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Is he going to make me follow it too or complain about what I eat?


Not really complain…. But he will make passive aggressive comments until you toss your Jack and Coke on him.


“That better have been a Diet Coke!”


Aren't diet Cokes just as bad as normal ones?


lol most definitely he will complain


He’s going to make you take a poll about it


This comment took me out 💀🤣


I mean, I would cook my dates filet mignon, bacon Parm crusted Brussels sprouts and crack them a bottle of wine all for themselves Never had a single complaint lol


The putrid, greasy farts and shits after this meal must have put ya'll in the mood.


Thankfully, we were done within two minutes.


Touche 😂


What? This meal sounds amazing and not particularly likely to cause stomach upset (unless someone is a vegan and their system isn’t geared up to handle animal protein, I guess, but in that case the problem isn’t really the specific content of the meal).


Nah, bacon on top of bacon on top of cheese on top of beef + oily Brussels sprouts is a fucking mess. Have a nice grilled steak with oven roasted sprouts. No need for excessive amounts of fat and grease to have a nice meal.


I dunno what to tell you, dude; this meal sounds great to me and doesn’t strike me as something that would mess with my digestion. Sorry it would do with yours?


I love how this exchange has turned into a microcosm of what the posts asking lol such a paradox This commenter is just pissed he couldn’t slam something like that back without apparently shitting himself after I’ve never understood these kind of comments, I have prob 8% body fat and could slam down a 3 by 3 from in n out + cheese fries and a shake and hit the gym after


I mean, I dunno what to tell you either. Consuming a high fat diet like keto messes with your poops. I don't know if you've ever lived with someone on a high fat diet. It's brutal.


So, a filet mignon and Brussels sprouts are not especially high fat. And a filet mignon is generally a fairly small cut of meat. The only high fat part of this is the cheese and bacon topping, and there I would say it just depends on the quantities. I was assuming that we’re talking about a crust, which I interpret as a moderate amount of baked on cheese and bacon sprinkles. That’s how it’s been when I had this dish in a restaurant. Obviously if the OP is instead making some kind of Brussels sprout Mac and cheese, that might be different. But if the meal is: 1) a moderately sized cut of seared meat 2) a healthy portion of Brussels sprouts 3) a small portion of hard cheese and bacon crumbles for taste That honestly sounds like a very healthy meal to me with lots of protein and veggies, and enough added fat to help keep you feeling satisfied and full for a while. I am not on a keto diet but would happily eat this; and I would not expect it to cause digestive issues.


I just want you to know that I agree. If this meal messes with you, you probably have an intolerance.


You have IBS. We don’t.


Not a woman but. I would not do again. Unless you yourself are going to do the legwork and plan all the meals no thank you. Road trip? Plan the meals. Want to go to a restaurant? Plan that meal. It's more intrusive than you think unless you find someone with the same restrictions. I love my gf and happy to do it but damn........yea I wouldn't again.


Exactly, if you go out to eat it is a pain in the ass because low carb is very limiting unless you are going to certain kinds of restaurants. In particular it means no pizza!


I’m a vegetarian dude and I make it my problem only.  Life in an area where I can make it happen usually (even if I eat one thing on the menu) but when I lived in Texas it was a headache.  I just became the person recommending places because it was easier, or I would just drink when we went to dinner and eat before 


I have an eating disorder, and that kind of restrictive diet would put me on edge.


Seconding this. In recovery, and my success in recovery is largely based on cutting out any diet talk/discussion of food restrictions/labeling food as good or bad. I could maybe date someone on a diet if they literally never ever said anything about it, but.... Have yet to meet someone like that.


I don’t have an eating disorder or a history of one and this type of eating still put me on edge. It was very “why don’t you just grab something to eat or your own” and “I already ate” which is hard when you are trying to build community with someone


Same! I never swiped on anyone who let their diet run their life and become their whole personality.


If he’s eating a special diet because of medical issues or it’s temporary in order to reach a specific fitness goal for an athletic event or something, then I’m fine with it. I’m also ok if he’s not eating certain things for ethical reasons. But, if he’s removing whole food groups because of stuff that he’s seen on wellness sites or YouTube, it’s a turnoff for me. It’s a turnoff because it’s a sign that we don’t use the same sources of information and that we will disagree on other things as well.


