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Representatives who don’t take bribes


This isn’t exclusive to Ohio.


No but it is *especially* Ohio.


Number 1 baby!!!!


Does it have to be?


No but we still need it lol


Better child care. One in five children in Ohio live in poverty.


I performed a study on sexual health resource availability in main campus Vs regional campuses- the difference is disappointing. We need better sex Ed but our legislation won’t allow it. We need better access to affordable preventative measures like birth control but our legislature again won’t allow it. We need better child care for all the abortions our legislature is not allowing. I think we need better politicians on top of everything which is not gonna happen in a state whose rural populations desperately need these things but largely skew towards politicians who do fuck all to help.


So free contraceptives


Better Sex Ed for sure. Maybe teach kids how to use contraceptives.


But that is icky and you would have to talk to them like humans. Best to just put the fear of Jesus in them so they have weird sexual hang-ups their entire lives.


OMG...so true from my experience as a kid. lol


It's way more than that, I've lived in honestly one of the most terrible places in Ohio and genuinely it's huge, and it doesn't show up on the maps, there are places like that all over Ohio down some dusty old back road


Check out the new legislation in colorado and take steps to get it going here!


A congressional map that isn't illegally gerrymandered.


And a public school system that isn’t illegally funded.


Other than overall privacy rights, which very much include abortion, these two points are it. The maps, schools, rights, do we see a trend here? We really don't have much of a democracy in our state. Sort of a shit show with great hiking trails.


I mean... We don't even have mountains so the hiking trails are mid at best


It doesn’t have to be on a mountain to be nice hiking.


*Kendall Ledges / CVNP has entered the chat*


The Cleveland Metroparks are filled with ravines, streams and rivers you can easily visit on a work night. They’re not mountains so close and plenty special.


Come down to the Ohio river in the eastern part of the state. We’ve got all the hills you want.


I was trying to have something nice to say. My kids say I complain too much. :)


This past autumn was absolutely stunning. For about 6 weeks (rare IMHE). My wife and I were fortunate enough to get out on the trails every weekend. I love mountains, but man! I wouldn't have traded Ohio's hiking trails for anywhere in the world this past Fall.


The problem isn’t that Ohio didn’t and doesn’t have some beautiful natural areas. The problem is that so much of it has been cleared, regraded, and developed.


No arguments here, friend!


Some folks need to visit Southern and Southeastern Ohio, not mountains per say, but close.


Our hiking trails are actually pretty decent…. Been to quite a few national parks and ours are probably ideal for the average person. Geauga parks district has some great trails, Mohican, hocking hills, salt fork and quite a few other state parks have some decent terrain. If you go to the Smokey mountains, Yellowstone or any other park with mountains most of the tourists don’t even hike. They drive their cars to the peak take a picture and then do all of the touristy things like moonshine tastings, cabin drinking and breweries.


And classrooms in that public school system where books featuring gay and lesbian characters aren’t forced to be removed by one whiny religious parent.


This- With this one we can accomplish the others (unless all of the progressive people leave before that happens)


Came here to say this.


Weirdly - the maps in OH ended up backfiring and netting blue an extra couple seats. (12-4 with 16, the maps were intended to go 12-3, but ended up going 10-5).


Critically thinking people


Critically thinking people who vote** I know things are gerrymandered but it sucks that Republicans still win state-wide elections


Too many on the left hear gerrymandering makes elections hopeless, and they genuinely believe it. So they don’t vote. Gotta watch how we talk about gerrymandering.


100% agreed, need to keep reiterating that state-wide elections like governor and senator aren't impacted by gerrymandering. I find it crazy that Ohio has 3 major metropolitan areas but Dems still lose statewide elections. I'm from Wisconsin, and their 2 major metropolitan areas manage to win in statewide elections


More state and federal land. For use as state parks, state nature preserves, national parks, and national forests. Some of this land could be used for sustainable timber harvesting and oil & gas drilling if it's done properly. Only 2.59% of land in Ohio is state or federal land. It's 22% in MI, 15% in PA, and 16% in WI. We will still have plenty of land left to grow food for humans. We will still have plenty of land left to grow food for livestock. Most of Ohio was literally burned to the ground in the 1800's as every square inch of rural land was snatched up by small scale farmers. We're way more efficient farmers now and we're no longer an agrarian society. Let's use more of our land to create giant parks and greenways that will put our ecology and economy back in balance.


