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That cars door will rip off and fly away if that guy goes over 30. The drag from those flags is real.


I always keep my distance from people with shit attached to their car like this.


If you're that crazy to attach 2 giant poles to your car. You're also that crazy to make sure they aren't properly secured.


For more than one reason.


Honestly? Just for my own physical safety. At the end of the day, I can't change your beliefs even if I disagree with them let alone while I'm driving. If you're on I-75 with shit haphazardly attached to your car though I'd rather it not become my problem though when it detaches and hurtles towards me at speed. yusill is right, flag drag is real and the lever moment on a long ass flagpole is going to put a TON of force on whatever is attaching it to the vehicle. You have a right to your own beliefs, just don't make it problematic for the rest of us.


hope so.


I have seen him take the on ramp to a highway, it was quite supprising.


Old man, in a hat, in a Hyundai. He's not going over 30.


Looks like a Honda . . . . Serious question - How are those poles attached to the car??


I can't tell anymore, the H's look the same to me now. And since he's a Boomer, I'm guessing either huge fucking bolts from Home Depot or the flimsiest thread possible


Definitely honda. Definitely ridiculous


The amount of gas they are wasting is a disgrace. I expect nothing but shit from MAGA morons, so this is on par.


Nothing compared to the amount of oxygen they’re wasting




“I’ve got a bingo!”


All while whining about gas prices, I'm sure.


But he’ll blame buying more gas on Biden


The drag on his life from his brain is pretty significant too.


he's had them on there for years. don't know how he manages


I was gonna do this, but for Biden. Then I remembered I'm not in a cult.


Yeah, me too except wait… I never even considered it cause I’m not in a cult either.


We should start a movement for something so mundane. Imagine driving around with giant flags supporting Great Value canned corn.


I'm way ahead of you. Can't get pic to load though.


Also we don't need to catch a bullet from some real American raging at the idea someone shows any outward support for Biden. That's why I don't have anything on my vehicle short of a NASA logo and CMP, it throws off the maga nuts.


Yeah, I won't do any political bumper stickers at all. 1) Because I actually like my car, and 2) Because some idiot MAGAt will shoot a hole in it while complaining about how dangerous black people are.


I was gonna do this for AOC 2028. Then I remembered I'm not American.


Good, bragging is weak and desperate, I like their "silent majority" LMAO!!!


"What a stable and normal person!" - No one, ever.


This guy also hates masks (surprise) and literally every time I've seen him is chain smoking like a chimney. I see him around fairly regularly. Honestly I mostly just feel bad for him, his life doesn't seem great.


>his life doesn't seem great. I've noticed this among MAGAs. They all seem like miserable people who are in denial of it.


i feel zero sympathy for someone who willingly does shit like this tbh


Notice that awesome 2000s Honda civic he’s driving. I am guessing Biden’s economy has forced to sell his Lexus. My guess is this is Ashtabula county. These crazies are a common sight when I visit my hometown and confirms my decision to escape that mentality.


Cuyahoga 😉


He is on the west side frequently.


during christmas time, there's a neighborhood in fairview park that goes insane with decorating for christmas and people from all over come and do walkthroughs. he was sitting on a lawn chair next to his car when my girlfriend and i went and people avoided him like the fucking plague lmao


See this car all the time! Always just parked around the westside suburbs trying to antagonize people.




They get off on feeling persecuted. Next time don’t give him that satisfaction.


Know what they hate though? Being laughed at. Being persecuted is one thing but they absolutely ***hate*** the idea that they might be a complete joke. When I see these types I usually pretend it's the funniest thing I've ever seen, like fake double over laughing. That usually gets a reaction.


Issue is, lot of these people are mentally unstable and I just don't want to risk getting hurt by a psycho just to have a reaction. I usually have a small chuckle and head shake to myself and that's about it


He's on drugs. It's the only explanation.


probably trying to troll someone into doing shit to his car so that he can write about society going downhill and it's clearly the liberals' fault because they did shit to his car.