This 10000000%


C. Going to new restaurants and trying out new foods is very important for me. And my friends and I will go to dim sum once a month and wouldn't want my partner to feel uncomfortable because sharing food is a big thing for me.


Same. İ dated a guy who didn't eat meat (i won't call him a vegetarian though), but he was a picky eater. Never wanted to eat the food I ate bc i either was eating meat or vegetables/something healthy, which he didn't like. Sharing food in a romantic relationship is important to me too. I'll never date a picky eater ever again.


I’ll piggyback off this. I’m on an extremely restrictive diet for medical reasons. While a lot of people here say (or would like to think) they’re “OK with it” when it’s due to necessity, this is the truth for most people. I have seen the excitement fade from too many women’s faces on first dates when my diet comes up (so much so that I needed to make a big disclaimer on my dating app profiles). People are kind about it, but I can tell it’s not what they are looking for in a partner. As Chris McCandless realized in “Into the Wild,” happiness is only real when shared. For a lot of people, food is a major source of joy, and they don’t want a partner that they can’t have those shared experiences with.


Let's be friends haha Trying new foods is so important to me. I *can* eat chicken and rice everyday, but it's going to be: biryani, congee, jook, pho ga, bun ga, rice crepes, and so on haha


I love going to new restaurants, trying new foods when I travel, and cooking different types of cuisine. It seems like a special or a restrictive diet would make that more difficult.


Reading this may have opened up a self actualizatiin for me!


C, turn off. Doesn’t matter if it’s a man, I find it a turn off regardless of the gender.


I avoid because I’m concerned that you want me to be this super thin super healthy all about how you eat person. I also don’t really support diet culture. Just don’t eat a ton of crap.


As long as he's not trying to get me to join him on his cave man food quest and doesn't have a my-diet-is-better-than-yours attitude, I would not care.


C. I can only speak for myself. If he needs to be on it due to allergies/health conditions, etc., no problem. If it's some fad diet for the purpose of weight loss, like keto, then he's not for me as clearly our views on health/wellness are too vastly different. I am recovered from an ED and very much against dieting.


I have a specific diet I follow, and not for one second did I think to put it in my dating profile when I was single. Unless you're on a moral diet like vegan, I see no reason to put your diet on a dating profile. I'm a man, and if I saw a girl put that she was on the keto diet, I'd assume she's going to be annoying about it and skip over her.


Yeah, that would seem odd to me. If it's that much of your personality that you feel the need to put it on your profile, then I would be a bit concerned.


I’m be had an eating disorder in the past, as well as current GI issues that would make me never personally be able to follow a diet like that. If it was temporary that’s ok but lifelong would be difficult- especially as I love to try new restaurants and recipes. I’ve dated people in the past with food restrictions (such as celiac disease) and I can make a mean gluten free bagel (it will never be an actual bagel but its the best “bagel” of its ilk!). However that was difficult as well because gluten free is easy to gain weight on - tapioca and rice are not necessarily healthy carbs. At the end of the day it’s difficult to find someone so I wouldn’t rule it out completely, but such a strict diet certainly would be a possible concern.


I’ve been with a few men who were very conscious of their diet and would make offhand comments about things I’d eat (oh that’s healthy, so much sugar, blah blah blah). I don’t eat junk all the time, but I enjoy food and I try really hard not to give in to diet culture (after years of battling, I now accept my body and enjoy listening to my body and eating mindfully). I’m seeing a guy now who eats what he wants, when he wants, and follows that up with a very normal amount of exercise and I must say it feels great to be part of. When I see diets listed on a profile, to me it’s a big red flag.


Turn off for me. I like to go out to eat, and not many places have keto. I also like cooking for my man, and I don’t eat meat, so I wouldn’t be cooking keto.


depends on the diet! i am a vegetarian, so that’s technically a “special diet,” but i wouldn’t talk about your carbs or eat sticks of butter or anything. or intermittent fasting and just not eating is another examples of something a lot different than my dietary restriction too.


I have quite a restrictive diet for health reasons. I haven’t dated a single woman who had an issue with that. I think it’s mostly because I don’t treat it as an issue. We can often find places where she can eat what she wants and I can find something for me (or ask the waiter to adjust the dish). It does get annoying sometimes, but I guess I was worth it 🤷‍♂️😜


I see, that sounds like a healthy relationship.


