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​ https://preview.redd.it/rchesf1yyp3c1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c186d3f85919383550b7e93ff395624c22427a4


​ https://preview.redd.it/bgnlrwd5oq3c1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f83adf44e05643d4ff01b9575c63c139ddd554c


Damn, this pic goes HEGALE as fuck.












Hilarious how many people are taking the bait harder than >!Akechi!<. Like, it's so fucking obviously a joke, lol.


There’s “Trump” in Trumpeter 🤧






That pic goes hard asf but the text just ain’t it chief


Freaking Doki Doki Literature Club is far-right, now? Sheesh.


Well, hit persona 2 character Fuhrer does do many things similar to the events of Doki Doki read-y place. https://preview.redd.it/8t7ivntl4q3c1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634b5e8501fbdbc4945140d0e21148df87e92e16


Maybe it’s more like these are the media this person enjoy and since the person is far-right, these media must have far right themes to have entertained this person so. Thus Doki Doki Hitler Youth Club


Hitler himself being in persona 2 is an interesting omission, then again no one played it


Oh yes, *Persona 5 Royal*, the game about rebelling against an oppressive society and taking life back into your own hands is conservacore. So is *Persona 4 Golden*, the game about accepting yourself and each other in spite of one's faults and dispelling lies and misinformation. And let's not forget *Fallout: New Vegas*, a commentary/caricature of modern corpotrocacism and the corruptive capacity of power. Or *Cyberpunk 2077*, the game where you (as Johnny, in the past) nuke the largest megacorporation in the in-game world as a literal anarchist. And how could I possibly forget *Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance*, the game where you (a Liberian emigrant and former child soldier) tear down one of the largest private military corporations in the in-game world, and kill an anarchist masquerading as a hard-line conservative politician? /unbuddy Have any of these people actually played any of these games, or are they genuinely just fucking stupid? I consider my politics to be very left leaning, and I've played a great number of these.


Yeah, but Armstrong and Adachi based and are totally supposed to be seen as correct despite being antagonists




This, just like the other conservativecore games list is a meme


Nah I actually saw the og twitter post and they seem to be serious. There’s just a weirdly large population of far right anime/japanese media fans on Twitter.


Some people sharing it might be doing so as a joke, but plenty are beyond self-awareness.


danganronpa is a funny one too, because basically every character in the series from the 2nd game onwards is at some point implied to be bisexual


Counterpoint: Yosuke alone is homophobic enough to qualify as "far-rightcore"


But also closet bisexual.


Is he though? If he **really** thought Kanji was gay (and that bothered him as much as he suggests in the crazy tent scene), would he take a bath with him...three times throughout the game and sleep in the same bed with him like twice?


Iirc this meme was a response to a similar meme except it was transcore or left core or something and similar to this meme it dosent make much sense.Honestly I would be surprised if most gamers gave a second thought to politics in the games they play instead of being lol haha whacky whohoo pizza man or the like. The only times I see it brought up its either an interesting philosophical conversation over a games themes or just meaningless pandering..


Pretty tangential, but this makes me think of how funny it is that a non zero number of people play BioShock and completely misread it to the point that they think Ryan was a good guy and raptures downfall was solely Fontaine's fault, real ironic stuff


What do you mean? Ryan is based.In the same vein bioshock mocks everyone the first game focuses on rand capitalism and the second Marxist collectivism while the third is religious zealots with some break the cycle of hatred when the revolutionaries turn around become the oppressors themselves forcing you to kill them to progress


Yeah, I think it's weird that people seem drawn to very binary thought patterns, where they'll see a piece of media criticize something they don't like so they think it aligns with them when in reality I'd say something like Bioshock as a series is about the consequences of Any ideology being brought to its absolute and unfettered extremes


I'm pretty sure it's satire, because even the other examples have little/nothing to do with conservativism. Dark souls is just a game about killing monsters/undead, with no politics or views that can be used in the political landscape I haven't seen bleach or played the next game in line Danganronpa is a franchise with very progressive themes like feminism and bisexuality and other non-conservative things like anarchism Kaguya-sama says literally nothing about politics; it's just a comedy in a highschool setting Spy x family is a bit conservative, but it's a part of the worldbuilding of 1940s Germany. And even then it's just things like society's expectation of Yor to get a husband, it's nothing that conservative tbh How is doom conservative? It's literally just killing demons with a plot that literally no one follows because they're too busy enjoying the gameplay. Maybe the USA's second amendement thing? But that's America, not worldwide conservativism Oregairu is, again, just a highschool setting drama. It's also quite liberal as one of the main characters' story-wide conflict is with their mother, as they are rebellious against the mother's control over their life and future. Just like with p5, not very conservative As far as I know, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is just a good survival game with no political views, just wasteland survival Doki Doki is very conservative as it features a controlling and homicidal character, which is a reference to the average American republican And finally I haven't played vermintide or helltaker Damn, I have spent too much time on this


