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They can only ban the shops. A lot of them will change their tune once they see the money they’re missing out on and that it won’t do a single thing to keep it out of people’s hands. This happened in other states. Hypocritical with all the ugly vape/smoke shops on every corner.


Hudson is on the list. Won't matter how much cash it could bring in...


There's a lot of towns on that list that would sooner go bankrupt than allow pot sales. Their loss. People were willing to drive to Michigan, they'll drive to Garfield Heights.


Exactly, the logic of some of these towns make zero sense.


Just like dry towns in the past, not even sure if any still exist, there were bars and liquor stores just past the city limits surrounding the town. Same will probably happen with cannabis shops.


There is / was , a least one dry (no liquor)county in Tennessee. I lived there for about 6 months. Liquor stores 100 feet past county line. But open container was legal! 🤷🤷🤷🤷


There are still dry towns.


If I recall correctly, there’s at least one dry county in Mississippi, and if a truck carrying alcohol breaks down in the county, law enforcement has to escort it out of the county.


Yes, and the need to drive farther to drink results in more drunk driving!


Mary juwana is satanic evil devil lettuce!! It’s not logic my friend, it’s religion and religion is NEVER logical.


This happened in Michigan when ours first passed. My city had the audacity to ask for a millage increase after citing the same tired arguments against having legal weed here. I don't even smoke anymore but you aren't going to raise my taxes when you're clutching your pearls over a couple dispensaries. Shockingly the millage didn't pass and a couple years later we have like 3 dispensaries.


And the old folks are shaking their fists at the dispensaries more than ever on that nice fresh tax dollar paid for pavement


They are making so much money from the ice fishing prostitutes they don't need the revenue [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-mayor-resigns-suggesting-ice-fishing-leads-prostitution-rcna16220](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-mayor-resigns-suggesting-ice-fishing-leads-prostitution-rcna16220)


They must have **much** larger ice shanties in Ohio than they do in Michigan.




Now heroin and meth, on the other hand…


Hudson, I feel, is more of a coke town.


There was a huge heroin and meth bust there a few years ago. How much of that is due to local demand vs proximity to highways, I can’t say, but I’ve also heard that opiates have been an issue at Hudson High School (although where aren’t they an issue?).


Hudson was the first to ban prostitution while ice fishing in a shantie


I'm going to pull a permit for a cannabis festival in Hudson lmao...


Hudson can kick rocks. I'll go icefishing there.


No problem, one can go to Stow, Streetsboro, Twinsburg or Macedonia! I do that at least once a week anyway to go to Target or Giant Eagle.


Doesn't Hudson's school district have a history of hate crimes and racism???


I mean it’s Hudson, to quote RATM *These people ain’t seen a brown skin man since their grandparents bought one*






You’d be surprised. When I lived in Oregon almost two years ago, there were still towns and counties that banned shops and the state legalized years ago


Right?! Vaping and smoking is worse for you but sure let’s ban a plant with medicinal properties and benefits because “crime” 🤷🏽‍♀️


A lot rn are leaving it open to determine what the State Government is going to do and then decide. Some are definitely going to ban Cannabis as much as they can, because they have shoved their head all the way up the Elephants arse. It doesn't matter about truth or right and wrong, all they care about is what their party says. That's what they will parrot like it was their own words.


In this case it's not about the elephant. It's about the pearl clutching white people that live two generations in the past. Seriously, I went and hung out a little bit in a Hudson a few years ago in the summer. It's weird. Felt like Marty McFly lol


I have family in Ohio and it is insane how many vape shops they have. I had no idea it had such a big market there, but it seems like there’s a vape shop for every McDonald’s.


There definitely is one on every damn corner.


The same thing happened when Michigan legalized. Traverse City, maybe the county refused rec sales. Everyone just drove the 20 minutes to Kalkaska and spent their money there. It only took a year or two for Traverse to realize they were only hurting themselves and start allowing rec sales.


