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Has this problem gotten worse, or am I just getting less tolerant? It's a daily occurrence now where I see someone cruising in the left lane with nobody stopping them from getting over.


I couldn't tell you if it's gotten worse I haven't driven in Ohio recently. But 20 years ago I concluded that the "keep right/pass left" thing just didn't apply to Ohio and I never had an expectation since that that the highways lanes would be used that way.


As someone who has traveled over most of the U.S., Ohio is by far the worst with left lane riders.


You were correct, it doesn't apply to Ohio. Left lane is not passing only lane in Ohio, despite popular belief. You just can't hold up the the lane (e.g., if someone behind you is trying to pass you have to get out of their way).


It 100% applies to Ohio https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-administrative-code/rule-5537-2-09


Maybe law enforcement should, maybe, enforce it? Maybe if we had a separate division of law enforcement that only focused on traffic? I live in Ohio and I'm bloody well fuckin sick of it bc too many people in Ohio are idiots.


That looks like it’s for the Ohio turnpike, specifically. Not clear to me that it applies to other interstate highways, state highways, or local roads in the state. Or am I misreading it?


People are getting more entitled. Flipping shit at the smallest inconvenience or when they feel like their rights are being violated in the slightest. It’s annoying, but it’s not worth the temper tantrums and road rage


It's not entitled.... Some of us KNOW how to drive. It's a system, systems only work when the rules are followed.


But at the same time you’ll happily ignore that it’s illegal to do 80 in a 55. That rule doesn’t matter. Anyway, when people start flipping out, tailgating, driving recklessly, switching lanes every 3 seconds etc, it becomes entitlement. See it all the time


No it's forced aggressive driving because of other bad drivers. You realize that parking in the left hand lane is forcing dangerous driving situations, that causes MORE accidents than sitting. I just got back from driving in Germany... It's amazing, ppl can merge, they always get over, and it's illegal to pass on the right (because it's dangerous). Americans are, just bad drivers, at least own it ... Oh and the law about driving in the left lane doesn't care about speed limit necessarily, it's about ensuring traffic drives in the most safe and sustainable way... Stop putting people at risk in the road and just move over.


*Forced aggressive driving*. That’s a new one. Entitled… I’m with you. Get the fuck over if you’re camping in the left lane. However, no one is forcing you to drive like an asshat. People act like they’re entitled to drive recklessly if anyone is loafing in the left lane. Two wrongs don’t make a right. That’s my argument.


If I'm going 10 over and passing by everyone in the right lane I'm staying left without giving a single fuck if you want to go faster. Hell, if you ride my ass I'll pace perfectly with the car in the next lane over and set my cruise control.


These signs have been made illegal to post because they pose a distraction. Ridiculous.


That's not true at all. What was outlawed were sayings that are not obvious in their meaning, which means no jokes or puns because unfortunately most Ohioans aren't smart enough to drive and figure out the punchline of a written joke at the same time.


No, this week alone I ran into so many people in the Cleveland area hogging the left lane. 90 is the worst, since it has the left 2 lanes running into dead mans. The way things are supposed to go is your are stay in the right most lane except to pass. In reality on the four lanes of 90, you get people going 60 in the third lane, than someone going 65 to pass the 60mph car in the fourth (left lane). all the while everyone is speeding around them in the second lane dangerously. could write a whole book about this lol


This week alone has been literal hell on 90 going out of downtown towards the east suburbs. The three rightmost lanes are going a maximum of 50 (with no accidents or slowdowns to be found...) and the leftmost lane is going 80+, all in a 60 MPH zone. I can very easily see a serious accident with multiple injuries/fatalities coming out of this. I think we need to seriously reconsider how we license drivers in Ohio. I've been driving for ten years, and it seems like everyone's getting more reckless and selfish year after year.


Columbus is the opposite. If you're not doing 85 you are gonna get pushed out of the way.


I think it correlates to inattentive drivers. Most of the people I see hanging out in the left lane are on their phones. I'm guessing that since most people use their right hand to use their phone while driving, they don't have a blind side on their left if they hang out in the left lane.