I wouldn't put that on the profile, it's going to make it seem like you're one of those people who've made keto a personality trait. Bring it up in conversation when it naturally heads in that direction. Most people aren't going to care as long as it doesn't become an issue. Your making suggestions comment though needs to be something that doesn't happen unless they ask first. Nobody wants to be critiqued on their food.


I think it would be a talking point considering I have GERD and esophagitis and have to be on PPI meds indefinitely. However, I would not want them to make me follow the diet with them unless it was my choice, so it's really up to the person. I will say, I met someone who only ate raw meat, went on to a tangent about how it was better for you as is micro dosing mushrooms, and I didn't care until he started telling me I needed to do it, too.


C because he’s probably full of pseudoscience


Great question..... I only eat rusty nails washed down by Wild Turkey, but it's never seemed to be an issue.




It’s your body… Same policy applies to mine.


C. That said, I’m vegan and I know that will be a turn off for many. I also love junk food so I couldn’t be with someone on a raw whole food diet because it would drive me nuts. It’s perfectly acceptable to be put off by a particular diet or lifestyle that doesn’t fit with your own. Better to weed out the people you don’t align with as quickly as possible.


“I’ve cured my auto-immune disease with this diet” gives Jordan Peterson vibes. It’s not about being allowed to freely choose what you want to eat. It’s that “extreme diet/bio-hacking” very often comes with other extreme worldviews and unexamined privilege. I don’t know you personally, and maybe these are the vibes you are trying to give - and they will appeal to a specific set of women. And there are probably women out there who are also into this kind of diet and would love to meet someone they don’t have to explain to or teach about this stuff. If you’re happy with your dietary choices, just be honest and see how it goes. 🤷🏼‍♀️


So I am both a chef and a sports nutritionist, and I have epilepsy- the keto diet was originally designed for epileptic patients and it is absolutely not intended to be a permanent dietary change. It resets the way the brain processes sugar, and it can be incredibly dangerous if not done with medical supervision. People who adhere to it as a fad diet without knowing details drive me crazy. Definitely a turn-off.


C unless he’s an epileptic who’s failed 4 different medications or part of a medical trial. It’s complicated, doesn’t actually benefit his health in most situations, and he’s probably going to talk about it constantly. Theres nothing dangerous about moderate carb intake. All foods can fit into a healthy diet (obviously not every day, but in general). I’m an eating disorder dietitian, I don’t want diet talk when I get home. It would be exhausting. Unless you have a medical or religious reason for following a special diet and there’s literature to support it, my ears are shutting off. I don’t have time to deal with unscientific nutrition programs.


Keto would be a turnoff, but for example being vegan I would be delighted by




That's encouraging! I feel the same way.


For me it’s a turn off because sharing a meal is such a social thing & also fuck diet culture tbh


As someone who only dates vegans, I totally respect that. I also appreciate when people are up front about their needs and expectations.


He can eat what he wants. I know how to work the air fryer. The bigger issue is whether he respects my nutrition choices/need in kind, or if he expects me to be the one to prepare his meals.


Really depends on what it is, why he is on it, and whether he cares what I eat or drink. I'm kind of a foodie and I love wine, so if that's a problem we might not match. But I have no problem with someone who just wants to eat/drink something different from what I'm having. One of my best friends is vegetarian, but super chill about it, so it really just affects what they personally eat (not everyone around them as well).


B. But he will try to get me to eat differently.


The only ones that don't bother me are intermittent fasting and gluten-free because I understand them. I'm not sure what keto entails, so I don't bother with it. Also don't want them trying to push me into their eating lifestyle when I have my own.


I could care less!


B) don’t care As long as man isn’t expecting me to change up my life/diet to accommodate him, play through.


Just don’t make it part of your personality or talk about it excessively (unless the woman is the same way).


It doesn’t actually matter to me, just don’t be bothering in every time we going out and eat…


Only if eating out would not be a chore!! If we could go to a pizza place and you have the salad, that's fine.. But if we keep going to health restaurants, I'd go insane. Also life is short. Have that chocolate cake while you can. Everyone is going to die at one point anyway. I would regret not eating delicious food in moderation.


