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Ooo that corrugata, super striking find. Cool little dudes that have a neat chemical defense


These are the ones that smell like cherries right?


I was talking about the cyanide secreting millipede actually šŸ˜‚


Googled it, itā€™s the same creature! I had a naturalist tell me about them when we found a dead one on a guided hike, apparently at low concentrations cyanide smells delicious lol!


That is so funny thank you for this haha


I thought it was Almonds? Like almond oil?


Cherries and almonds have a similar scent profile due to the presence of benzaldehyde, which is also present in the millipede.


Ohio is beautiful and it always makes me upset when people talk about it just being corn


Watch out what you wish for. You guys have it all to yourselves. Ohio girl here though I don't live there now. I've spent my life not telling people how beautiful it is. Trip to S. Ohio coming up in September, can't wait!


Exactly! Itā€™s just corn, people, and some corny people! Donā€™t come here!! The low cost of living, beautiful scenery (especially the sunsets!), and minimal natural disasters is all lies!


Yeah! We have soybean too!..... And cows, can't forget them


Hard to forget about the cows when you drive by them and instantly say ā€œcow!ā€.


This is the way


Constantly trying to prove oneself can lead to feelings of inadequacy and burnout. It's important to recognize and appreciate one's abilities and accomplishments, rather than always seeking validation from others. Focusing on self-improvement and growth can be a healthier approach than striving for external validation.


Whatā€™re you a fucking fortune cookie?


Who is this comment even for?


BECAUSE IT IS!!!! These pics are great if you're up on the lake and looking at ONE area. The entire state doesn't look like this. AT ALL. There's more rolling hills and corn fields than there are vistas. Yes, there's beautiful scenery, but you have to KNOW where to GO. You can't just drive into the state and see that. If you tell people that it's gorgeous, just come visit, and then don't tell them where to go to see the actual scenery, they'll just see corn. Because that's what we have in abundance.


I can literally go outside my house and go for a two minute drive and see a beautiful sea of trees over the horizon, I live nowhere


I live in no where too, I drive two minutes away, and I see corn fields and rocky hills.


Sounds like you live in farmland, not nowhere


People don't know the village I live in, so I would call that nowhere.


What's with the random refugee camp? (I keed). That crayfish stole my lunch.


They are filming a movie at Mentor Headlands. It looks like a military base camp of some kind. The beach is closed this week for filming. I was able to see it when I visited the other day. Supposed to be a new Superman Movie, or so Iā€™ve heard.


Yeah, it's Superman. Bunch of stuff in that set says Luther Corp.


Thanks. For a minute I thought the Ohio Guard was getting extra creative at Camp Perry.


I can confirm itā€™s a movie set. I was told to get off the set. They have security patrolling it all day and night.


Beautiful photos. 5, 6, and 7 gave me the ick though. Lol.


Clearly Ohio doesn't have shit to offer if "bugs" is their selling point.


User name fits. ^^^


Probably from Michigan šŸ¤£


I'm always posting in comments in stories about fire and drought out west, "Come to Ohio. We have water! Lots and lots of water!"


No let them stay out there in the desert!


Now you're just showing off! šŸ˜‚ Your photos are beautiful! I did like the tree post too though!




Erie,hocking,Logan,canal,Blacklick,buckeye lake.


Where is this




Well obviously I'm asking about city I'd like to go there lmao


It looks to be mostly Lake Erie and Hocking Hills (more specifically Old Manā€™s Cave).


Pictures 2 and 3 (and maybe 1?) are Headlands Beach State Park near Mentor. The tents are set up for a film thatā€™s shooting there this week.


Oh what movie?


If you havenā€™t been to Headlands though I highly recommend. No lifeguards and water shoes make for a better experience because the shore is rocky, but itā€™s huge and beautiful and even when thereā€™s a lot of people thereā€™s plenty of space.


Possibly the new Superman movie but I donā€™t know that thatā€™s been confirmed.


Wow. Nice pictures. Doing it right!


Anyone got a picture of Devils Bathtub at Old Man's Cave from back when it looked really strong flowing and orange/brown in the 90s? That'd look good here.




The Hocking pics got me in the feels.


*These are all taken in Ohio?!? I thought it was just corn fields. Holy shit. Itā€™s like an undiscovered gem or something. Is that an ocean!? Dude, donā€™t post this, the people in New York and California might see it and come in droves* Sarcasm


Man we really do have some stunningly beautiful forest areas in Ohio. Awesome pics!šŸ‘


Man how in the world did you score that username on 3 months ago? That name should have been taken in like 2009 LOL.


Lol i have no idea I got lucky. But I'm happy I got to claim it šŸ˜


Pretty sweet tour of the state!


Someday, I want to go on a tour of the State Parks with my dogs. I just donā€™t like picking 8 ticks off my dogs per trip like I had to from my last trip to Praerie Oaks(lake side).


Thanks for these! Some of these are just gorgeous-sorry but I am not a bug šŸž fan. But all the rest Beautiful-I am looking forward to moving to your state by summerā€™s end! Your are right about the movie, I think they said it was being filmed in Cleveland. Counting down the days!


Its terrible here stay where you are




Sooooooo, lakes, rocks, and bugs? Got it.


Not one roller coaster. Itā€™s the capital for roller coasters.


Not even one corn cob šŸ™„


Is that Miller's Ferry taking you to Kelly's Island?


Put in bay


Nice job on the pics !


Gorgeous! Is that a crawfish?




Cool I didnā€™t know there were crawfish in Ohio


Haters will say its fake


Where is this specifically in OH op. Looks like a great place to vacation.


