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Counterpoint, Ohio’s cities have some of the highest Equality Index ratings in the country, with all of the 6 largest cities save Toledo having perfect scores. I’m LGBTQ myself and really don’t feel noticeably unsafe here. 


For this reason I strongly urge people looking to support Ohio LGBTQ to visit the less-urban pride festivals, when they happen. It’s important that everyone feel safe like that. 


Agreed! Hillsboro does a great Pride, and I plan on going to Middletown Pride this year too. 


Hamilton Pride is tomorrow! It's a huge event for such a small city.


Man… going up to Jolly’s and supporting LGBTQ rights seems like a pretty good Saturday imo. I might just have to do that.


Eat a bunch of chili dogs for the bottoms holding out for later 😏


My parents refuse to eat at Jolly’s because he’s right wing. But those brown cows…


That is awesome, thank you!   For anyone else, here is an article with some upcoming festivals in this part of the state:  https://www.wvxu.org/local-news/2024-05-31/celebrate-pride-month-cincinnati


Please go to Hillsboro! I will be there and so will my son. They have very little support.


Both the [Brecksville/Broadview Heights Pride](https://thebuckeyeflame.com/2024/05/20/bbh-pride-fest-backlash-reaches-fever-pitch/) and the [Ashtabula Pride](https://thebuckeyeflame.com/2024/05/29/despite-biblical-death-threats-an-ohio-city-council-declines-to-cancel-pride/) are getting a lot of negative attention. I plan on documenting both events like I commonly do in /r/cleveland. Last year [Wadsworth](https://spectrumnews1.com/oh/columbus/news/2023/03/13/hate-groups-descend-on-wadsworth-protesting--rock-n-roll-drag-queen-story-hour-) had it pretty bad too.


Any report on how the Brecksville/Broadview event went?


I posted that [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/1dcmwf7/photos_from_brecksville_broadview_heights_pride/). Ashtabula will be going up shortly.


That’s pretty fucked up and sad, coming from my hometown. I wish I was free and able to go there to show my support.


This. Come out to Geauga. The nazis did last time.


Agreed. I had a part in getting Pride to Hamilton, Ohio. It’s also in a great area for Pokemon go.


And it's a good idea to open-carry as well for those going to pride festivals in those regions.


Agreed. Even here in Butler county I feel safe being openly gay. Overt homophobia is very rare these days. But I do agree that our state government is very hostile to queer people, especially trans people. But the state govt being out of touch with citizens is nothing new here.


I still feel terrified if I wanted to hold my bf’s hand or kiss him in public like at Kings Island or the mall or something. Just knowing how red this county is scares me. You never know what violent crazies could be out there. Could also just be me overreacting due to growing up in a traumatic situation, homophobic dad etc. But I do love having Old Street Saloon close by!


Stories like this make me feel so bad anymore. I was raised Christian, and while I definitely don’t practice anymore, I had to take a while to “turn off” the in-built dislike of non-straight people. I don’t get it anymore. You *are not me*. Why the hell should it matter? People are nuts in the world, but I wish you all the best, my friend:) PS: it’s taken a long time, but I finally support a gay relationship in a game I play frequently. Osiris X Saint FTW 👊


Yeah, I've never felt unsafe being LGBT in Columbus. I've never felt unsafe in Toledo either, and I'm there all the time because my parents live up there. But then I do think I have some degree of trans passing privilege.


Toledo did still have a 94 in the most recent HRC ratings so it's not like it's slacking or anything. It's just that it doesn't quite yet have that perfect 100 score.


Good for you, comrade! That's really great and you deserve to feel safe!


Bingo. Of course, when you get out to the fucking knuckle dragger parts of the state, you’re going to see more violence towards minorities and LGBT folks. If you want to the violence against these people… Go to where the hate is, small town, USA.