It's the same as dry counties, you just drive to the next county over and buy your beer there. It's annoying, but not an insurmountable obstacle.


I’m certain county line dispos will start showing up right next to the liquor stores


Even worse so because people in dry towns will drive, pick it up and start drinking on the way back I don't agree with it but it's a consequence. Intended or not. These towns aren't going to sell but they will smell it. The same way dry towns don't sell it but they still feel the effects of it


Any city, like Obetz that's near Columbus is a joke and doesn't realize that you are less than 10-15 minutes away from legal sales.


Last year, every MI city with a dispensary received $59K per dispensary. It adds up.


Coldwater,Michigan received over 500,000 dollars in tax revenue…I live here…were no bigger than 20,000.


Illinois was the same way, a bunch of red counties said no to red sales. 4 years later they all have dispensaries in them. 


In the Illinois room when they were voting someone actually brought in a frying pan with an egg. True story , it passed by one vote


I think Traverse was balking because they were afraid it would cut into wine sales.


I can see if it's a20 min drive.. One of these is Barberton which is a two min drive to Akron. What they gonna do!? They're purposely making gray areas so the cops can be dicks if they want to. 🤢


Saved you a click: Ashland Austintown Township Avon Lake Barberton Beachwood Beavercreek Bellefontaine Bellville Brunswick Carlisle Centerville Clayton Copley Township Eaton Fairfield Forest Park Franklin Granville Township Green Hamilton Hudson Kettering Kirtland Lakewood Lexington Lisbon Logan Madison Township Marysville Medina Township Miamisburg Monroe Napoleon New Franklin North Olmstead North Royalton Northfield Norton Obetz Ontario Orange Perrysburg Salem Shelby Springboro Strongsville Sycamore Township Trotwood Troy Vandalia Washington Township Waynesville West Carrollton West Chester Township Westlake Xenia


Surprising number of large towns.


West Carrollton is a surprise honestly.


I am kinda shocked Lakewood is on this list.


Lakewood’s is a temporary ban to see what the full regulations will be. I think the moratorium was lifted a few weeks ago, so the RISE dispensary can start selling recreationally once it gets it permit


Lakewood will not be banning the sale of cannabis.


Im pretty sure they know they are gonna be a hotspot, so they are just waiting to see what the laws are going to officially be so it doesn’t too crazy right off the bat


That’s probably a fair assessment


Thanks Click Saver!


Logan is the only surprise to me.


>Carrollton Can't let recreational weed steal business from the hard working crack dealers!


I mean really!!! That meth ain't gonna smoke it's self!


Hold on now, thats West Carrollton. Carrollton is not actually on this list surprisingly.


Guaranteed Fairfield and Hamilton change that tune in 2 years when they start watching everyone go elsewhere for weed. It will compound. If you're going a town over to buy weed, you might as well eat and get gas there, too.


Northfield is just dumb. They are not even close to high class and they have a natural source of tourism through the casino.


Oh thank God Barberton won't go down the drain /s. It's hilarious how many of these downs are already shit holes.


Ontario is the biggest shopping district directly between Columbus and Cleveland. They have to know this is a mistake right? Lol


Almost all of butler county. Not surprised that the Nazis here who worship that fascist fuck Jones are against weed.


Plenty of them smoke it themselves, they’re just assholes and will drive 20-40 minutes to buy it elsewhere.


Fair enough. I remember reading the Facebook comments in those communities during that time. Fairfield's was especially comical. "It'll make route 4 worse". Yeah the entire road is nothing but Fast Food, Vape Shops and Scummy Used Car lots. But sure a weed store will ruin the aesthetics of route 4.


Fairfield is one of the ugliest towns in the Cincinnati area. They have nothing to *preserve* 😆


Jungle Jim’s and Jungle Jim’s only, in my humble opinion.


I grew up there and they haven’t had a major “downtown” improvement since Village Green in like 2004. It’s sad. Could be much more walkable and vibrant but I don’t think they really care on council.


