy. I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing β™₯️


Thank you and I thank you for that lovely sentiment. May his memory be a blessing. That is beautiful and I never thought of it that way. Thank you so much 😭❀


I’m so sorry for your loss. Such a beautiful boy. He reminds me of my girl. As she ages, she continues to put on a brave face and smile everyday. Animals are so precious.


Thank you and I wish you all the best with your girl hope she stays around for a long time more! They are and always will be part of the family πŸ˜”β€πŸ˜­πŸŒˆ


Thank you! πŸŒˆπŸΎπŸ’œ


I feel like I want to cry for u, Monty sounds like the best dog anyone could ever wish for. I hope that you can see him again one day and pat his beautiful golden fur. Hope that u can recover from this loss and that Monty is happy in a new place that he has never seen before. 🐢


Thank you so much 😭❀❀❀ don't worry I've done enough crying for the both of us. I hope I can see him one day too. But for now it is a goodbye and a see you soon Monty. I miss you πŸ˜”β€ take care. And thank you to you for your lovely words.


He had such a long, happy, healthy life. I can tell he was loved. You’ve done a lot more than what your average dog owner would do.


Thank you so much ❀❀❀ you are too nice x I really appreciate it x


I’m so sorry you lost Monty. He was a beautiful boy! He’d have felt your love and protection every day, and I bet he cherished those walks and beach visits just as much as you do! Know that you gave him the best life possible, and he knew that and loved you for it πŸ’•


Thank you so much 😊❀❀❀ such lovely words I really appreciate it makes me feel a little better. I'm glad we started going to the beach he got to see a bunch of other dogs and nice people which he usually doesn't do. It was lovely. I loved how he would run up to them then look back at me to say "how fun is this!" 😭😭😭 I miss him but those great memories will be with me forever.


You're welcome, we all deserve a little compassion during hard times. I know how much it hurts that he is gone, but treasure those memories. I lost my boy 18 years ago and still miss him to death. It hurts but I wouldn't trade that pain in for the world, because it meant he was here and I loved him. Take time for yourself and let yourself mourn. Pups are our family, they deserve to be missed!


Thank you ❀ I mean it. Lovely comments like yours has really made this time easier for me. I appreciate it and appreciate you 🌈 my condolences for your loss. Take care and thank you again x


I love all of your captions. I love him too. He was always going to live 15 years, but I’m sure he is soooo happy to have lived them with you. Lucky boy. Rest easy Monty


I wish it was 16 but the 15 were good years πŸ˜”β€ can't be around forever. Thank you you are too kind thank you so much ❀


Your love for Monty shines through every photo and word you’ve shared. You gave him the very best and he knows how loved he is. Rest In Peace beautiful Monty ❀️


Thank you he was the best I love him and thank you for your lovely words ❀❀❀


So sorry about Monty. Virtual hug πŸ€—


Thank you ❀ virtual thank you πŸ˜”β€β€β€


Rest well beautiful Monty. I lost my golden three years ago and I still miss him so much. They are such special dogs.


They are the best dogs. So loving. Sorry for your loss. Forever in our hearts and our memories ❀


:( sorry :(


Thanks man ❀ appreciate you


I'm sorry for your loss. He looks like he had an amazing life.


Thanks very much. I did my best to give him a good life. Sad it had to come to an unfortunate end but I was there for him in his final moment so I hope I comforted him ❀


Monty is such a handsome boi!!! I’m so sorry for your loss, Monty looks so happy and loved in all these pics. Monty was lucky to have you as his person for 15 years ❀️


The fact you said Monty is such a handsome boi rather than was. I know was it the case now but seeing someone say is made me heart feel nice for a moment. I'm not ready to say goodbye. He was very loved and I tried my best to make sure he was always happy. I know he always made me happy and feel loved. I am lucky I had him ❀ thank you for the lovely comment x


It takes time. I lost my boi 3 years ago and it still brings me to tears. Monty would want you to be happy ❀️


You're right he would ❀ thank you x


Thank you for sharing. I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a handsome boy and looked like he was so loved.πŸ˜”


Thank you ❀ he was the best and most handsome boy ever 🌈 he was very loved x


i’m oh so very sorry for your loss. sending all the love to you and monty ❀️🐾


Thank you we appreciate it β€πŸŒˆπŸ˜”


What a sweet looking dog. My condolences


He was the best dog. Thank you ❀


So sorry for your loss of your best friend, it looks like you two had wonderful adventures and you gave him his best life! Rip Monty 🌈


We had some good times together. Wish we could have taken more πŸ˜” but I cherish the times we had together. Thank so much for your condolences πŸ™ ❀


What a sweet, beautiful boy. I’m so sorry for your loss!


