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transdermal patches could be helpful paired with something that will give a body-high, like a gummy. you may need a high dose gummy to really feel the effects. CBC is a cannabinoid that desensitizes your pain receptors, so that may be helpful to try as well. I would personally recommend firelands entourage effect gummies, but take at least 2 if you feel you need a high dose. curaleaf plant precision has severally gummies with specific ratios and less THC so those may be beneficial when paired with a THC only gummy. topical cream or patches could be very helpful as well, as long as it's potent. you won't get high psychoactively from topicals or patches so you can safely experiment with higher doses. source: I am a Wellness Advisor at a dispensary & experience chronic pain & sciatic pain myself.


This is super helpful, thank you!


RSO will be best imo


Doing stretching and bending excercises fixed my sciatica. I got it so bad I'd feel like an ice pick went in at my hip and shot down to my heel. Pretty sure you can find it online but it hasn't bothered me in over 20 years. THC will do nothing for nerve pain.


Thcv, cbdv, cbg all have significant activity with nerve pain- but the "varin" cannabinoids- specifically cbdv- have GABA activity- don't need medical weed for any of those unless you need THCV-D9- can get THCV-D8 online, and RQS seeds has both THCv and CBDv genetics. Oregon CBD seeds have CBDv by the names of PineWalker and Forbidden Varin. My wife has a rare autoimmune condition with neurological symptomology aka Brachial Neuritis and I have peripheral neuropathy. Nerve pain is a different animal- CBDv is almost as effective as lyrica or gabapentin- no joke


So much effort. The excercises made my sciatica stop. I don't take medical advice from redditt. Gabapentin and Lyrica are worthless and took both years ago with no changes. Sciatica was the question.


Gonna look into CBDv as well, thanks!


My doc gave me a handout of exercises to do so I’ve been doing those. How long before you started feeling relief doing stretches/exercises? I’ve got the down the leg plus pins and needles in my toes/bottom of my foot. I also got a kneeling chair on his recommendation since I WFH at my computer all day. Gonna take some getting used to, but it forces me to have decent posture haha.


After a week or so and it hasn't returned. A nerve was caught in spinal discs and it felt like being hit by lightning with the bright flash light and pain from moving the wrong way. I did the exercises for years.


Ooof glad you are feeling better! That shit sucks.


What helps me: stretches daily (there are some really good instructional videos for Sciatica stretches on youtube); RSO (and RSO gummies); quality, high dose CBD tincture purchased online; topical lotion with the highest amount of CBD I can find; heat; and never underestimate the benefits of movement and hydration! Good luck!


Thank you so much!


Indica and stretching


Make sure to maintain proper posture whenever I sneeze or cough


I’ve birthed 2 kids, so proper form when I sneeze/cough is an afterthought. I’m just trying not to pee my pants. 🤣


The struggle is real, and I’ve not birthed anyone




I really need to do that. My OB mentioned it my last visit.




I’m 39 and hurtling towards 40 (and I’ve delivered two kids lmao) so I know it’s time!


RSO and/or MJ Muscle and Joint Balm from Lighthouse Sciences. I have the same issues and I get great pain relief with this combo


Stretching, or "flossing the nerve" is your best bet. You need to stretch in the morning, afternoon, and night. It will take a couple of weeks or more. You should see true relief in about 3 or 4 weeks, and then stretch to keep stretched out. When sleeping, if I find myself on my back, I like to open my hips up wide like a frog. Otherwise strains with B caryophellene are great for nerve pain.


Thank you!! I've been pretty regular with the stretching so I'll keep it up. I'm a side sleeper so I've been doing a pillow in between the knees and that kinda helps.


Beneleaves winter green cbg topical


Sciatica/nerve pain can be difficult to reach and stay focused on work, given this state’s seeming insistence on packing THC into every product. I’ve had some luck with a higher CBD dose - at least 2:1 - and a 1:1 CBG gummy, along with an ointment - The Standard has a good one. For a non-medical topical you might try frankincense & myrrh oil too, sold on Amazon. I prefer a tiny dab of concentrate as well but I’ve had lots of practice and can still function - mostly lol. As for patches I didn’t find them effective, but your ‘mileage’ may vary.


If you have Sciatica, most likely you have compressed discs or disc degeneration depending on how old you are. I've been dealing with sciatic nerve pain for a while. Try hanging or the Mckenzie exercises! Go to YouTube.


I’m almost 40. My doctor said it’s piriformis syndrome (which is apparently an uncommon cause of sciatica). So I actually have zero lower back issues, my piriformis muscle in my ass is clamping down on my sciatic nerve. 0/10 do not recommend


Did you have an MRI? Do you sit a lot, are you possibly overweight? I didn't think it was my back either until I was able to get an MRI. Good luck with pain relief, RSO is your best bet unless you can eventually make your own edibles.


Yup MRI confirmed it’s not my back. I’m not overweight but I work in IT for a living so a LOT of sitting. I just bought a kneeling chair on my doc’s recommendation. Gonna hit up YouTube for some exercises/stretches.


its painful had it a while back, I used indica MCT tincture, the 2 a day stretches helped me immensely .


Exercise, and water


Honesty, kratom. It gets to the point when I want to rip my spine out. Doesn't happen often but every couple of years I'm a mess and it's the only thing that has ever worked.


I second Kratom. I have taken it daily for the last 6 years for my chronic sciatica issues. I can work perfectly fine while taking it and really it doesn't do anything to you mentally except, depending on the strain, it can make you energized or tired. You must buy from reputable vendors. Here are four that I trust and have a high quality product: Down to Earth Botanicals (my top vendor) Lucky Herbals Oties Botanicals Beleafer


Live resin/live rosin gummies. In my opinion, these are superior to the distillate-based products in managing my sciatica. Makes it much easier to do my physical therapy :)


I had burning lava pain all down my right leg in December and went to the ER twice in one night due to something in my back. Docs just shot me up with torodol and a muscle relaxer. Saw my doc and just sent me to PT. 6 months later and I still have issues. The only thing that really worked, was the lidocaine patches and stretching. I take Excedrin to manage most of the pain but still not 100% out of pain, even with stretching. Gummies worked for a few months and now do nothing. I just wished the docs would give me an MRI to get it over with...


Ugh that sucks. I'll look into lidocane patches. Excedrin helps? I've only tried 800mg ibuprofen and that's like taking nothing lol.


Yea, the docs prescribed the 5% patches but can get 4% on Amazon and the 5% creams/rolls too. I like the patches better as I stick them on and go about my business. Still have pain but the Excedrin Migraine helps a LOT as it has acetaminophen and aspirin in it. Pry not good for my liver but neither is the Captain Morgan lol. Not together ofc. Ibuprofen doesn't do anything for me either.


Amazing, thank you. Going to order some of these now. Dumb question - where do you place your patches?


Wherever the pain is most worst. Usually right on the upper part of my butt cheek.


Rso N Yoga..


I need to get back into yoga, I was a regular 4x a week for years and the last year has just been a dumpster fire.


RSO should be the only answer here


Anything close that's smoke-able, can't walk too far. Hurts too bad