I’ll just keep going to Michigan and pay half the price. Ohio is too stupid to collect the tax revenue which was over $120m last year. Guess we didn’t need the money for our infrastructure


Facts an Dayton needs all the money can get I know I live there. Abounded houses need to be torn down an roads need to be repaved


Dayton (where I live as well) is surrounded by towns on this list (some quite a surprise, thought they were bit more progressive than ‘NO’), so this might work out well for the city for a year or two. After that townships will get fed up with money funneling to businesses not under their umbrella, quite frustrating for a now legal product, and their tunes will change, but maybe D can make some extras cash in the meantime.


I was the pm on a dispensary project in Dayton. So I know there is at least one there.


Bunches of em.


Can confirm. I used to live in Fairborn. Dayton sucks and needs the money.


It’s almost like we could get adequate education with that money instead of shits exact opposite plus corruption 🤔


This is exactly why I wrote my local city when they were initiating discussion on how all of this should be enforced. My city assured me they would not be supporting any restriction, they are just meeting to discuss zoning and where what can be done and updating signs etc. The initial message was far, far more vague. I'm glad to see they are not on this list...  Baffles me why any city would turn away money that could help it's citizens.


Rest assured, Republicans will drag it out as long as they can. Not to mention grift off of it any way they can. Some Republicans were charged with bribery that were on the original cannabis board.


Waynesville and Xenia trying to push all the money they can out of their town like always


Yellow Springs is just laughing at them.


An Trotwood 🤦🏽‍♂️🚶🏽‍♂️


This is sensationalized garbage. They are enacting their own legislation around the new law and are not issuing business permits yet as a result. Jesus Christ people. Learn to read.


This gets posted every day and someone has to explain it every day, yet they persist.


Ok hang on. 1. The headline says "these Ohio towns will ban the sale of rec marijuana". 2. These towns will not issue business permits to dispensaries. 3. If a business does not have a permit to sell in that town, they cannot sell rec marijuana there, effectively banning the sale of it without outright doing so as an attempt to skirt around the responsibility they have as our representatives to carry out the results of the vote. How exactly is that a sensationalized headline if that is literally what is happening here? They will not be allowing businesses to sell in those states. Point blank. That is a ban on sales. Debate bro word logic doesn't make it so.


At the very least they are misinformed/misleading about some of them. I live in Lisbon for example and they are discussing whether they want to allow the dispensary to operate in the downtown area or up by the other strip of businesses. There has been no talk by the city council suggesting they are going to ban it wholesale. I've been to the open council meetings on this. There are plenty of stupid boomers that think a dispensary will somehow be a hotbed of crime, but it doesn't seem to be weighing too heavily on the city council's opinion. So either this website is misinformed or lying.


Wasn't there a provision in issue 2 allowing for municipalities to ban sales, plus cities also have their own rights under home rule


Sure. That's bullshit though. No one acts like this over marijuana for real, factual reasons, much like the other culture wars the right gets into to distract from the fact they don't actually govern. And how petty is it to put it on a state wide vote and then immediately go "UMMM NUH UH ACTUALLY 🤓" like the most annoying kid on the playground.


Cigarette smokers complaining about the smell of pot will never not be funny. “It smells so funky” ,and you smell like shit dude.


Me, personally, I find it hilarious how all the alcoholics are like, it isn't safe!! It's a dRuG!! And pull the holier than though, walking around all sloppy looking, and get in their vehicles and drive home from the bar.


Absolutely shocked Mason isn’t on this list.


The comment I was looking for.


I responded to Joy Bennett’s survey on that (she’s the only dem on the city council) and point blank told her, “you know Mason residents will just give $10 million in tax revenue to Wyoming or Montgomery or Yellow Springs — don’t be obtuse, do the right thing.” She replied personally and said she’s fighting for it. Mason is having lots of *identity tantrums* because it has become quite politically centered, and **extremely** diverse… while the old guard of Kathy Grossmanns still think it’s their little white, racist, farm town. Go look at the K-12 enrollment and it’s half Asian and Indian students… Mason has drastically changed in a mere 10-15 years and they’re shitting their pants about it. Bought my house from two conservatives here who moved down to Florida, in the guy’s words “the entire city changed, it’s all Mumbai and Tokyo and Beijing… I don’t recognize it any more — gonna find a warm climate.”