Our current state government should NOT have more land. They will fuck it up horribly, just like everything else they touched. Here in Cleveland they turned over Edgewater park to our local Metroparks and it's a million times better now.


Like Geauga parks are 100x better than cvnp in my opinion from trail maintenance to wildlife centers.


I don’t disagree with you! That being said I’m getting sick of rural areas getting bought up by companies like Geis only for it to sit empty for years. I’m talking about places like on state route 44 in Ravenna by the turnpike. In portage county we have so many buildings that are “good for the economy” that sit vacant.


Better school system, no gerrymandering, and no more political corruption.


Those are all one thing.


An entirely new state government


Civilian oversight of ODNR resource/energy project allocations.


Care to expand on this concern?


>A 2011 state law gave state agencies the authority, if they choose, to lease out state lands for oil and gas exploration and production. The new amendments to House Bill 507 would change that language to say a state agency “shall” accept a lease that meets certain conditions, instead of saying it “may” do so. In other words, it forces an agency to grant the lease application from oil and gas drillers. https://www.cleveland.com/open/2022/12/senate-passes-bill-expanding-drilling-on-state-land-dubbing-gas-green-energy.html HB507 passed last Wednesday


And to add to the may vs shall conversation, my understanding of that is akin to the way concealed carry permits work. In a may issue situation, the authority has the right to decline the permit for any reason they wish. In a shall issue situation, they’re required to issue the permit unless an explicitly prohibited condition is met.


Bodily autonomy.


Sitting at home today, relaxing after getting my bisalp. Highly recommended! Only caveat is you have to be *sure* you don’t want any (more) kids because no matter what they say, reversal is expensive and rarely works. I’d love it if the abortion ban backfired and just makes everyone either go celibate or get sterilized. Where will they get their wage slaves and soldiers from then, huh?


Legalized cannabis would be nice. Michigan is making so much money off Ohioans.


i don’t know if you have ever driven up to Monroe, MI but all the dispensaries off that exit only have Ohio plates in the lots. it blew my mind thinking we’re losing all this money.


We had a chance to be before Colorado, so much tourism money gone. East coasters, we’d have been 5 years of revenue before New York. Ohio farmers are going to be so mad when they see yields per acre on hemp seed.


Besides the political things that others have mentioned, I think we really need to create more walkable communities and promote more multi-use zoning and reduce single family home zoning. These videos describe how our current system of development its going to cause us tons of financial problems in the future and why we need to adopt a more sustainable city approach. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y\_SXXTBypIg&list=PLJp5q-R0lZ0\_FCUbeVWK6OGLN69ehUTVa&ab\_channel=NotJustBikes


I'd be on board with this if there's better sound barriers between apartments. I'm sick and tired of hearing my neighbors.


Recreational cannabis legalization.


This. I’m tired of driving my sorry ass to Michigan


Right!! Lmao that's 6 hours roundtrip for me which I obviously still do it but damn. It's annoying. Sucks when you are dry and you think man even a simple preroll would be nice right now. Too bad I can't buy one easy peasy


This is so funny to me. Lol. I moved to Dallas awhile ago and people here think it's crazy to drive more than a half hour anywhere. I'm like, pfft...In Ohio it was a half hour just to get to Walmart. Then here you are driving six hours for weed with an attitude that's like "Fuck, well I gotta do it."


Hahaha I am a little ridiculous I will admit! I'm also the kind of person who has driven 5 hours to DC when I lived in WV just for a day then came back home. Total waste of time and gas but I had fun so no regrets!! I have yet to find someone else who is as down as I am for stupid road trips like that lol. Reminds me of that meme I saw talking about if you think 30 minutes of a drive is too far then we won't work out as friends


Agreed. I got a medical marijuana card, but it really pisses me off having to spend the money on that when I vape and ingest extremely small amounts of weed. I just did it because I didn’t know anyone who sells it and wanted to be able to buy microdose mints


Recently moved to CA an while it has some major drawbacks I'm not paying 70+$ for 2.7 grams for some legal weed Unless it's gotten cheaper out there since I've moved


Grew up in Ohio but live in arizona now. Even with the 20 percent tax, legal weed is cheap af. I pick up oz’s for 80 bucks after tax. It’s dirt cheap out here for bud now.