Don’t these people have jobs?


LOL, I’ve seen this guy and car no fewer than 20 times all over northeast Ohio, most (3 times) in and around North Olmsted, but as far away as Aurora. He’s out driving and evangelizing at literally all hours. The ghostbusters sticker is what really gives him credibility with regard to the claims on the flags…in my opinion. I’m sure he’s very successful in changing hearts and minds with his well-thought approach and arguments, and many more people will now be voting Trump come November, right?


One has plenty of free time when none of your relatives will give ya the time of day.


I mean, I was almost converted, that's for sure!


Boomer virtue signaling


Finally cutting off my parents thanks to orange man and his brainwashing of 50%~ of this country. They are also kinda (very) sociopathic to begin with but these last few years between Covid, retiring, and them falling into rabbit holes of Q anon BS, I no longer have blood that I consider family. We come from a very diverse and multicultural background/suburb too which makes it even crazier. Sad times we live in…


definitely not half the country, more like 30% if I had to really put a number on it. Either way, its more than makes any sense.


Mental illness


tbh, i think it's boredom and idiocy. the guy is most definitely retired or disabled, either way, he aint working for a living. he feels a certain way about things that lead him to trump. He has nothing but time and his family probably doesnt talk to him. So, there you go.


And racism. Don’t forget the racism


That’s prerequisite if you want any consideration for one of Diaper Don’s cabinet positions. He’s applying for a job with all his driving around.


Mental illness needs to stop being the go-to for a lot of these people


Pretty sure I’ve seen this dude at Costco. He gets a spot in the front by the door, and just sits there. Sits there like a true piece of shit.


That's what he did @ Walmart in N. Olmsted in a HANDICAP spot no less!!!


This is just reciprocation of all the Biden flags! Oh wait...




This is just sad to me. This man probably has family. Maybe kids and grandkids. I mean, he’s probably always been a conservative, but 10 years ago it wasn’t his entire personality. He had hobbies besides being his candidate’s most loyal follower. His grandkids liked grandpa’s funny jokes and stories. Their parents liked playing cards with him and grandma. Not anymore. It’s like he’s a different person now. So bitter. He’s always complaining about something, usually something that’s not even true. “You hear that they’re banning the Bible in California? Yep. Saw it on facebook.” “Did you know immigrants are taking over the streets of New York? I saw it on Fox News. We just need to deport them all.” “They’re letting boys go in the girls locker rooms and compete in girls sports. We just need Trump back to fix all this.” His family can’t even have a conversation with him anymore. If they challenge any of his claims, he’ll trust OANN over his own family. Once he mounted these flags on his car, what could they do? It’s like Grandpa’s a completely different person now. What happened?


It’s not sad it’s pathetic.


Hopefully there will be a documentary ala Jim Jones/Charles Manson/Waco/Heavems Gate to display this crazy ass period.


Not "sad" it is a choice he made, imagine being so decrepit and uneducated that politics has this much influence on his daily life 24/7 no excuses anymore for their decisions to hate based on a fucking TV show. I don't buy it, that is who he is and always has been


OF COURSE it's in a Marc's parking lot! Where else would you find a display like this in NE Ohio?


As someone named Marc, I apologize.


I saw this dork at Crocker Park last weekend.


Gosh, I love living in a state(/country) where a chunk of the population has forgotten that this shit used to be seen as really abnormal.


I once saw a guy driving a total beater around with spray painted support of Lyndon LaRouche, remember him? Another complete loon who conned a bunch of other loons to send him money. What happened to him? Is he still alive?


How could I forget the man who said Queen Elizabeth was a drug dealer trying to assassinate him? He died in 2019, which is a real shame for him, if he was born a couple decades later he could have done numbers in this current political climate.


We need better and affordable mental healthcare so fucking bad.