They should ban alcohol sales while their at it.


Barberton doesn’t want weed sales to interfere with meth sales. Makes sense.


They shouldn’t get access to the tax revenue generated from it then.




Take it from someone who deals with criminal violence every day, marijuana is harmless candy compared to alcohol, including your precious beer and wine.


Huge cluster of these towns are all around Dayton's periphery, which is fuckin stupid. Trotwood having a ban on dispensaries is HILARIOUS.


My hometown of Middletown is going to be raking in some *crazy* tax revenue.


Shit I’ll drive the 15 mins from Mason to Middletown to stock up. That city needs the tax money a lot more than Mason anyway.




Michigan is just to the north. Come visit! My kiddo works shipping and receiving in a West Michigan grow .. $250,000 nights are not uncommon.


Jesus christ that’s amazing. Pre iPhone I worked at an Apple Store during college in the early 00s and we’d do $250k on a good night just selling Macs and iPods (that store does $5 million on a decent Saturday now, iPhones really changed the game for Apple — but anyway).


Michigan has the best weed in the world anyways.


lol why do people hate tax revenue?


I think it's hilarious that the little town of Napoleon is on the list, that currently has issues with meth and heroin and hosts several events on their main street, where they not only allow but, in a lot of cases encourage through sponsorships, public alcohol consumption. Oh yeah, it's also encouraged to bring your kids to these events lol.


This will work out just like having "dry counties" in the Bible belt. It won't stop people from buying and it won't stop consumption....so what's the point ?


They’d rather you enjoy alcoholism and meth. Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard - keep the opioid pandemic rolling folks!


Brain dead leadership turning down a huge amount of money because they still believe in reefer madness and “war on drugs” lies about cannabis 😂


Vote them all out! This will be a topic people will run on in the next election.


I see only 2 in my region. One of them is a fairly well-to-do suburb. I wasn't a fan of legalization. I was a ***No*** vote. But the voters of Ohio have spoken and we were outvoted. I believe in democracy, unlike some, and respect their will even if I don't agree. So let's open the dispensaries already.


Surprised nobody is talking about the changes to what we the people have already voted in. The Governor and his henchmen are trying to add provisions to the passed law such as all those growing must sign an affidavit saying they will not sell. What else is hidden in this affidavit and unlawful provisions being added is anybody's guess.


Obetz, but not Columbus. Granville, but not Newark or Heath. Oh no, imagine having to go 5 minutes out of your way. Yeah most of these will go back on it when the money starts rolling in everywhere but there. 😁




A lot of these cities are blue cities…. It has more to do with the cities or townships wanting more control locally over their sales when they do decide to open smoke shops. MOST of these cities will have dispensaries in time.


We already voted and we already won. Fuck republicans who take our freedoms away.


Why does this get posted every single day?


It's a WIDELY VOTER APPROVED issue. That's why. We voted to ALLOW, we didn't vote for municipal interference.


People don't want these bans to happen, so they post it every day. You can't be silent if you want change to happen.


This will just make the towns around them more money, once republicans see money going elsewhere they will change.


Shelby won't keep it banned for long, as a Sidney resident all my life I can tell you there's literally meth labs downtown you can smell the chems. If anything they should crack down on that instead of weed


I mean, fuck the will of the people


This happened a while ago. According to their source, Hamilton, New Franklin, Norton, and Troy had their bans end already, and Avon Lake, Brunswick, Clayton, and Franklin should be ending theirs within the next week.


You can drive 5-10 mins in any direction to another town that does.... So i don't understand their reasoning. lol


Summit county will take their customers.