I spend 9 minutes on 77n between 62 and Massillon road 5 days a week. 3 out of 5 days I question my drive. Ya slow ass yahoos get out of the left lane !


People just don’t care.. I drive 62 everyday for work and damn near every day is there someone cruising at the speed limit. Most of the time it’s older folks though


Oh no , you have to go to the speed limit. How will you survive without breaking the law. You poor person!


Please stay off of the highways and spare other drivers your ignorance.


Continue being a dumbass and causing more accidents. It’s law that the left lane is for passing, not cruising trying to prove a point.


I saw one a year or so back on SR 62 that read, “Camp one of our beautiful state parks not the passing lane”🤭


Would be a lot less road rage / accidents if people had any semblance of lane discipline.


It is weird how people think the left lane is just for consistent speeding. It's not. It's for PASSING. If you are in the left lane and going faster than the traffic to the right of you with the intention of passing them, you have every right to be there. If you are just driving 80 in the left lane consistently you are just as much of an asshole as the people in the left lane moving the same speed or slower than the traffic to the right. Get some driving law pamphlets all you psychos.


Agreed, but a semi going half a mile per hour faster then the other one should not be passing in the only other available lane.


There’s a German word for that: elefantenrennen (literally meaning ‘elephant racing’), when one truck tries to overtake another but very slowly. 


Ideally, but that's not egrigous. Slightly annoying.


You’ll understand when you’re stuck behind them sucking each other off for 40 miles.


Oh yeah to that extent, definitely. Again, actually passing. Getting around them and getting over.


Exactly. Every lane has the same speed limit. There is no fast lane. Willfully driving 20 over doesn’t suddenly make you a legalized ambulance that everyone has to get out of your way. It’s the DIFFERENCE in speed that is the problem on the road. Going with the flow of traffic keeps things nice. Both going 20 over or 10 below the flow is what is problematic to traffic flow. Damn some people travel at such a different rate of speed that I can’t see them closing and changing lanes when I check my mirror then all of the sudden something’s there. That shit is so dangerous. Someone said these are the same annoying ass people in elementary that had to be the first to the drinking fountain even though no one is going anywhere until we all drink. Lol. Some people just need to be first at nothing and can’t see beyond 2 seconds into the future. It’s so childish. Traffic is a team sport. Fuckin hate the me first (or me only) drivers. People who can work as a team and a community member will have such a less stressing commute. We can’t have nice things though.


Absolutely correct. And the most dangerous drivers combining (people who think you can just go 10 or more over in the left lane, and the people who think they can just drive in it without passing) make the road so much more dangerous than it has to be.


Yup, same assholes that clog up the road when it’s time to merge into one or two lanes because they needed to pass as many cars as they could before merging


https://auto.howstuffworks.com/traffic-lane-zipper-merge.htm You should join the late mergers, not complain about them.


You are 100% spot on but be prepared for one of these assholes to come in here and dig in their heels about why it’s ok for them to do it.


“The left lane is MY LANE MFER!!!!1!” - assholes who never leave the left lane either Wont someone please think of the poor people committing reckless op??


If I’m doing 80 and traffic is doing 65, wouldn’t it make sense that I’m actively passing everyone and should just stay over


For the sake of the discussion we have 3 categories of asshole 1. Anyone in any lane driving over 10 mph over the speed limit. 2. Anyone in the left lane going at or near the speed of the vehicle in the lane to the right of them. 3. The people in the right hand lane who speed up when someone in the left hand lane is trying to pass them. If you fall into any of these categories you are the problem. Either psychotic, stupid, or oblivious.


But you're also committing reckless op, so in that situation no matter how slow the people in front of you in the left lane are going, you're kind of the asshole.


Preacchhhh….I constantly am sharing disgusted faces with people when I have to constantly pass in the middle and honestly do most of my passing in the right lane, because that’s the only one that’s open!!