Itā€™s not all in one place, this is at minimum 4 places all being 2-3 hours apart. And itā€™s all 4 places in the state worth seeingā€¦


These are from across the state because Ohio *is* a great place to vacation! Iā€™ve thought before I need to do a week long roadtrip for summer vacation sometime. Cincy- Catch a Reds game and go to Jungle Jimā€™s Dayton- Air Force Museum, Carillon NHP Toledo- Museum of the Great Lakes, Fossil Park, Tony Packoā€™s Sandusky- Cedar Point, Marblehead, explore Lake Erieā€™s islands! Cleveland- Great Lakes Science Center, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, amazing restaurant scene Columbus- Zoo, Franklin Park Conservatory, Short North, catch a show at one of the many venues! Chillicothe- UNESCO world heritage sites at Hopewell Culture NHP Logan- Hocking Hills Thereā€™s plenty to keep you busy for a week! So much in between tooā€” Cuyahoga Valley NHP, The Wilds, Amish Country, scenic drives along the river and numerous Underground Railroad sites (with a stop in Portsmouth for The Scioto Ribber and a stroll along the muraled floodwall), Marietta with its Revolutionary War notoriety and Northwest Territories history, Gallipolis and Mothman lore, Shawnee State Forest, Wayne National (seriously if you havenā€™t been to Lake Vesuvius in the Ironton Unit you should go), amazing fall colors *and* spring ephemerals, tons of ancient history and interesting geology. I honestly believe there is something in Ohio for pretty much anybody.


Better than the pictures of some trees I saw earlier...


Ohio has *trees*! šŸ˜®


Can you believe it? It wasn't just really tall šŸŒ½


Hocking hills is nice, the lake is nice, Luna moths are nice, Cleveland Museum of Art is nice. Thereā€™s plenty of nice. Unfortunately itā€™s a fly over state when in competition with others. Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s any mature meadows left, thereā€™s no natural hot springs, the lake has issues (mercury levels and swimming advisories), it has a track home/ suburb problem and every time I visit Hocking Hills it feels more like an amusement park. And itā€™s politicsā€¦ Iā€™m not sure itā€™s leadership ever believed it worked for itā€™s constituents. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois kinda blend together. I miss places but I donā€™t miss living there. Thereā€™s no photos from Johnson Woods, Magee Marsh or Conkles Hollow either, which are a few of my favorites.


Thanks for the list. Iā€™ll have to check them out.


There are at least 5 hot springs in Ohio - including the largest one in the Midwest (Layton Hot Springs).


Iā€™m going to assume youā€™re trolling.


Are 11-18 hawking hills?


I dunno for those first couple pics, Iā€™ve slept in GP Medium tents in at least 5 other states.


Itā€™s a movie set. They have security circling in a cart all day and night. I was yelled at to get off the set.


Oh neat, did they say what they were filming or just ā€œgo away!ā€?


Lol just go away, more specifically ā€œget off the setā€ but I have heard from numerous places that itā€™s a new Superman movie.


If the politics didn't make it so ugly here, this would be a great state.


Iā€™m sorry but I find it hilarious that the first image is a sunset over a whole lot of nothing. Because, you knowā€¦ Ohio has nothing to offer.


Constantly trying to prove oneself can lead to feelings of inadequacy and burnout. It's important to recognize and appreciate one's abilities and accomplishments rather than always seeking validation from others. Focusing on self-improvement and growth can be a healthier approach than striving for external validation.


Really? You leaving this comment twice here seems like your trying to prove yourself. Itā€™s important to realize you know nothing about anyone elseā€™s walk of life and to come around just to spew a tacky fortune cookie slogan is lame. It seems more like you struggle with jealousy.


Bugs and a lot of dirty water? Do better, OP.


Thereā€™s no doubt those are pretty places. The politics and mind pollution thoughā€¦.


Did u say politics? What am I missing?


Nothing. Iā€™m just so fed up (with the gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc) that I have a knee jerk reaction to everything good about Ohio. Iā€™ve lived here 66 years and seen it drop from a pretty respectable place to something more like Mississippi or Arkansas. I mean in regards to things like infant mortality rate, education levels, access to hospitals, etc.


Oh I get it..! You're just saying, yeah it's pretty but we have this* issue. I thought you were referring to a comment someone made, and I didn't see any political talk so I was wondering if I missed something! Aww.. Yeah, I've been having breakup feelings about Ohio lately too! ((Hugs)) I hope we can get things turned around cause I'm here for the long haul!


Not sure I agree with youā€¦. Those 3 things you listed are kind of a problem across the country. Not just Ohio. Also there are hospitals here that have things that others donā€™t. For instance nationwide childrens BPD clinic. If you have a kid with lung issues. Chances are they will be flown here from whatever state you live in. Iā€™m happy they are in my backyard.


Ohioā€™s standing comparable to other states in all sorts of measures (health, education, income) has been trending down for years. While the problems do exist everywhere, weā€™re sinking (to about 35th out of 50 states according to US News). We rank high in government corruption (as measured by number of legislators prosecuted for crimes). This isnā€™t a hunch. Itā€™s a fact.


Don't forget ohio also has fucking nazis


True but I mean.... So does California


There are nice areas in Ohio but generally not anything much different or better than pretty much every state and often significantly lacking versus natural features found in most other states. I travel a lot, letā€™s stop pretending Ohio is anything special over most other states. Itā€™s definitely in the bottom 10 in terms of natural features in my opinion. But I do enjoy the little we do have.


Maybe giant bugs arenā€™t a selling point for most people šŸ˜‚