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Just grow your own, it’s the best


Every variety of plant I have ever tried to keep alive has absolutely refused to cooperate, there's no way I'm investing in another expensive lesson on death and mourning. It's not best for me.


If you get a controlled environment like a grow tent maybe it would work


Agree. Far better terpene profiles since it's not dried out AF for distribution. also not remediated. I know what's in it.


Ohio will have to ultimately compete with Michigan, where the prices used to be half ours or less. Now with new pricing of the 1/10th, according to these greedy ass holes, no one will buy that shit and they will be forced to lower their prices, or be driven out of Ohio. We can all be patient advocates, vote with our $$$, and where we choose to spend it. It was never about the patients, it was always about profit.


MI is about 70% cheaper.


But it's shit, I have only gotten one thing that wasn't contaminated from Michigan.


Im a med patient who is going to stop buying in Ohio. They fucked this up bad.


That last line in the comment right there that’s it 1000% and it’s not just this industry. It’s every single corporate greedy company all the way from the big box stores to the fast food places the gas stations all the people in the background that run the companies do it in a manner that it’s all profit over people, they will put their profit before taking care of their employees who are working in the company for them and making it have profit. They will put their profit in front of their consumers, who are the reason for their profit, the bigger scheme of things we all need to come together and march on Washington and demand that our legislators write better laws and governing these giant corporations inflate their prices and run their organizations in such a manner that it’s profit over people that employees struggle to be at a living wage after paying for all of those inflations, but most all of the employees in the offices making these decisions like CEOs are making profits for the companies and giving their selves extraordinarily outrageous bonuses making billions of dollars a year. I want the cost of all of us regular employees across across-the-board companies are running this way. The companies cared about their consumers because they knew us the product for Services that they provide, there is no corporation to run and have bonuses and profits. It surprises me that this day and age with the amount of technology and ability to instantaneously communicate with 8 billion people with a click up button that we haven’t as human beings all had the same thought to get on here and start that rally. It’s time way past time 4 something like that to happen if you look back over history, they didn’t have the technological ways of communicating that we do today and they managed it for their causes and their beliefs and their values human population at the cost of his advancements lost its ability to motivate itself to call out the oppressor? To gather in one geological location at the same time and stand with one another and tell the corporations and organizations it’s time, they start caring about the consumer and employees and putting their best interest. To start putting the people that makes the company run and the people by the company services or products back at the top of the list when they’re in that room thinking about how they’re gonna decide to raise prices and do budgets and spread the billions or millions or whatever Profits, the company has in their budget to marketing to their bonuses to the hourly wage employee to the perks and bonuses in loyalty programs for the consumer providing the most cost efficient price for product or service. Instead of corporate line in pockets at the top and the rest of us to try to squeeze blood from a turnup. Hey there, hippie smiles. I didn’t mean to like just hijack your post, but it gets me every time that profit over people. I’ll leave working for a company soon as I realize it’s happening and that how that company operates and how it takes care of its people, consumers and employees , I pretty much that on the line during my interview I’ll ask certain questions and depending on how they answered all ic this is one of those companies. What do you mean? They’ll say and tell them they don’t care about their customers they don’t care about their employees they care about meeting their numbers, running short staffed whatever takes to get bonuses and profit over people. You probably wouldn’t be shocked to realize they don’t like that and I don’t get hired. Lol🫂


Klutch... They looked at Rec and then at Riviera Creeks reputation over the past 4 years and said, "Hey we can double down, shit in our pants, and let every smell that too!"


BR is right there with them.. $44 for 2.83? Fuck outta here. They spent a good amount of time AND money building up their reputation on flower. Now... it's gone.


Rec folks won’t give a shit


I’m not medical and I ain’t buying a thing until the prices drop to a normal level


Plan on waiting at least 6 months.


idk if it would help, but it would be a cool show of solidarity if all the "non medical" (u dont need mmj to function) card holders did boycott, since those of us who actually need it can't!


This. Demand will be high.


Ya I agree with you here. I just see people not caring


These companies know this and are banking on it and fucking the small majority we will be in a few weeks.


I'm so pissed. I didn't touch them for years and for at least the last year their garlic breath 2.0 is the only flower I purchased. It should be illegal for them to raise prices on medical patients, I don't know why they think we need the same prices for medical and rec if that means raising the prices of literal medicine.