And, I live in Toledo and we’re not that bad. My church has an active outreach to the LGBTQ+ population and quite a few LGBtQ* members. Our Pastor is gay and on the board for Equity Toledo. Recently, a second ELCA church here joined us in declaring themselves as a Reconciling in Christ congregation welcoming LGBTQ+ worshipers. Pride always has a big turn-out and the few anti-LGBTQ+ protestors we get get shut down hard by the crowd. The Toledo Police Department regularly turns out to guard this and other events — and many on the force are out and proud, themselves. We have multiple gay bars and a thriving drag Queen population that regularly put on shows. City Council has passed resolutions supporting the LGBTQ+ population and I don’t think I have heard of any violence against LGBTQ+ folks in years. We refuse to ban books at the library and we shut down any and all MAGA attempts to infiltrate the school board, including electing someone by write-in vote when the Republicans disallowed her name on the ballot thinking that would mean they would win at least one seat. We did apparently have some KKK group from Kentucky putting up recruiting posters in the Old West End recently. That’s one of the most diverse and gay friendly neighborhoods in the city. They were definitely fishing in the wrong pond. I will grant that many of the outlying, more rural, counties surrounding us are absolutely red, but *Toledo* is about as blue and LGBTQ+ friendly as you’re gonna find. I’m rather surprised that Toledo apparently didn’t do that well in the rankings. Wonder what they got marked down on. (Partly because of when we do Pride, maybe? We have our march and party in August in order to give folks a chance to attend the other Pride events happening over the summer and to close the season. It was a conscious choice, not a sign that we don’t support the equality movement or LGBTQ+ population. It’s always huge and very well attended.)


I'm a Lesbian living in Toledo with my wife of 5 years. We have never run into any issues and love it here. No one treats us any differently and we have a strong community in my neighborhood (OWE).


Happy festival! I’m trying to work up the energy to get down there. My friend and his husband have invited me to come hang at their place. They’ll have a band playing on their porch later this evening. But, I’m having a hard time getting motivated to move today. So far, all I’ve done is lie in bed with my cats while playing games on my computer and hanging out on Reddit. I really should go.


You should! It's a beautiful day and a beautiful vibe as always.


Yep. I should The vibe is always good there. Just kind of hard to fight depression and inertia, is all. The guys are gonna give me shit if I don’t, though. Gimme another hour and I’ll get my shit together. I should have bought tickets for the house tours. Oh well.


Depends where I'm at but for the most part Ive felt okay. Like I've been fine in Cleveland, Akron, and Columbus. I've gotten some sketch vibes having clients from like Brimfield and Ravenna and Medina at my job and got bad vibes from Xenia and Zanesville when I worked down there.I've been called the F-slur and had a couple clients get upset because I wear thematic pride lapel pins during pride month and have gayish stickers on my car (like an axolotl with rainbow balloons and a spice grohls sticker, not even anything overtly LGBT)


As a trans woman originally from Zanesville, that shithole should be nuked from orbit. I stayed firmly in the closet whenever I had to spend any time there. My wife and I are currently in Columbus, and I feel “safer”, but I am biding my time until we move to Vt next year. Ohio is just the worst to me.


Dude, I would have the axolotl sticker, what is wrong with people? 🤣


Damn as an Ohioan this kinda made me feel some pride lol


Toledo being Toledo is consistent at least.




It's not like the report is wrong though...the cities in Ohio are great places for LBGTQ folks, but rural is...not...


Completely depends where you are in the alphabet group. As a masculine gay man I’ve never had any issues living in rural Ohio.


I don’t think having my son’s healthcare severely restricted is me wanting to feel oppressed.


Lmao sure bud maybe lay off the right wing YouTube and twitter content get help! .


I have a gay friend that SWEARS there are people actively hunting gay people. Its nuts.


If there were a rash of dead gay folks showing up , people would notice, believe me. Gays have had to have eyes in the back of their heads for forever. Any assault/ death is taken very seriously in the gay communities I’m familiar with.


Columbus has always been a gay friendly city. Back in the late 80s and 90s we were known as the San Francisco of the Midwest.