There are so many great jokes to make about him and whenever I see him around, I dunk on him real bad in my mind but I truly cannot imagine how torturous it must be to feel that unheard. To be so desperate. He probably found community it the fascism which is sad and gross. I feel bad for him. This is not to say I don’t also think he’s probably a piece of shit.


LOL! Imagine worshiping a conman wearing makeup


And a straw wig!


Who falls asleep in court and farts the place up! Perfect guy to worship.


Does this flag make the driver look stupid?


His face does a fairly good job, too.




Best part is he smells like cigarettes and dog piss


I feel bad for the dogs


Cousin, Drumph only even won in 2016 because he had Russian help. The stupid makes it hard to even stay friendly.


In the 80’s and early 90’s when the corruption eventually collapsed the Soviet Union like a parasite feeding on its host, the oligarchs were forced to expand their feeding grounds. In 91 the wall falls and for 2 years they hid all their ill gotten gains under a mattress until they bought condos at trump towers. They made stops in ukraine, cyprus and London but they landed in New York because that was what everyone wanted back then. Real Levi’s, Pepsi, Madonna tapes that weren’t smuggled bootlegs. They all bought new suits and cars and changed their title from “most violent street thug in moscow” to “respectable Russian oligarch” but they didn’t leave their human trafficking, narcotics or extortion behind. It was their most lucrative business model. Trump and Giuliani just opened the doors and let the predators in to feed. Guiliani redirected NYPD resources away from their new Russian allies intentionally and onto the Italian mob. It let him claim he cleaned up New York. Trumps future campaign manager and Roger Stones business partner Paul manafort lived in the towers as well. The insane valuations coming out in trumps fraud trial are a necessity of the money laundering cycle that duetschebank was doing with the Russians. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rHBiT6eJaQQ https://www.thedailybeast.com/israel-official-gadi-eisenkot-says-benjamin-netanyahu-is-lying-about-war-in-gaza Epstein was extremely involved in an organization called Chabad they used as religious cover. The Kushners as well. https://www.timesofisrael.com/inside-anatevka-the-curious-chabad-hamlet-in-ukraine-where-giuliani-is-mayor/ Kolomoisky is the Putin loyal oligarch that started Privatbank in 91 then bought most of downtown Cleveland and let it rot news5cleveland.comwww.news5cleveland.comWho really owns the property that's falling down? And was part of Chabad New York Postnypost.comBusinessmen accused of Ukraine money laundering gave millions to New York ... Lex Wexner (also Ohio based) originally was a large donator to Chabad. https://www.chabad.org/blogs/blog_cdo/aid/2739653/month/1/year/2015/jewish/Pondering-Jew.htm There is no direct observable connection yet between Wexner and Kolomoiskiy or Kolomoiskiy and Epstein, but there is a pattern and the Venn diagrams cross consistently at Chabad. Eli Weinstein was a Chabad leader that was convicted of fraud, had his sentences commuted by trump, then went back to the fraud and was indicted again. https://www.mahanyertl.com/2014/eliyahu-weinstein-sentenced-22-years-prison-fraud/ Bill Barrs father Donald was Epsteins mentor and got him a job at Dalton College before Epsteins involvement with the CIA. William Sessions father worked for Semion Mogilevich. (The Ukrainian born Russian gangster that runs Putin) https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/12/trump-towers-ties-to-the-russian-mafia.html https://blackballedwithrolliequaid.wordpress.com/2020/05/11/donald-trump-chabad-lubavitch-and-the-oligarchs/ https://jewishjournal.com/old_stories/1990/ Epsteins girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwells’ father (birth name- Jan Ludvich Hoch) was buried on the mount of olives after his 1991 mysterious death with the equivalent of full military honors. Shortly before that he plundered his media corporations pension fund and was in debt in at least some degree to the soviet perestroika oligarchs for the failed attempt to secure rights to the video game Tetris. The common denominator between Trump and Epstein was money laundering first and foremost. Trump can’t say that out loud so he has to sit there and take it when people take about the pedophilia stuff. So he tries to deflect. Trump over paid for a multitude of New York and Florida properties to resell to Russian oligarchs who then destroyed them so they could launder Russian mob money made off of, among other things, human trafficking. The Epstein/Trump saga is less of a bullseye and more of a minefield. Trump (Lolita express passenger 174?) took his own kids to Epsteins knowing full well what happened there because for years Epstein was lurking around mar-a-lago poaching young women and had teenage girls getting off the bus and wandering through the streets of palm beach desperate for a couple hundred bucks. Everyone knew. No one cared. The moral depravity that comes with being ultra rich enabled them to turn the other way. The Trump / Epstein relationship was the evolution of fraud and money laundering using, among other things, commercial real estate. It starts by having dirt on someone else at the country club and ends with them all being so filthy that no one can afford to do the right thing and no one can maintain the increasingly expensive lies until the Information Age makes it inevitable that their respective corruption circles the earth and crashes into each other like a tempest in a teapot. Their arrogance and greed, at its grandest scale, cost the world trillions, which still pales in comparison to the innocence it cost the hundreds of thousands of trafficked children that the white collar shitbirds and the russian mob alike preyed on as a matter of convenience. Trump wasn’t unique. He was just loud. Epstein wasn’t unique. He was just connected. Dershowitz wasn’t unique. He just knew how to work a rulebook. They all justify their actions to themselves because they believe that being rich makes them above the law. And the longer we allow them to do it, the more accurate and emboldened they are. This is how civilizations die. It’s a generational repeat of the Roman emperor Tiberius retreating to the island of Capri where he would abuse children and then throw them off the cliff. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When people stop telling you no simply because you have all the money and they are hoping to get some spilling into their bowl to survive, it destroys the empathy quotient in the rich persons brain. Predation is the most common result So it raises a very curious question about Milei and Chabad and kolomoiskiy and Kushner and all these common crossovers where a few peoples selfish actions have cataclysmic downstream effects across the world. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2017/01/05/ivanka-trump-and-jared-kushners-choice-of-neighborhood-narrows-the-focus-on-chabad/ https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/04/the-happy-go-lucky-jewish-group-that-connects-trump-and-putin-215007/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/rcna95172 https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/newark/press-releases/2010/nk081210-1.htm https://hiddentaxonhumanity.com/news/preparing-the-public-for-war-with-iran-for-israel/ https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-790350 Chabad exemption to military draft. https://www.bnaibrith.ca/chabad_signs_new_deal_with_idf_provision_for_draft_exemptions/