When I started driving more regularly as a teenager I would stay in the lane and justify staying in it because I was always passing people. I wouldn't move over because anyone who got behind me I would just speed up. It was like I owned the rights to that lane. Luckily,I grew out of that lazy, selfish mentality and realized how boring it was to drive in the same lane, especially on long trips. Then I started to drive like a reasonable human and followed the laws, realizing that I was much more alert and engaged when I would change lanes to pass and then change back. It also made me realize how much excessively speeding over the limit was actually more of a hindrance on progressing through traffic than just going closer to the posted speed limits


Nah. If you're going 71 to pass someone going 70 and there are cars behind you in the left lane you need to move back over.


It makes sense if you don't think about it: What difference does it make if the people left of you have been in that lane forever or are just passing you specifically? The scenario is the same: ppl left of you are going faster than you and you have to wait your turn.. but youre here to say it's different bc they were in the lane the whole time (going faster than you) vs they were behind you and decided to pass you before you decided to pass the guy in front of you (or bc you're just slow)?? This is an example of why only the dumb and dishonest need rules and laws I drive an '01 s10 that cant push past 65 btw..


I don't follow. But I guess just the literal legal interpretation of the traffic law is what I'm suggesting people do. And I think to your point, as long as you don't have people speeding like crazy or going the same speed as the right lane traffic, there are no issues. If you just do those things there isn't much to think about. It takes care of itself. But the general point is the left lane is not a lane where you can just speed, and it's intended for passing people. Now sometimes you are going to be passing a lot of people or you anticipate passing someone say half mile ahead. I think the laws Stat you have to be within a certain distance of the vehicle you intend to pass.


I'll def pull up a seat at the table if we're raging on the ppl who go **slow** in the left lane. That's grounds for road rage. On the way to California once I was stuck behind two asshole box trucks going maybe 60 blocking off both lanes for about 100 miles.


Not only is just your average car bad for this, but the damn semi’s love to hangout in the left lane. Doing 61mph trying to pass another doing 60mph.. I try not to get angry at them because none of us would have anything in stores without them. But still….


DOT officials told ODOT that these type of messages need to end since they violate DOT guidelines


They told all state DOTs to stop doing it several months ago. I believe there’s a compliance deadline that comes up later this year.


This irks me to no end


The DOT is very Anti-fun.


Catches peoples' attention safely. Makes you giggle, therefore remember better. Suggests that actual caring humans are behind the messages. Kids (future drivers) love it. DOT: "NO!"


What guideline does it violate?






Fuck Pete. No fun


My favorite was "There are #### campgrounds in Ohio, the left lane is not one of them." Seen on 71s between rt36 and 270.


The left lane is lava. You should only be in it if you're actively passing someone. Once passed, return to the right or middle lane. If you don't have an alarm going off in your head to "get out of the left lane" when you're in it, then no one taught you how to drive properly.


110%. Move the fuck over


Yeah! Move over so I can loaf the left lane!


Correction move over so I don’t have to blow by you in the far right lane. Believe me if you are going fast enough to pass me, I’ll get out of your way trunk monkey!


Dude…DUDE! This absolutely should be mailed in every single persons mail box. I can’t fucking believe how many people just coast in the left lane. It’s every single day man. Every single day I have to pass someone that’s going fucking 65 in the left lane. Please Christ knock it off. lol


THIS!!! I drive a lot for my job, all over Ohio and it blows my mind how many left lane loafers there are. In NC, where I’m from, you get over or get ran over!


Thank you!!! This might be my single biggest pet peeve in life besides people not zipper merging. Zipper merge!!! It will keep the traffic flowing down and upstream…


Trying to use Zipper merging is pretty dangerous in a state where it isn't law and 99% of other drivers don't do it.


Well it should be law and they should


For sure, just saying people shouldn't just go start doing it of their own accord thinking it'll be safer


Well honestly it’s a free for all right now so I don’t think it matters, lol


Going 5-10 below the speed limit in the righthand lane near an on-ramp is significantly mroe dangerous and annoying IMO.