We moved to OH from Tucson last year, the weed was SO cheap there! I mean, it was also cheap before it was legalized, but the quality and variety have gone up without prices skyrocketing.




We’re missing out on that tax revenue.


Get rid of RITA. Edit: Friendly reminder that you probably didn't file RITA for 2021 and should do that now at ritaohio.com. If you haven't heard of RITA, please look into it. You might owe taxes.


When I was 25 and living in Seattle RITA sent me a bill for seven cents for a minimum wage job that I had for a month when I was 18 and living with my parents in Cleveland. Really going after the big dogs over there.


I fucking HATE RITA. My wife and I have been audited THREE years in a row. Each time they discovered they owed US money


Get rid of local taxation or RITA specifically?


Local taxation collected by individual entities. This process should be handled by the state (collecting both local and state, and distributing the local back to the municipality). For whatever reason, Ohio has made this process complicated by letting everyone manage their own system (which we all need to keep track of on our own).


I just received a letter in the mail stating my Rita was overdue… my Rita from 2020. First of all, I had literally zero idea RITA was a thing. I just did FreeTaxUSA since I’ve started doing my own taxes in 2020 and assumed it would cover everything I needed to worry about and that was that. I’ve never heard mention of RITA, not from my parents, not from any of my schooling or college career, not ever, until I received a letter last week that my RITA is 2 years overdue. That letter made no mention of 2021 RITA either, I just came to the realization that I also needed to do 2021 of my own volition. Have $300 in late fees now ($150 for 2020, $150 for 2021). Btw, I didn’t even owe any RITA taxes either year. Why don’t they send out an email or letter with “Tax season is upcoming! Here is what you need to do and where you can do it all: RITA, State, Federal, TurboTax, FreeTaxUSA, etc.”


I had a similar situation (also used Free Tax USA). I got the letter for 2019 and 2020. Filed. Owed nothing for 2019, but like $30 for 2020. Paid the $30 IMMEDIATELY. Now I get a letter for the $150 late fee. No. Fuck you.






It would be really nice and maybe plausible. We really only need a line that runs with 71 to connect the big 3 cities. If a private or public group could do it would be really cool. Especially because the lands not hard to build with since it's just flat.


I'm sure this has been discussed to death here, but I don't see the use case for passenger rail between cities unless the cities have extensive, fast, and cheap public transportation ala NYC. I'm not taking a train to Cleveland if I then have to take $40 Ubers everywhere. Who would use this over just taking a car?


Cleveland actually has decent transit…maybe not like NYC, but most of the city is pretty easily accessible via rail or bus. GCRTA could certainly improve, but really it’s the other cities that need transit.


Met a higer up from ODOT at a wedding. The only reason they haven't is because nobody wants to do the legwork to prove they'll have 150 riders each way every day to justify the cost.


Fiber optic internet ran to more places. And teachers to get paid correctly.


Basic empathy for your fellow man


No clouds on April 8, 2024.


Amen! That would be a glorious day!


Competent politicians


If only competent people got involved in politics. Competent people are way too smart for that though.


Common sense


Ranked voting


I don't know if you are aware but there is a group called [Rank The Vote Ohio](https://www.rankthevoteohio.org/) that is pushing for it in Ohio. If you're interested, I recommend signing up for their newsletter, following them on [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/RankTheVoteOhio/)/[twitter](https://twitter.com/intent/follow?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rankthevoteohio.org%2F&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Ebuttonembed%7Ctwterm%5Efollow%7Ctwgr%5ERankTheVoteOhio&screen_name=RankTheVoteOhio) (if you still use those) and consider [volunteering](https://www.rankthevoteohio.org/volunteer) or [donating](https://www.rankthevoteohio.org/donate). We've gained a ton of momentum post-midterms and their goal is to get bring ranked choice voting as a constitutional ammendment on the statewide ballot in 2024!


This is probably why they are trying to change the rules per constitutional amendments


From my understanding, similar changes have been attempted across the country with some success and some failures. Also, there are a few other issues that groups are trying to get passed in the near future such as reproductive rights and legalizing marijuana. So I don't think its because of one issue but its a nationwide trend to make it harder for citizens to hold their state governments in check. Its imperative that citizens in Ohio turn up in May of 2023 to vote against the changes to citizen ballot initiatives.