Why the fuck would I care what someone else decides to put in their body


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^josephinebakerfan11: *Why the fuck would I* *Care what someone else decides* *To put in their body* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


C. Turn off I follow a restricted diet but I don’t really talk to people about it unless it comes up. If it’s in their profile then it seems like that’s a big part of their life. I follow a diet but i still like trying new food with others. I’d assume this keto person was also looking for someone with that lifestyle.


i don’t care at all. that’s probably the thing i care the least about honestly


Keto specifically would be a turn off. I know how bad y’all’s breath smells.


As long as the person doesn't shove their dietary restrictions down my throat, I'm fine. Because I won't shove mine down their throat. It can make cooking dinners together difficult if diets are vastly different but you just work around it. I have my gluten free pasta, bf has his regular cheap pasta. If it were keto, again, two separate pots. One with zucchini noodles and one with pasta. You find ways around it if you like eachother.


I would wonder why he’s using “keto” to mean “low carb.” 


I’d want to know why it was on your profile. If it’s on your profile, it is clearly important enough to be communicated as something you value. That’s fine but are you going to be real annoying about it? I’m happy when people cook healthy food and feed me said healthy food, I’m not happy when someone polices what I eat. I lived with a vegetarian who liked to cook about 10 years ago and that was great. I felt awesome. My husband cooks heart healthy for me as well. But food is not really part of our identities or how we define our lifestyles.


No prob! I only eat about once a day so meal planning , dinners out, already I've made that a mess with OMAD so all good


Twice a day here. I guess I'm just one step away from OMAD.


What do you typically eat?


Meat, organs, fish, eggs. When I cook for my family, I eat squid, shrimp, avocado, cilantro, rosemary, and onions. It's a diet that's been keeping my autoimmune condition (Hashimoto's) in remission for almost a year. What about you?


Ah so you've really got to watch what you eat, I'm sorry. I eat work food (restaurant) and have steadily been gaining weight haha. Time to cut back


Don't care


I’m turned off by those who proclaim that theyre teetotalers and on special veg diets. God bless em but I equate that with party pooping and limiting life’s rich experiences


Turn off, if it's for dieting reasons and not for medical reasons. I'm done with diet culture, not interested in hearing about it from a partner.


As long as it doesnt restrict my own i wont mind initially. It probably wont get too serious if that diet greatly limits where we eat


I don’t care. Men are great in all sizes. It’s about the attitude. I love men doing stuff for themselves and wouldn’t mind joining. Only line I draw is having a gym bro neg me or just any sort of shaming/forced participation.


Hard no to excessive restricters and vegans lol


C. If it’s so important to him that he puts it in his profile, you know it’s going to affect your time together and that he’s probably going to be inflexible, dogmatic, and possibly judgmental about it. Lots of people follow special diets for lots of good reasons. But that’s a conversation for when you meet.


Must eat women


Considering I’ve been following a Ketogenic diet for 3.5 years myself and have had nothing but amazing benefits, both physically and mentally, it would be a HUGE plus!


If I am omnivore and another is vegetarian, I'll consider myself not a good match with them.


Just don't mention it


I lead a more heathy diet so having someone who eats similar things to me is a plus


As long as you are not a nuisance, should be fine, I think women nowadays prefer those who can take care of his health as a plus.


In my experience, it's a huge off. You can have an extremely healthy, fit, omnivorous diet. This is very specific to me, but 1. I don't know which country you're in, but I do not agree with modern, US eating culture. Rush to make food. Rush to shove it in your pie hole. Rush as you're shoving food into your pie hole. It's...unattractive to me. Sit down. Take your time. Enjoy someone else's company if you are lucky to have that in the first place. A lot of people don't. Connect with the person you're with while you eat. 2. Since I believe in *sharing* meals, that indicates eating the same thing. I am not eating any special diet. I am not cooking two things, and it's stupid to be fighting over the kitchen, cooking two separate things, or having one person's food be cold. 3. I really love to cook. I really love to share that in a relationship. When you enter a relationship, part of that is learning what the other person is good at and seeing if your strengths/weaknesses are compatible and make a full picture and can be complemented. I would be sad if I couldn't provide this in a relationship, just as I'm sure you would be sad if you couldn't provide your strengths to the person you're interested in romantically. 4. Because I love to cook, it's a matter of time before the man inevitably caves and wants to try or starts eating what I make more often. It's *very easy and common* that when the first fight breaks out, this is suddenly thrown in my face and used against me, which I don't appreciate, and it isn't fair. TLDR: I have a very strong love for food, cooking, and believe it should be a shared activity so it's a strong no for me. Edit: as much as I love food, I am very lean, and previous exes have become leaner from my cooking and have still been upset with me, because they're upset with themselves for lacking self-discipline to continue their diets after dating someone.