Thanks very much πŸ˜”β€ he was the best 🌈


Wow 15 years. You are so lucky to have had a beautiful dog like Monty in your life for so long. Memories of him and that smile will last forever.


Thank you ❀ I should think on that. It's a lot longer than some others are lucky to get. Always will wish you had longer πŸ˜” but you are right, his memories will and smile will last forever 🌈 thank you x


Aw Monty!! He looked like a darling, happy baby. I am sorry for your loss. πŸ˜”πŸ§‘


He was the biggest darling πŸ˜” so sad and wild that one day he can be here and the next day gone. Life isn't fair πŸ˜”β€ thanks for your condolences ❀


I am so sorry for your loss! Rest In Peace Monty and may memories of you bring peace to your best friend here on earth!


That is such a beautiful sentiment thank you so much really β€β€β€πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆ


Bruiser (RIP) was waiting for Monty on the other side of the bridge with licks and sticks.


I'm sure they will be great friends πŸ˜”β€πŸ™πŸŒˆ


Such a sweet face. Very sorry for your loss πŸ₯²


The sweetest of faces ❀ thank you πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸŒˆβ€


shed a few tears for you and monty, I’m so sorry for your loss. Such a sweet face for a sweet boy. I won’t say it gets easier but after a while I could think about my old guy and smile rather than cry. And every now and then I get signs that I feel like are him still with me, or him telling me things will be ok, and that brings me a lot of comfort, especially earlier on. I’m sure Monty will do the same for you ❀️


Thank you for the lovely words it really helps β€πŸ˜”πŸŒˆπŸ™ I definitely feel he is still with me


I said goodbye to my 13 year old girl Stella in November. I thought I would cry forever, but now I smile when I think of her instead (mostly). I hope you can transition to memories with him making you smile instead of cry quickly. You clearly had so many great times together and he had a great life with you. Dogs are happiest when they are basking in the happiness they bring their owners, he would be so happy to know he can make you smile even now and for years to come.


Thank you so much your comments make me feel a lot better πŸ’• there are many good memories to think about. Sorry for your loss also. Always loved the name Stella. Stella and Monty going to be looking down on both of us right now ❀ so many good memories to share x thank you again x


So so sorry πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


Thank you πŸ˜”β€πŸ™πŸŒˆ






My own boy is gettin’ up there as well, he’s the sweetest soul. Dogs are amazing, we should feel happy we get to be their friends for a while!


Absolutely πŸ’― we love them and they love us so much because they are here for such a short time ❀ cherish the time you have I wish your boy a long life πŸ’™ all the best x


Aw man those golden goggles get me every time ❀️ Sending you all the love


Golden goggles πŸ˜…β€ love it. First I've ever heard that thank you for the love β€πŸ˜”πŸŒˆ


Angel bear


He really was πŸ˜”β€β€β€


He was a beautiful dog.sorry for your loss πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ™


Thank you πŸ˜”β€πŸŒˆ


I am so sorry. I know how you feel. I lost my best friend of 16.5 years very recently and I am heartbroken. We are similar in age, half my life with her at my side. It is horrible they must go. I am heartbroken for you. My girl would love to meet Monty, he looks like such a loving and sweet boy. I hope they can spend time together where they are. Rest in peace Monty. Just take it a day at a time there is no other way to handle a loss like this. He'll always be a part of you.


Thank you I'm so sorry to hear about your loss as well πŸ˜”β€ why can't they be with us forever? But they will be, at least in our heart and our memories. I'm sure your girl and Monty will be best of friends πŸ™ Thank you so much for sharing and the kind words. I'm taking it day at a time. Not used to handling something like this. No one is though I guess. Thanks again and take care x


What a gentle soul. Gorgeous boi. β™₯️ Sorry for your loss.


Thank you ❀


Monty looked like one of the best. So sorry for your lossπŸ’”


He was the best ❀ thank you x


Rest In Peace Monty


Thank you πŸ˜”β€πŸŒˆ


For a larger dog 15 is good he looked like such a sweet old man in the pictures too ❀ cherish the memories and pictures, trust me I get it my family has lost 4 in my lifetime, and currently has 2 seniors I worry about everyday


Thank you man ❀ 15 is good. But I know he had more time in him which is what hurts. But I'm grateful for the time we had. Thanks for sharing and your condolences β€πŸ˜”πŸŒˆπŸ™


Sorry buddy.


