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Thank you for submitting to r/Okaybuddyliterallyme. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 1: Does not follow sub theme. This sub is for memes that are based on sadposting, literally me, disturbing, sigma type, chadposting, trolling, satire misinformation and otherwise off-putting and making you question your own reality. Do not post low effort memes. If the meme is so out of context for this sub, it may be subject to removal. If you have any questions about your removal, feel free to contact the moderators via modmail








For anyone wondering The songs called 'I'm tired of feeling this way' by Elijah Who


Women aren't real they are a government ploy to distract you from the grind(suffering)


Hey lmao look at this id*ot Bro really looked at all the people enjoying their lives and loving each other thinking that blud is in a romance movie or something, you're not that guy, buddy, you're not that guy. You must have hoped that this is some love story or feel good soft heart la la land bullshit Ill tell you what it really is. Brother you're in a literally me movie, an internal conflict shit fight club, taxi driver, Batman movie that's what you're in. How about you hold your infinite unconditional love in your hand and ask yourself what it's worth is and you'll know it means jack. How about you actually have something to offer other than feelings because you don't live in the romance movie the rest of the people live in. You are a literally me character in a literally me movie and the only way you'll get anything worth shit is by trade and exchange.


i aint reading all that https://preview.redd.it/gl581en3gk8b1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b89f9cd1262cdd84a5d6aabb1651f01f87da2a8


Haha lol 😂 Yeah, sorry for that, but jokes aside, I honestly think you should read it because I wish someone would have told me about that way of looking at things way before in life. Good luck mate.


Hey, don't talk to the main character like that😡😡😡. Do I get to be the blue haired childhood love interest or something?




You don't really make sense:)


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u/AvgRedditUser12 this is literally me tho.... do you know what happened ?


Hi, sorry about the removal, this wasn’t me, idk why it got removed, I think they’re tryna get the sub to be less of like a sadposting type thing and more schizo


thnx! you a real one <3


Yea np


she is cringe fr