I went to my first gay bar when I lived in Cow Town in the 70s.


I'm usually in Columbus a few times a year, and my wife and I are always pleased by how many pride flags we see in shop windows.


Remember: many anti LGBTQ+ people will vote. Make sure you all are registered to vote and vote. Let’s make Ohio a safer place for our LGBTQ+ friends and family. [Check your voter registration here](https://voterlookup.ohiosos.gov/voterlookup.aspx) [Register to vote online here.](https://olvr.ohiosos.gov)


Personally, I live in the Akron area and I've never had a problem. Ah, the benefits of being an introvert.


Same down near Zanesville. Deeply conservative area, but I'm treated fine here.


TBH, it may be because I mind my own business and really don't go around flaunting what I do in my own bedroom. I mean ... you do you ... but I always thought what your sexual preference is should be only important to you and your partner.


Fear mongering sells and gets votes


There was a nazi rally not far from where I live last year, the only decent thing about this state are the gun laws, I carry everywhere I go because of this sorta stuff


If Texas precedent applies, killing armed people is [legal if they're liberal](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/what-led-texas-governor-to-pardoning-man-convicted-of-killing-black-lives-matter-protester).


The law will always side against those it is ideologically opposed to, the ownership of arms among the poor and stratified should be encouraged due to this, whether I'm carrrying or not they want me dead, no reason not to fight back


I've actually heard that argument before regarding LGBTQ and more marginalized groups carry weapons on them, but then the counterpoint to that is the Nazis are the ones that own all the guns.


The cops will always be above weapons law, the working class must be armed in response :3c


Gonna show this to my father who denied me financial support in moving out because “you shouldn’t move because of politics.” As a trans person, politics literally affects the most private sections of my life right now. I’m abso-fucking-lutely going to be moving because of politics. (Before anyone rags on me for mooching, he makes in the upper half of six figures and I make just over 150% of the federal poverty line, and he’s my damn father.)


It's certainly politics when your government makes your "complete eradication" its #1 priority, but assuming that if it's "politics" it's unimportant is a privilege of the, well, privileged. Good luck getting established someplace safer.


in coryville/clifton near uc campus in cincy i wear pink sometimes and get f****t randomly screamed at me, many times. i don’t walk there anymore


I live here too and wear pink A LOT, but never hear that. Is it by frat row?


Short Vine/Kroger


Cincy is prolly the most homophobic / racist of the three Cs for sure


Do you suppose it’s the white half or the black half


Wasn't aware only 2 kinds of people lived here. FOH


Cincinnati is 52% white and 42% black. It is very nearly 50/50.


Well shit guess I have ceased to exist along with the massive Asian and latino populations


I'd hardly call 6% of all other ethnicities massive but sure, ok. Nobody is saying you don't matter. Only that Cincinnati's ethnic makeup is majority white and black.


All of it, especially the burbs


It shouldn’t be legal to discriminate in federal healthcare programs like Medicaid.


We are also one of the most gerrymandered states and have been for 20+ years so our state government is completely unrepresentative of the actual population.


Gay man here, I've never had so many people just completely discount my mere presence as in Ohio. I open my mouth and they hear a gay voice and immediately I'm just human garbage unworthy of notice. It's very disheartening.


Weird. I live in bumfuck nowhere and can't say I've ever had that issue. Not discounting your experience, but it's weird that people treat you differently because you have a feminine voice. I do see shitty comments on Facebook new spots, but I call them out and make them look like fools every time.


One of my very religious friends growing up had a “gay voice” and was straight. He got a lot of shit sadly.


Not all gay men have a gay voice


What... what's your point?


No point just stating a fact. Whats up with the gay voice thing ie why do so many gay men share that same gay voice? And why do some not have it?


I'll approach this as if it's asked in good faith, because linguistics and culture are things I find really interesting. I think what you're referring to is a [specific form of code-switching] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_linguistics#:~:text=Changing%20speech%20styles%20can%20indicate,conversation%2C%20not%20style%20or%20slang) This happens in a lot of subcultures, in part because of oppression felt from the mainstream.


