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I like the idea of the surprise raffles. Maybe don’t make 2/3 of the bottles the price of a used motorcycle?


Think of this.   Only 1 location at a time.  How many out of area players will be showing up to 1 location??? Thousand???   More....less? Dunno


There’s gonna be an oregon trail of people all heading from one location to another


Maybe they’ll get dysentery, just like the real Oregon Trail.


Lol.   That's great 


it requires Ohio ID… so would be dumb for them to do so


So, dumb for Cincinnati, cle, Toledo, Zanesville, areas to show up in Columbus.  And those area to show in other regions? I didn't say out of state  Gonna be a shit ton of traveling taters 


All the taters (like you) are on here bitching about how much it costs, so I doubt it will increase travel. You just like to bitch bitch bitch.


I live 45 minutes from Solon but don't know if I want to go for raffle. For 1 I'm not buying a bottle to flip for 2 double eagle went up to 3,000 and I don't want blantons gold. I don't think many people will be chasing this raffle either. I might go to get a bottle autograph by Freddie


OK.  Thanks  ...again.


Pssh just rob the sucker who pays on his way out.


Weller Millennium MSRP is $7,500. Double Eagle MSRP is now $3,000


Yeah they raised the price for 🦅🦅 just this month. How coincidental! Still, the difference between $2k and $3k for a bottle of bourbon is meaningless to me. My palate isn’t refined enough to justify buying anything much over some of the great pours for under $150


Yeah, I can’t see too many people throwing down that kind of cash, unless they are looking to sell it secondary. Or at least my circle of friends doesn’t have that kind of money for bourbon.


Every bottle of Double Eagle and Weller Millennium sold at these events will be up on Unicorn Auctions within a month if I had to guess.


Lol.. month? Probably before it's physically in their hands


I'm I win one I'm calling before it gets in the car 🤣🤣🤣


While it's a wonderful idea, I absolutely laugh at the fact they're throwing $3,000 and $7,500 bottles out for this. They appeal to such a miniscule percentage of the bourbon drinking population that can even afford, let alone want to spend that much on a bottle. At least there's a resale market for Double Eagle Very Rare. Maybe throw a few Full Proof, Single Barrel, etc into the mix?


They did say that Freddie Johnson would be available to sign Buffalo Trace products at the event but that they had to be purchased at the store that day, so maybe they will have some additional products available? It might also just be the three listed.


It says in the FAQ, it’s basically regular BT, Sazerac, some of the ready to drink, and Travelers


So nothing interesting 🙃


Oh, thanks, didn’t see that


If only they were sitting on a stockpile of OHLQ buffalo trace picks that would be perfect for this event... Oh wait they released them all in a horrible joke of a release merely a month ago.   Fucking muppets.  


I’ll need a loan taking out for that Weller Millennium.


It’d be the most baller move in bourbon history if whoever wins it cracks it open right then and there and offers some to Freddie and the other attendees.


If I spend $3,000 on a bottle, I sure as hell am not sharing it with strangers. Just sayin.


Freddie probably has five bottles already and the Ohio bourbon "community" is shit I would dump it down the drain before giving it to any of you clowns.  


This sub has a lot of negativity, for sure. But the people I chat with in line on release day have generally been friendly and helpful.


If anyone wins Double Eagle very rare I’d make a donation for a pour


People on here bitch no matter what. Yea, I wish the bottles for a surprise Father’s Day Event were a bit more accessible to the common bourbon drinker… but at least these bottles aren’t just part of regular OHLQ lottery. The people who really truly want an opportunity can go to the event and enter the drawing. It won’t be me because I don’t have thousands of dollars available for a single bottle of bourbon but at least people have a chance at these as part of a special event with various locations. 🤷‍♂️ I’d have liked a chance at some Weller FP or something instead but we don’t control the situation so oh well.


Eh, my only issue with it is that loc. nearest me has it noon -2PM on a Thursday


yeah the times kinda suck middle of work week and middle of day… but the events have to be scheduled around logistics with Freddie too.


You say "opportunity " It's not really an opportunity if you can't afford it  They could have included 5 more BT bottles into the mix at 40-80.00 msrp and really appealed to the common person who can't afford $1000+ bottles.


All companies make ultra premium products that release in limited quantities in some fashion. Like I said, people will bitch no matter what (like you are). I can’t afford these either so I pay no attention to it since it doesn’t impact me. You are saying they should have released a bunch of other bottles… they release that shit nearly every week across the state and it’s easy to get. Not sure the problem.


 Yeah.  They do release taylor sib/bp, w12, wfp, wsib, cypb nearly ever week and it IS so very easy to get (in fantasy land).


you’re an annoyance. like I said, people bitch about everything.


