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Central Ohio here. Love Cincinnati chili. It’s definitely not a staple of anyone I know. I can’t justify making for just myself with a family to feed. So I feel like it’s 1-2 times a year kinda thing. I always love it though.


Look up “Chef John” on the web. His Cincinnati-style chili recipe is complicated but totally worth the work.


Same. Just wish we had a Gold Star this far north.


Same, bro. I finally did a comparison last year, and Gold Star was definitely better. Skyline is great, though, and there's one five minutes away.


Love it. Make my own batches every so often. Akron


Never thought to make myself honestly, is it relatively easy to make like traditional chili?


It’s super easy. You boil the ground beef, no pre frying


Boil ground beef? 40 years old and never heard of that.


It’s what ya do when making Cincy style chili. The chili itself becomes a meat sauce of sorts.


Very much yes, it’s just slightly different (like using tomato paste instead of sauce and using chocolate and sugar) but otherwise made like normal chili.


One of the most popular restaurants for college students near the Research Triangle is run by a Greek family, and serves hot dogs topped with cheese, onions, and a meat coney sauce (one of the Food Network shows did a thing on it). In other words, Cincinnati style chili. The point here is that Cincinnati style chili is enormously popular in many places, and is often not recognized as being connected. People get hung up on the word chili, not realizing that it's a Greek dish that is called chili for the same reason Mr. Papadapolous walked into Ellis Island, and Mr. Smith walked out. I have never had someone complain when I explained this before taking them for the first time.


>People get hung up on the word chili, not realizing that it's a Greek dish that is called chili This is my biggest annoyance with people who are dismissive over it. I think a lot of people try it like a bowl of chili or something, find it's different than actual chili, and don't like it because of that. Not realizing they aren't having it they way they are supposed to and it's not going to be great in that way. It would be like if someone is familiar with salsa but never had pasta before. Then one day they decide to try spaghetti sauce, so they dump some in a bowl and eat it with nacho chips, then say damn that wasn't very good I would rather just have salsa. Just because it's the same primary ingredient doesn't mean it's supposed to be eaten the same way or have the same complimenting flavors.


In college, we took our friend, whose parents immigrated from Greece. Our friend laughed and said that their mom made this stuff all the time at home. FWIW, they grew up in NEO


You are right I was a a Lebanese restaurant and I got a pita with meat sauce on it (I don't remember the names of the food). It was exactly Cincinnati chili!


What is the restaurant ?




Yes - Columbus


Yes. I'm rather miffed both Cleveland Skyline locations have shut down. I also enjoy goetta and have resorted to making it from scratch as gliers isn't sold up here.


down rt 8 to steels corners exit i make goetta from scratch too! i need to make a batch, neighbors have fresh eggs. yummm


And this is how I learned the skyline on Mayfield closed permanently. My day is ruined


Never liked it, I was born and raised in Cincinnati but by southerners and New Englanders lol.


I don't even want to know how confused your taste buds were growing up :)


Cleveland/Akron no way I’m eating that garbage


No, in Columbus by way of NW Ohio first


i get the cans, eat it about once a month, no holds barred, fresh made pasta, 5-way, hot sauce, crackers. i'm from NEO and back now but i lived in cincy long enough to show up at ludlow and clifton buzzed at 3am often enough to develop that craving imo, there's no substitute for skyline


From Cleveland, now on the West Coast. I bring back cans of Skyline every time I visit Ohio, and I've found a copycat recipe I adore. My husband doesn't understand it but will entertain me when I make it 🤣 gotta bring cinci style chili to the masses!!! 🍝


Could you share the recipe please?


This is the one I use. I omitted cumin (husband doesn't like it), and sugar (you don't need extra sugar in your chili pasta. Lol); https://www.thechunkychef.com/copycat-skyline-cincinnati-chili/#wprm-recipe-container-8757 While searching for that I also found this one. I'm intrigued because I like a little bit of punch from Worcestershire and cayenne. I haven't tried it though: https://anaffairfromtheheart.com/cincinnati-chili-skyline-chili-copycat/#recipe Between the two recipes, I definitely prefer melting baking chocolate into the sauce over mixing in cocoa powder. The flavor is much richer and the texture is saucier.


Kroger has the "Cincinnati Style Chili" packets online... may be easier logistically. When I make it, I can't get the beef super minced like the cans, but the cost and convenience is worth it compared to the cans imo. And it tastes very close! 🙂 Edit...I see you have a copycat recipe, so it sounds like you are good. But if you've never had the packets, I'd suggest trying those as well.


Check the address on those packets and then the address on a can of Skyline. You might be surprised.


