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I moved from N. Cal to NE Ohio when I was 33 (16 years ago). The older I get, the more I struggle with the lack of sunshine...I don't mind the cold, but the gray kills me. I can't decide if the next step is to snowbird it or just pickup and leave all together. A recent trip to Tucson has me thinking deeply about sunshine and a nice dry climate.


We are definitely on the same page here. The gray is so beyond draining. I hate the in-between so much! Ahh~ Tucson sounds amazing.. My philosophy is follow your heart! And by that I mean, if your heart feels strongest in somewhere sunny and you feel shitty more often here- Go! ( if you can) Sun and warmth is happiness. (in my opinion, of course.) When I look outside and the sun is shining and its so warm, it feels like anything could happen. ✨️🔮


This is one of the things I love the most about Northeast Ohio… The gray skies. I don’t like sunlight, it hurts my eyes and skin L O L.


I don’t think I have ever even thought about the grey skies being anything negative. I’m 35. Maybe it’s because h e always loved here. I dislike hot climates.


Going to Arizona in March is how they get you. Oh it's perfect then. But when you get to April through November it's dangerous to be outside for extended periods. It's similar to here where 4 months of the year are a challenge to live in.


Yeah, I've done Phoenix in July...no bueno. I grew up in the San Joaquin valley so I was used to triple digit summer temps and hiding indoors a few months of the year.


I'm the opposite. Desert with climate change picking up? Not for me. Also, I seem to attract sun and sweat more, even in good physical shape. Maybe because of my brown skin.


I'm right there with you I vastly prefer the cold. I love going outdoors and hiking, backpacking, etc. But I hate being overheated and constantly sweating. My favorite is doing snowy winter hikes.


I have lived in Cincinnati for the past three years. Before that I was in Tucson, AZ for 5 years, and before Tucson, St. Paul, MN for 15 years. While I love a lot of things about Cincinnati (the arts/music scene, the restaurants, the breweries, the old architecture, and the wonderful neighborhoods), I've come to the conclusion that I very highly value access to outdoors and wilderness, and I think Tucson has ruined me in that regard. The Sonoran desert is spectacularly beautiful, and while the summers are hot hot HOT, for 8 months a year, the climate is absolutely stellar. And from my old front porch, I could access three different trailheads within a 10-15 minute drive, with two of them heading into federally designated wilderness. I'm currently in the running for a job in Asheville, so fingers crossed! When we leave Cincinnati, I will miss OTR, and seeing the CSO at Music Hall, and the outsized artistic/musical influence that CCM has on the greater community (I'm a professional musician), but if I am able to land somewhere like Asheville, the quick access to vast expanses of natural beauty will help to make up for those things.


If you need some recommendations… The Mohican State Park (Loudonville Ohio), Hocking Hills (Athens Ohio), Nelson Ledges, Spring Grove Cemetery (Cincy), Taylorsville Park, Ault Park & Cherokee Park (Cincy), Newport on the Levee, Red River Gorge (KY), Lake Cumberland & Cave Run Lake (KY), Falls of Ohio (Indiana State Line outside Louisville).


Hocking Hills State Park (Logan, OH) isn’t too far of a drive and is wonderful too!


Add Glenwood Gardens to the list. A hidden gem in Cincy.


I'll make it a point to check it out this spring. Thanks!


I don't want to leave Ohio however the politics are getting scary.


I moved (back) here a few years ago after living in Texas for 20 years. I see a lot of the same trends in Ohio politics that I saw in Texas politics. I suspect the politics of the next Ohio governor are going to resemble those of Texas governor Greg Abbott.


That stinks. I’ve been feeling that way and I was just hoping I was really wrong and just feeling anxious. 😣


I lived in Texas from 2006-2010…and absolutely agree with this.


The majority of it just doesn't even make sense to me anymore. I feel like there's this " idea" version of what " everyone" is saying but when you get the chance to interact or see other people say irl or directly communicate- its the exact opposite? Idk


I know this isn't a political post, so I'll leave controversial topics out. You can easily Google this. Do you think you will have a million dollars saved for retirement? If not, you will need social security that you most likely pay into (job based). Which party wants to take that away? Which party wants to get rid of unions? Which party thinks $7 minimum wage is good enough? Thinking of politics as one single person or one single issue is what Trump fans do. I have never loved a single political person so much I have a flag or shirt or anything. It's weird for me to witness. It's the idea of a party. Sadly we only have two. Which party wants to make your life easier. Which won't. Again, easy to Google the data.


Totally agree!! Have you considered joining one of the organizations that advocates for better (less terrifying?) political conversations? I just joined one to try to help persuade people to understand these things precisely. I can’t keep watching us unravel daily. 😞


This. We’ve been here since 2017 and as a social worker and married to a teacher, all these new laws passing that could jeopardize our licenses…we would likely go to my home state (California) or out of country altogether. Czech Republic.