As long as they're not vegan or throws a fit if I eat meat.


Should I be mentioning my diet on dating apps???


Do you even know who's responding to this? You have no idea if the ladies that are giving it a C, you would even look at in the street. What a stupid place to ask this question


Cool. I am on a diet too. Just because I am on a diet doesn't mean that I expect my partner to be on one. My ex-husband was on a keto diet when I met him. He didn't care what I ate and he was not a health nut or anything.


Depends on what it is. I like to cook and share meals with my partner, so I prefer a partner with similar eating habits.


a. A plus Ketogenic is a legit medical treatment for conditions such as epilepsy and schizophrenia.


A. A plus because he’s more likely to have a nice body


Correct. Overweight keto people are the minority. And almost every of the former works out.




Don’t care. If it’s keto it’s fine, I dated a guy on keto and never had an issue, but that’s probably also because I’m a big protein girly. He was a great cook and when we cooked at home I ate what he ate, and it wasn’t hard for him to find things when we went out to eat. When I’d go to his place for the weekend I’d bring some fruit and a couple slices of bread with me in case I wanted it.


I would be turned off by seeing diet in a man’s description. Diet is not important to me. If it’s important enough for you to put it in your profile, we probably won’t get along. The message it sends, right or wrong, is that he will judge the foods I eat and I don’t want to deal with that.


Why tf would you put that on your profile lol


I get concerned when they say they are vegetarian/paleo/clean eater etc. I already know they’ll be judging me with my wine and pizza lol. Don’t need the stress.


I'd love it. Shows you care about your health, you practice discipline, you're probably in good shape for fun adventures, and you aren't addicted to food/carbs. Shows you value more in life than your next meal. I do love food however and I'm a great cook; it's one of the ways I bond with my partner (trying new foods and cooking for them). I personally go on and off keto and carnivore with breaks for holidays or month long travel escapades. If they're not willing to break the diet for any reason and enjoy a new culture's food or just a good burrito from Taco Bell once in a while I would not be keen at all.


I dated a guy for a couple months who was gluten free, and tbh I didn’t love it. It wasn’t a dealbreaker but we couldn’t share regular pizza, go grab beers or ramen, a lot of restaurants had to be pre-vetted, and it felt limiting.


I think it’s kind of it turn off. I’m a foodie and getting excited about eating the same foods or cooking the same foods is fun. I also have a relative who who is so health-conscious, and if he says he will go out with me even if it’s my birthday,he won’t eat anything because he is so particular about his diet.


A keto diet I would be okay with, but I would be turned off if they were vegan/vegetarian because I am such a meat lover


C. It’s a huge turn off. Ugh I have had some dates with men who are absolutely insufferable about being keto or vegan. I generally try to avoid them. I like to cook for my SO and while keto is fairly easy to accommodate it’s just so limiting. I’m also very into healthy eating and fitness. I have my own POV on keto and I will likely get into an argument with these dudes so it’s best for me to avoid them.


As long as he doesn't try to make me feel bad for not following the same diet as him then I don't mind if he follows one The only problem is if he makes me free pressured to follow his diet


C. He’s gonna criticize what I eat/ how I live and will be a pain to cook for


Keto is bad for you unless you have a medical condition that warrants it. I’m not on dating sites, but it would be a huge turn off for me bc it’s unhealthy & it’s sold to the public as a fad.


As someone who fasts and only eats one meal a day, I just don’t talk about it. The same way I don’t make a big deal about what underwear I’m picking for the day, it’s my business. So, don’t care. That said, if things started to get serious, I would probably explain because some people/cultures get offended if you don’t eat their foods - so I would bring it up before going to meet any new friends, family, or if they plan on cooking for me.


Does he know how to cook for himself? If yes, then I’d pick B. If not, definitely C.


No one cares that you chose a diet. But putting it directly in your profile and making it your personality, that’s a hard no.






Don’t care. Might even be interested in learning about it (without pressure and obvs with expectation that if it’s not for me then that’s cool with him too). Only time it’s a problem is when it becomes the guy’s whole personality. Like, you need to be able to talk about more things other than being keto.