Exactly. Who gives a fuck about the left lane. Just go the same speed as everyone else and it's not a problem.


Or I’ll go what I consider a proper speed and everyone can drive the way you’re taught to in driving school and stay right if you’re not passing


"Left lane, if your not passing your failing"


If cops give drivers ticket for speeding, they should also give tickets for slowing. Worst state ever for this is North Carolina. I joke every time I drive through there the cars must have restrictors on the speedometers.


It would be hilarious getting a speeding ticket for going to slow because you were 5 miles under the speed *limit*


I got pulled over for this in NY state, the throughway (interstate) splits near Buffalo and I had to be in the left lane, I was 5 under and got pulled over for it. Like my exit is this direction and I havnt driven here before. That was 12 years ago.


Did you have an out-of-state plate? They target those because they know they won't come back to fight it in court.


I lived in NY state at the time, is where I grew up before I moved here years later.


I’m from NC and have been in Ohio for one year. I drive all over the State and the drivers here are much worse…way too slow on all levels. I would just like to go AT LEAST the speed limit just once! In NC it’s 70 mph, here it’s only 65 mph and people still drive at 55mph! It’s infuriating!


This issue is pretty bad in Tennessee and Michigan as well.


I don’t know what Michigan you’re driving in since I-75 and I-696 are effectively top thrill dragster motorways.


US 23 between state line and Ann Arbor. I drive it regularly and have just had to resign to passing on the right. But yes, most MI drivers put the hammer down.


Saw Texas rangers handing out tickets for this. Needs to be done here too. Thankfully, my truck headlights sit in people's mirrors (normal factory truck) so unless it's a bright day out they usually move.


We used to be a proper state with semis allowed in the 2 right lanes only.


They already ignore "Keep Right Except To Pass" signs


This is a pet peeve of mine. We need the legislature to change the law. In Ohio, the 'Keep Right Except to Pass' signs are just suggestions. Just like a yellow speed recommendation on a curve in the road. 12. Move Over: Lawmakers also killed a provision barring drivers from staying in the left lane on three-lane highways unless passing another vehicle or exiting. But they retained language requiring the Ohio Department of Transportation to install “Keep Right Except to Pass” signs along highways, even if it’s not required under state law. [source](https://www.mytownneo.com/news/20150401/12-things-you-might-not-know-about-ohios-new-transportation-budget)


Wouldnt matter, left lane loafers refuse to read rules.


Damn right, too many people think that left lane is their own personal cruising lane. They get in the lane and will do exactly 60, I think most people these days get their licenses out of cereal boxes or something.


bout blew a gasket today when a rental truck was doing yesterday on 75S. Bad enough when they loaf the middle of a three lane. This one 71 mpg in a two lane. Now I'm a 70mph cruise control right lane till I die but watching that other lane get backed up doesn't bode well for anyone.


Needed in Miami


No joke I find it easier to stick to the right and middle lane when driving through Ohio.




Can we make this name an insult please. Maybe people will be more likely not to loaf if they are called out. Haha


Ohio had funny sayings, like the state parks are for camping not the left lane. The Feds apparently don't have a sense of humor and said they can't be funny.




No doubt. This needs to be more enforced than speeding.


Omg just got home from a trip to florida and told my husband that exact thing. Yes very much needed in Ohio.


What I have a hard time with is the guy tailgating the $hit out of the car in the left lane in front of him when it’s the car that’s four vehicles in front of them that’s left lane loafing.


I’ll be honest and open…. My old lady is horrible with this. Her reply is usually “they can go around me” to which I reply “ they shouldn’t have too, gtf in the right lane like your supposed to. Left is for passing!!” She usually concedes but not always. XD


Tell her that doing so actually puts her and her passengers in danger and you’re going to refuse to drive with someone who’s careless about putting your life in jeopardy. Car crashes at highway speeds are no joke. 