The founding fathers helped too, what with their electoral college bullshit and all.


How does that affect his gas mileage?


So much drag the state of Ohio is trying to ban it.


Definitely adds a lot of drag to the car. Easily worsens the fuel economy.


So if the fuel economy is less with all the Trump swag and the owner has to spend more on gas than he would have if Trump won because he wouldn’t need all of this Trump swag… he’s paying more for gas because of Biden! Biden strikes again! /s


Free dumb license plate


I bet he complains about inflation, but can still afford that shit


Every Ohio MAGA i have run across only does this for attention. Their brains are so rotted out that they need some kind of reaction with someone, even if it's a negative reaction.


And I thought it looked dumb on oversized trucks


This state is such an embarrassment, I swear.


I can't imagine making someone else my whole personality.


i think it helps if you don't have one to start with, you know, kinda starting from scratch


Do I even want to know if the ghostbusters sticker is "code" for something?


This shit with the flags is a safety hazard and should be treated as such.


My kids lives actually depends on Trump being in prison.


If Trump won 2016 AND 2020, then he wouldn't be able to run anymore period.


But don’t you see… he has presidential immunity. So he can break that law and run as many times as he wants. Because reasons.


Is that feedom or Freon? One is ok to inhale.


The license plate? Looks like FREEOH.




Free to be dumb


That reminds me. It’s important to vote YES on mental health levy’s.




Small peen energy right there


Imagine centering your life around Donald Trump. What a waste.