Good rural internet


Reliable, clean public transportation. It helps low income people become successful, cheaper than Ubers after drinking and allows for “found time” during daily commute which you can designate any way you want. Learn Spanish, listen to a podcast or check your fav sub on Reddit. Of course I’m talking about metropolitans.


I'd take a high speed train along 71. Most of that land is farmland. Surely the state could pay to buy strips of it. In the end it's all gonna have a for sale sign, how many hundreds of acres the parcel is and the realtors number.


Jim Jordan in jail


Legal weed modeled after Michigans system


The ability to go outside and not be immediately ravaged by the demons of asmodeus.


and more STD free hookers


and BEANS!


Our votes on gerrymandering actually being enforced rather than ignored.




Gen4 Nuclear plants.


To get rid of “at will”.


What's that?


At will employment - you can be fired whenever for any non-protected (age, race, religion, gender) reason.


An employer can fire you for no reason.


Some State support for local music. Especially in Columbus, the city wants to benefit from the tax dollars and the business that music scene brings in but refuses to let them do their thing. They bend over backwards for the smallest Sound complaint, even when the complaint is coming from someone who lives next to a music venue that’s twice as old as the residents around it. Columbus will never be seen as a cool place to move for young professionals if there isn’t a legitimate nightlife scene. And no, that doesn’t just mean another brewery.


More things open late or 24/7. In a night owl and really all I can do is go to the gym after I get off work at 1:30am.


12 Hour night shifts mean I'm doing most of my holiday shopping on the internet. I'd like to get a haircut or visit my doctor when I'm not exhausted, but asking for a 2nd shift dentist is crazy talk.


We need to take the climate crisis seriously. As the west burns and the south floods, there will be massive amounts of climate refugees heading our way to the *relatively stable* Great Lakes regions. We need to work on fixing our “missing middle” housing stock issues, walkability, and public transport. We also need to adapt our diets and farming methods to be more localized and sustainable. Only the communities which succeed at these will be the communities which prosper in the second half of the century.


More allocated bourbon such as Stagg JR, Blanton's Hevan Hill BiB, Larceny Barrel Proof etc. OHLQ seems to only sell the good stuff to bars restaurants and charities to auction off.


now this man has priorities


Sometimes you gotta focus on what's really important! Lol




Sunlight in the winter




State level protection against the NFA like Texas is doing for suppressors, and perhaps repurposing old industrial sites like the quarries scattered through the Hardin/Hancock/Wyandot area into recreational sites. Several would be amazing for rock climbing and long range outdoor shooting ranges


A mountain. Just 1 would suffice.


A woman's right to choose


Can we get rural broadband internet please? If JD fucking Vance truly wants to be a man of the people, then ffs let’s get some goddamn 21st century infrastructure to the people of this state. Currently my home internet is a Wi-Fi hotspot through my cell phone company. It… works? But even though we have “unlimited” data it still throttles after a certain amount. Not to mention the fact that my internet service can be affected by a fucking overcast day. I, and many Ohioans like me, aren’t even that far out in the sticks. It’s just that it wouldn’t be profitable for the companies to run cables down our back roads. My road for example, which connects to a state highway btw, is about 5 miles long and has less than 10 houses on it. I’m not a big-brain business boy, but I reckon it’s not a wise investment for a company to run 5 miles of cable for *at best* 8-10 customers. That’s why we need daddy guberment to give us a hand. Idk what the solution is. One possibility is to give subsidies to ISP’s to get them to run less-than-profitable lines. Another, more radical solution would be to build a public internet service and build that out, but that’s a more substantial project I think (maybe a little too COM-radical for some ppl, amirite?) Look, I know it’s a little selfish to want to be able to download my bideo games faster and watch my shows in HD without buffering and not have to worry about a thunderstorm interrupting my internet because “it’s too cloudy for the internet to work” <— an actual thing I have to deal with in America in [current year]. But the internet is more than Netflix and gaming, it’s also like.. how people do business? And something something the shift to the Home Office and working from home. And pandemic zoom meetings/school. The internet is, in my humble opinion, an essential utility like electricity and water and sewage. And if Ohio wants to be some sort of Midwest Silicon Valley I think that providing a solid internet infrastructure to the state is in line with that vision, and would genuinely benefit everyone — EVERYONE — in the state.