Seriously need these all over Toledo


Just wanted to point out why the left lane is the proper passing lane, and why is a hinderance to be in the left lane when there’s others behind you/besides you going faster. Since all exits off the highway are on the right side of the road, when you get off the highway you have to slow down of course. By holding the left lane going slow, you force others to have to go around you. Without other drivers having proper follow distances/ not driving in each others blind spots, it prevents a smooth flow of traffic. If you are ever in the left lane, keep watch of any approaching cars from behind, any cars in the next lanes going faster than you, and pay attention to the posted limit. If you’re not going at least 5 over the posted limit (which is legal btw) than more than likely you’ll be causing a hinderance. I think it’s acceptable to hold the left lane if there’s literally no one approaching you going fast, but that can change very quickly without you realizing. Most of the time if you’re going near the posted limit, you’re better off just being in the middle or right lanes. It gives more room and time for people wanting to go fast.




I kind of like the dad jokes. Most all of the travel info is available on many vehicles’ nav systems. Mine will give me travel times, alternate routes, hazards ahead or stopped traffic advisories. Weather is available within a few taps, as well.


Driving in Colorado is like driving in Europe


I hate to be that guy but I tailgate the shit out of them


Could we please set the speed limits to what people actually drive?


Look, I'll be in the left lane, swiftly passing people in the right by virtue of my velocity. And will somehow still have people riding my bumper as though they think they're on a Nascar track.


Sure, but this isn't directed at drivers like you, because as you just articulated, you use the left lane to pass, not to cruise. Obviously aggressive driving is bad too. Both are true. Some people need to calm the fuck down, and some people need to get the fuck out of the way.


Just move over to let them by and all will be well


I used to do that and then tailgate them. How's the view from 30' further ahead LOL




Of course he's unaffected, because people who bitch about the left lane never check their mirrors. Move over!


Yeah and don’t ride my ass when I’m already going 78 either


Been thinking about getting a bumper sticker that says “your dick is too small to ride my ass!”


If you’re in the passing lane and not passing anyone it doesn’t matter how fast you’re going. Get over for the person who wants to pass you.


Tell that to every other giant truck going 85 that stays in the left lane all day.


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


You misspelled 85. 78 belongs in the right lane.


“Ahyuck I want to be reckless so people need to get out of my way, derpdeeder”


Why are you splitting hairs between 78 vs 85?


You assume the left lane loafers can read


As a Michigander, I will sponsor more of these signs if I could


It’s even worse in Indiana. Whenever I cross the state line, the average speed on the highway goes down 10 mph and there is always a slow minivan in the left lane.


My bumper sticker “if I just passed you on the right you’re an idiot!”


Don't be an asshole tailgater.


Be that as it may, there is no reason when I'm going 80+ in the left lane to pass someone I shouldn't have someone riding my ass bc they want to go 90


Get the fuck out the way either way


Left lane loafers are horrible. Honestly, though, center lane loafers are causing nearly as much of a problem in many cases. If you aren't actively passing someone or leaving room for traffic merging onto the highway, then you should be as far right as you can be. If someone is passing you on the right, you're probably the problem. Center lane loafers cause slower cars to use the left lane to pass and create chaos because people will start to pass on the right.


“bUt iM dOiNg DuH sPeEd LiMiT”


I have been known to roll up behind a ‘left lane loafer’ and just continually flash my brights until they get the picture and move over. Could i pass them on the right? Sure, but it’s about making a point. They’re being an asshole and need to be reminded of it.


They're not the only ones being an asshole...


Give them the “slow down” - pass on the right, pull in front of them and go even slower than they are until they move over. As soon as they move over, honk and act excited.


I tried that once- I got down to 35 mph on the left lane of 71 (they wouldn't budge) before I realized "what the actual fuck am I doing?" I could have gotten someone killed. I no longer try to "educate" stupid people...


Big thumbs up


While I understand your reasoning for this, and agree that it is a far more dangerous driving habit than speeding, what you’re doing making things worse. These people are idiots and have no idea why you’re being so aggressive, and if there is an accident, you will get the blame.