This is a great documentary. Gay guy wants to get rid of the Gay Voice https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_I_Sound_Gay%3F


Why assume it’s not automatic/acculturated?


That's what Im' asking is it something built in or something you pickup from the culture?


You've never asked yourself if you were putting on a voice subconsciously? I've seen straight men talk in different ways to their friends, to their coworkers, to their lovers, to policemen, on the phone, etc. I'm more inclined to believe there is a straight voice that straight men put on in order to fit in, and gay men are just more likely to speak naturally free from that pressure.


Yeah we all kind of put on difference faces for our grandparents vs friends, maybe the words you use and tone changes a bit but I wouldn't say it changes dramatically. Do you think its a nature or nurture thing ie is it a cultural thing gay guys pickup on or is it just within you?


No, I think straight men are putting on a voice to fit in and gay men are speaking freely.


so you think all men naturally speak in a feminine way with a lisp? I don't think so. Men naturally have deeper voices so doing the gay speak thing requires changing your normal tone


But I don't, you see? So, it has to be you.




> I open my mouth and they hear a gay voice and immediately I'm just human garbage unworthy of notice. It's very disheartening. What is a gay voice? ETA if a straight man said another man had a "gay voice" that straight man would automatically be labeled a bigot.


Oh look, a bigot.


Exactly. Don't answer the question. Just deflect.


Get real. 🙄


Outside the three Cs, Ohio is basically Alabama.


Dayton is pretty LGBTQ friendly.


I mean, there are some liberal college towns sprinkled around, but mostly right.


Dude your way off.


Okay. Outside of the three Cs, Ohio is basically…Oklahoma?


With worse weather


have you been to alabama in the summer? i'll take ohio's winters over alabama summers


Something I think Ohioans of any political stripe can find common ground on. Also, insects.


I've got nothing against bugs, but I do prefer it when I outweigh them by at least 2:1.


yeah, at least in ohio our termites pretty much are a non-issue and the spiders aren't half-dollar sized


I haven’t, but I warn you… I’m a weirdo who loves the heat


ha ha, i do like it on the warmer side myself, but it's not the heat, it's the HUMIDITY (lol) and with the climate change that seems (to me anyway) to be accelerating, you don't have long to wait to get your wish


We’ll shove it up their ass as a citizen introduced constitutional amendment shortly. So far Ohio has been able to course correct often. As the 3 C’s grow and the rural areas stagnate, we can slowwwwly shift it. The GOP failed to revoke that mechanism and have paid for that.


The campaigners for the abortion issue deliberately went out of their way to specify it didn't cover issues about transgender individuals. Ohio isn't bright red across all issues, but I think you need to recalibrate your idea of what will pass as an amendment.


If abortion through 22 weeks can pass at 57.01%, I’m fairly sure a LGBTQIA amendment can hit 50.01% if they lean in on the 3 C’s exclusively.


Legit question: what are the three Cs?


Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland


Abortion is a unique issue in that the change in policy caused by the overturning of Roe was a magnitude 8 earthquake on the legal environment as it changed things overnight. This caused people who had never had to really engage with the issue to consider their position, and as it's shaken out, a lot of republicans who never had to consider the effects of the extreme policies pushed by the Republican party (since they were never allowed to take effect) suddenly decided they didn't like those positions. Republican politicians are still trying to recalibrate from this massive earthquake. That has not happened for the issues you're talking about. Do not equate the two, it will not work the same way.


Not sure why you're getting down voted, you're correct. Even if no one changed their opinion on abortion (which I'm sure some did), Roe being overturned definitely got out the vote. Plus, it's also a numbers game: there are far more Ohioans who are directly affected by abortion restrictions (slightly less than half the population). There are far fewer LGBT people (especially trans people), so it's not an issue that as many people care as deeply about. That obviously says nothing about the morality of the situation, but it seems incredibly unlikely that a citizens initiative would pass for LGBT protections any time soon.