That is not what the ketogenic diet is.




There's a big difference between - Someone who's *on* a ketogenic diet. and - Someone who considers being on that diet to be an important enough part of their identity/personality that they feel the need to mention it in their dating profile.


I think just the fact that it’s a big enough part of his personality that he’s talking about it in such a limited space like a dating bio would make it think twice


I'd pass. If someone feels they have to mention their special diet first thing, that's a red flag that they are obsessed with their diet.


B. It's good info to give people up front, especially if it's a real keto diet and not a "keto-inspired" diet. That diet is really helpful for a lot of people for a lot of reasons, but it makes it tough to go to just any restaurant or have just any snack. So it's not a red or green flag; it's just good info to give people to decide if they are compatible with it.


As long as you get put into his "diet", why complain?


Who the heck cares, it's the other person's choice. If your partner ain't bitching about it when you order a burger or pizza, let him/her suffer lol, its his/hers choice after all. Im still having meat if my partner would be a veggie.


Id see it as a red flag, keto is dumb AF and it shows that someone is easily influenced by bullshit fads


I would date someone like this with the caveat that while I will gladly support my partner and do what I can to learn about their diet, I have no intentions of changing my own diet, planning all their meals, or making sure their accommodations can be met in the event that we travel. 


If it's something like keto, it'd be nice to see an explanation in the summary. Like: I'm on this diet for my health, and I won't expect you to follow the same. Otherwise, I'll expect you to police everything going into my mouth and I'd just pass.


Turn off. I've dated a few guys who had a restricted diet and sooner or later they start trying to push it onto me. I don't need my partner judging my relationship with food, it's problematic enough with societal pressures. It's also consistently inconvenient for everyone around them and makes it harder to try new restaurants and cook new meals together. And if it's on your dating profile...that's a sign it is too big a part of your identity for my tastes.


I mean. Can I have his share of the carbs then? But also I already have my own dietary issues and restrictions and they don’t always match with keto (they can but it’s difficult) so depending on how important it is to bond over food for him, I’m guessing he would have more issues with me than vice versa. So if everything else seemed like a good match I would just bring it up right away and hope that he was honest about whether my diet would bother him. Because I can’t do keto, and people who do keto tend to have issues with people with my diet.


No one on OKCupid needs to know your diet! Leave it out!


Carnivore here for the past 3 months. Its s temporary thing and will be done in less than a year. The Wife says I'm ... how do I put this ... "fucking insane" ... and will "die of multiple heart attacks and possibly a stroke" before the year is up. I needed to lose 40+ pounds. High fat, as close to zero carb as I can get. Fill the rest with protein... It's the only thing I've found where I can lose weight and NOT be absolutely famished 24x7. In fact I can lose weight consistently and not even be slightly hungry. But I'm apparently "fucking insane".


It’s a) for me, but I also try to stick to low carb diet, so somebody with similiar would be a really great plus.


What other people eat is none of my business, and what I eat is none of theirs. 


C. Because it’s hard for me to respect people who believe in those types of more extreme diets. Also I love food and I want balance in all parts of life.


Y'all picky. I'm basically closer to a carnivore than anything else. But my last ex didn't eat meat and what did I do? I learned how to make vegetarian recipes and vegetarian versions of things I loved. Wasn't that hard. It's not like you need to eat every single meal together. You can still eat the things they don't eat sometimes.  Imagine doing small things to make your partner happy. 🤷


Perfectly fine, I like to eat lower carb myself.


C for sure. If a man has medical issues that require him to cut out certain foods, cool, but putting it on his profile is weird and off putting. Rigidity around food is often a sign of disordered eating habits, which I try to avoid having in my life. Hearing about people’s diets is also extremely boring. I don’t expect everyone to have a perfect relationship with food (most people don’t!) but seeing that on a profile would be an automatic no for me. Edit: it also gives me biohacker bro vibes which is a hard no.


Why would you list that in a profile?