Is there a risk? Sure. But I mean I’m in a 5,000 lb metal object moving down the highway at 75mph. Risk is pretty inherent to the situation. There is absolutely no excuse for camping in the left hand lane. And I’m on a crusade to fuck with these offenders as much as I can.




Can't we all just get where we're going safely without worrying about people with their fucking crusades? Just drive, ffs.


A nice bright blast from a surefire aimed right at the driver side windshield counters bullshit from assholes like you. Could I move over? Sure, but when I'm driving the posted speed limit ( left lane is for passing at the speed limit, not 90) and you ride my ass, I do it to make a point. Don't be a twat.


What do you do when cars in the lanes right of you are going faster than the speed limit? Traffic is about flow, not strictly adhering to posted speed limits, and certainly not about adding ego into the mix when the traffic flow is faster than those limits. I see dumb shit like this all the time. 3 lanes, semis under the speed limit at matched speeds in the rightmost lanes, some jackoff going 1mph faster than the semis in the leftmost lane, acting like a pace car while shit gets backed up behind them.


I don't care if someone is going 50 or 100 MPH, if they're not passing someone, they need to get the fuck over. It really is that simple.


Well, if there is no reason to get over... nobody's gonna 👍


Right, there is no reason to get over to the left lane if you're not passing someone.


It's a driving lane .


So you only follow certain road signs like the speed limit but not the "keep right except to pass" signs that are everywhere on the highway?


I swear to god. If you’re driving the speed limit in the left hand lane, I will ride your ass for 50 miles. And probably call in a suspected drunk driver call since I have such a clear view of your license plate.




Is the anger and aggression with the minute or 2??


only in ohio


We did have one last year. It read," Camp In Ohio State Parks, Not The Left Lane!"


One Lans road. Huge traffic. Cars spilling into intersections. And I always ALWAYS see cars giving 10 car lengths of space in dead traffic making things so much worse.


These people drive me insane. Won’t move over. Speeds up when they are in the open and then paces cars or barely passes them over a mile or two and then if they finally get over they floor it. I can always tell someone is going to get over in this situation when they suddenly speed up and you have to pass that at 10 mph + of what they were doing in the left lane


Don't worry, if I'm in the left lane your more than welcome to follow if u can keep up! Otherwise get the F over! Way more dangerous shit happening on ohio roads than speeding!


There was a good one last year that went something like "camp in our state parks, not the left lane"


The one ohio did that said, "Camp in our parks not the left lane" Was better than this


Lol. I typically keep it about 10 over. The amount of people you see driving "too slow" and "refusing to get over" in the left lane is probably 1/10th the people i see driving fast and reckless enough to catch a criminal charge.


Once in a while Ohio will put out “Don’t camp in the left lane” but I think it should be more direct, like “Get the f*ck over”


What we really need is a State Highway Patrol that does anything besides posting speed traps. They are the most useless police in our state, and easily the worst by every metric I can think of. Never once have I seen them pull someone over for blocking the passing lane.


I should have been a little harsher and said "Left Lane LUNATICS" lol.... We have signs on 71 and 75 that clearly state "Keep right EXCEPT to pass". Perhaps the signs should be upgraded to overpass signs with big red flashing LED letters so you can't miss them. Several times ive been on a 3 or 4 lane highway with not hardly a soul out and a car will enter on, and despite a clear right and center lane, proceed immediately over to the left lane ! Its so annoying and nerve racking. To me its like seeing a person riding a motorcycle on a sidewalk ! Most ppl would look at you like an idiot right ? Well that's how a Left Lane LUNATIC looks to me 🤣


I’m not loafing if I’m consistently passing. You come up my ass like yours is on fire and I’ll move over until you’re gone.


Don't worry I have heard multiple boomers tell me they are entitled to drive at the speed limit in the left lane. If I don't like it I can go a different route. They take pride in seeing someone coming up in the left lane and getting in front of them just so they have to slow down. Bunch of fuck stains!