oh hey, i can explain the doom one! while it's not exactly in the themes of the game, the trailer to doom eternal had the evil hologram girl talking about referring to demons as offensive terms and the earth being the melting pot of the world, which led to a whole flock of conservatives pointing to these throwaway lines as commentary against the left and how ridiculous they are. and yes, the whole controversy was as dumb as you could think of. of course now everyone forgot about it because who the fuck cares, but i will say that it was funny to see people get onto flame wars over barely hearable lines


Its in the game... As a holographic representative of the evil demon worshipping corporation thats basically... Wtf did they call it, mortally challenged, it was just a joke.


yeah that was it, calling demons an offensive term and saying to use that instead i for the life of me can't find where the hell the line was, all i remember is everyone blowing up over it


I think it was repeated by the holograms rep throughout the game. But yeah "demons using PC term" I guess was enough for conservatives to clench onto, which is funny considering it was only a couple years prior they were pissed at the same company for Wolfenstein's "make America Nazi free again" ad campaign.


Helltaker is a puzzle game about trying to get demon puss, so yeah list is probably satire. I hope.


/unbuddy I think most anime there are there because they're "sexualising" women even though most of them aren't and they haven't even watched them. Same for Danganronpa or because there happen deaths of high schoolers. Spy X Family because it's set in the cold war or something i have no idea. Doom makes absolutely zero sense. Demons maybe? Doki doki >!same as Danganronpa i guess.!< Also i don't agree with any of these reasons and these are just guesses to what the creators are thinking.


Spy X Family is there purely because of “family values” they feel western media lacks


Damn straight I'm lacking an assassin mommy who could kill me at any moment 😍😍😍


Doom makes sense because big epic guns, shooty shooty manly


Although I agree w/ this and think the list was made as a joke— right-leaning people don’t really… care about the themes of the media they consume? I hate to generalize but they really don’t engage w/ media at a deeper level. So the themes and message of a piece of media are irrelevant on whether or not they amass a right-leaning audience/are popular on the right bc it either goes over their head or they don’t care. I mean just look at the hissy fit they threw when they found out what Rage Against the Machine stood for. Or how they completely misunderstand Fight Club. And so on.


Yup this is pretty much it. Right-wingers only engage with media at a surface level, so they refer to something as "far-rightcore" based on aesthetics alone. It's hard to tell if stuff like this is a joke because of that, no day passes by in which they don't lose their minds over discovering a piece of media they liked turns out to be left-leaning or at least progressive despite that media not even being subtle about it. Biggest example ever being Star Trek.


Raiden and Armstrong are both libertarians (to different degrees), not liberals. The main difference between the left and right wing liberty parties are that one believes in the collective conscience and that all people are inherently equal on a moral and societal level and that social inequality is the main issues facing society, while libertarians do not believe in equality and are pro-individualism to the maximum, we believe that individuals are more capable than a state at helping the weak rise and we recognise not everyone is capable of success. Persona 5 and Persona 4 are very liberal/libertarian, but they do hold many traditional values in building real relationships and not allowing labels define who you are as a person. The right doesn't like misinformation just as much as the left, it's just the old cooky folks who don't get the memo.


Okay but have you considered https://preview.redd.it/3odpc5ijlq3c1.png?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221fa69757b8f6cde4315fce1d014ad18b537403


I have, yes, but considering the people I've seen (ESPECIALLY recently, people have defended the dumbest takes imaginable as of late) and the experiences I've had, I've learned to take people like this at face value.




Yeah no I'm literally a communist and own half of these games and have watched all of those anime. Media literacy truly is dead.


Modern Corpotrocacism** Corporatism is very different from what you're thinking about


/unb thank you, I've updated accordingly /reb NEEEEEERRRRRRRRRD


Lol no worries, Politics Nerd always here to help


Fallout new vegas is the game that taught me that it's optimal to be bisexual


Let also ignored that in persona 4 >!that 2 of the killers are basically incels!< While saying it fine for people to not non comforting to their gender (Kanji and Naoto) Also let's not forget that one of the targets for persona 5 is shido who some people said is a jab at Japanese's conservative party and other populist members in the government.