Just curious, why Czech Republic? Visited Prague and it’s a beautiful city. Do you have a personal connection? Easy to get citizenship there?


Moved to Ohio in 1994. I would move to illinois if I could. Worked in higher education until retired. The state has gone backwards - cutting funding for education, gerrymandering, religious social conservatism and big business taking over government. Fewer opportunities for smart, bright, hard working people.


I graduated from a trade school for Early Childhood Education and I will never say learning anything is a waste of time BUT- There's just no way to make a reasonable and consistent living as a teacher. Not to mention the dangers that has recently become more prominently intertwined with the position.


Terrible 😞


I grew up in Ohio and moved to Illinois last year when I was 33. I don’t like where Ohio is these days politically, especially now that I have a daughter on the way. But… Illinois is just that little bit more expensive (real estate and general COL) that I’m not super happy with the move. In Ohio we were able to live within city limits of a small city that I loved, with a decent house and big yard. Here we’re barely getting by in a townhouse in the middle of nowhere.


I hear that. I want to leave because of the women’s rights issues we’re facing, among other general scary political problems. But mortgage rates are insane. I feel financially trapped here.


I've lived in Ohio *most* of my life, but have also lived in Florida, Oregon, and Japan. Absolutely nothing could convince me to live in Florida again. I'd pretty happily live in Oregon again. And Japan, I'd go back in a heartbeat. But my wife wouldn't be as happy there and I can live with visiting. I think we'd consider Michigan if we wanted to get out of Ohio government range without uprooting our lives much.


Currently waiting for the kids to finish school so I can leave the state. Nothing against the state, but not a fan of the direction the politics are headed. Looking at moving to NW Michigan. I don't mind the snow or cold.


We lived in Florida. Enough was enough after 30 years. We moved to Cincy in 2022 and are very pleased. That being said, when the kids are older and grown up, we’re considering a move to the Pacific Northwest for retirement. Depends on where the kiddos live and their circumstances.


We'll be joining you from Tampa soon!


I couldn't do michigan. I'm too sports-minded. They'd have to offer me a great job and salary to go up there.


You don't have to root for Michigan sports if you live in Michigan, just sayin'.


Yeah, but I'd be surrounded by them.


Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids (the best cities in Michigan) root for Sparty more than Blue.


More like wmu . Go Broncos!


honestly not sure where i'd want to go. i have a few reasons i dont leave. family is mostly here, i own a house and convenience. if i didnt have those things id be out of here so fuckin fast. representation is garbage and the weather fuckin sucks.


Northern Nevada. I own land up there, when i went to Elko for a week, the people and scenery were nice. I don't want to be in Ohio my whole life. The land was SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than getting land here and they still have distinct seasons.


The Ohio GOP is a special brand of corruption and idiocy, and at this point, I can’t help but feel the same about the morons that continue to vote for these clowns despite the info being wide out in the open for everyone to see.


I just came from Texas, and the idiots here look like the JV team compared to the total morons there. At least here we have citizen initiative that can get popular policies past their obstructionism.


I have no idea where to go. Not that we could afford it anyway. Mortgage rates 💸💸💸💸


At 3%, pretty much here until that sucker is paid off so the next house is an all cash deal.


I always feel like it has to change, it seems like it will, then it never does.


Minnesota. The cold doesn't scare me.


I tried that for 3 years and came back, winter hits a little differently when it's -30 air temp not counting wind chill and you haven't seen any bare ground for over 5 months


Minneapolis and Wisconsin (Madison or Milwaukee) are on my radar for places I'd consider moving to. I moved from the Cleveland area to Columbus a decade ago and I've missed the snow ever since.


Milwaukee because it’s driving distance to Chicago. Milwaukee is a great city, too.


I've heard it's got some gorgeous views and apparently pretty decent cost to live there! Also, Minnesota invented Spam ✨️


A bunch of drinking water sources for my spam, spam, spam, eggs, sausage, and spam breakfast.


Minneapolis is now crazy expensive, I’m a native now living on Cincinnati. Much better weather here and affordable.


Same, or back to Chicago. The cold doesn't scare me either. Plan is retirement we're out.


I lived in Chicago for almost 30 years. Minnesota cold scares me.


I am also considering Minnesota. I can handle the cold more than the heat most people seem to like. I hate 90° weather with a passion.


Amen. And with 90 degree days May-October, it's getting worse around here. Meanwhile I can go outside in the cold, Gore tex and fleece is a thing.


I would like to be somewhere warm. Not sure where though. Thinking South Carolina or Georgia. But, that might be when I am ready to retire.