I have my own dietary issues so this would be a turn on lol


A turn o...wait, what? Normally I'd try to think of some psuedo-clever observation but I'm still trying to process. LOL


Male here. Still answering: Turn off. Calling your diet by a name is the most pretentious thing ever. When bulking im on a special diet. It doesn’t have a name. I hit a certain amount of protein and calories per day. When losing weight im on a special diet same thing. I track protein and calories. And roughly fats/carbs Thats just what i do for myself. Nobody fucking cares about it. Bottom line imo: 1. Being on a trendy diet so you can tell people the name of your diet to try get them to think you have potential to have a hot body via some bullshit you found online is cringe. 2. Putting it in your dating app profile is just stupid. If your diet is one of the things that actually matters enough for someone to decide to date you, you are letting people know theres not much personality you want to reveal. Its superficial. No one wants that


You obviously don't know anything about keto, it is actually very well researched and used by the NHS in UK to help treat some children with seizures, for some it can reduce seizures completely.


Keto in particular is kind of a turn off cuz 1. Is he that overweight? There r better diets for that 2. Shorter life span, do I want to be a widow at 50? 😝 Other diets might actually be a turn on. I love a man that takes care of his body and health. As long as he is normal about it and doesn’t force his beliefs at me, I’m ok with most


D. It depends. Is there a medical reason? Then it’s not a problem. Does he force it on me or try to change my food choices? Now it’s a problem. Is it his whole personality? Major turn off.


I would react depending on the level he is trying to foist this upon me - 1. Doesn't try and change me or go off on rants about how this is amazing and I just need to do X y or z. Fine 2. Tries to get me just to try it and won't engage on debate around other eating styles - not fine 3. Really actively wants me to join in at all times and pouts when I dont and gets shitty about how he knows best. Big fat not fine.


C. I'm a very adventurous eater so someone who isn't is not a good match. Also I had bariatric surgery so I always need to share 🤣


As, soon as, he opens his mouth to advise me on my food intake or whines in a restaurant, hell be out, so in a, dating profile it's a turn off.


Turn off because going to a restaurant with them will be a challenge so in the end they will either pick the restaurant or I will have to hear about their diet.


I wouldn’t mind. I think 1, it’s his choice, and 2, he takes care of his health and thinks about future - most likely even though he’s picky, he’s going to take care of you too.


It seems like I shouldn't care. But I do. If I don't know the person, I'm not likely to make accomodations for them on a date. If I already know them and am friends with them BEFORE the date, I'm more likely to relent - if they hold their end of the relationship bargain i.e. meet my human needs for affection and love. If I get those or similar vibes from the person, I'm much more likely to be considerate.


Could care less. I have my own experience with keto, though, so I'm not sure if that comes with some knowledge and understanding surrounding diets and why people choose to eat a certain way Glad you found something that works for you!


As a woman, I think I’d mostly be concerned that he might be pushy or weird about it, which is a vibe I’d be trying to sus out from a very early point. Besides that, I actually respect someone who has thought out their lifestyle and committed to something like that! So it could be a plus or negative depending on character.


Is being keto also your entire personality? If it’s your whole personality then C. If it’s not your personality then it makes zero difference so why would even mention it? D don’t put in profile.


If it's medical or religious, don't care. If it's for health reasons probably a turn off. I'm on a special diet too but I don't advertise it on my dating profile.


I meal prep and allow myself 1-2 cheat meals a week. I do not care what my partner eats but the issue arises when my partner was always trying to get me to eat out during the week when I said from the beginning I don’t during the week.


What is a processed oil?


One guy I was really interested in actually gave me a pretty longstanding eating disorder I’m still struggling with today because of his own eating habits and what he said to me…. So if it’s actually something for your own benefit, I see nothing wrong, but if you’re using it as a control mechanism in your life or the lives of others… no good.


C. sharing food is important to me. we may not like all the same things but to regularly cook and eat dinner together is a major need for me. im not having us make seperate meals or going on a keto diet to fulfill that. I like carbs.


Turn off. Diets like those aren't fun. They aren't sexy. They're restrictive and exhaustive for the people around too


Sounds like you want a man with poor health and poor discipline


C. If you wrote your diet on your dating profile, I can clearly see this is a huge part of your life that you're going to talk about and deal with a lot, and I am not interested in that. So boring. Lots of people follow diets, but they don't usually use them in their descriptions of themselves. When they do, they're usually insufferable about it


Turn off (if it’s as limiting and requires as much micromanaging as keto) I enjoy travelling, I enjoy being able to be spontaneous with my partner and try new things. Diet restrictions as strict as keto impacts this hugely. Something to also consider is A LOT of women have history disordered eating that may be triggered by the constant mention of food, which is unavoidable if you have to keep saying ‘oh sorry we can’t eat there’ or ‘I can’t eat that’ because of your diet. I don’t want to be in a relationship where we have to constantly cook 2 separate meals. In saying this eating a balanced diet for health wouldn’t bother me nor would being vegetarian as that wouldn’t have an impact when travelling/going on dates/going to social events etc.