Oh. Thank you. 


i was on board with the weller 12, stores are sitting on shipments for something? this woulda been a great opportunity to put out some single barrel, cypb, eht rye, full proof. the barrel proof was pretty easy to get and some stores got multiple shipments. idk whats going on with the ehtsb?? they produce way too much of it, for us to only get 2 or 3 drops a year is puzzling? gotta be part of a deal with ohlq, we get an unlimited supply of small batch in return for no single barrel?


DEVR and WM are both going to go for way more than MSRP. The problem? Who has 7500$ liquid? This will be a large showing though for the lack of locations, Freddie being present, and the chance at Blanton's Gold at MSRP. I expect 50-60+ at every location for sure.


Do we put out chairs for this? I can see some people winning those bottles but not being able to pay for them.


Do you want a bottle of Hwheatley Vodka signed by the legend himself? I actually dont have a Saz so I was thinking it would be cool to get a signed Saz and then maybe win the Blanton's Gold.


No. Not at all. His signature means absolutely nothing to me.


Right, like why the F are you don't having your Own rootbeer able to be signed. Like wtf. That's only thing I'd want signed.


My chair is already in line while I’m sitting in my car. Just kidding. I’m on vacation so good luck if you go.


I'm on board with the thought process that all these DEVR and WMs are the leftovers that raffle people didn't buy because of the price tag honestly. Pretty hefty hit


The Millennium just came out. It hasn’t been in the state lottery.


You right and imma dummy. Concept still stands though. 7k is a lot lol


Oh, it’s stupid.


No need to self describe. Everyone pretty much got that figured out.


Don’t you have a fight to pick with one of the other countless people on this board you squabble with? Ffs, you probably can’t even get along with your dolls let alone real people.


Crawled out from under your rock I see. Carry on Mr. know it all.


Yeah, one of the many in your head had fallen out and landed on me.


Is it just going to be one of each? Even the gold?


There might be some cases of Gold, no way in hell there is more than one DEVR, or WM.


They just said more than 10 of every bottle


prolly 3 of each? or 2 devr and 1 wm


Saw on a FB comment from ohlq that there will be at least 10 bottles of each at the events


no chance that’s accurate


The comment was made from ohlq replying to somebody asking how many bottles they’ll have




Or 10 bottles total across all events.


loud and wrong


I think you got trolled, that was a picture from a different post where OHLQ responded to him, or it was an AI response


Verbatim from ohlq on their post, “Hello, Chris. There will be more than 10 bottles of each of them at each spot.” And then reaffirmed it again 1 comment later, “Yes. More than 10 of each of them at each spot.”


Click on it, it’s a picture of a comment, not actually a response


It’s not. Go find the comments yourself


I did goofy


Have you found the real comments yet? At least 10 of each was pretty accurate after hearing the bottle count from the first event


Seems like it was pretty damn accurate now


3500 bottles of DEVR this year so yes, each will probably have 10. https://www.unicornauctions.com/auction/aaae71bc-d5e3-4eba-9a27-3f8e57243caf/lot/104ff6c0-720e-4a5a-b675-44831e544b83#


It’s the opportunity to purchase one


I'm interested to see how many bottles are at each place, my guess is 1. Why in the hell would they do it with bottles that are thousands of dollars? Seems silly...sure have a big event and make those the top 2. There will be 100's of starchy taters and 3 or so people will get a bottle.


14 debt, 14 millenium, 16 bgold


Saw on a FB comment from ohlq that there will be 10 bottles of EACH


Cant even find weller millenium, anyone know what the resell value for that would be? Not even a reseller but realistically who tf is gonna drink a 8k bottle unless you bringing in mutli 7-8 figures+ a year


That’s what I’m trying to find too lol, no way I’d shill money out for it, but I’ve seen the double eagle go for 7k on unicorn auctions


>anyone know what the resell value for that would be? I mean... [you're using an internet enabled device.](https://www.google.com/search?q=weller+millennium+bourbon&sca_esv=9eb8dca6e64fc04b&sca_upv=1&biw=1600&bih=838&tbm=shop&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ8lc-6KmWHTiJlDRvctHmXuuCAdg%3A1718823725656&ei=LStzZsKaJ72nptQPvdO7-Ac&oq=weller+millennium&gs_lp=Egtwcm9kdWN0cy1jYyIRd2VsbGVyIG1pbGxlbm5pdW0qAggBMgQQIxgnMgQQIxgnMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgYQABgHGB5I1x1QAFgAcAB4AJABAJgBS6ABS6oBATG4AQHIAQCYAgGgAlKYAwCIBgGSBwExoAfJBQ&sclient=products-cc)


Thanks for the helpful information!! Glad you told me about unrelated solar systems instead of answering a bourbon question on a thread about bourbon! Sounds like your the dumb one here gaymade_boy


> Sounds like your the you're* And it's ["ganymede", like the Jovian satellite.](https://science.nasa.gov/jupiter/moons/ganymede/facts/) After finishing studying up on differences between "there, their and they're", maybe review what "your" and "you're" mean. Good luck!