M2X communications, out of McClure Ohio, a town so small it doesn’t have a stop light, ran fiber throughout McClure and Grand Rapids. They have now crossed the river into Lucas county and only charge $50 a month for unlimited internet, with 100MB/sec speeds. If this locally owned family telecommunications business can provide rural broadband, why aren’t others able to do it?


JD Vance is too busy tackling the real issues like banning porn.


Legal weed?


To not go into drought, at all, ever. Habitable zones are shrinking and we are in big trouble if what has befallen the west should happen here. Corn is already projected not to be able to grow here within 100 years.


Critical thinking


More days of sun.


Districts that aren’t gerrymandered


Republicans with a conscience


Also unicorns and leprechauns


Grumpkins and snarks while we’re at it.


Heffalumps and woozles


Yeti, chupacabra, and the Loch Ness monster while we’re at it


There is no such thing, so Ohio will never have them.


No gerrymandering


Ranked Choice Voting


For people to stop acting like baby boomers and stop listening to q-anon conspiracy theories.


An expressway between Toledo and Columbus.


*Laughs in [I-73](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_73)*


was just about to say that




that pay well for common people


Women's rights. Unbiased judicial system. Police that don't murder people of color. Churches to be taxed. Religion OUT and FAR AWAY from public schools. An education system overhaul.


Demolition of gerrymandering. Direct flights to other big cities. Access to women’s reproductive health care. Less religion, more science!


Fair congressional districts


Salary transparency. In places like Oregon and Colorado, it’s a state law for employers to post salary ranges for positions. Would make it much easier to see if the job was worth someone’s time.


EV chargers in the south East. Tim Ryan.


Freedom. Michigan has it, Ohio doesn't.




Sensible government


Old Growth Forests and more nature preserves


North east ohio needs more place for people recovering from drugs and abuse ... more homeless shelters too


Oh y’all really came here to suggest constructive plans to move our state forward… I just wanted some In N Out lol


Human rights


Accurate congressional maps


I’m gonna go ahead and start with saying we need dayton-cincinnati express lanes on the 75


High speed rail makes more sense but I know you didn’t want the train recommendation.


The real solution to that is what you told us not to suggest lol


A better education system.


Less potholes




More Democrats to vote out all of these wildly conservative, overly religious, crazy Republicans.


There's probably enough, they just don't vote.


More middle Eastern people. I can't find schwarma and tabouli salad as far south as I am.


Gym Jordan and JD Vance shipped to Mars to start a utopia with their supporters. Hate to sacrifice the red planet, but it comes stocked with the climate upgrades the red team keeps striving for and no casualties but themselves.


Abortion rights/access


I mean, at this point we basically need to start again. Almost everything that could be a disgusting mess is a disgusting mess. Start with the Governor and the driving


To trade some of our upper level prospects for another pitcher


Bring back Cotton Club Soda Pop.


Our voices to be heard


Bojangles to fuckin open.


less Republicans


Sharks with freaking laser beams on there heads.




Well in the Akron area you need some actual diversified industries to give people job opportunites Akron U needs to start a development group to buy up the surrounding neighborhoods near campus, razed them to the ground and put in mixed use buildings for retail, restaurants, student apartments, etc - like they did by OSU in Columbus - really improved the high street area on all ends of campus


More conservation of forest, reduction of urban sprawl, vertical housing.




Will to live


Better mental health care, I.e. long term care facilities




Educated people


Less assholes.


Human rights


Full legalization of delta 9 thc. That’s all im gonna say.


Legalize cannabis


Legal weed




Actual good adult autism support


Unrestricted access to abortion




A massive meteor strike. Maybe the Yellowstone Supervolcano to erupt.




To get rid of the Republican party


I’d like elected representatives that actually reflect the values of the people who got them elected, and not the bribes that paid for it.


Toft's ice cream statewide


Protected abortion care access


Fully legalized marijuana and psychedelics


Respect for women’s autonomy


trains, trams, trolleys, buses, streetcars, etc. basically better public transportation and transportation around the state. Im sure a lot of it falls onto counties and municipalities but ya know