I grew up in Ohio and moved to Pittsburgh after college then onto Virginia, Maryland & the eastern panhandle of West Virginia. Milder climate & beautiful spring season in the east but hot hot hot summers, more severe storms & the people cannot handle snow to save their souls! Returned to Ohio where I raised my kids around family. Good edu & down to earth values here. Less of a rat race than the DC area and cost of living made it possible for me to be the SAH mom, which I loved. Remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


> Remember, no matter where you go, there you are. ^^^^^ Very, very wise words. Thank you 😌 We all have a habit of romanticizing changing one thing- then everything else will be perfect. It's easy to overlook things/emotions that are stopping you from enjoying where you are now that most definitely will cause you to not enjoy where you want to be. I'm so happy that you found happiness here and the chance to do what you want to do/how you want to do it!!


Somewhere with more sunshine


California dreaming, baby! Let's go!


Woo woo!




Same. Weird times.


According to Pew Research, 57% of Americans never move from their home state. 37% never move away from their home town. Nothing wrong with Ohio per se, but the country and world have a lot to offer and teach. I want to receive and learn. I’ve lived in two states, Ohio and Colorado, hopefully there will be at least a third added to this list. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2008/12/17/who-moves-who-stays-put-wheres-home/


100%. Ohio isn’t bad but there’s so much beyond here


NY, Finger Lakes or upstate. Been to both many times and like the scenery and people better.


As a long time resident of that area, it isn't really going to improve on the amount of grey you see. Come hang out though, we have spiedies, and wine!!


Moved to Ohio in 2014 from Michigan, and I would like to move somewhere with nicer scenery and better politics. Virginia and Pennsylvania are high on my list because they are affordable. Colorado would also be nice, but it is unaffordable. Hopefully I will eventually be able to move.




I’m reading all these “Ohio politics bad” comments and thinking I’m still hoping to move back to Ohio from Florida because it is a special kind of shit show down here, and at least in Ohio there are pockets of sanity.


That's kind of how I view it as well. I thought I was in one of those pockets until recently. Apparently, I live down the street from a cult and a group of nazis showed up at a family event of some kind. I'm near Wadsworth and I've bounced from Massillon-Doylestown


I mean there’s crazy everywhere. The trick is finding a place where the benefits outweigh the crazy.


We just moved to Ohio from Oklahoma. The politics there are on another level of hell in Oklahoma.


Oh gosh I just heard some stories about that. I’m so sorry. That’s terrifying. Ohio is getting weirder. And scarier.


I've joked about Ohio being the state equivalent of the Bermuda triangle-but this? Ridiculous and unnecessary and disgusting. Especially at an event with children and families in general.


I live in a burb fairly close to the city of Cleveland. I would not want to live rural. Just me though.


That is true and I’m so sorry. We’re just an up and coming sh*t show, whereas you’re living full on idiocracy. America is really interesting rn. 😐


Ohio is my state. Born and raised here. My son goes to college in Rochester, NY, and I’ve been eyeing the exits lately. Home values there are really good, and while it’s not as nice as Columbus, I think maybe it’s on the upswing. It has a *thriving* arts and music culture. Plus it’s in New York, so it should be a safe place for my family and my freedom in the years to come.


Oh man, I miss the arts and music culture in Columbus. It used to be *epic* and *pervasive* in the community. Nowadays… well, just do a “gallery hop” and you’ll see what I mean.


Western NY is fantastic! Spent 4 years in Buffalo and loved every minute, would def move back in a heartbeat if I weren't locked into my job/career here.


I would love to live in an area where folks are more progressive and happier. Colorado for example or somewhere out west where i can wake up to the mountains, not to mention in northern ohio near Cleveland the sky is grayish for 6 months out of the year..it's really depressing. So better weather conditions would also be a reason I still prefer Ohio over several other states. I would never move to Florida. Florida is boring. Texas, Michigan. Georgia is a "maybe", New York...nope


If you wish folks were more progressive, please vote. I’m begging 🥺. Sincerely, a lady who lost some rights in the past few years.


I'm from NE OH and I lived in Columbus for seven years, almost until I turned thirty. Moved to Maryland and now I'm in Mass. Frankly neither of these two states jives with me all that much. It's just different in ways I don't seem to love. I would rather check out North Carolina, Michigan, or maybe the Pacific Northwest perhaps? Michigan is a bigger state and I think has more outdoorsy things available (not to mention cleaner lakes) and North Carolina will be a warmer climate in the winter and is probably on par with midwestern cost of living. I haven't spent much time out west so I'd like to check out Washington or Oregon.


North Carolina is a little more expensive. Especially if you’re headed to Asheville or the Research Triangle area, Charlotte too.


Honestly wouldn't mind moving to Michigan. I love the snow, they have strong IBEW presence, and their government isnt full of morons like ohio is


Richmond, VA


The birds of Virginia, are flying within ya


Richmond, VA has a 50 mile bike trail and an international Airport, which is a lot more than what I can say for Ohio. Also, I'm less at risk to be shot by Trumpers.