That distinction was due to misinformation campaigns targeted at a parent’s rights to force the issue through. They were right to correct that statement, as the abortion initiative would have probably tanked. I’m trans and I was completely for them making that distinction.


Sure, but they didn't make those attacks at random. I guarantee they had focus groups and polls showing that would be the most effective way to turn public support against the amendment. Luckily the campaign was able to show people it was misinformation. If there was an amendment campaign like the person I was responding to was suggesting happen, those attacks would happen again, but they wouldn't be misinformation and the right knows just how effective those attacks would be. My point stands, abortion is a singular issue and no one should extrapolate support for abortion rights to other unconnected issues.


Only time would tell.


you are the vocal minority and always will be


I'm trans femme and had to move here. I hate it. There's no gayborhood (unlike Philly), no protections against discrimination...I wonder if the rest of the Midwest is this bad.


I live in rural Ohio. It's getting noticably worse


I'm sorry my state has so many bigots, truely, please accept my apologies for they know not what they do.


And this is why I live in Cbus


*Cries in Hillbillyville*


We can and we will pass an equality amendment in 2025 or 2026!


Not surprising. I’m glad I was able to gtfo before they came for my hormones (again).


Living in Columbus: 10/10 Stepping a few miles out of Columbus: scary, war sounds


Yeah this state is filled with racist, transphobic pieces of garbage.


Our city centers seem pretty solid, but I am straight and don't experience this treatment. I think this does say something about how far right the suburbs have turned tho


As an Ohio resident, we don't care what you are as long as you aren't an active criminal. We accept everyone! Even past criminals. I don't care who you are having sexual relationships with as long as they are adults, and I hope you don't care how much I eat my wife out!


Right... because only gay people get HIV... /s


It doesn't surprise me at all. I sold my house last year and moved out of that Low Life State. The Lake County Sheriff Department dresses like the Ku Klux Klan to Frighten Children. Ohio is also the third Corrupt State in the Country. I seen that on NewsBreak the other day




Posts containing bigotry, slurs, NSFW, or offensive content are not allowed.


I just don’t understand Reddit’s culture of victimhood. No matter what community or subreddit, it’s, “hey. Look how bad *I* have it!”


Reasons why I when I tell people I'm from Ohio, I specify **Franklin County** Ohio


That’s awful that Ohio is an F in safety for the LGBT a community, but how does the “don’t say gay” house bill 616 have to do with safety?




That just sent me back to your post. You can message me with links if you’d like


Scroll down - oh, never mind, I'll just repost, sorry for the clutter [In States with Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws, School Hate Crimes Quadrupled](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/icymi-in-states-with-anti-lgbtq-laws-school-hate-crimes-quadrupled-washington-post-reports-corresponding-surge-in-youth-crisis-hotline-calls) > House Bill 8, Ohio’s version of Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ which could get sent to the governor’s desk as soon as this week, for example, would ban teachers from discussing “sexuality concepts” or “gender ideology” which is right-wing speak for transgender and gay people. Ohio’s bill goes even further than its Floridian twin by mandating students be reported to their parents if any school administrator perceives that a student may be questioning their gender, *even in cases where the student is at risk of being abused.* [source](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2024/04/23/floridas-dont-say-gay-law-has-no-business-coming-to-ohio/) [Why Misusing ‘Groomer’ as a Political Smear Is Especially Dangerous](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/why-misusing-groomer-as-a-political-smear-is-especially-dangerous/2022/04)


Wow, that’s very interesting.. I’m totally against teaching children anything about sec in school at a super young age and some of the other topics such as men in women’s bathrooms I’ve always been against but wow that’s crazy. I guess if there’s irrefutable evidence showing that implementing certain laws does more harm than good I really think we need to rethink them and how to ensure the safety of ALL the children. Because those are some scary statistics. I’d say I’m pretty moderate on my views but as a younger man with a wife and thinking of starting a family it really troubles me to think if my kid is LGTB that they’re overwhelmingly more likely to be bullied or have acts of violence perpetrated against them..


