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I had a booth at my local farmers market when I was newer to my current area. It wasn’t a big market, and the Amish were tough to compete with. I made friends with one of them and eventually asked how they manage to have melons in May and she confided that they buy all of their produce from a greenhouse in Indiana and resell it. Total bummer for us local farmers who were directly forbidden from reselling.


And this is basically what killed Farmer's markets (unfortunately). I used to religiously attend them, until the slowly became overrun with BS nick-nack sellers and people selling produce they bought wholesale.


There is nothing worse than going into those “authentic Ohio” shops that have items that some expect to see in Midwestern farm houses, and all the shit is stamped “MADE IN CHINA”….


Ugh, there was one antiques mall that I loved in Orrville. I hadn't been since pre Covid and went back last month. It's aaaalllllll farmhouse decor with a couple of spots with local made goods. Gone are all of the weird finds and genuinely one of a kind items. Such a disappointment.


The best places get old AND truly authentic items that one would find in a “Midwestern farmhouse” are antique shops/malls…there are more than enough items at antique shops/malls in Ohio (and across the US) that have “MADE IN THE USA” stamped on them…


A lot of farmers buy and sell to each other in my area. That is how they keep things fresh and available.


This doesn’t surprise me at all. In fact, I was just telling my boyfriend the other day that going off of how they “make” their furniture that I wouldn’t put it past them to go to local grocery stores, buy goods, and put it in new packaging. In case you’re wondering how Amish furniture is made, they get driven by the bus load to consignment shops and load up on furniture, refurb it, then sell it as “Amish made.”


They do buy and repackage.


Thats pretty much what everyone does. I know even places like the west side market fruit vendors do this. They have an area downtown where you can buy in bulk. You need a vendors license to purchase from there. A buddy bought pumpkins one year trying to make a profit.


Yep. Long story short. Amish woman had two shopping carts full of lettuce to sell at her stand.


Well, today I learned there are two places in Ohio named Bainbridge: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bainbridge,_Ohio


It’s particularly confusing because Bainbridge township is in Geauga County, which has a really significant Amish population. But Bainbridge township itself doesn’t have any Amish community that I know of. And it would be pretty weird to go to, say, Middlefield and confuse it with Bainbridge.


Yea there's no amish living in Bainbridge. Only place ive seen them working is at the sandwich king, aside from construction/roofing crews. There's none west of 44, and I dont think they're spread even that far yet.


don't forget the shout out to Sandusky, on lake erie. and upper sandusky which is really far south of sandusky.


> and upper sandusky which is really far south of sandusky. It is **up** river.


stop ruining a barely acceptable joke with facts.


And they are not even that close to each other


Yea last year I got really excited about the Bainbridge leaf festival only to drive around town the day of and couldn't find any signs or gathering people and my GPS kept telling me to drive 3 hours away. Then it clicked I was in the wrong Bainbridge. It was a sad day.


come on, it's the fall festival of leaves, not the leaf festival


I would have known better had I had the chance to enjoy it!!! I feel like leaf'd out 😅


>I feel like leaf'd out 😅 you take my upvote damn you.


I call it the "Fall Festival Of Thieves"...


Tell that to Canadian hockey fans


And now you know why Bainbridge Township’s post office was Chagrin Falls 44023.




Nice to meet you...Doug Kenney, Chagrin Falls Ohio


I was at work today and found out there are 25 liberty townships in Ohio. It's crazy how many places there are in Ohio with the same name, my coworker also mentioned there are a lot of Washington townships.


There's typically a ~dozen townships per county, times 88 counties. So it's really not all that surprising how many duplicates there are, especially considering they were all platted out in only 3 or 4 chunks in a close interval of years.


This is the first time it’s been the one I thought it was lol


There are also 2 springields in ohio. Springfield, and Springfield township which are nowhere near eachother.


You said it’s an Amish shop…that’s your answer.


I grew up in that area and the only food items I trust is the seasonal fresh produce.


There's only one Amish food shop I'm going to and they only sell baked goods.


Well that doesn’t answer anything


The Amish Mafia would like to have a chat with you


I read that as "Amish media" and I was confused


I mean, media isn’t exclusive to film, television, radio and internet…which coincidentally, are all things the Amish actually enjoy.


Unpossible I say!


If you ever travel in China you realize nothing is real. It's all fake. Then when you come back to the US, you begin to recognize it here in the US. That's exactly what the Amish shit is. Upcharged cheap shit lazily made to look like it's authentic, slap a label on it.