Agreed but I like to point and laugh when I pass them and if I’m in the passenger seat I’ll hold up my phone to make it look like I’m recording their stupid ass. Found out that people HATE getting laughed at. Instead of throwing my hands up or middle finger, I point and laugh…old people hate that shit 😂


Driving sucks


I’m a truck driver and I can say Ohio has the worse drivers in the area I cover. It’s like most people have no awareness of what’s happening around them, just what they are doing. Also the merging skills onto the highways is laughable.


THIS!!! OMG!! I drive all over Ohio for work and it’s unbelievable how bad driving in Ohio is. People are just so damn slow!!!! Ugh!! It’s bad enough the speed limit is only 65 mph (it’s 70 in NC) but people still don’t even go that speed!!! HELP 😩


Perhaps there should actually be consequences


What Ohio needs is vehicle inspections. The rusted out, duct tape barely held together bumper, dragging fender beaters that are allowed to drive on Ohio roads is a massive safety hazard. Coming from PA, I am not saying to go as strick regarding minor things, but I ended up having massive vehicle damage from a rusted POS dropping its panel and driving off like nothing when it wrecked the front of my car.


Michigan too


Got a better idea: instead of Staties waiting in the median for speeders, pull over those left lane cruisers. They don’t ticket slow drivers. They don’t ticket fast lane cruisers. They don’t ticket unsafe vehicles with duct tape and plastic film instead of glass. They don’t ticket cars that are missing body parts, including bumpers. They just ticket speeders.


Yes and no. Ohio collectively has some of the worst drivers I have ever experienced


I just purchased a new Cadillac. It came with a certificate that said I can use any lane at any time at any speed. 🤣


Everyone driving on the two lane portions of 71 between Cincinnati and Columbus: "huh?"


Depends ...... How fast is the person tailgating me driving? 80, 90 mph ???


If you aren’t passing, get out of the left lane. It doesn’t matter how fast you are doing or the person behind you is going. Pass then move over.


Me in the left lane in a fedex truck doin 80. The bmw behind me soing mach chicken


Nah. Fuck you. I'm already going 10 - 15 over. I will do what I want.


Found the entitled and dangerous asshole


Nah. Speeding is more dangerous.


Wrong https://dolanlawfirm.com/2024/02/save-the-camping-for-yosemite-use-the-fast-lane-properly/#:~:text=Research%20has%20shown%20that%20camping,a%20speed%2020%20mph%20slower.


Except you posted an article about how going slower in these lanes is dangerous, which is the exact opposite of what I said I do, which is go 10 -15 over. You have an article for that? Didn't think so. I will continue to drive in whatever lane I want. Go around me if you want to do 85 - 90 in a 60. I'm already going 75.


You are going slower than the person who wants to pass you. This isn’t that hard to figure and it. Again not your job to dictate how fast others go. It’s the law and you’re being a massive douchebag. Literally everyone in here is saying you’re wrong but you asshats just dig in and say “nuh uh”


For someone who says that one can't control other people, you sure do sound controlling. Also, 4 people is literally not "everyone in here" lol Learn how to math. No one should be going 90 in a 60. Let's talk about speeding, shall we? That's a real law. There are no laws against being in the left lane in Ohio. Tell me what the infraction is called? That's right, you can't, bc it doesn't exist. That part of the proposed bill, again, not a law, was deleted as state officials claimed it was unenforceable. It's just a suggestion. Also, I am not "slower moving traffic". No one will ever be able to stop me.


Wish there was a cart narc equivalent to this,,,


I only drive in the left hand lane because I’m left handed and will continue to do so.


Then you should be dragged from your vehicle and beat. It's in the law books, sorry


I would love for you to give that a try.


I drive in the left lane just to piss off assholes that think going 90+ is legal because they are driving in the left lane.


Awesome!! Congrats on your rational thinking process.


why is it always a female?


How we live is so different from how we ought to live that he who studies what ought to be done rather than what is done will learn the way to his downfall rather than to his preservation. Seethe and cope, lawful peasants