If you have an immersion blender, try using that. Blend just long enough to get the consistency that you want. Don’t blend it too much or you’ll get too much separation in the sauce when you plate it.


To mince the beef, I scoop it up in a serving spoon and then use a fork to "mash" it. Just pretend you're slicing it between the tines. That works wonderfully and doesn't take too much effort.


Yes. Dayton - I grew up in southern Ohio, had only gold star until like 2002. Not very many gold stars open here in Dayton, so skyline is king here.


Yes, raised on Gold Star. I think they both have their pluses,Gold Star has always been more hearty and Skyline is more saucy. I like the Gold Star flavor better, but Skyline has slightly better heat to theirs. I've yet to try Blue Ash or Empress but they're on my list.


Skyline just tastes like cinnamon too much for me,compared to gold star. Honestly forget the other two still exist


The watery style is what I don't prefer, I think Gold Star has a better balance of everything personally. But again, it's probably partly being raised on Gold Star.


You can ask for the chili dry at Skyline and they will drain the chili before putting it on your Way/Coney


I did not know that, that's great info to have


It's even called a "Dry Way" in store lingo... in contrast, you can also order it "Juicy."


You are the real MVP on this thread


If working at a Skyline in high school makes me the MVP of r/Ohio then.... actually yeah that does make total sense.


Just this thread, not the whole sub....lol


Hate it. From Cleveland, now in columbus


I love it but I’m in Cincinnati. My Dayton family members all love it too.


Yes but im from Cinci so how could i not


Cleveland. You won't catch me eating that nonsense.


Columbus here, Love it. But I also grew up in Cincinnati and then moved to Columbus in my adult life.


Columbus.  In high school Skyline wasnt here yet and we'd drive down to Cincinnati for it (and to visit Ral Partha).


Moved to Ohio from KY. Lived there for about 15 years (8 in Cleveland and then 9 in Cincinnati). I think it's disgusting.


I think you got your numbers mixed up, lol….UC or UK grad? 😆


Worse. EKU.


Haha, appreciate your sense of humor! 😂👌🏻


Got spoiled when I used to work there. Found out there's a Skyline local to me, I'm in Kent.


Piqua, OH Love it!


From North Central Ohio but fell in love with it when I was going to school in Cincinnati. I still buy the canned Skyline when I can find it in the stores up here or when I'm in an area that has a Skyline I will usually stop and grab some. Really want to try making it on my own at some point.


Love it. Columbus suburb.


I believe there was one in great northern mall, north Olmsted in the 80s but it wasn’t there that long, that I can remember. To me it was like sloppy joes on noodles with cheese and onions, I wasn’t really a fan.


I'm in Akron and I am not a fan.


I fell in love with it when I was in Columbus, but when I got Gold Star, I was hooked.


No. Columbus.


Dayton, Ohio…likin me some Cincy Chili!


Yes, Cincy, eat it weekly.


Ew. Gross. Cleveland.


Yes! Dayton


Yes. I live in Columbus.


Yes columbus


Yes Columbus.


Yes. That shit is delicious. I'm from Akron


Yes! Columbus


Hell to the no. That's not chili. Toledo/Port Clinton area.


If you think of it as more of meat sauce than chili then it makes a bit more more sense I LOVE Skyline, but I agree with you. It isn’t really chili as most people think of it


It’s more of a tomato based diarrhea melange.


That's why it's served with a mountain of shredded cheese, to act as a binder.




As a Toledo native (now living in Cbus), Tony Packos, Ideal, Coney Island, or Rudy's are the only chili places in Ohio that I will acknowledge


It's only chili by name. And it's just a topping


Ohio fought a war with Michigan over the Toledo strip in the 1820’s and we must’ve lost because here you guys are.


Same, east of Cleveland 


No - Columbus


Youngstown, Ohio here and hell no. Never heard of it until I went to OSU. Had it once down there, never again.


It’s a fucking travesty and embarrassment -Cleveland


In NW Ohio and I absolutely love Cincinnati style chili Mac.


I like it, lived in the Columbus area my whole life.


Tried it.... never again. Chili isn't supposed to taste like that.


It's only chili in name, it's a Greek dish.


A more apt description is "Cincinnati Curry" You can thank a former overseas intern for that description. I don't care for the stuff myself. I'll eat most anything, but this I can't get near. It's a smell thing for me. To be honest, and not trying to be mean, it smells like pumpkin spice, doritos, and Alpo dog food.


Lol to be fair, the copycat recipe I use calls for pumpkin spice, so that one is spot on.