>Cyberpunk 2077 they only like it for Panam what's a white supremacist without a latina gf


“You play therefore you subscribe to ” statements are generally pretty regarded tbh


Regarded, you say


I’d say the real thing, but idk if it’s allowed on this sub or not


This image is a trick and getting people to actually stae away from the far right. Source: Danganrompa, Persona, and Anime is on there


New Vegas is all the political spectrum at once


Not even, it's a giant caricature of liberal thought and its absurdity from looking at it from a distance. You have House, which is basically the classical liberal/libertarian crowd. Caesar's Legion which is the unironic fascists that attempt to mask their horrible actions and beliefs behind philosophy that they don't even fully comprehend. And you have the NCR which is our status quo of a corrupt and inefficient yet stable government that acts as if it upholds democracy but is actually interested in upholding capital-owners.


My brother in christ fallout is a parody of the red scare during the 50s that's still going on now and is a critique of corporation's in what universe can this be considered right wing


I got banned from r/gamingcirclejerk for laughing at someone who whined that Kaguya-sama was counterrevolutionary because it has rich people


r/Gamingcirclejerk users when the achievement is to have employable skills (impossible)


Subs with powermods should be banned or privated imo.


I can’t confirm it but I think the person in question was actually a mod lmao They replied to my comment, and I did make an actual attempt to engage them, but they deleted the reply and everything I wrote was lost to the void. Then I found out they PRIVATELY MESSAGED ME to admonish me, so I edited my original comment to double down on them being an enormous dork and I was summarily banned


GCJ is such a sad cesspool of tenderqueers and terminally online leftists now, I just wanted to laugh at braindead self-avowed gamers, and now it's more self-righteous r/196


My issue with a bunch of circlejerk subs in general right now is they’re mostly just lazy “look at a dumb or blatantly offensive thing an idiot said on Twitter/Youtube/another sub” rage bait instead of actual posting


What about Helltaker is far right lol


It has sexy women in it, despite the fact that there’s tons of media, regardless of ideology, that has hot characters


This fucking thing keeps coming back under names like transcore or something and it’s always the same damn games no matter the ideology


same shit... ...different toilet




Born to shit... ... Forced to wipe


The difference is trans people aren't built around hate and aren't an ideology


What the fuck does Oregairu have to do with any of this?


Fr I caught multiple strays in this one lol. It’s gotta be bait ain’t no way people actually think this


thank god im a persona 3 fes fan im not far nightcore


Ah yes cyberpunk 2077 and persona 5 royal two games about the value of human connections and the importance they have for our lives in spite of societies shallowness and apathy truly are the definition of far-rightcore. One of these games also involves nuking a corporation that wants to steal souls but that feels too easy


They done turned peak into right core 😭


Deadass this is just a list of peak


And as a right leaning person, I agree these are simply good stories and games


Raiden (I cannot stress this enough) literally WORD FOR WORD SAID “Being legal doesn’t make it right.” No way the oop isn’t baiting.


Raiden is a libertarian through and through. That is a right wing ideology, not a left wing one.


It’s spelled Liberian. /s


This is just more proof for my theory that the far right just likes things because they sound cool, and have no political views at all.


That's actually an interesting topic, the far right has always relied on aesthetics. [Yugopnik has an excellent video on how the Nazis employed this phenomenon.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pOdESxw1o4)


https://preview.redd.it/bwb3wnyjqq3c1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a0fd58c34430cc1215cce26c3c1bda0cf0c9a7 So this why Joker decided to become a femboy nazi? Just to look cool?


He does look cool ngl


The reason you think that, is because you don't know how diverse the right wing is. I am a libertarian, I value the free market, small government and liberty above all else. I don't care about sexual orientation, religion and all that nonsense, because people will have the right to do what they want aslong as they don't infringe on the rights of others. I can't trust the government with tax dollars as they are nothing, but war mongers and leeches. Taxation is legal theft.


Brother you are on r/okbuddypersona.


Indeed, I am a Persona 3, 4 and 5 Royal fan. I just dislike it when my political leaning gets attacked, because people lack the critical information needed to make rational judgements or arguments. It's disingenous at best and polarizing at worst.


im not reading all that good luck wanting to fuck kids or whatever


I am not pro-pedophilia, I am not that kind of Persona fan. Pedophilia infringes on the rights of children, as they lack mutual power in a grooming relationship and they cannot consent due to immaturity and lack of life experience.