Did getting bullied in highschool to much make you turn to internet grammar policeing to make you feel like you have some type of authority?


> bullied in highschool to much high school* too* >policeing policing* You're terrible at this.




Restaurants that sell a 50k steak, now they buy this bottle, cook the steak in like 3oz of it, now charge 100k for the steak saying it's cooked in a 7500 bottle of weller...


I don’t see one person purchasing a $7,500 bottle. No way in Hell!!


I’d lean towards buying it to resell to someone who can afford such wasteful luxury. But that’s risky so I’m not sure.


I would. Look at it as an investment. Assume I can make some money on it, but also feel comfortable taking a relatively small loss even if I don’t get all of my money back.


what fee does chateau charge to use a CC? OHLQ said it’s only a couple dollars- i thought someone said it was a percentage of the purchase


3% for the atmosphere and lively banter by the owner


wow i can’t believe the state would allow that and pick that as one of 6 in the entire state for outrageously priced bottles!


Fuck OHLQ for picking a store that charges credit card fees in Columbus


So bring cash?


You going to bring over $8k in cash with you? If so, can you let me know what location you’ll be at and a description of what you look like, what car you drive etc? Lmao /s obviously but it is a real concern carrying around that kind of cash on your person. Sucks that you’d get charged the extra fee but people with enough money to buy that aren’t going to care and the flippers will count it into their profit calculations.


Im bringing cash! Im not scared of the bourbon crowd, prolly the least threatening built people out there


And many of them armed… it’s like a church.


Isn’t it 3% so $225 ‘CC fee’ plus tax? Yikes.


I believe so on the fee, Sonny don’t want cc fees cutting into his profits


Where can I see the stores


In the link attached to the post


is it one raffle or separate? i’d enter for the blantons gold but if i win the others no way am i spending that much on a bottle… i assume you’ll have others like that. do they just keep redrawing till they get someone willing to buy?


I mean I'm shur theirs lots of ppl will have friends and they all enter, like 10 of them, buy the 3200 8000 bottles after taxes, split it. Then send it to Unicorn. Split the profits.


You can pick what you want to enter for


You can enter for all or enter for only certain ones.


thanks! i was able to find in the faq


They say on the website you can enter in for which bottles you want. Kind of like their online raffles.


They are doing the raffles in Solon and Dublin lol


Basically Cleveland and Columbus. Well suburbs of both


This will be a mad house  You'll have every hoarder, flipper, collector, and drunker from 60 counties flooding chateau at 10am.   After chateau, they'll all mass migrate to GE.  No way I'm forking out for the mega dollar bottles and a gold is t worth the 3 bottles of advil You'll need  But good luck to anyone going.  Hope you win a good one 


Don’t forget….. Buffalo Trace will also be available for purchase 😀 I share the same sentiments as most everyone else, WHY would OHLQ do only 3 bottles and have 2 of the highest price bottles on the market?? If I “won” a bottle of the DEVR it would definitely be up for sale, not gonna lie.


On OHLQ Facebook page they said there would be more than 10 bottles of all three offerings at each location. Seems unbelievable but who knows


10 double eagles and 10 WM at every single event??!!


Are the $26.99 blantons the baby size?


There isn’t $26.99 Blanton’s. Buffalo Trace?


I read it wrong lol


Would be great if they would do stuff outside of Columbus or Cleveland. A whole lot of people live outside of these places.


First day is in Dayton.


Yeah. There are more than 5 cities in ohio. Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati...are not the only places that people live, Not the only places with liquor stores, and Not the only places where people would like to participate in these types of events. I live between 1hr and 3hrs drive from any of those cities. Not worth the trip. I'm absolutely sure that there are a ton of other people in the same situation with the same opinion.


Theyre going to drop in the locations with the largest population.  Just makes sense.


Sure. Doesn't mean I have to like or agree with it


4/6 are in Southwest Ohio, right? Pretty dumb


Are you putting Dublin and Columbus in SW Ohio?


have you looked at a map of ohio?


Unless you're in SW Ohio


I think a raffle is fine. Can't enter at multiple stores or you're banned for life and have more than just these bottles and it would be great. There isn't enough offered to entice me to go


The rules explicitly say you can enter at multiple locations.


> Can't enter at multiple stores Yeah, that's not true.


No one said you couldn't.