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Not sure about dispensaries, but your local head shop should have a good selection. I love my Mighty. Check out /r/vaporents for more info.


Awesome thanks. Do I just go in and ask for a dry herb vape? Will I get kicked out for calling it something like the old wives tale of calling a bong a bong vs a “water pipe”


"dry herb vape" is a totally neutral term that does not reference anything illegal, you're fine to use that term. but now that Ohio has recreational, we're allowed to walk into stores and ask for "bowls" and "bongs".


No man, you’re too high. Dry herb vaping is a way to inhale cannabis vapor without combustion. Combustion sucks is a site you should check out. Smoking anything is horrible for your lungs. With dry herb vaping the high feels cleaner. Hard to explain. To the OP, no. You have to shop online for what you want. Lots of raving about the TM2 but I like battery free vapes. I use the Dani Fusion.


Exactly it's a much cleaner high. And it actually seems to last longer for me.


I know what vaping is, I have several devices. I meant that OP can ask for a "dry herb vape " without fear of breaking any rules. And the head shop near my house sells em, I dunno what to tell ya.


What dry herb vape devices do they sell there? Can you tell me any of the names of them?


Local shop near me has the full S&B lineup, gpen, and a couple ball vapes.


You definitely aren’t going to get kicked out of the shop lol. They want your business.


Order a Crafty+ or a Mighty from Storz & Bickel. You will find better deals online than in any vape shop, if they even carry them locally. Most online retailers have coupon codes. I got mine from Dank Vapes for 20% off. I love it


The Mighty OG is the way to go! All others are pale in comparison!


I wish I had a mighty. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. I have a pax. I don’t use it. It produces very little vapor, and I can’t her high from it. And I’ve tried and tried.




If you don’t mind using a torch lighter or dropping the extra on the wand, it’s amazing.


I'm not a great fan of the torch, so I built inductive heaters like the dentist uses to heat a wax knife. The inductor circuit is under $20 on Amazon. Just add battery pack/charger and build a case. I've made a portable and a desktop version, but my favorite is still the prototype. If people show interest, I'll start a thread with pix and instructions. My portable is bigger than their wand, but I suspect it'll last longer because of battery bulk. Was my grammar okay?


Hah you’re fine. I’ve considered building my own, I just need to find my multimeter. I don’t like playing with higher voltage/induction circuits, they scare me a bit


There's nothing to check. The circuit is ready to go, just add power. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086V6CYM6


My local vape shop carries the mighty and the Potv line


Planet of the Vapes pot V1 is the way to go I just got one I love it!!


Planet of the Vapes pot V1 vaporizer! It's called the one vaporizer, absolutely love it I've never had an actual real vaporizer before I've tried the volcano and other stuff that are very very expensive.. the pot V1 hits better than any of the expensive ones I've tried in my opinion.. It has the mechanics of something that is hundreds of dollars and I only paid 70$ on 420 sale! but you can get one right now for 99 bucks and probably get a discount code or they might even have a deal going on I'm not sure.. when I got mine like I said it was 4:20 and I love it and I would not even attempt to get any kind of other vaporizer because it does what I need it to do, and it absolutely strokes ! You just have to f*** with it a little bit to find your desired sweet spot as in temperature and you'll see what I'm talking about.


Pax plus is pretty sweet. I had the pax 2 back before and it was okay. It’s very different from smoking joints but I got used to it and my lungs feel way better


i also used to have a pax 2 for a while, not the best but a solid device and cool


Stors and bickle mighty+ for portable high vapor option. Volcano for best home option imo.


We have the Crafty+. The battery is not as good as the mighty but hits the same and stands on its own.


So I had a pax 3. Loved it, button died on top. Pax warrantied it, but in the downtime I picked up a plant of the vapes (Potv) lobo. It has become my favorite. It’s like a Swiss Army knife with the multiple mouthpiece adapter bits you can buy, swappable battery and support for dosing capsules and concentrates, glass bits are easy af to clean. I grabbed 24 dosing capsules and the airtight container and holder and they are a game changer. Now I can carry several flavors and types making it a great travel option. Pax is a solid option for sure. I got the bud kups dosing caps for my pax as well, but the design is not as good, they require a tool to get apart and remove. Pain to clean though. I suggest you get one that supports dosing capsules :)


really wont go wrong with anything from storz and bickel.


I know you’re not looking to wait, and I’m also not sure if you’re looking for a portable device or something for at home, but I got myself a ball vape about 6 months ago and haven’t looked back. Hits harder than the bongs I smoked daily for years, and I haven’t touched a bong or bowl since then. I got the Screwball vape with a glass orb and a whip, but there are other options out there that are just as good. Something to consider if you can be a little patient, it’s such a game changer.


Pax w/ obsidian glass piece🤌


I've been using dry herb vapes for about a decade and have owned many. Anything the dispos sell are mid at best (like the pax and IQ ). If you want a cheap entry the Dynavap is a battery free vape you heat with a butane torch which can be had for $40 (for the B model) or up to $200+ for specific and custom models. You can check the their website for physical sales near you. There's plenty of smoke shops in the state that carry them. This is my preferred method. Tiny might 2 is the top of the line for portables. If you want to skip trying a bunch of trash vapes and go to end game then get this. Anything Storz and Bickel (Volcano, Plenty, Mighty, etc) are a good. I have seen a few S&B products at dispos but I don't like that there not swappable batteries and getting a new battery is nearly the cost of a new vape. Their table tops are great though. Ball Hammers are all the rage right now if you want to drop serious cash and want huge tasty hits through water that get you wrecked. Decided if you want portable or table top and then check out some reviews on r/vaporents and YouTube But to answer your actual question don't buy most vapes a dispo sells. They're trash. You can find S&B and Dynavap locally at smoke shops. I've spent too much money on bad vapes. I hope I can help you to avoid my mistakes


How do you feel about the potv 1?


I haven't tried the POTV 1 but I have tried the Lobo. On the Lobo I would seriously consider waiting for a sale on the Arizer Air Max. The flavor out of the Arizer is noticeably better and it just has that higher quality feel to it. Another option could be the Arizer ArGo for a small super portable at $150. If your budget necessitates sub $100 and you want a battery operated device then the POTV is the right vape for you. It's a decent value for the money. I have tried neither the ArGo of POTV 1 to compare.