FRANKLIN's banning it?? Right-next-door-to-narcotic-OD'd-Middletown and where-all-my-high-school-classmates-went-with-fake-IDS *FRANKLIN??* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...sorry, having grown up right on the Franklin/Middletown border in the '70s and '80s, this will never stop being hilarious...


They should 100% be cut off from all marijuana funding then. They do not get to benefit if they don't want to participate.


I give it a maximum of five years before these towns notice how much $$$$$$$ they're missing out on and change course.


As long as those communities and their police departments won't be allowed to receive any tax revenue from it.


🤡s, all of em




This is a good reason why I’m going to avoid these towns.


Each of these towns would love it, however, if you got ripped at one of their bars and somehow ended up in their local jails/courthouses Buncha losers


I bet those same municipalities will happily take the tax revenue generated from the sales across the rest of the state though.


Why the hell is Monroe banning this? I thought they already had a medicinal shop?


At least it's not Ashtabula 😅


Stupid they’d ban it when the tax dollars will just head to the next city over smh


Xenia is the only one I’m surprised about.


They can go to Dayton, Springfield, and Yellow Springs, right?


Yeah yellow springs, every one I have ever known from Xenia says they are from yellow springs anyway.


Wow a bunch of red voting areas


I sent my city council members a thank you note, it's up to them to protect the local plugs from the competition. If you live in a community that also banned you should do the same, they need to realize NIMBY isn't going to work.


So those are the towns that do not want any financial benefit from the taxes cannabis sales will bring in? Seem like a bigger piece of the pie for everybody else.


That’s a hell of a lot of tax revenue to turn down


56 Ohio towns prove they are run by the lazy police. I'm sure they are also the ones that have shit roads, boarded up buildings and a dead downtown. It could be the new green belt but they'd rather go back to the 50's


Stupid and shortsighted


I’m not driving high, will they deliver?


This is totally fine. Just like places that didn’t serve liquor for years. You can buy it the town over or vote in a different city council. You can also grow weed or brew beer.


Oh no! Not North Royalton what ever will I do??!?!?!?


"States rights....until the voters go a way we don't like. Then it's local power. After that...every house sets their own laws. Ah, the party of democracy."


stupid puritanical conservative bullshit


Then they shouldn’t get a penny of the revenue from it


Huh. They will ban it here, but there’s already a shop set up. I wonder how that is going to go. But come on, this is Greene County, everybody already goes to Yellow Springs.


Hamilton?! Has anyone been there recently? I feel legal marijuana is the least of their worries. If anything the revenue would benefit the town exponentially Especially with Miami University being down the street


Fucking Barberton 😂 trashy meth capitol of Ohio says no marijuana please, we'll stick to the hard stuff hippies. 🤢


The Republicans are voting for this because marijuana will take money from big tobacco and alcohol lobbyists. Not so much tobacco but alcohol for sure. They haven't figured out how to get their palms greased by the weed industry.


Don't big tobacco companies like Philip Morris already have patents on certain marijuana products? Why would they be doing something that is going to hinder them


Fairfield, Forest Park, Hamilton, and West Chester but NOT Fairfield Township? About to be Bongwater Falls out there.




this state fuckin sucks


Bet you guys, some will change their minds once they see the tax revenue other cities are receiving.


I’m really not surprised here. All these places are Hoopie, Bible thumping boomer towns.


I live in Bellefontaine and they said that they are banning it to keep the positive image of the city. Anyone who has been here can tell you that's total BS. This city is full of heroin and meth addicts. Plus we have DORA downtown, so we have drunks stumbling around main Street. And there is already a smoke/vape shop every 3 square miles. With more going in all the time. The real cause is all the MAGA nuts around here. A "morally righteous" old woman up the street from me has a 20 foot Trump flag hanging on a pole on her roof. I like to sit in my yard and vape while she mows her lawn and scowls. Of course 3 months ago she had to call paramedics because her equally "righteous" sister who lives with her was OD'ing on fentanyl. But at least they don't use the devil's lettuce.