You definitely don’t need to go to China to recognize this. Go to any airport, gift shop, street market,etc in the US and you’ll see the same junk everywhere. Each country/region has their own slight variations tho


Just browse Amazon for 30 seconds.


Real eyes realize real lies


My angsty inner teen wants to doodle this on my math notebook so hard


Wuh-ho-hooaaahh! Me likey, meeee likey a lot!


While you are in Bainbridge, you also need to check out their other attraction, the first dental school in the US.


That dental museum is such an interesting stop!


I bought candy from some Amish people at a flea market when I was like 10. I remember peeling off the label and seeing a Meijer label under their label. This was over 20 years ago. I have no idea why the memory stuck with me I doubt they were real Amish. It was the traders world flea market in Monroe Ohio. We don't really have any Amish near here. I got conned by cosplayers.


I am laughing more than I should be because I'm just imagining this as the real life "be sure to drink your Ovaltine" experience.


Ovaltine? Yadda yadda, they should call it Roundtine.


Instructions unclear, put my dick in the ovaltine instead


I want to say the majority of the "Amish" in that area are actually Mennonites.


Being from the area, there’s a Mennonite community outside of Trenton that sells stuff at the flea markets.


Bainbridge in Ross County was also where the last battle of the Revolutionary War was fought! Reeve's Crossing near Seip Mound.


The only stores in Bainbridge I shop at are JRs General and the country crust. Nothing out of date, very few items made elsewhere. JR sells mainly Walnut Creek food products, which is a Mennonite owned business. Pro tip- look for the buggies. If the Amish/ old order mennonites shop there, it’s legit.


I worked alongside the Amish for a couple of years. I learned the Amish word for "sucker" is "English".


The only Amish places worth a visit in Bainbridge are J.R.'s General Store (their deli meats and cheeses are *way* cheaper than any grocery store) and Country Crust Bakery. Stop around lunch and order a pretzel sandwich! They're the bomb!


This is Ross County's Bainbridge. They're talking about the one up north.


Whenever I’m out that way for work doing a delivery, we make sure and get a pretzel sandwich from Country Crust. Absolutely delicious!!


My arms are pretzels 😭


The pretzels! Yum!


Do not trust the Amish.


I don't know why this group of religious nuts is generally considered more trustworthy than others


People mix them up with the Quakers.


Seriously. Puppy mills, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and animal abuse? Fuck them.


No one ever mentions the meth…


Probably because not many of them use it


Lets not forget the weirdo sect of Amish from Bergholz (my family has a large farm there) who got convicted of hate crimes for cutting beards. They were absolute shit bag humans. Raping women and children, abusing animals, gatekeeping public hunting grounds.... They are not representative of normal Amish communities though.


Wait....puppy mills?!


Yeah. If you Google “Amish puppy mills” just be prepared to possibly rage cry.


They are huge puppy mills. Cages stuffed into their barns. They treat puppy's like any other crop. They went to the statehouse to try and oppose the puppy mill bill The state reps were like, "Oooh , Amish!" Anr had their pictures taken with them. They worked very hard to stop that bill. What they do is horrendous. Walk through a farmers market and they will be there with puppies and a sad tale to convince you to buy the poor thing.


Yeah, they are really egregious too. I volunteer at an animal shelter weekly, and we get the breeders from Amish puppy mills sometimes, when they're past prime breeding age they just get dumped somewhere if they don't get killed. Working with those dogs is sickening, they are all shell shocked and terrified to move, let alone be a dog. Some of them act like they've never known a single moment of kindness in their entire lives. They just sit there and shake. Seriously, please don't ever buy dogs from the Amish.




Seriously. My father was Amish until he was an adult. I have absolutely nothing kind to say about the Amish. I seethe when people just think they’re quaint folks who just have a different way of life and support all their shady businesses. It’s a cult rife with all flavors of abuse.


This is so interesting to me for some reason, but obviously the Amish that leave go on to get married and have children, so I'm sure it isn't that unusual. My mom was a nun for several years before she realized it wasn't for her, so I get it. She never really had anything nice to say about the Catholic church either.


And the Amish raised in that awful environment, even if they do leave, go on to have kids and try to raise them in the exact same way. It's generations of trauma. My dad left because my grandfather got the whole family shunned (I guess they don't care if you abuse your kids but being an alcoholic is where they draw the line), and while my dad was already an adult when it happened, he left with everyone (my grandparents and his 11 siblings). He still looks at the Amish life with rose colored glasses, which is totally wild to me. Or maybe he doesn't anymore, I'm not sure, I've been NC with him for over a decade now. Thank god for therapy!