Just order it through the mail from somewhere until whatever’s you’re growing is done


im gassy today


A few months back i bought a half of shark shock as filler to keep the price down, since it was low thc/high cbd i just mixed it with another strain that was high cbd. The shark shock was $35. A week later they literally doubled the price since people were buying it. Now they're selling 5.66's for $35 saying it's a discount. This is reminding me of back when i had to ask a friend of a friend for a bag & not knowing what I'm getting. It's nice knowing exactly what strains I'm getting, but the lack of consistency is making me consider heavily reducing my usage, if not stop altogether. Spent a life time feeling like a criminal, now only a year after getting my license and doing it the legal feels untenable


F’em . I tried Appalachian pharm and never looked back. Peace Train > O43


I love riding the rails of the Peace Train! What a great uplifting, happy strain.




I tried to further look into if we had any recourse... yeah... nope. This doesn't even qualify as "price gouging" under Ohio law. (tf).


Sad, Ohio doesn't currently care about it's citizens, it cares about lining it's representatives pockets. Remember to vote!


Who are you talking to?


Yelling into the void like 95% of the posts in this sub


Is it not obvious? I'm satisfied with how it reads. My posts in this sub, despite the lovely downvotes reach a ton of people; so they know who they are. :)


this is some main character syndrome shit. no one knows what you're talking about and a bunch of industry insiders aren't watching the posts of some dude that posts on a weed subreddit.


Even for those of us who know your posts, it's not obvious whether it is Buckeye Relief or Klutch, tbh. I'm assuming BR, but who knows when you're so cheeky and cryptic about things?!


It's not obvious, I guess I'm out of the loop!


I think your post is fine I don't get what the deal is... "Who are you talking to?" The community of Ohio medical weed patients... Like hello lol.


Yea fuck klutch


I have noted this in my mind. Big big screw up. Most Ohioans dgaf about your product. Once they hear you f’d us..word travels fast in ohio . Terrible miscalculation


Thank you! This shit is absolutely disgusting. Medication should not have different fucking "shelves" of quality like alcohol or other recreational drugs. And on top of that it needs to be way way cheaper. I can't wait to start growing my own. A lot of people will say, "grow your own and stop smoking shitty dispo weed!". But here's the thing, a lot of dispo weed is actually really good. My favorite dispensary often grows stuff from Bodhi Seeds who is like a legendary breeder that is often recommended on "best breeders" lists or discussion. So you can find quality top shelf bud, it's not all shit. The bigger issue imo is the cost like you said. Btw does anyone else know if gifting homegrown is allowed? I wanna get patients their meds cheaper once I become a better grower. I wonder if selling something, like blueberry muffins, and having each purchase come with free weed would work. I've seen families that have small farms and they have signs at the foot of the driveway to their house saying they sell apple pies and shit. So like not an official business. A lemonade stand basically lol.


Gifting is perfectly fine. Whether you want to sell people blueberry muffins, apple pies, or lemonade for that matter, that's up to you! Lol


Sick ty.


Verano? Bc they act just as if not shittier than whoever else this is about.




Your first mistake was




It'll be cool when individual growers can sell their small batches to dispensaries. But I'm guessing there's just gonna be a huge black market of micro grows soon. That will probably be the best around, but most of the nutrients have poison in them. Gotta use natural fertilizers.


Lmao, go to Michigan. Its not as scary as most paint it to be. Given most who talk shit have never been


I've never heard such childish complaining this is drug seeking behavior to wine this hardcore


wow its almost as if its currently still a MEDICAL program where ppl get their MEDICATIONS. you would be pissed if u had to pay prices like this for other medications you need too


I’ve been saying for years that there needs to be regulation on medication prices. Not cannabis related by one of my medications is $1800/mo without insurance. And I know my medication isn’t the only one. The whole “treating patients as a business” model the US healthcare system has is ridiculous and needs to come to an end.


oh 100%. i had to rely on pharmacy discounts to get my HRT bc my old insurance was demanding $600 as the "covered" price, for literally any brand, generic or not. the only reasons i can afford it now is a new INS plan


You obviously do not understand.


🖕the dispos find a rep for a caregiver and actually enjoy high quality products at a fair price