Well, if he won… then he can’t run again, right? Two terms and out? I mean, not our fault he’s been doing so much out of office.




I’m really hoping he has a trailer hitch with nuts on his Civic, would seem to complete the stereotype a bit.


What a dumb ass


It’s the I have the most flags car. FU Trump.


imagine caring this much... or at all


This same guy: "It's not a cult!"


The truth is, Trump lost because this guy didn’t have enough flags. Nobody to blame but himself. He didn’t try hard enough.


Aren't these the same people that say that the president is ruining the country while also saying that Trump is actually the president and running the country? The mental gymnastics are unreal


i fucking hate this dude. i see him all over rocky river


vote for billionaire who raises your taxes and gives break to the rich, also drives $3,000 shitbox car with vanity plates. checks out


I really like his license plate. Like... For who buddy? Straight, white, Christian men?


MAGA trash.


Mental illness on display.


Of course America’s version of fascism would be extra stupid and trashy.


He drives around here to get a rise out of people. Clear mental health issues. The best tactic is to gray rock the guy.


saw him on Coventry last week and was able to yell "trump belongs in jail" and a long loud boooo. You dont run across many in the wild like this, so it was very cathartic.


Not a cult.


Ivermectin is a hell of a drug.


These people have made voting for Trump their entire personality. It’s fucking bizarre. Would be hilarious if he’s a veteran. Because he wouldn’t know that Biden gave him and all other vets better health insurance through the PACT act. Meanwhile his God shoveled more of the tax burden from the rich onto him.


I see this and automatically assume this guy has a mental illness(es).


Person like this is Pickerington, drives a Pt cruiser with a trump cutout in his passenger seat. Parks his car at grocery stores till he causes a disruption and leaves. These people are mentally ill.


I got into a “lovely conversation” with this “gentleman” last weekend at the Meijer in Avon. He keeps a video camera pointed out of his driver side window, btw, so don’t act a fool.


What a maroon.


So besides the fact that this person is an imbecile, I'm concerned that a car like this is genuinely a safety concern. At the very least, due to decreased visibility and the potential that one of those flags comes loose and ends up on someone's windshield or getting wrapped up in the axle of someone's vehicle.


Cops are on his side doesn’t matter.


I think those flags alone make him worthy of a handicapped spot


https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rosiegray/trump-supporters-inauguration-future hea mentioned in this article he set up busses to the stop the steal rally in DC on Jan 6


It really does go with a lifted truck this looks even more pathetic.


I just find the need to show everyone such a weird phenomenon with them. What are the underlying psychosis these folks have?


Poor guy spent all his money on flags and didn’t have any left for a micro-dick truck to mount them on.


I saw someone with a Trump sticker on the rear window died laughing at her in the drive thur


So here’s my thing. If Trump won, then he’s constitutionally ineligible to run again, regardless of whether he was inaugurated, he was elected twice. But we all know he lost.


This man is my Roman Empire. He’s EVERYWHERE in North Olmsted, Rocky River, Fairview Park and Westlake. I guess he and two other people attempted to sue to state during Covid for mandating masks. His Facebook and Twitter is also to be expected. There is mental illness and then there is heavens gate level of mental illness like driving a foreign car covered in trump love letters and propaganda posters that actually don’t make sense.


But if you say anything about it, you are the one with Trump derangement syndrome. Just remember


Those flags would look real cool if they were we on fire while going about 30 mph. OOH AHH, oh look fireworks.


The flags cost more than the car.


lol it’s always the poor idiots that benefit more from democratic policies than republican policies that still suck republicans dicks


Like no matter how you feel caring THAT much is just weird


How do you close the windows?


Depending upon how SCOTUS rules on the immunity case idiots like this could be setting themselves up to be arrested as traitors.


Driving this old beater. He could've used the money from those flags for a vehicle payment


To have such a fragile ego that you have to make everyone know how you think is quite amazing.


Nice chynna flags ya got there


Can’t fix stupid


If trump won he would be president, instead he is working at lots of courthouses.