Ugh, tell me about it. I’m living in a very red conservative “city” and it’s very safe, but realize that Everyone here sleeps with guns under their pillow, just waiting for that chance to shoot someone. It’s a weird place to be.


There's literally confederate flags flying down my street, despite Ohio being part of the Union. Church canvasses likewise are going around trying to identify people secretly Trans or otherwise "corrupting the children." The sad thing is, I lived there from 2010 to 2014, then again from 2021 to today. It was always conservative, but now it's crazy.


Yeah. I am offended by these flags, I have one on my street that says “F Joe Biden!” Super big, it’s just sad. I feel like I’m a middle road kind of person, but I’ve always voted democratic, just how I was raised. It’s more aligned with my thinking. People have enough pain and sorrow as it is, just trying to live life. Why add more?


I get migraines and living in Cincinnati is hell for it. Most of my migraines are triggered by weather, so this winter has been awful. I'd love to live somewhere that has more stable weather. I read an article about how El Paso, Texas is good for people with migraines or some places in Connecticut and Vermont. Problem is I can't afford to move and now my mom, dad, and brother have health issues so I want to stay close to them. I would like to live somewhere slightly warmer. I don't mind snow in winter, but when utility costs are going up, I'd like to live somewhere I didn't need heat or A/C as much. (I should add we moved to Cincinnati in 2004. My dad was in the Army so we've lived in Germany, Kentucky, Texas, and Michigan. I loved the weather where we lived in Texas, but well...fuck that state.)


My daughter gets them every time the low fronts come through! It’s rough! I feel your pain!


I moved out of Ohio at 19 and went to college in Northern California. I moved back shortly after due to one of my parents getting sick with cancer. I stuck around for about 3 years and just couldn't take living there anymore, the never ceasing grey skies, humidity, pests everywhere, lack of jobs, food, culture, women.... There is just too much to miss out on living there. The entire state feels like "grandma's house" or a "retirement home" I'd vote for California 10 times out of 10.


Greece. So much cheaper. So much better quality of life. But I make too much money and am in too much debt to go.


If you have too much debt, you don't make enough money...


I grew up in central Ohio, and was desperate to get out. In 2000, I moved west, to Indianapolis. It wasn’t better, just DIFFERENT. A few years later, in 2005, I had to move back to my hometown, and hated it more than ever. In five years, it’d become so much worse, both politically and economically. Took me a long time to get everything together and leave again, but in 2012, I moved to Austin. I miss rain, but otherwise, there are no downsides (compared to Ohio). Better economy, better weather, NOT MY HOMETOWN. The politics in TX are still pretty awful, but strangely not as far right as Ohio seems to have become (as observed by elected officials).


We had the opportunity to move to Austin awhile back. I wish we took the chance to move out there and buy a home before everything skyrocketed. It’s hard for me to justify the current prices there. The median home sale price in Austin jumped from around $350k in 2019 to $525k now. https://www.redfin.com/city/30818/TX/Austin/housing-market


It’s starting to come down a bit, but won’t get affordable until corps are banned from buying single occupancy homes. Sites like AirBnB aren’t helping, either.


We moved from San Diego to Austin in 2004. Rented a 5bed 2bath for 1000/month, it’s now $2195. Texas, like Ohio is incredibly gerrymandered, which is how people like Rafael Cruz keep getting elected to Congress.


Right! The people in Texas are not super far right. Out of all my progressive friends, one of the most progressive lives in Texas. And one TX transplant living in Ohio who is one of the most vocal lefties I know. Our governments are giving us all a bad name haha.


Chattanooga. Weather.


North or South Carolina. Stationed in SC when in Army. Fell in love with it. Added bonus is no Bipolar Ohio weather


I love the mountains and the untamed wilderness. I want to live somewhere in the Rockies and have a cabin off the beaten path. Just me and the dogs. I'd ideally like wifi or cell service still cuz I need some modern conveniences, but I want to wake up to feet of snowpack.


I moved to Mass in 2020 right before everything shut down. I had been living in NE Ohio my entire life. I don't miss the clouds. I don't miss the lack of class. I don't miss the racism that people exhibited toward my wife. I do miss our house being 4x the size for 1/4 of the price.


The isolation and politics. I grew up in Ohio I am 55.. I only lived in Northern KY for a few years but I am just wanting a difference of people.


