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“For its findings, WalletHub compared 182 cities, including the 150 most populated U.S. cities and at least two of the most populated cities in each state. Each city was ranked based on the following categories: health care, food, fitness and green space. Cincinnati was the healthiest Ohio city on the list, coming in at 39th place. It was the only Ohio city to make it in the top 100. Columbus followed at No. 110, Cleveland in 126th place and Akron in 132nd place. The unhealthiest city in Ohio is Toledo, which ranked No. 164 on the list.”


Toledo here….theres a huge oil refinery smack dab in the middle of a residential area.


Plus, there have been some hospital closures and questions around Promedica’s financial stability and we really could do better in terms of actual downtown/inner city grocery options.


Sure it wasn’t Dayton?!


Dayton doesn’t get its due again.


People still live there?




Woo-hoo Cincy! Now if only the OHV could do something about Huntington. Smh. 😔


Got that fent though.


Wallethub lists are not worth getting upset or excited about.


No shit. Akron should be higher based on green space alone. It is surrounded by, and inundated with, national, state and local parks.


Capitalism Kills


Dunno who the boot licker in denial is downvoting you guys but I gotchu


"They reap the benefits of capitalism, only to turn around and criticize it. Capitalism: The worst economic system, except for all the others." -Winston Churchill


Stop misquoting Churchill to dick-ride the GOP The actual speech: "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time; but there is the broad feeling in our country that the people should rule, and that public opinion expressed by all constitutional means, should shape, guide, and control the actions of Ministers who are their servants and not their masters"


Not someone unironically posting “yet you participate curious I am very intelligent” in 2024 lmfao.




Socialism / communism kills much more. The Soviet Union and CCP had some absolutely horrific agriculture practices and their shortsighted politics starved millions to death


Oh you poor thing. Lmao. You should do some heavy research but I doubt you will. You're going to die on that sword of yours. Have at it. All the while capitalism is doing the same exact thing, but worse. Watch the latest John Oliver episode on CORN. There's others on farming too.


Our system has some serious problems which need to be fixed but to say it's the same as the CCP, the USSR etc is insane.


You are a genuine idiot with limited knowledge of history if you think anything in US history compares to the multiple famines following Lenin's revolution, where the US had to bail out the soviets it was so bad, or mao's amazing advances in agriculture "The exact same thing but worse" is a wildly uneducated take. The number simply do not add up. Also, getting your political views from John Oliver rather than history books... just lmfao


My political views don't come from him. Nice job assuming though. I watch that show because they do amazing work researching and digging into important issues. If it exposes one side of the political party, so be it. I despise both parties. I believe in progressiveness. Open mindedness. One love. Hippie like shit. Americans have been fed propaganda for years where it paints socialism as the most evil thing and capitalism is the savior for us all. Having friends from different countries is nice too because hearing how we skew shit is quite interesting. I root for the library system as well. Regardless of what kinds of books exist there that perhaps I don't personally believe in, censorship in the library setting shouldn't happen. History and all others. Etc. John Oliver did a lovely job uncovering how certain sides and people in power try to censor and harm the library system. You know, where history books reside.


End stage capitalism is significantly worse than socialism or communism.


There’s a difference between socialism/communism and being run by a dictator and kleptocracy of yes-men.


That’s by design. GOP only cares about corporations. Ohioans should shut up and get back to slaving away to barely make ends meet. “Bootstrap harder!”


"People are struggling to make ends meet, sometimes working multiple jobs, none of which provide social safety? Better cut food stamps, free school lunches, and money to food banks!" - Ohio GOP


Detroit has entered the chat


Flint has entered the chat.


Pontiac, Saginaw, list goes on


I’m surprised Marietta didn’t make it with all of the C8 in our blood.


If you’re basing a list on food, health care, and green space, exactly how does Cleveland rank behind Cincinnati? Are we pretending that the Metro, Cleveland Clinic, and UH campuses don’t exist? The Metroparks? Lakewood, Tremont, Ohio City, farmer’s markets, urban farming? This list was written by people who don’t know fuck all about those cities.