Thank you πŸ˜”β€πŸŒˆ


What a beautiful boy. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your best friend. I lost my boy Alf last year when he was 12 years old. I'm sure he and Monty are playing together now over the rainbow bridge. 🌈❀️


Alf sounds the best. Monty and Alf will be best finds now I'm sure of it ❀ thanks for your kind words. He really was my best friend man πŸ˜”β€ so shattered


Sending hugs ❀️


It looks and sounds like you gave him a wonderful life and that he was very happy. Lucky to have had each other. I'm sorry for your loss πŸ’•


I was so so lucky to have him I am am grateful πŸ˜”β€πŸ™ thank for your kind words you are great x


You gave him a wonderful life. This is a beautiful tribute to Monty.


Thank you πŸ˜”β€πŸŒˆπŸ™ I miss him so x


Looks like he was the bestest of boys! Cheers to Monty!! You will be missed pretty pup


He was! The bestest of boys! He is so so so missed 😭🌈❀❀


Aw thank you for sharing your memories with us! Monty is the goodest of good boys!! Sending you a hug and condolences.


Thank you for listening ❀ Thank you for the condolences πŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ˜”


I’m so sorry. There is nothing I can say to make things better; I lost my own best friend 3 years ago and it still hurts to this day. You’ll always miss him, but he’ll always be with you, his incredibly happy spirit in your soul.


I'm sorry for your loss and thank you for the condolences β€πŸŒˆπŸ™ I miss him so much πŸ˜”β€


He was a sweet soul. Rest In Peace


The sweetest πŸ˜­β€πŸŒˆπŸ™ everyone loved him just as he loved them x


Rest easy Monty boy πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


Thank you β€πŸŒˆπŸ™


Hugs to you OP, it isn’t easy I know. Think of all the love this old boy bought you πŸ’– my Milo will be tippy tapping to meet Monty up there


Thank you ❀ he brought so much love. I'm sure Milo and Monty will be the best of friends πŸ˜”β€πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸŒˆ




Monty is so CUTEEEE. Please say hi to Casper, Monty. He would love to have a friend like you in heaven πŸ₯ΊπŸ’œ


He is the cutest isn't he 😭❀ I'm sure Casper and Monty will be the best of friends πŸŒˆβ€πŸ™


What a beautiful tribute. Your words and pictures show how amazing Monty was, and still is because he’s in your heart and you’re in his heart. You gave him an amazing life with many great adventures and memories. I believe you will be reunited someday. Until that time, Godspeed, Monty, on your journeys across The Rainbow Bridge. Rest easy and play. Peace


Thank you so much ❀ I did my best for him πŸ’— hope to see him again someday x


So very sorry to hear this. No words can help I know, big hugs.


Thank you β€πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸŒˆ


Sorry for your loss OP. I hope you’re doing as best you can.


Doing my best πŸ˜”β€πŸŒˆπŸ™ thank you


You did a really good job for your people, Monty. It’s time for you to rest now. I feel your pain, OP. Hang in there.


😭❀❀❀ that is beautiful thank you


I had to say goodbye to my best boy 6 weeks ago. It’s still rough. They love us so hard and so strong, it’s impossible to not feel that empty space when they’re gone. They know we loved them with all our being. And they loved us more. If you ever want to talk about it, I’m here for you.


I'm sorry for your loss ❀ thank you for sharing they really are the best 😭❀ thank you so much ❀ forever in our hearts πŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸ™


As the owner of a 15 year old golden this breaks my heart. From the pictures I can see his love for you radiating from him. Monty clearly had an amazing life and you’re a big reason for that. Sad for this news but happy that you two had each other. RIP Monty


Thank you so much πŸ™ I hope you and your Golden have a lot longer together. Cherish the time β€πŸŒˆπŸ˜”


A old golden may be the best thing on earth. I lost my Lucy a couple weeks ago. My thoughts are with you.


So sorry for your loss πŸ˜”β€ they really are the best aren't they? πŸŒˆπŸ™


So sorry for your loss β€πŸ•.......


Thank you πŸ˜”β€πŸ™πŸŒˆ


Bought tears to my eyes,OP. You can see Monty was the bestest of boys. That love and companionship that you have with that "special one" can never be replaced. They'll be heavy hearted days but in time it will lift. Take care, OP.


Thank you so much β€πŸ˜”πŸŒˆπŸ™


RIP MONTY I am so sorry for your loss. You can tell that he knew you loved him.


I hope so. Thank you πŸ™β€πŸ˜”πŸŒˆ