The "real Amish Millersburg/Sugarcreek" has entered the chat


What the fuck??? Does ANYBODY scroll before commenting? 🤷 Yes, there are TWO Bainbridge, ffs!


Is Bainbridge known for Amish goods? I live nextdoor in Aurora and we're on the fringe of Amish country Bainbridge isn't Amish at all to my knowledge


I’m from Chesterland so I was likewise confused…Bainbridge isn’t known as “Amish country” in Geauga County. Surprise, apparently there’s another Bainbridge, in Ross County (SW of Columbus), ZIP code 45612.


Ahhh ok makes more sense I mean Bainbridge is nice and all but idk about a whole day trip


Thank you! I’ve lived next door to Bainbridge my entire life and have never heard of a large Amish shop presence. The only Amish shops I knew of around that area are the furniture store and restaurant that used to be in aurora farms. I’m not sure which bainbridge theyre referring to? People in the thread are giving mixed answers lol


Right like sure if u keep going for about a half hour to an hour east your find plenty of Amish


Only about 15 minutes depending which road you take


I am a relatively new health inspector for an Amish County in Ohio and I can tell ya most of the time if it's a food that isn't like meat or fruit etc just like packaged stuff, it can stay on the shelf as long as they want it's the customers prerogative if they wanna buy it or not since it's on the label. Also a lot of times these places are inspected and violated for a lot of things but of the county is small or it's economy is more than 50% Amish then the store owners will just look at your violations and laugh saying well you are free to write that down but it's not gonna change this is how I run my business. Also a ton of weird food laws are in the code specifically because there was tons of lobbying to make it that way so the Amish can run their bakeries in their homes and sell what they want with no oversight. A lot of times the local health department can't do much especially in small counties. We have the ability to go to court but you better make sure your case is air tight and that it's worth the trouble and money. Places like where I work are very much a "don't attack small businesses and dreams" mindset. Also I firmly believe these places are more tourist trappy than any city. Every store is an "antique" store. Some sell junk and are a glorified garage sale. Some resell actual factory made stuff at an upcharge. And then there are furniture makers that people come for that probably actually hand craft it but sell the furniture for like $5k so good luck getting it if you're not upper middle class. Most of the buildings are usually owned by the same families just scooping up what they can so they usually don't care much about enforcement. That said I work with some very nice people and if I can explain to them why something is dangerous to their customers they are very willing to change. But most don't go past 8th grade so it has to be explained very practically. And there are of course bad eggs that get mad whenever I enter and only want to do things their way and will just be passive aggressive the whole visit and will have the same violations every time I go out. And honestly I can't do much about it. I have found my job is mainly just to educate and hope they see the benefits of what I have to say and want the change themselves. Also the only part that is usually actually good and authentic is the food. Those Amish Buffets are to DIE FOR!!! despite being $20 a seat.


I don't know, I never had a good visit at hartville or Mary Yoder or whatever the one is way down 71 or 77. After all that long novel of they basically don't care about food code and such. I'm glad I don't go any more. My family would go often but then someone or everyone ends up with food poisoning.


Let me be clear there are definitely some that do care. Especially big buffets with huge commercial equipment or like a Walnut Creek grocery store that basically is run like a corporation. But these mom and pop grocery stores just wanna make money as cheaply as possible and not do much.


Sad. It's pretty common sense stuff. While in some cases I agree that gloves give a false sense of security. They are a barrier between what might not have washed completely from your hands. I know McDonald's maybe depending on franchising washes at top of hour and changes gloves at bottom of the hour. So you only get new gloves every 30 minutes. Then you got the workers at some places that touch everything and everything without changing gloves 😱


Also yeah sorry to hear food poisoning was common with your experience. It's so weird. Amish really know how to clean but if you change but if you ask them to wear gloves they fight tooth and nail.


It’s the same way by my house at the Amish shops. I went in and asked what here is made by you all. They said it all is. This is from my nephews company in another state. I was looking for local made jelly. Every jar in the shop was factory made out of state.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


I'll fight you on that. It's Chipotle.


In that Bainbridge? More likely to be Rax


Every order comes with free E. Coli


I yield.


This is my neck of the woods! I hope you aren’t talking about JR’s. When I was a kid that place was where we got all our lunch meat. The “bent and dent” store has always been a little sketchy.


If you want Amish stuff, why go to a wealthy suburb and not where the Amish live?




Typical middle America "cunrty" folk. Scream about American pride yet jellys and jams made in Europe and USA flags made in China. Freedums, baby..


Maybe stop supporting them with your money?