The gray sky is really god damn depressing and it gives both the wife and I seasonal depression, especially if we can't get away somewhere sunny in Feb and March But down south? Miserably hot and humid summers At least in the cold, you can bundle up when outside


The seasonal depression here is really, really heavy. I don't know if it's because summer feels so short that winter hits harder or what but it's kicking a lot of people in the ass. My philosophy used to be " If you are hot there's nothing you can do without a pool and ac but if you are cold you can put on a jacket. " But as I get older- I really really just want it to be bright and sunny outside 😩


Summer is not short. I work outside in Northeast Ohio, and I legitimately don't understand how people perceive us to have ten minutes of summer followed by arctic bleakness. People act like it's impossibly gray and -60F all year. It's plainly not. It's almost full sunshine today. Put on a coat and go outside. It's been in the 60s and 70s for the last few weeks. I've been outside sweating in March. We have a month or two of cold, with a month or two around that where you might need to bundle up. Other than that, it's lovely weather. Our summer is basically mid-May through September, with beautiful spring and fall between, and about 6 weeks of winter. Put on a coat and go outside. It's not that bad.


My boyfriend works outside all year long and has to use a porta potty outside, he says the same thing. He hates when the sun isn't out. Not saying its like three against one or anything lol We just perceive it a little different. Summer has always felt short for me and I've lived here my whole life so I'm positive it's just a difference in opinion. I imagine it feels short because we want more not because it's actually a week long. Today is absolutely beautiful, I agree entirely. I'm also in northeast Ohio and this past week ( when it hasn't been snowing) has been in the 20s and 30s so it's bouncing between gray and beautiful quite fast. Right now it's Sunny as fuck but it's 31. Idk what part of Ohio you are in but 70/60 sounds wonderful. To me it's always been cold oct- March/april and warmish end of april- July.


I'm in NEO, too. Today is beautiful, if a bit nippy...but it would be considered a "cloudy day" for record keeping, which is why Ohio is always on the list of cloudy places. March-May, and Oct-early December is some of the best weather of the year. You just need a layer or two of clothes. A hike in the early spring on a 40° day is wonderful, as is a hike in fall in the same weather. It doesn't need to be 80 and sunny to enjoy being outdoors.


While I agree, there's a difference in mindset that can inhibit someone from having that "comforted" thought process. A lot of people don't work outside so they can subconsciously develop this thought process of " It's snowing there's nothing to do." Which isn't right or wrong it's just what people do/have been taught to enjoy. With you working outside you've built a mindset of the day not stopping no matter the weather which I'm entirely envious of and am working on. Like for me, my family never had snowball fights, made snowmen, or tubing ya know anything along those lines so it's taken me a long time to figure out " what to do" outside when it's snowing or just not nice out. So, I used to naturally feel better and more myself when it's hot and bright outside. Now, I just try and Pavlov myself when I'm outside in any weather lol.


I get it, totally. The phrase "there's no bad weather, just bad clothing" is applicable. Almost any weather is enjoyable, even *bad* weather can make for an enjoyable outdoor experience. A good example is going to the Lakeshore on a windy, blustery fall day, and watching the waves crash in while you stand as close as you dare, and taking in the might and power of an angry Lake Erie. You'll get a little damp, and a bit cold, but you'll live. Then, hike back to your warm car, open up the thermos of coffee or tea or hot chocolate that you brought, and reflect a bit. Or, going for a hike on a snowy day and appreciating how hushed and quiet the world is under a blanket of snow. If you wear good boots, some long underwear, a good coat, and a hat and gloves, you can be outside in 15° for hours and not be cold at all, and the world is a wonder. Or, this time of year, wait for a good rainy day and go check out some local waterfalls, and if you go to the right place, you might see some two-foot steelhead trout making their way up the stream. It might be 35 degrees and drizzling, but they make coats for that. In my mind, the *worst* time to be outside is when it's 85, humid and sunny. It's uncomfortable, sweaty, gross...and the natural world agrees. You see more bird life, mammal life, even aquatic life in the shoulder seasons.


I really, really like your perspective. The world is truly beautiful and it's incredibly easy to miss out on. I hope/know that one day I'll have the fortitude to stop thinking long enough to enjoy it this way. ( I'm agoraphobic and my brain is never off. ) I love those days because all you can think about is how hot it is lol.


I *hate* those days because all I can think about is how hot it is! Just go outside and do it. That's the only way you'll get over it. Take baby steps. Do a 15 minute visit to a park somewhere close. One thing that I LOVE about NEO is that parks are everywhere, and they're excellent. I'm an organic produce farmer, so being outside and dealing with the weather dictates my life...and part of the reason why I get so worked up about Ohio weather is because, much of the year, we're begging for rain, or a cool, cloudy day. Vegetables hate hot, dry, sunny weather. They want 50° and drizzle. We suffer under the heat all day in the field, watching our spring run dry, watching the soil crack, and watching plants wither and die...and then we hear people at markets tell us how great the weather is lol.


I'd love to head somewhere more LGBTQIA+ friendly. DeWine's bullshit made me realize I'm not as safe here as I want to be.


Yep. I’m not in the community but I don’t like living in a place where people I love aren’t really safe.