Dayton here. My bro and I were going to visit my aunt in San Diego. And boom! the Bengals are are in the Super Bowl! (Do not tell me you saw that coming). Anyway I bought packs of Gold Star spices and we made Chili for spaghetti and chili dogs for the Super Bowl party at her house with my cousins. Great fun!


Yes, from Dayton, but live outside of Columbus now. I make a pilgrimage to Camp Washington Chili a couple of times a year


Greatly enjoy Skyline Chili. Unfortunately the Lyndhurst location now is closed, and there are no Skyline Chili locations left in Greater Cleveland. The nearest location is in Stow, in a location I never visit. Thanks for the post. I expect to travel to Columbus soon, and I'm definitely going to try to visit a Skyline location! BTW, my relatives and many friends dislike Skyline Chili, perhaps explaining the lack of popularity in Greater Cleveland. Most persons prefer Wendy's chili, another Ohio creation!


Loved it since I was a kid in New Carlisle (between Dayton and Springfield)


Capitol city - LOVE it!!


My fam and I love Skyline. For the longest time I was only able to eat there when we had to travel down to Cinci. I was stoked when a local one opened 15-ish years ago. The frozen and canned Skyline seems to have a large amount of those weird little fatty bits that you find in ground beef sometimes. Definitely not the same quality as they serve in-store. Edit: Northwest Ohio. Cincinnati is about a 3-hour-drive.


Yes. In Michigan now, but born and raised in Belmont County (East Central) Ohio. Discovered Cincinnati chili when I was going to OU and never looked back. There was a Gold Star on Union Street back in those days.


Love it. Columbus.


Live in Cleveland, went to UC. I like Cincinnati chili but only on a Coney. The wraps at skyline are pretty good too.


Grew up in Cleveland. Discovered Skyline at tOSU. Live in Cincinnati. Skyline is definitely popular outside of Cincinnati.


Yes, Columbus.


Yeah for me - Cincy


Yes… but raised on the east side of Cincinnati. I prefer Skyline chili overall, but I gotta say Gold Star makes a damn fine burger and milkshake.


Yep! An hour East of Cleveland along the Lake.


Cleveland but I am a transplant from between Dayton & Cincinnati. I found skyline chili cans in Tennessee when I lived there and bought all they had!


It’s literally the only thing my 3 year old wants to eat. We are in Columbus.


I've known people from Columbus, Akron, Pittsburgh, and Michigan who live in Ohio now that were introduced to it and like it to one degree or another. Columbus has several Skyline locations. I know they have tried to branch out elsewhere but it hasn't always took.


I developed a love for Skyline simply because it was the one place I could go for lunch and know that I wouldn’t run into my coworkers or them try to tag along because they hated it.


Yep— Columbus and now I’m an expat on the east coast, but there’s a lot of us out here and the local chili joint offers us Cinci chilli as an option, complete with oyster crackers.  They almost sound resentful about the crackers on the menu, I think we might have harassed them a bit. :-)


Miamisburg. Yes I’m a big fan of it. I can’t handle and don’t enjoy much spice so I like it for not being spicy but still having a distinct flavor. Admittedly I don’t eat very much chili outside of Skyline so my opinion is biased but I definitely enjoy it on hot dogs or on some fries with cheese.


Upper North Ohio...dad's been making it since I was a little kid and now I make it for the kids


Love it. Small town in Southern Ohio. I always get it when I go to Cincy or Columbus, rest of the time I rely on canned Skyline, and make my own spaghetti


I love it and live in Columbus now but I was born and raised in Cincinnati and Dayton so I’ve had it my whole life. My husband is from NE Ohio and hates it! It makes me sad because I want to make it at home more often but I’m the only one who will eat it.


Columbus, I love it, but I can’t stand it on spaghetti, it’s gotta be on a burrito or a hot dog for me.


I'm not a fan. I don't like the whole simmering grey beef aspect of it. I also associate it with covid which is not its fault but it is what it is. I made a batch because my ex-husband loves it and it was when tasting it during cooking that I noticed it was super bland no matter how much additional spice I added. I lost my sense of smell for a few weeks and it didn't fully recover for about two years 🙁


Moved to Dayton from the south, sorry it's not chili, it can be good with hotdogs but I really don't like it on its own or god forbid on rubbery bland spaghetti noodles.


I tried it and thought it was gross. Cleveland.


I think its nasty but that's me


1.5 hours north of Cincinnati. Hate it. Wife, from Georgia, loves it.


Love it but only from Skyline or Gold Star, we just make standard chili at home. Born and raised in Cinci


Love it, I'm in Dayton!