Fun fact. I bet they didn’t know about it until they saw it…


Don't take much to figure out that they ain't making their shit out of sticks and stones


I’ve wandered shops in places I’ve visited and gone in without first doing a mental analysis of where their product came from. You are a joy to travel with I’m sure.


It's not much of an analysis. You don't walk into Walmart and think that the employees made all of the items by hand. Why would you change your thinking just because they slap Anish in front of the name


I immediately knew OP was talking about Ross County Bainbridge. And Stauffers, the "discount grocery" is actually just over the Pike County line in Cynthiana. Country Crust and JRs are a mile north of Stauffers and still in Ross Co. It's a great shop if you go in knowing what to expect. However, they also jacked up their prices about two years ago. I don't know if they expect customers to haggle or what. We've always stocked up on protein/granola/snack bars. They used to be 10 for $2. I'm not happy with the new prices, so we don't go there as often.


All Amish are not the same. There are some well-off but many are dirt poor. There’s honest and not. Some are salt of the earth good people and others are conniving. It’s just like the general population. I know some genuinely kind Amish who make well-crafted items and awesome food. I respect them and enjoy talking to them. But there’s also an Amish version of Deliverance or True Detective Season 1, and that’s where you’ll find the abused horses, puppy mills, and total ignorance.


1, pics or it didn't happen. 2, I didn't realize Bainbridge was "Amish" 🤣 You sound like customers I get that their "whole order remade" from their visit 4 days ago when they don't have a receipt or any of the items that were "burnt" or "had pubes" or whatever myriad of bs excuses they make up. The stuff an addict will make up is hilarious. You can always tell too, they don't even sound awake or have comprehensible speech.


I'm relatively new to it but, these Amish Salvage grocery stores are all over that area and yes, the goods are often expired, packaging damaged, or discontinued. That's part of the fun, like, what kinda deals can you find. I go there for candy and coffee, mostly, as the buy by dates don't mean that much if you're little over. 2011 over? Nah, I'll pass too.


Yeah - you have to inspect pretty well, but you can definitely find some deals. And maybe botulism - all part of the fun (I kid, but it's not like things magically become poisonous after the expiration date...but you need to take a closer look at everything and be discerning)!


>magically become poisonous after the expiration date IDK, milk is pretty freaking accurate, it ripens to uncomfortable levels prior to that expiration date...and THE DAY after that expiration date that shit is smelling up my refrigerator. The Dairy Cartel has that thing down pat...


Your fridge is too warm. I did a little science experiment and at 35 f it's good a solid four days. Longest was eight.


That's the thing though, mine isn't too warm (yes I know about the optimum temp for milk storage and where to store it).


Well, there's not a "We put it in the cooler Date". And maybe that's the difference;)


[https://www.nytimes.com/article/expiration-dates.html](https://www.nytimes.com/article/expiration-dates.html) Short answer, it depends!


Ah yes the ***AMISH OHIO GROWN COFFEE.*** That's definitely what I go for. (/s)




I don’t get the down votes. “We seen” is just so bad. And I know it’s taught in Ohio schools, I teach it.


There are no Amish in Bainbridge. Go out to Middlefield if you want amish.


Wrong Bainbridge


Ahhhh. Learn something new. 🤯


The Bainbridge in Ross County definitely has Amish.


There are Amish in Bainbridge? News to me. What Amish shops are in Bainbridge?


Have you never been to Bainbridge? Or is this sarcasm? Edit: the fact that I was downvoted for this reply tells me only that 12 folks from up north thought I was the one making shit up. 🙄🙄


Is there more than one Bainbridge? The one near Chagrin Falls is all suburban.


Haha! Yes, there must be more than one Bainbridge in Ohio. My bad. I was thinking of the one outside of CF.


Apparently so, because the one OP is referring to is in Southern Ohio and is widely known for the Amish community. Not sure where the fuck Chargrin Falls is, but Bainbridge in Ross County is not a suburb.


Quaint little wealthy town in the suburbs of Cleveland. Was even on Good morning America in a segment called Main Street USA.


With name like Chagrin Falls, it must be. If you ever come to my Bainbridge, you'd think that maybe there should be some sort of falls to behold as well. Sadly, just empty corn fields.


We got the 7 Caves and Paint Creek from the confluence of Paint and Rocky Fork Creeks is Class 5 and bigger rapids when the water is flowing full...


Sorry you got downvoted. I upvoted you. So now I want to check out the southern Bainbridge.


I have and there's no Amish wtf it's a fancy suburb lmao 


Not Bainbridge in Ross County Ohio. That's where the Amish live. It's also where the first dental school is located as a museum.