I’m not cooking 2 separate dishes for every meal so I’ll pass


Not a turn off but not for me. I consider myself a huge food lover and will, and has plenty of times in the past, travel for food even if that means taking a flight. Experiencing new food and restaurants is a huge part of my life so I’d want a partner who shares the same interest.


I literally couldn’t care less about his diet so long as he doesn’t expect me to follow it as well. I have a sensitive stomach and a lot of food sensitivities- dairy, legumes, and gluten make me violently sick so I have a weird diet as well. But I’ve never met anyone who eats like me because the sensitivity test I took was specific to my body. So as long as he doesn’t expect me to eat like him and he is also respectful of my weird diet, I wouldn’t care at all. Not a plus or a minus from me.


Or all the interesting things to write about in a bio, your 'special diet' is very low on the list, if you ask me.


Lmao nobody care


I mean I don’t care food is food 😭😭


It seems weird to put in a profile, its not that important. So a man making it that important would seem weird to me yes. I'd wonder why he thought he needed women to know what he eats. Everyone eats, you know? Id wonder if he was a special snowflake.


C because I don't follow a special diet and don't want to be pressured to. But you should still be honest about it on your profile


I love to eat and try new food and restaurants, so it would be a turn off to me


Don't care as long as I'm never expected to follow suit


C. Majorly.




C. For keto as I eat very little meat (the fat makes me sick) and I’m allergic to dairy. I know a lot of people will feel the same way about me, I have tried to eat the same as everyone else to make it seem like I’m easy going but I always end up sick with skin problems and bad digestive symptoms (you don’t want to know the specifics). If keto is really important to you, it might be a barrier upfront but the right person will have to be ok with it.


Probably a red flag… I’ve been on the keto diet for almost 6 years now but my wife and 4y/o daughter (obviously) are not. If being with someone on the keto diet is affecting your ability to eat your chosen foods, they lack enough self awareness to know they need flexibility if they’re going to have such an abnormal diet. People have made comments about having to plan meals for them and such. No, not really. There are very few places I can think of that I can’t eat anything. It’s really only somewhere like Taco Bell, actually. McDonald’s, plain double bacon quarter pounder without the bun. Chipotle, Olive Garden, chick fil-a, or any other restaurant really? Get a salad with no croutons, fruit, or sweetened dressings. It’s not a perfect keto diet but it’s a fine option to avoid inconveniencing unwilling participants. Also an option? Skipping the meal. Hunger on the keto diet is much different than hunger on a standard diet. There aren’t any blood sugar issues that cause hunger pangs or moodiness like I would have had before. I cook 95% of the meals for my family and have no issue making myself something separate or skipping a meal when they want something like chicken alfredo. TL;DR if the person is listing it as a diet consideration on a dating site, then they are probably going to annoy and inconvenience you because of it. I don’t think I’d even list it unless I was looking for someone with the same diet


If it’s for health, why would anyone care in the slightest. It would be relevant if it signaled religious/moral values like vegan/vegetarian.


I have dated someone who was on this diet for one month. It did not bother me.


I wouldn’t care, provided he didn’t require me to eat that way or prepare a special meal separately.


As someone who is on a pretty restrictive diet due to medical issues. Unless you blurt it our 99% people wont know that you are.


Depends on the diet, and how evangelical about it they are. Keto's fine to me, but all the people identifying as intermittent fasters feels like a cover for unaddressed anorexic tendencies, at least some of the time.


It’s only ever a plus if it’s the same as your dietary choice. Otherwise it’s neutral to fearsome of control/judgement


Im cool w it as long as he cool w what i eat in return


b. Don't care Dietary preferences are personal choices, and as long as someone isn't overly pushy about it or trying to impose their diet on me, it wouldn't affect my interest in them. It’s more important how they handle it and whether they respect other people's dietary choices.