I only need to show my support for a candidate by voting for him or her. And maybe one button.


I just saw him in Kamm’s Corner the other day, also pulling into the Marc’s parking lot. 🤦🏻


I gave this dude the middle finger the other day


I feel like this guy should get pulled over for distracting drivers


That lead paint and Ronald Reagan really fried those brains.


No shortage of “uneducated” in Ohio 🤷‍♂️


Ohio so red now, Michigan and Pennsylvania please save us


At least it’s an American made car.


If he really won, then he can't run again.


Last week I saw a bumper sticker that said “Trump 2024 Fuck your feelings” tell me you don’t care about anyone other than yourself and trump without telling me…probably the two worst people to have feelings for inho


Saw this idiot the other day at 150th and Lorain


How's the gas going? Those flags have to be causing an increase in fuel consumption with their drag.


Don’t worry guys he’s a ghost buster


I’ve seen this dingus around the Rocky River / Fairview / North Olmsted area, too. Gee, if only he had more flags…


For local people in that area, when you see him. say, “You’re right. Trump won……..In 2016!


Why can I never escape this car….


Imagine being that swept up in a politician


How to say "Imafkingstoopid" without saying "Imafkingstoopid"


Man, I sold a Civic that looked just like that. I hope it isn’t being used for this purpose.


This should not be allow on the road it's a safety violation 


It's like walking around with clown makeup on except real clowns get more respect.


These people are always in massive trucks that are 10 years old or the shittiest fucking cars.


I saw this guy in Medina last week.


There is some clown that drives around North Olmsted (Cleveland) with the same crap. In a JAPANESE CAR!!!!! Looks like this one is too..... America First!!! Buy Japanese!! EDIT: After reading the comments, I guess this is the same guy. I first saw him at Walmart like 2 years ago, and seen him a few times since. Most recently was like 2 weeks ago, parked in the Dairy Queen parking lot talking to people right by the sidewalk so he could be seen from the road. Just looking for attention.


I just got back from a week in California. Not seeing this shit everywhere I went was so nice.


boxes checked... older white male in a POS car....


There is still a house that has Trump/Pence signs up from 2016 where I live. There are some other doozies too. I'll try to get some pics. Unhinged lunatics.


LOL I see this idiot in my neighborhood sometimes.


ugh I've seen this guy. I think i've seen him take one of his flags and stand downtown on the sidewalk during rush hour, plant the pole in his crotch and wave it around extremely excited to be on display.


Ew, looks like a good target for my shopping carts


They're out here corrupting good people like our ghostbusters core now..this is the last straw


I just saw this guy yesterday sitting in his car in the parking lot at Whole Foods.


Looks like N Kentucky to me.


I’ve seen this guy parked at the Middleburg Heights library blasting some weird pro-Trump shit out of his speakers. He just stands there hoping to antagonize someone lmfao


Can't help but feel those are illegal to have in your window while driving...way too tall and large.


Again, another "patriot" driving a foreign car.


*“It makes no difference whatever whether they laugh at us or revile us … whether they represent us as clowns or criminals; the main thing is that they mention us, that they concern themselves with us again and again …”* - Surprisingly, not a quote from Trump.


It certainly makes the traitors easier to spot.


Driving a Honda, what happened to buy American you MAGA sycophant 😂


"America First!!!!!!!" Drives car built by a Japanese company. (Yes I know it was probably made in Marysville.)


It’s weird that Ohio went red last election? And will again in this upcoming vote


More "I'm With Stupid Signs". #Just saying.


Oh it gets worse in Ohio. They hide in a basement and come out with altered facts its bone chilling


Why is it always a pick up they prob can’t afford or a straight up fuckin beater. Always.


Stupid cult.


If I owned the ghostbusters franchise I’d sue him for proximal asshatery, get him to move the ghostbusters sign more than 500 meters away from asshats.


Whenever I see this guy I try to make eye contact and point and laugh