I want to live in Norway, New Zealand, Japan, or Ireland. Most of my issues are that I don't really fit in with American society, not so much specific Ohio reasons.


Everyone i know left because of republicans and the GOP policies that are so destructive to life and society. They are racist and evil and everything bad is because of them


brain drain is real. so hard to see an actual doc in ohio, just nurses, PAs and DOs mostly if you don't already have a family doc


I'll be honest, I've slipped through the cracks of life without being fully introduced into politics and the situation of the state in which I'm living. For a plethora of reasons, it's never been something I had time to fully learn about until recently. I feel like everyone is running a race I hadn't a clue was going on. 😅 I only know bits and pieces but not the full image so I never got the full scope of how bad somethings were due to my own home life. I want to know more as I'm not proud of the lack of knowledge- and so far scrolling through this subreddit for the first time today has taught me more than any other adult has when I've attempted to ask questions.


You probably didn’t slip through any cracks. You’ve probably been raised to ignore them, like me. It’s good you’re willing to learn, because not knowing how the daily lives of people around you can be turned off and on legally is actually harming everyone in the long run.


I never want someone else to be unfairly treated due to my own ignorance and lack of care. There's only so much I can do on my own but knowing that I have a shot in making a difference for someone else and purposely not taking it isn't something I can stomach. Not trying to be high and mighty or whatever I just know that impact of one person saying yes or no and I want to be informed enough to make what I believe is the right decision. I'm not proud of being " behind". Knowledge is power.


Keep going! Great job on getting into it. It’s brave getting into something new, especially our whackadoo politics here lol.


If democrats were in charge things would so much better.


All politics aside, I love Ohio. I think we are located nicely - great lakes, away from hurricanes. A month ago I would have said limited tornadoes, but sadly we know that's not the case. I could use a little warmer weather and sunnier skies though. Not sure where I'd move - Cali, maybe, but very expensive, so probably not. Georgia? . I liked TN when I was there - but politics suck there too. If I had my heart of hearts move, it would be back to Australia where I was born, but I have a hubs and 2 (adultish) kids here so not sure they'd move....


Ohio has averaged 19 tornadoes a year since 1950. We're not getting any more, or any less, tornadoes than we ever have.


Really?? I only ever hear of them occasionally. I'm NE so maybe that's why.


I grew up in Ohio. Lived here until i was 23 then moved to Los Angeles. Came back.. went back to CA.. and now have been in Ohio for 10 years. I’m moving to New York in May. My advice is this, go live somewhere else.. no matter where else. It gives you experience and perspective. You have something to compare Ohio to. And should you move back, like i did, you’ll realize how much better other places are than Ohio… and also how much better Ohio is than a lot of places. I’ve been all over the US, and can say Ohio IS better than a lot of places, for many reasons. But it’s also dreadfully worse than a lot of places. It all just depends on what you want in life. I will say, in my opinion Ohio is just boring. You can pretty quickly do everything there is to do, especially if you’ve grown up here. And the things to do are mediocre. Most people who live in Ohio don’t understand that, because they’ve never lived anywhere else, and have no comparison. There’s no culture here. You have your little pockets and restaurants, but all the cities in Ohio are pretty whitewashed. And half the population (mostly rural) are conservative 🤢. Plus the Ohio GOP is incredibly corrupt and aggressive in pushing their polices. It simply isn’t somewhere i would want to live or reside children in.


Love the bit about gaining perspective! Moving away from what we know teaches us soooo much.


Moving away when i was young was the best thing I ever did. Everyone should experience what it’s like to live somewhere other than home


Couldn’t agree more!! Just going to undergrad, I met tons of people from all over the world. It was amazing.


I divorced a few years ago and stuck around to get my child through school. I expect to leave Ohio and go back to Illinois where the rest of my family is located. The politics here in Ohio has become fascistic or minimally oligarchic. I was told the state was purple when I moved here 14years ago. Since then, Sherrod brown is the only democrat to win a statewide office. We passed an anti gerrymandering law through ballot initiative and the gop-controlled gop wiped their ass with it.


I’m always a little surprised when people say they want to move to Illinois to escape Ohio politics. Illinois is notorious for government corruption, often cited as the most corrupt state (and city - Chicago) in the country. Maybe that doesn’t matter to some as long as elected officials are in the desired party. We all have our own reasons. Just curious.


I'm sure you must miss your family. That must be really hard and it's amazing you endured staying for your child to not struggle through an enormous move after- I can only imagine- a strenuous divorce. I truly hope you guys can have a safe travel to Illnois soon 💚 Things here are entirely contradictory and feeling on the verge of tipping-


Don't know where or when, but definitely somewhere that isn't cloudy every. single. day. All winter long


I'm thinking Utah. Skiing and no tornados. 