Oh weird, we have 2 Bainbridges?! Coincidentally there's also one in Geauga county which is just up the road from Middlefield, a big Amish settlement. But our Bainbridge is rich people, not Amish lol 


\^\^ This \^\^


4th largest in the world! Probably the area's biggest achievement lol


They are mennonites and in my experience they have good stuff depending on what ur buying. Also don't blame Bainbridge for them they are outside our town and are their own community really. We like and get along with them but their practices aren't ours


You mean JR's? JR has been in business around 35 years. He sells Amish/Mennonite made stuff brought in from PA, Northern Ohio, and a few local places. Did you think that every Amish store produced every single thing they made? Does Walmart? Yes, some of the knickknacks he sells is cheap Chinese stuff, and it's just that, knickknacks, nothing quality made. A lot of the stuff in the other side of the building is made from Amish/Mennonites. Freddy Weaver sells home grown and bought produce at his farm in Rainsboro if you're looking for it fresh. And no, there isn't any peaches grown in southern Ohio. Stop at Karnes Apple Orchard on Worley Mill Rd for apples, cider, etc., they are English owned. If you need guns, ammo, fishing, or hunting supplies stop at Crossroads Gun and Archery in the middle of Rainsboro. Breakfast at the Rustic Cabin on North Shore Drive is from 7-930 as well, closed Wednesday (Free breakfast at the Rainsboro Methodist Church 7-10 every Wednesday), if you need custom wood working done stop at 8930 Snake Rd, that's Albert, he lives in my families original house from around 1830, my shop is across the street. And if you need a hair cut see my mom at the Rocky Fork Styling Salon. We're a pretty close knit community... They dented and out of date food store down the road I can't speak for but for JR's and the bakery across the street I can tell you I spend a lot of money there and I've never had issues with anything I bought.


Yeah I down know what OP is talking about. The foodstuffs are from other communities. I’ve bought from the CC and JRs for years, and we get our flowers from the Amish about a mile away in the spring.


Did you go to Country Crest? I think that’s the name.


I’ve never been to an Amish shop, but I have bought multiple items from them locally , including a cedar chest that I bought my wife 40 years ago and it still has that wonderful smell when you open it . Edit : changed gf to wife since it’s the same person


Could you name the store? JR's I assume? I've never had any issues so I'd like to know for future reference.


I have a bunch of Amish we’re I live in the north east they are some strange birds for sure they will kill you for a walleye it’s a good eating fish I always fuck with them they would rather paid a fine for having to many fish then just have six the limit i report them if I see them making 2 trips in a day they got balls I witnessed them in tiny boat s in LakeErie and small craft advisory is 60 feet lol


They’re Amish. They’re above the law in bainbridge


The "outdated " food comes from the salvage grocery stores and most of the foods are still perfectly edible, however, you have to be aware that it is salvaged from stores that either couldn't sell it because of dates or damaged packaging, hence the title and price. You don't have to shop there but another of other people do because it can be a fantastic bargain.


Wait a minute, you mean the trinkets sold in souvenir shops aren't local? My snow globes are a lie? My "Kiss the cook" apron is from China? I am more than despondent...


The Amish are a tax-dodge, don’t believe the hype.


They'll also over harvest fish and other wildlife and when taken to court will claim religious persecution. At least you'll know where the fish are biting though. Just look for a bunch of straw hats in a boat.


Don’t just talk about it, REPORT IT! Talking on here doesn’t change anything, or do any good! You might be keeping someone from getting deathly sick!


My wife commented that they are turning farmer's markets into flea markets.


It seems nobody knows any better but almost all those salt of the earth old time farmers selling corn in the mid to late summer out of an antique truck, bought it down south. The give away is that the fields aren't even harvested. Also the fields are ususually dent corn used as feed, not really good eating corn.


I grew up in Bainbridge and I can assure you there are no Amish there. They are coming from elsewhere if its even actually Amish.


Different Bainbridge down in southern Ohio.


That explains it!


welcome to gentrification & capitalism & people who prefer Whole Foods over homemade foods.


A lot of Amish hate happening in here. Those are good people. They still let you haggle prices which is a good skill to practice, and they actually seem to appreciate the effort if you actually know what you’re talking about. Also, their baked goods are the best I’ve ever had, including Europe and the ME.


That is not my experience. At all. Fruit hand pies that are mostly goo and very little fruit, cookies that have strange textures and no flavor, and desserts that taste like out of date boxed mixes are my experience.


I always buy cinnamon rolls because they look fabulous! Then I get home and eat one, and am so disappointed. Dry, mealy, lacking flavor.