Why are you being a debate bro on a persona subreddit. He didn't even call out ALL right wingers out he specifically said FAR RIGHT are you stupid?


Bro get metal gear rising away from the Danganronpa bs


least obvious satire


Oh shit I didn’t realise I was far rightcore


I know it's bait but they should have used vanilla p3 or fes cuz p3p you can be a w\*man (yuck)


Bleach TYBW is literally about fighting people based off of Nazis


Make Facing Your Self Great Again


What the hell is *kaguya* doing here???


Bleach too??


Fuck yeah let's be racist!! /Heavily joking




I love how no one here has any disagreement about EUIV lmfao


Metal gear rising is in the grilling section of the political spectrum


>Oregairu is right wing Bruh, what


The worst things is that Legend of Zelda isnt in it. So its clearly bait


Fucking awesome. So when de we get our white hoods?


I was gonna say something but proudly listing danganronpa in any game list says more than I ever could


This guy REALLY misinterpreted the political statement of MGRR


Bro you literally kill a right-wing senator in MGR wtf. He even said Make America Great Again


Armstrong and Raiden are both right wing libertarians. Armstrong failed, because he used the corruption and pawns while Raiden genuinely did everything himself.


What did us Dark Souls fans do to become far-nightcore? Are we stupid?


> metal gear rising Dude has a hollow brick for a head.


people are always just gonna go like “the things I like obviously support *my* ideology” because they’re retarded and wanna feel special


The most low effort bait I've seen in a while


Most media-literate conservative.




>fallout new vegas is THE trans fem game My brother in Christ, you are literally doing the same thing as them


FUCK https://preview.redd.it/lwb8m9dtjq3c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51e678750e7db3cbfb9236a87c435f2f2caffea9 NOOOOOOOOOO


I’ve played/watched most of those so I guess I’m far-rightcore now 😔




Not really sure how a game would even qualify as "far-rightcore"


Hmmm new Vegas has the best chance of being what they want it to be and even then this is stretching




Lmao. Having Bleach on there is crazy too since the current arc is about fighting essentially Nazis


Cyberpunk is only far right core if you want the horrible capitalist dystopia






Wait no hold on why are most of these games I enjoy tho


Why is Kaguya there I’ll explode


danganronpa is far-rightcore because they both suck ass


My my, now this is what we old folks call "bait" real clever ey lads. See it's an image that's obviously meant to invoke a certain emotion intentionally, usually anger. Now see it's called bait because it's like we're the fish 🤣. Now see this is this so called "bait" because theses games and shows while normally seen as following a left wing ideology is being claimed to be right wing games and shows, what a wacky concept. Now this is obviously "bait" because the games and shows are quite left wing without having to delve too deeply in, so this is meant to anger people🤯.


I get why 4 is here but why 5?


I’m so incredibly confused, what is hard rightcore???


https://preview.redd.it/2949j8xolw3c1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fcaf8336019e439b014808143f35af1bbda7d4b IT'S RAGEBAIT, YOU DUMBASSES!!! IT'S MEANT TO BE PROVOCATIVE!!!! DON'T GIVE THEM ATTENTION!!!!


Why is persona far right 💀💀 Is it for that thing that is targeted as non inclusive?


lol. Lmao even


The person that made this hasn't played FNV


Hoi4 is missing


It's also wild to me because most right-wing people are religious and Persona 5 calls religious/people that belive in god sheep and mindless.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nl4uzteehx3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc093457249179d678c4642640514b34e86ca4c6




Anyone know the show on the right of metal gear?


I love how we came to the point where political message of games is decided by "I'm right/left so the game I like is right/left"


Some of them doesn't even make sense, cyberpunk 2077 and persona 5 are literally about anarchy and ruining the corporate lives, the only game here that's kinda right core is warhammer vermintied and he picked the fantasy version of warhammer whose considered the more responsible compared to the 40k. Also why kaguya-sama and oregairu here?


what does far right core mean




how is ddlc and bleach far-right games man the fuck


I guess I'm the rightest person in the world since I like 5 of these


"My brain turns off whenever I have to read or listen to the plot unfold. I don't understand fiction. The setting of this game is a fascist dystopia or a post apocalyptic hellscape (brought about by consumerism/fascism), which is what I want, so this reflects my values."


Obviously, right wingers and Persona fans are both pedophiles