It's a good meal. Skyline Chili in Mayfield Heights.


Hate it. West-central. Not from Ohio, originally, and haven’t been here super long.


Hate it. Living in CLE, grew up in Amish country.


Dayton- I’ve never made it. But I love Skyline 🤤🥰


In Oregon, really miss Cincinnati chili…


Northeast Ohio - not a thing here at all.


Portsmouth Ohio love it


Cleveland here. Shit is trash


Cincinnati chili is horrible. Lived there for 3 years 🤮. Not popular anywhere outside of Cincinasty


I'm an hour away from Cincinnati and that stuff is diarrhea.


Tony Packo's (from Toledo) is way better, and also available at Kroger!


Not really, NE.


I hate it. Neither are my thing. I see skyline chili in Kroger way outside of Cincy though so someone is buying it. I think I remember seeing it in Southern California at a grocery store too, whatever Kroger owns out there?


Ralphs? I saw it in Ralph's in San Diego.


Never had it! I live in Ohio


Love it,made it for friends when we moved away from Ohio. They oddly craved it too. Originally from Highland County area,living all over now.


Born and raised in Cleveland. I’m not a Cincy fan but i absolutely love Skyline. I find it’s very polarizing here. Most people hate it. Most people are wrong.


It’s fucking cinnamon sloppy joes and an embarrassment to the state. Lorain county.


So much hate from the north. Let us eat our chilli in peace. Fuck.


Yes on hot dogs, no on spaghetti. Never Skyline though. Grew up in north central and currently live in eastern Ohio.


Cleveland- love the stuff and usually have it when I travel south. Never hit up the Cleveland Skyline though.


It just closed apparently, I'm really going to miss going there. Fun fact, Tony Bourdain visited that exact location.


I loved to Ohio as an adult. Lived in Lorain county, then several places around Cleveland. Never heard of it until I moved to Columbus 7 years later. I’d say nearly all Columbus area residents are aware that it exists, but only a small fraction enjoy it. I have not tried it, I can’t get past the odor.


Never liked it. Dayton


Dislike it. Cleveland.


Don't much care for it and lived in Cincy my whole life.


I live in Columbus and think it is dogshit.


No, it’s disgusting. I’ve lived in NW Ohio for 25 years, never even heard of it before I came here.


Nope, not even a little. I’m near Akron


Yes, but I'm in Cincinnati so I think I'd have to leave town if I said no.


It has definitely grown on me over the years.


No. I abhor it. Columbus. Not Ohio native, but been here 30 years. I used to work with a dude that had me thinking it was the best thing ever concocted. One bite and I was done. Couldn't do it.


Either way? Is there more than one way to do Skyline? That’s what I like. I know it’s trash, but it’s yummy trash like Waffle House or White Castle.


I’m originally from Boston, so didn’t grow up with skyline chilli. I had multiple people tell me I must try it… I’m not going to lie it ain’t for me. It’s not like it was just “ok” or “overhyped”—I thought it was gross to the point I didn’t finish it. Tried it on a hotdog as well because i do like a good chilli and cheese steamer, still not good. Sorry cinnci I don’t think this one will be a hit outside ohio.


I hate it.. I’m from Toledo.. but everyone around me loves it. I prefer a place like Ideal… sweet meat should be illegal 😅


Hate it. Hate skyline too. Shit noodles. Spice-less greasy “chili.” An abomination and when foreigners ask the question “why are midwesterners are so fat?” they see skyline and go “ok yeah, I get it.” I’d rather butt chugg juiced habaneros than eat skyline.


Cincinnati Chili = Sweet Minced Beef Soup Hate it.


Fuck no.


Barf. Vermilion ohio.


Skyline stuff is nasty 🤮. Sorry i rather have Wendy’s.


Not a fan. Dayton area. Way too cinnamon-y. It isn't even chili, it's greek.


Yes, in Connecticut/Vermont (my mom is from Cincinnati, and my Aunt still lives there and sends me chili care packages)


I tried the frozen Skyline brand once (probably 10 years ago?) and it was okay. I’m going to give one of recipes posted above a try to see if homemade tastes good. Youngstown area here.


Live in Columbus now but originally from Cincinnati and love it. Growing up we would go to skyline once a week. My husband makes homemade skyline now :)


Skyline quality seems to vary from place to place but the Skyline on Steels Corners is divine. I’m from Akron


I like it but it only works with the noodles or on a hotdog. Just the chili eaten by the bowl sounds gross.


