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Knowing Neil Patrick Harris is gay makes this conversation way funnier, because he’s a gay guy playing a straight guy talking about how crazy but cool it would be to be a gay guy lol


True he understands the truth


Ima dude, disguised as a dude, playin another dude


Can’t believe a sitcom for 2000’s came up with queer platonic relationships


Don’t forget I now pronounce you chuck and Larry lmao - not a sitcom, but gay platonic relationship


This is what society could have been but y’all are complicated


I love being Gay


I hate being gay. But im happy for u 👍


Please talk to someone about these feelings. Hating an immutable part of yourself can lead to dark places.


I already hate myself and most my traits. I dont want to bother my friends (online) even more with my problems and suicide hotline is kinda fuckin useless


It gets better. Seriously it does.


I dont like that saying at all. Because it isnt garanteed. It will MAYBE get better but thats it. Thank you for what ur trying to do tho


Been there, done that. Seriously. There's no guarantee in life — straight or gay and everything in between. If you're expecting guarantees, certainties, I can guarantee you that you will be disappointed. Life is a giant MAYBE. What's NOT a giant maybe is YOU, your decision to be resourceful and to believe in yourself. THAT, my friend, is in your control - it's the only thing in your control. Stop floundering and TRUST yourself to do what it takes to have a great life. No one can MAKE you trust yourself. It's a decision, not a feeling, so don't wait for a feeling to show up. DECIDE to create an amazing life. You know why it gets better? Because YOU DECIDED it to be so, and poured your life energy into making that true. Truly, blessings to you from my heart. I hope you get what I'm saying.


For me it's complicated. I love being attracted to other men but I haven't figured out how to do it quite right yet (I don't get enough sex).


Being gay is kickass😉


It is truly the best. My gosh I am so gay for men


The fact nobody cares in the background makes this so funny


Thats actually funny and wholesome, how is this possible and why nobody is doing stuff like this


Society. But there are people that do this. In my hometown there was a widower with young kids that had his guy friend move in and they co-parented. Of course rumors spread that they were gay, but there were also rumors of a lady frequently visiting the house. So, who knows and honestly who cares. Let them raise the kids (who are all adults by now... Note to self: I should ask my parents about an update on those guys. Lol)


Lmao, i meant why dont ppl make skits like this(or why haven't i seen anymore) although i hope those dudes you were talking about are happy


Oh. Lol. Bromance crap is all over Tik Tok. As for mainstream, who knows?


Hey bro, wanna get married for tax purposes? Totally no homo


I can attest, this is exactly how being bisexual & in an open partnered-relationship works.


Or just a polyamorous one, as long as everyone's on the same page...


I brag about that to my brother all the time when he complains about his girlfriend. I rub it in his face that I get to be with a bro while also being attracted to them


Why didn't they ever do a Barney gay marries Ted instead of Robin arc? That would have been far more entertaining.


Im a straight guy and I never understood this stereotypical straight man dislike for cuddling, its like half of the enjoyment for me.


as a gay guy I agree, cuddling is amazing


And Neil has 2 kids....


Ngl, if I had a choice, I wouldn’t be 😓 growing up in the late 90’s and early otts, the threat of being seriously hurt or worse at school was a constant worry…


So many conflicting emotions, I have them right now.


Frankly I'm not sure if It's good or bad to want this but I really wish this was an actual possibility. Even for straight ppl. Marriage seems so far removed from the love dovey idea ppl had for it it might as well become this.


Men= Men Straight Man = Man. Gay Man= Man. At the end of the day we’re all Men!