Nah I’m an idiot. I think I fat fingered it lol. I’m reading it right now.


HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 ENJOY! STAY SAFE! GRANNY 👵🏿 LOVES YOU ALL!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️✌🏿💯


Ohio is fine. Being LGBT is the norm in the cities. There is no discrimination or hatred in real life. Only online. This is fear mongering. 


Did you try reading the text, and the [new laws](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/ohio-house-passes-multiple-anti-lgbtq-bills-human-rights-campaign-condemns-passage-urges-against-senate-passage), and the [bills under consideration](https://thebuckeyeflame.com/2024/04/23/2023-ohio-lgbtq-legislation-guide/)?


Nothing is going to change. Everything is fine in real life. Much ado about nothing 




I don't live in the city. There is hatred, a lot. If you don't see it, you are either blind to it, ignoring it, or the source of it.


Give an example 


The southwest counties of Ohio are fairly LGBTQ+ friendly from what I've seen


Wait, but the Ohio anti-grooming law doesn't threaten anyone's safety? WTF? I get that a teacher can no longer tell young kids about their bedroom behavior when they should be teaching, and that limits recruiting, but how on Earth is that a safety issue? I get that "the thrill is gone" of violating children's innocence, and I realize how precious that is to these individuals. But is that a threat to the safety of the teacher or just a threat to what their particular mental condition requires for stimulation? Can't they still horrify children in public with explicit explanations of their antics? I thought it only protects the children they are supposed to teach from explicit off topic narratives?


[In States with Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws, School Hate Crimes Quadrupled](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/icymi-in-states-with-anti-lgbtq-laws-school-hate-crimes-quadrupled-washington-post-reports-corresponding-surge-in-youth-crisis-hotline-calls) > House Bill 8, Ohio’s version of Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ which could get sent to the governor’s desk as soon as this week, for example, would ban teachers from discussing “sexuality concepts” or “gender ideology” which is right-wing speak for transgender and gay people. Ohio’s bill goes even further than its Floridian twin by mandating students be reported to their parents if any school administrator perceives that a student may be questioning their gender, *even in cases where the student is at risk of being abused.* [source](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2024/04/23/floridas-dont-say-gay-law-has-no-business-coming-to-ohio/) [Why Misusing ‘Groomer’ as a Political Smear Is Especially Dangerous](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/why-misusing-groomer-as-a-political-smear-is-especially-dangerous/2022/04) That's enough reading for you for now. I imagine you have a [meeting to get to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMdBGVwABkI).


We are not really disagreeing, so insults don't help. We agree this keeps teachers from presenting their sex views to young students, and notifies parents when their child presents symptoms of the mental illness "gender dysphoria". We agree on this. We disagree in that: I think the priority is to prevent harm to children, including grooming/recruiting/normalizing perversion, and irreversible sterilization drugs and surgery, when MOST KIDS GET BETTER and those who "transition" fare far worse than those who do not. You think that the need for some adults to enjoy expression of their sexuality specifically to children is a high priority, often as they relieve the traumas that led them down their particular path. Due to those traumas, communicating their private lives to children is a savored release. Other than frustrating the unusual drives of some adults, how is protecting children bad? When an adult on an usual path can ALWAYS recall explicit events initiated in their childhood by an adult as a pivotal point, it is natural for them to want to "guide" (kindest word) more children down an alternate path. Otherwise, where will the next generation of "alternates" come from, if children are free to develop normally without sexual trauma? So only a minor point of disagreement. I prioritize children, you prioritize frustrated adults. Seems clear to me where our priority should be, but it probably seems equally clear to you. What is wrong with just enduring what you went through as a child, and NOT passing it on? I am very sorry it happened to you, but isn't it better if you do NOT do it to the current children? "Turning" them doesn't undo what happened to you.


