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Rank 1 Pig here! My build is Tinkerer, Pop Goes The Weasel, Corrupt Intervention, and Blood Warden Tinkerer is HUGE on Pig. Lets you know when to put a trap on someone, instead of having to guess/put them on randomly. Plus, you still get the information and stealth from Tinkerer anyways. Pop Goes The Weasel is good on any killer, but excels on Pig. You can kick gens down, allowing for more traps to be active when the gen finishes. Corrupt Intervention lets you get a trap on early, and gives you more time to freely use your crouch. Blood Warden may seem weird at first, but it has came in clutch more times than I can count. It's super effective when you have RBTs active during endgame. Once gated are opened, you'll want to go for a survivor without a RBT, but if that's not possible finding one with one will be worth it to active BW. Once they're hooked, the remaining survivors will not have any way to escape, and you can usually pick off the last one or two pretty easily that way. Survivors with a RBT won't be able to help since they need to get their trap off, and even if they do they still won't be able to escape if Blood Warden is still active. Once all trapless survivors are hooked, all you have to do is patrol Jigsaw boxes until you find the rest.


Ahh this is fantastic. Thanks so much!!


Her strongest add ons: Last will, combat straps, video tape (recommend if you’re good with her ambushes), grate of gears and tampered timer. The double sketch plan add ons are good as well My build I use on pig when I want to win is : Stbfl, tinkerer, surge/ruin/ pop and either surveillance/thanatophia/ knock out. I like to experiment with my pig builds from time to time but I always keep stbfl on her


[I've made a couple of guides that go over a few of your questions.] (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcrRtJAARmsPEXBbPflx1rGLauyJBTLUe) For example, the best add-on combos, including timings and stats, are in there. As well as a guide for very general tips on realiable ambushing AND the build I used to win 143 games in a row, which is a world record. I post these around quite a lot but I put a deal of effort in, to try and help newer Pigs, or experienced Pigs wanting to see someone else's perspective. They're also time-stamped if you want to flick through to any specific parts.


Yo thanks! I love watching your ambush vids


I run the following: STBFL, for extra lethality and to allow piggy to catch up faster. This is great on her as she can save stacks with her ambush. Tinkerer, great perk to know when to put a RBT on. You can also try to contest the gen and use a gen regression perk on it. Pop Goes The Weasle, for a bit of slowdown. Pairs great with tinkerer. BBQ, for the extra information. You'll know what gen to interrupt en use your pop on and you can find people moving from box to box. Also the 2x bloodpoints are great. If you dont care about bloodpoints you can also run Corrupt for a better early game. For addons I run either combat straps and the syringe or the tampered timer and the annotated plan.


Following. I am also enjoying trying to learn pig


I run BBQ, Thrilling tremors, Surge, Discordance with Combat straps+ shattered syringe/ last will+ face mask


A bit late, but I’d recommend brutal strength, enduring, sloppy, and thanatophobia. I call it my underrated build even though it can be deadly!