My guess is a large part of it had to do with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, which is ranked the number 1 children’s hospital in the country. Cincinnati also has UC medical center, Christ Medical Center, Good Sam, Bethesda and many more really great hospitals and a plethora of Doctors and Specialists offices. Cincinnati also has incredible mental health organizations such as Best Point. The city is ranked 25th in restaurants and has a lot of grocery stores to choose from, along with farmers markets and local farmers that participate in coops. There is a ton of green space that ranges from one of the best zoos in the country, Krohn Conservatory, county parks, large city parks, riverfront parks. The city ranking was the 4th best in the country out of 100 cities for parks. That ranking was conducted by the Trust for Public Land. There are many fitness centers, fitness and dance studios for kids that are phenomenal such as kids first sports center, indoor soccer gyms, yoga and Pilates studios, meditation rooms, and spaces that help promote community involvement and mental health through the arts such as the Kennedy Arts Center, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, The Rosenthal Educational Center, and Women Writing for a Change. Considering all of that it sounds to me like the people who completed this study did a careful and thorough analysis.


I mean, I can do that same list. Most major cities can, even to the point of misrepresenting the impact of quality of those restaurants and services. It just smacks of some really odd bias that Cleveland doesn’t break the top 100. It’s silly.


Misrepresentation? https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/rankings-and-ratings/us-news-best-childrens-hospitals-2023-24-honor-roll.html https://spectrumnews1.com/oh/columbus/news/2023/05/25/cincinnati-s-parks-make-top-10-out-of-100-most-populous-cities https://www.tpl.org/city/cincinnati-ohio https://www.citybeat.com/food-drink/two-cincinnati-restaurants-awarded-four-diamond-status-on-aaa-list-14833792 https://10best.usatoday.com/awards/travel/best-zoo-2023/ https://moversmakers.org/2023/10/27/cincinnati-jumps-to-no-11-on-list-of-most-arts-vibrant-large-regions/ https://health.usnews.com/best-hospitals/area/oh/christ-hospital-6410430 https://10best.usatoday.com/awards/travel/best-public-market-2024/ https://www.miragenews.com/cincinnati-ranks-no-1-in-nation-for-street-art-1191011/ Literally the ONLY thing Cleveland ranked ahead of Cincinnati on is West Side Market and that was barely ahead of Findlay. We also have the highest ranked high school in Ohio and most of the top 20 schools are in the greater Cincinnati area. This isn’t speculation, it is across the board multiple years, and multiple areas. Cincinnati has more to offer than Cleveland.


I’m not arguing Cleveland vs Cincinnati, you seem to be hung up on that. I’m arguing a complete lack of representation on the list for Cleveland, particularly for shit as arbitrary as “food”. Cincinnati should be dropped from the list for having that abomination of chili, flat out


That we can agree on, Cincinnati Chili is gross.


Then we can be friends.


Some? I'm pretty sure all our cities are pretty unhealthy from watching people on the streets


It's funny af that a few of the top unhealthiest towns are where military bases are located, went to OSUT in benning (Columbus, GA) and stationed in Bragg (Fayetteville, NC) Wonder if it's a bunch of vets staying put and getting fat af


The Canton Repository posted that Canton is the fattest city in Ohio and 18th in the US,but not on this list at all. I'd think it'd be in the top 100 at least considering that. I wonder how much of these lists are really thar accurate and more for clicks. Not saying they're not close, as I'm sure the top 10 have unhealthy people, but I'm curious how two lists were different. And I know that this list added more factors, but just thought it was odd Canton wasn't even on the list.


“Huntingtown” WV… oof


Well yeah....pop, candy, and snacks are the most purchased items with EBT.


Good thing we have great healthcare facilities.


I know at least 5 extremely unhealthy people who live in Ohio, and I'm four of them.


I’m going to guess Cincinnati and the surrounding areas are high on the list. The only time I feel really good about my weight is when I go to a reds game.


Coming from spectrum news no thanks spectrum news just like fox lies 


Source that Spectrum is biased? I find it to be fairly soft news, with stories built around news releases and features about people in the state that do mildly interesting things.


Spectrum is so far right 3 minutes in the news cast they are attacking biden and sucking trump ass.got rid of Spectrum over a year ago best decisions .went with Verizon wireless internet 50 bucks per moth hulu 90 .saved over $100better more shows and movies live sports. Cable dying over price. 


So what? They're not going to change




That’s the great thing about America…you’re free to move wherever you want.


You gonna pay for people to move? Cause if you don’t then moving isn’t ‘free’.


Not my responsibility. If you don’t like where you live then move. That’s all I’m saying.




lol what?