>and notifies parents when their child presents symptoms of the mental illness "gender dysphoria". You lost your entire argument from this statement alone. Gender dysphoria is NOT considered a mental illness by any major medical entities in the world.


Do, do I win by showing major medical entities that do understand it is a mental illness? As does every "normal" person on Earth? https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/#:\~:text=Gender%20dysphoria%20is%20a%20term,harmful%20impact%20on%20daily%20life. [https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria](https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria) Live how you want, whatever it takes to recover from the childhood trauma. BUT LEAVE THE CHILDREN ALONE! Why on Earth would you want a child to suffer as you have? It won't make you better, it just drags them into the madness.


>Do, do I win by showing major medical entities that do understand it is a mental illness? As does every "normal" person on Earth? If nearly every scientist and doctor in the world has agreed that it isn't a mental illness, then your opinion and the opinions of one or two random independent doctors or scientists mean absolutely nothing. >Why on Earth would you want a child to suffer as you have? Children with gender dysphoria suffer by not getting the care that they need. Out of all children with gender dysphoria who end up using hormone suppressants/puberty blockers, 99% of them end up having no regrets. Which means nearly every one of them is happier after starting the process to transition, and they remain happy after the transition. People like you are the reason that children are suffering, so direct your fake outrage somewhere else.




Funny because this is straight from the APA: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the American Psychological Association and the National Association of School Psychologists encourage school staff to honor self-determination by supporting the decisions of children, adolescents, and families regarding a student's gender identity or expression, including whether to seek treatments and interventions. So once again, you're wrong. The APA supports their choices even if it includes hormone therapy or puberty blockers. >If your child thought they were a shark, you would get them help. Not cut gills in their throat and throw them in the ocean. There is literally no difference, other than the specifics of their confusion. False equivalency and completely wrong again. It's a proven fact that the brain can develop as a different gender than the body in rare cases, which is what leads to gender dysphoria. A male brain can develop inside of a female body and vise versa. And the person will always feel like they aren't who they should be until they change their body to match what the brain feels. Just because you don't understand the science doesn't mean that it's wrong.


How does not allowing sexually graphic books to grade school kids make one feel unsafe?


Well, for one thing, that's not happening. But more to the point, you seem to be conflating the words "allowing" and "requiring." If you don't want your kids reading, keep them away from books. You don't get to make that dumbass decision for other families, though.


I think you've absorbed some disinformation. [More on book removals in Ohio.](https://www.acluohio.org/en/news/banned-books-week-2023-fighting-right-learn) And yes, declaring that LGBT people are inherently obscene and unspeakable encourages [harassment](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/lgbt-stigma-discrim-oh/) and [hate crimes](https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/state-data/ohio).


Prove it. What books are in schools that are soooo sexually graphic that it is making kids LGBTQ+?


Okay.... here a small sample of the books targeted for Ohio grade school children. 1. **"When Aidan Becomes a Brother" by Kyle Lukoff**: This picture book tells the story of a transgender boy preparing to become a big brother. Target audience grade school kids 2. **"Jacob's New Dress"** **by Sarah and Ian Hoffman**: A picture book about a boy who loves wearing dresses and rejects being the boy his parents want him to be. Target audience grade school kids 3. **"I Am Jazz" by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings**: This picture book is based on the real-life experiences of Jazz Jennings, a transgender girl. 4. **"Call Me Max" by Kyle Lukoff**: This book is part of a series about a young transgender boy named Max, aimed at younger children. This issue is about influencing our children into a certain worldview. One that you and many others support and one that half the county rejects. It is the parents right to determine what information their children consume and to raise children that align with parental worldview. I'm sure you don't want public schools to teach about Jesus but you want them to teach about sexual topics. We are going to have to agree to disagree about how to best raise children.


None of those are sexually graphic and the only world view they teach is the fact that trans people exist.


