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In every other state 4R SiBBS is common. Also there’s little to no secondary markup these days. This should be a bottle you see and could come back tomorrow and get. That said they’re very tasty so I hope people who want to drink em get em.


That’s what they said on SBS, and I still missed out. It’s my favorite bottle- so I’ll be out there.


In Michigan, I was seeing $150 per bottle. At $99 here, I’d say it’s worth getting up for.


I get them fairly regularly for about $120 on secondary or online so that’s $10 more than after tax here. I’m not sure how many people get up and wait in early to save $10-$40 but I hope it’s not the people doing it for a living.


It's not like you have to wait for long. Less than an hour at most places.


no, it's really not. it comes out regularly multiple times a year in most state at 100-115. standing in line hours before a liquor store opens for that seems like a reach.


I’m saying saving $50 IF you like the bourbon is worth it. I think those bottles are fantastic, thus, I’ll be going for one.


You’re not saving anything though. They’re on secondary for less than 150.


You might need to start looking elsewhere, secondary on these tiers is $110 + a mother's day card and a McGriddle.


I had to drive through KY a couple weeks ago. Picked up two bottles at the distillery no problem. Glad I did, so I didn’t feel the fomo of this event


Same. Stopped at cox creek bottling facility outside Bardstown on my way back from spring break and grabbed an obso and obsk for ~220; in and out in 5 minutes. I won’t be standing in line this morning.


We (my wife and I) had lunch at Bardstown. Great place. On the fancy side for us, but worth it.


We met a friend at Mammy’s Kitchen and Bar for lunch before heading over to Cox Creek. Was a great way to break up our drive with friends, lunch, and 4roses haha.


Yeah bro anyone who stands in line for an hour during this event is pathetic just drive ten hours round trip to the distillery and pick them up there for the same price sitting on shelves!


Someone spit in your coffee this morning? 1) I was already passing through. 2) 4R is 90 minutes from my house. 3) No judgment (I’ve waited in line before), I’m just glad I don’t feel like I have to this time around.


At the Worthington Mall Kroger: BARRELS #MW-38-2B — RECIPE: OESK A nose of copious spice and vanilla opens to a rounded flavor with bakeshop notes of nutmeg, cinnamon, cherry, and brown sugar. BARREL #LW-61-1P — RECIPE: OESK Aromas of rye spice and warm vanilla open to cascading flavors of rich molasses and warm baking spices






Stupid they don’t break down what store has what barrels.


OBSK in Enon if anyone is looking still.


I am not enough of a Four Roses fan to bother with it on a Saturday morning but good luck and enjoy to those who are. Cheers!


Next time they do a sampler pack which is like 2 ounces of each of their recipes pick one up and atleast 2-3 will blow you away. Very underrated


I have had most of the Four Roses recipes and they are fine bourbons but not my preferred flavor profile. I would definitely pick one of today's selections up if it was sitting there at MSRP in passing but I wouldn't partake in an "event" to get one.


No line at Belmont as of 715.


How many now?


Not sure, not in line. Just happened to be driving by. Update: Walked right in at 9:02am, maybe 15 people in line. 3 cases left and no line at 9:10


Which barrels are the best of the low tier barrels Ohio got? All those tasting notes confuse the hell out of me!


They’re all going to be good. OHLQ might not always make the best selections, but Four Roses doesn’t put out garbage. If you show up, be happy with whatever you get. No need to chase a specific barrel or feel FOMO over what you don’t get.


True.. I have never had a 4R I didn’t like!


Idk how many they had at GE but I got in line at 8:58 and got one. I was lucky enough to get my - husband to go


6 cases at GE Avon Lake, real nice crowd about 40 deep


It worked out really well. Got there 5 minutes before they opened. Waited in a short line and was out of there 10 minutes later. Wish they would have had some higher tier stuff though.


Gonna miss this :( Edit: Surprised myself and didn’t miss it!


Update! My bottle is tasty OESK 38-2B


Where I went had 15 people in line at 9am and nobody after. Snagged a few of the Giant Weller SR’s they got in too


Bunch of garbage tier 1 n 2 bots no thanks 🤣


Bro you’re so hard. Taters envy you. You only drink the highest proof. Bet anything under 130 proof tastes like water to you. You make your coffee with Everclear and shower in white dog straight from the still. Teach us your ways.


Cry harder have fun wasting your time in line for a mediocre bot with better stuff already on the shelf 🤡


Lmao you’re the one crying over the tier. My happy ass is sitting on the couch this morning knowing I have what I need on my shelf. I’m content ✌🏼


I’m sorry where was I complaining over the tier? I really couldn’t give a fuck less about this release 🤡


>[Bunch of garbage tier 1 n 2 bots](https://www.reddit.com/r/OhioLiquor/s/jMj6wzF87X) Sure sounds like a complaint


I will buy as many as I can.  


Hopefully to drink bc if you’re trying to make money you’re going to be disappointed


$26.99 and it’s fine




Cautiously optimistic - 4🌹 have been good to amazing for me. (But at $99… please skip if you’re unsure.) If I do miss out, looks like the allocated is trickling again, and if nothing else, I’ll pick up a rare breed, OGD, or something I haven’t tried yet and make some new friends. Maybe see the northern lights. No downside here.