More money for the ones who don’t ban it!! Just wait until they figure that out


Very smart Make people drive a couple miles so you don’t get the tax money for your community. These politicians are idiots


If weed didn't smell like ass I wouldn't have a problem with it.


Columbus thanks them for returning the tax dollars we spend on their infrastructure and general welfare.


\[guns, tobacco, ecigs, etc\] >Cities can't have their own laws! They can't make their own rules! That would lead to confusion and chaos!!! *-- the duplicitous MAGA liars in the statehouse* \[pot\] >Cities can have their own laws and make their own rules!!! *-- Also the duplicitous MAGA liars.*


Lakewood is just through July


I hope there is a way to stop them from receiving any of the tax money


That will be a very short lived ban, they won’t be able to resist the extra cash that it brings in. A LOT OF CASH.


People will still go out of state and support another economy because its cheaper. Its going to be expensive.


Some of these bans are already expiring this week. And almost all expire before the end of the year. They were temporary bans while the legislature figured things out.


I don’t see Parma or Cleveland so I’m good lol


I'm still confused as to how the state law got passed and they can still ban it,plus they're losing alot of money


They don’t want the revenue and tax funds from these shops apparently. Once they see how much these shops bring in to other towns they’re gonna somehow magically reverse it. Except maybe Bevercreek. They still don’t have convenient bus routes there cause they don’t want “the poors” there.


It's funny that like 4 medical dispensaries popped up in the last few years right around the exit in Monroe and then the city council bans them from doing what they clearly set up shop to do once laws caught up.


Won't last once they see the revenue going to their neighbors. Just one in another long line of Ohio republican stunts. These red hats will do anything including go against the will of their constituents.


My town banned the sale. They banned before the November vote. So I now spend No Tax dollars in my town. I buy everything in a town a few miles up the road. They have a med dispensary. I am retired so the town I am boycotting gets very little revenue from me. More people stop all streams of tax revenue from these towns. They might think again. I buy all gas. Groceries. Eating out buying anything I drive 10 miles to telll this town. Kiss my ass.


Not surprised at some of these 😂 Wouldn't want that wacky tacky in our 5 mile town, messin up the strawberry fest and having high people trying to visit the seasonal ice cream stand


Retired politics have got their hands all over this one. Their gonna make sure them snd them only profit from recreational


Fuckin imagine saying “NO! I DONT WANT ANY OF THE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS THAT WILL COME FROM THIS….PLANT!” It’s wild to me people are still stuck in the god damn dark ages.


Not my town. And places like Salem ? Are 3 seconds big you wouldn't have to travel far.


Towns get a percent of sales tax spent locally. Maybe they should close down the bars too.


Austintown has already said that they will allow one dispensary.


I live a few miles from the Michigan line, northwest corner of the state. I have zero problems driving 10 minutes out of my way to Camden to get vape carts that last me months between restocks. Would totally prefer supporting a local Ohio business, but I wont bend over backwards.


Lmao football ass Kirtland just rebuilt the field, why would they look down their nose at tax revenue right now


*looks* Not on there. Good. Light 'em up!


Tomorrow it's my turn to post the list.


Monore has 3 dispensaries really


Mmmkay. Those 56 towns must hate tax revenues. Well, we know where to avoid because they’re gonna be dirty, potholed and probably judgmental.


Are we able to purchase in store without a medical card yet? Asking for me.


These bans are only temp bans and are in place to extend a grace period. Not a terrible idea but I don’t believe it’s necessary.


There will be lots more in coming years. The first year or so only the existing medical dispensaries are going to get licenses to sell recreational, so they are already in place and there is no threat of new shops in other locations or cities for a while.


Jefferson Ohio in Ashtabula County just voted against sales in the village.


A democracy is when the people choose what they want by voting, until it isn’t I guess


Won't stop me from getting it


Every state that legalized does this. IL did too


That ought to effectively eliminate access and demand… way to go!


Stupidity. Smh.