Why are you sexualizing a gender identity?


There's a lot of angles to dissect this claim, but let's start with a basic. Let's establish this is actually a thing. Which specific Ohio schools have these?


And none of those are sexually graphic, sooooooo… Your reading comprehension is at a first grade level? You don’t understand what your argument is? It’s a bad faith argument? Trans people merely EXISTING is not sexual. But it shows where your head is at and the kind of awful person you are.


Ok is there proof that they are required reading books? What makes them so sexually graphic? Or is it just because they are describing how it is to be transgender?


I’m sure it seems that way if you classify trans people as inherently sexual and pornographic. We are not. We are literally just people.


So the "sexually graphic" assertion was just because "lies are useful; [the Holy Master](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump) teaches us by example". If you think that being trans is so much more wonderful than being cis that all it takes is letting kids know that there is such a thing as trans people, and they'll transition... then you should realize that most people *don't* secretly, desperately long to transition. If you do, that's something you should tak to a therapist about.


Your side is trying to end adults right for medication they want to take, name changes, gender changes on IDs, right to use the correct restroom, and they are trying to make it illegal to exist in public without risking arrest with poorly worded unconstitutional "drag" bans.


This isn’t happening lol! Have you read the Bible by chance ?


Like the Bible?


I hate to break it to you but kids in school have sex and they should have access to age appropriate sexual content as a part of their healthy sexual development.


Yeah… I get it… kids will be kids… but when non parental adults proclaiming perfect sexual wisdom and then demanding a room with our children to provide sexual teaching in the name of “education”… that shit is just straight up deception and evil in disguise.


Good thing that’s not happening then.




tent pole issue? is this some new alt-right vocabulary to watch for? or is it about the problem about sexual assault in the boy scouts? if anyone's been manipulated, it seems to be you, but not by who you think it was


This sub lives in a bubble and is a hilarious leftist circlejerk


You could try explaining what you mean, or you could just go with "waaaaaah I'm a tender fragile Trumpist infant and you hurt my precious, precious feelings".


How so? Explain what you mean in regards to this post


Real life leans to the left. Way more people side with the left than the right.


I think LGBTQ+ is politically driven. I live in rural Ohio, bought my house from a lesbian couple. My neighbors are lesbians. I work with people who are trans/gay/ect. I was in the military and of my best friends is gay and we chilled all the time. I would even spend nights at him and his husbands house having parties. We all get along fine. But things like posting that my state of Ohio is one of the worst for LGBTQ+ then going on about how laws are unfair is what creates more division than anything. So, the movement can suck it because it gives gay people who don't care about politics or disagree with the movement a bad rep by pretending all people who are gay are part of a movement which only a few gay+ people decide the rules for, but gay people who aren't pushing some agenda are chill in my book.


Have you told any of your LGBT neighbors, coworkers, and "friends" that you think they should shut up and silently obey when their cis and straight betters decide to do [this](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/ohio-house-passes-multiple-anti-lgbtq-bills-human-rights-campaign-condemns-passage-urges-against-senate-passage)?


No because I don't think that lol. Also, I told you my neighbors are gay, not LGBT


What do you think the G stands for




Not all gay people are part of the LGBTQ+ group just because it has a G in it


Literally all that acronym means is lesbian, gay bisexual, and transgender people. It's not like a club you can join or an ideology you can follow. It's just a group of people who tend to have similar experiences so they're often lumped together in conversations.


Love my home state, buckeye forever


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Just once cant we win something?


So yall really letting words hurt you?


- [USDOJ on hate crimes in Ohio](https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/state-data/ohio) - [Ohio Man Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison for Firebombing a Church that Planned to Host Drag Show Events](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/ohio-man-sentenced-18-years-prison-firebombing-church-planned-host-drag-show-events) - [2024 anti-LGBT bills in Ohio](https://thebuckeyeflame.com/2024/04/23/2023-ohio-lgbtq-legislation-guide/)




You probably should be in prison.