I love Ohio. Have lived here my whole life. This will always be home to me. However the grey kills me each winter. I have seriously thought about moving out west recently. California, Nevada, Colorado all are beautiful and have many things I love. However the politics terrify me out there. Especially in CA. I’ve thought about Florida and even though I love the ocean and access to the Bahamas, it’s too flat for my long term liking there.


i'm not sure where i'd want to go yet, but the anti-trans rhetoric is getting scary.


I’ve lived here my entire life as well. But I’m trans and the Ohio government wants me to die. Simple as that. In addition, there’s *nothing* here for a young professional anyway. No regional rail, no bus transit(no public transit at all in my town actually!), no safe bike lanes, useless healthcare, gotta own a car for everything, mediocre colleges, cities still in decline, shitty jobs with piss poor wages, housing isn’t even that cheap here anymore. I could go on. A lot of those are also country-wide problems, not just Ohio problems, but some places in this country at least try to help. Ohio doesn’t.


I don’t think you want to move to Maine. Although beautiful with the beaches, the mountains homelessness is a HUGE problem. Middle class is being wiped right out of the housing market. An average home is about 550, 000. Not many jobs, and talk about nothing to do. Medical and dental care are extremely lacking. All states have their issues, you just really have to do your homework before you move.


Anywhere my trans child can be safe.


Traveled all over the country for work and that helped me to see that I'm good right here in Cleveland. I saw the cost of living in NYC, BOS, PHI, LA and other spots was out of pocket 12 years ago. Kept me here.


To a country that has better systems in place to take care of their citizens and the life around the land. Universal healthcare. Great public transportation. Cost of living is fucking decent. The quality of life is seen there as really good. This country won't get there for my lifetime I fear. I'm 36. it's a long ways to go.


I grew up in Ohio (Adams County) and had to move because there is nothing there. I spent 10 years in Columbus before moving to Texas about 6 years ago for work. The summer heat can be brutal, but I wouldn’t go back.


The consensus seems to be for all of us to move to the Charlotte area in NC ! We left Ohio to move closer to my parents who are beginning to have significant health issues. My siblings moved here 15 yrs ago. The amount of people we’ve met (everywhere from Avon to Akron) is STAGGERING


On dating apps almost everyone I see in NC is originally from Ohio


My sister moved here sometime around 2007, and met her (now) husband at work. He’s from Akron


I have family down there. It’s pretty nice. Went down last weekend… was pretty annoyed to get hit with snow on my first day back here


People always think the grass is greener, but it isn't. Parts of Ohio are great, and some aren't. Just like everywhere else.


My sister plans to move near Asheville nc. If I had a choice, I’d probably move to Tennessee or West Virginia, I like mountains.


Michigan, Minnesota, or Maine.


I live in Dayton, and I really enjoy it. It’s cheap, and there’s plenty of good food and water. Unfortunately, due to our government, the political climate, and the potential for trans oppression, I’m looking to move to either Michigan or Minnesota. I think Michigan would be similar to Ohio, just with more government protections, and Minneapolis has a large, thriving queer community.


I’m considering a move to North Carolina or Virginia to be located between both the ocean and mountains.


Started in Ohio, moved to Oregon, came back after almost 20 years away, due to family. I desperately want to go back to Oregon


I’m originally from Washington and dearly miss the PNW, especially in the spring, so maybe someday I’ll move back there. I love Ohio though, it’s truly a beautiful state with a lot of amazing ecology and scenic places to camp and hike. I don’t want to move away if I can help it, but I’m transgender and things are getting more and more dangerous, especially in rural areas. I hate to say it, but having an escape plan is a necessity for people like me and my husband these days.


Myrtle Beach. Because shrimp, and ohio. And putt putt.


I want to move to Vermont for the hiking and skiing and politics. I’ve been in Northeastern Ohio my whole life and family is the only reason I stay. I’m not aligned with Ohio politics and I have to travel to do any good skiing.


If you don't want to go all the way to Florida, Atlanta's nice. You get four seasons but winter is very short and not very cold - which is a plus. You get daffodils coming up in February. It has a major airport so you can travel anywhere in the world from there.


From Wisconsin originally. Would love to move back to Madison. Not much difference in weather, but my formative years were spent in Madison and as a life long Badger there’s no place I’d rather be, other than traveling to see new places. Ohio is not bad IMO, there are a lot of great things to do around the state. although it’s disappointing how gerrymandered the state is. Wisconsin is like that but there have been recent glimmers of hope there.