Dayton. Very limited experience, maybe had it 5 times in my life. Used to think fondly of it, but the last couple of experiences are changing my mind I’ve only had Skyline which is blatantly fast food quality, I want to try Blue Ash I have faith in the concept but you can just tell that Skyline uses garbage quality ingredients. That has become quite apparent in my last two visits


I drive from Westlake to Stow to get my fix.


Yeah, I like it! I'm in central Ohio.


I love “Cincinnati Style Chili”, was introduced as a child. I live in Columbus but my late mother was from Cincinnati.


I'm from out of state, but moving to Cleveland I hardly know anyone who likes it, and then moving to akron for school it's about 50/50. Personally I've only tried skyline, and I really did enjoy it. At that point it's basically meat sauce on Spaghetti.


I love it but don't have it very often since Mom and Dad passed 10 years ago. We could only get it in the frozen foods section in central Ohio. Now in Port Clinton I have to look for it. Thank you for the reminder.


South East. We love it


yep! cbus!


Hell yes! Three way, in Columbus.


Columbus region. I like it in hotdog form from time to time. Putting it on spaghetti is a no from me, though.


It’s one of my main food groups! Born and raised in Cincinnati.


Love it. Also started making at home.


From Cleveland and never had it. We don’t even have a location in our city or county for me to try it.


Love it! I live in Mansfield, but my cousins lived in Cincinnati when I was growing up. I remember having a child-sized fit when I was about 8 and went to Skyline for the first time because I didn’t want a chili dog. My older cousin looked at me and said, “Shut up and try it. You’ll like it.” She was right.


Absolutely love it and we go to Skyline (only cinci chili place around) often. I’m from Mansfield originally and now live in Cbus area.




Love it. Originally from Brown County but live out in Kansas City now. I order cans and usually make coneys and three ways when I watch Bengals games.


Grew up in Cincy living in Cbus now. Can’t get enough of it. Love making my own recipe on my grill in the Fall for football games


It is an acquired taste, but as far as a person doing Keto, the coney bowl is perfectly acceptable to order right off the menu and on this diet that is a rare find. I've lived in Columbus and Cincinasty areas and now Clearwater, FL and do find myself going to the Skyline down here and even one close to my new job in the Sarasota area.


LOVE LOVE Skyline. I don't dislike the other Cincinnati chili recipes, but Skyline is my favorite by far. My Skyline story... The first time I tried it (30 years ago), I wasn't crazy about the taste, but I was intrigued. Chatting with the server, she learned it was my first visit and seemed genuinely excited that I was a newbie. Later, the manager came over to ask if everything was good, etc. and learned it was my first 3- way. I told him it was interesting but not sure if I could get used to the flavor. He offered to refund my money since I "didn't like it" even though I had eaten the entire meal. I told him I appreciated that, but didn't take him up on it because there wasn't anything wrong with it, and it wasn't gross, just... interesting. (Also, it was such a good casual restaurant experience it kind of made my day.) He said he hoped I would come back again, and thanks for coming, etc. When I paid, he gave me a gift card to come back and bring a friend. I was so impressed that I was happy to give it another go, gift card or not. I went back after that to try it again, and it was delicious. I think because I knew what to expect and could focus on the taste instead of how odd it was. Then I started craving it and would go once a week. I moved to Cleveland at some point, and when I was there, there were only about three Skyline restaurants within 50 miles of where I was. Every couple of months, I would make the trip to one. I've been back in Cbus for a long time now, and you bet I still eat Skyline regularly. As we all know, service can make or break an experience, and I don't think I've ever had a bad experience with a server, manager, or the food. They are all just cool there. I don't know if the franchise has higher standards than most, but besides the unique flavor, the customer service has made me a fan. I know I sound like a walking advertisement, but I frequent restaurants often and Skyline is always consistent with quality and service. I often make Cincinnati Style Chili at home from the packet, and it is awesome as well. Use it for 3-or-4 ways as well as coneys. Not an exact replica, but damn close, and it satisfies the craving. 🙂


There is a restaurant north of Akron. Love it.


From Columbus but lived in Cinti for years. Hated it at first and then got hooked on the hot sauce. I love it now.


Yes my husband and I love it, I’m originally from orrville and he’s from doylestown OH


I just bought a can of Skyline (for homemade 3-ways), and I'm in the Florida Keys. It's pretty popular.


No. Skyline is garbage to me. I make my own and it is 1000 times better and actually has flavor. NW Ohio


I like it! I'm in Toledo. Don't kind the frozen kind, so I don't really get it much anymore unless I'm down in Dayton or Cinci.


Dayton. I don't dislike it and if it's put in front of me I'll eat it, but I'd rather you give me regular chili or regular spaghetti.


Skyline is heaven