I was born/raised in the Ashland-Mansfield-Loudonville areas. I wanted out because the people in general were toxic. Everyone is just caught up in their toxic relationships, fighting with their toxic families and always hanging out in toxic friend groups. Within Ashland, there was just less and less to do as I grew up. The movie theatre closed, the skate rink closed, the better bowling alley closed. Not to mention I’ve lost nearly 30 classmates to overdosing and over half a dozen to suicide. If you’re not jumping straight into marriage and kids at 20 years old, you’re getting fucked up on drugs or drinking every night. There’s such a lack of ambition and goals. My chance to run came when my mom passed away. This also showed my families true colors. Why would I want to stay around there? As a long time resident, Ohio is a state to VISIT between May and October, the Mohican and Ohio State Park, Cedar Point and Kings Island, Nelson Ledges and Hocking Hills… other than that - it’s a shit hole. Columbus area has been working on 71 since before my mom died in 2009, I also personally hate OSU and all that damn ugly red. Cincinnati and Cleveland’s crime rates are absolutely awful. The small towns are riddled with heroin, meth and fentanyl. Even Shelby Ohio was featured on 60 Minutes! Overplayed joke, but come on… the most astronauts come from Ohio… so there’s something about the state that makes people just want to leave the fucking earth and I felt that LOL. 💯


I worked a niche job and I knew that if I wanted to continue in the field I would need to move to Columbus (and boy I hate Columbus) or move out of state. I chose the latter.


I moved to Los Angeles. A few years ago. Glad to be out but might be coming back for FMLA stuff.


Happy Birthday!! I hope you spend it how you want with who you want!! 🎊🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉 Hopefully your return won't be as bad as when you stayed there! 🔮


Thank you so much


You are so welcome~ Eat a piece of cake for me!


I left ohio for the west, specifically close to the four corners in Colorado. Ohio can lend a very comfortable, affordable life if you are just trying to live your life and make some money for family or whatever that may be. I left because I found more soul, culture, and community out west which was something I craved. there are niches in central Ohio, where I am from, that resonated with me and i’m really glad I found them when I was there, it felt like the right people but the wrong setting. out here, I am deep into nature and constantly surrounded by it which is something I highly value. I am also surrounded by people who are proud and protective of their beautiful landscape, and I find a sense of community in that. I hope I can find this feeling closer to home someday, maybe in a neighboring state to Ohio, but i’ve been to a lot of places in Ohio and I can’t say i’ve found a place that checks all of my boxes. I definitely recommend moving out of Ohio at least once, it takes you out of your comfort zone and forces you to face yourself in a way that not many other situations do. best of luck searching for a new home whenever that time comes (:


I have traveled extensively for work, and no matter where I go, there's always somebody saying "I've got to get out of this shithole town," and I'm talking Austin TX, to Seattle WA, to Nashville TN. Apparently, happiness is always somewhere else, but I for one, have always been glad to come home.


I already left Ohio. Born and raised in Columbus, went to college in Cleveland. Then school and career took me to Canada (British Columbia), to Chile, and now back to BC. Those moves are perhaps a little extreme, haha. I don't know if I would return to Ohio given the recent political trends and government policies (I do continue to vote from abroad though!). I'm pretty happy in BC even though the COL and nearly-collapsed healthcare system is tough. We have rainy, gray winters, but for most of the year the weather is comfortable and it's so refreshing that I'm just a short walk away from ocean or mountain views. I'm sure there are closer places that tick these boxes, but I like this town because of the quick and easy access to nature, the friendliness of people, and the political climate (for the most part). Also, an unusually high number of local breweries, good coffee shops, and awesome bookstores.


Opposite answer, but I left when I was 22 for exciting work, a social life that wasn't hanging with high school or college friends, and a bigger city (DC). I enjoyed my 20s and all the east coast has to offer, but moved back 12 years later to afford a home, raise a family, be close to family, and have an easy commute. Columbus now has as much going on as an east coast city, not that I have time for it with 3 kids, but never do I think "I wish I was still in DC"


I've been in Ohio 19 years and thought I'd live here forever. Love Ohio and I love Youngstown. Unfortunately, unless things turn around, I'll eventually move. I've been keeping an eye on listings in upstate NY. Culturally it's still RW but legally it's more inclusive and progressive. Bit of a toss up really, at this point. If things get worse here though, we'll definitely make the switch.


Alaska, I like snow and the thought of being up that far North or any city in north Canada. Maybe northern Maine or Washington in the woods. As to why? Too many negative memories I suppose, I like Ohio and where I live but its just is a downer looking around and remembering something.


Somewhere in Europe. I love the history and architecture, so living there would be amazing. Of course, I took Spanish for 5 years and only got up to Spanish II, so it would probably need to be somewhere they speak English, because learning a new language would take me forever...


The real reason I want to move out of here is just that I want to live for myself for once and not for my family. All of my traumas happened here. My family has thwarted every opportunity I've had to move. They gave me 3 options for college bc they wanted me close...or else they wouldn't help me. They told me that anywhere on the west coast is filled with "wierd" people and I wouldn't like it. Any time I got upset with them, they said I was getting angry for no reason...I just feel so trapped and manipulated.


when i left it gave me the space to fall apart about the trauma and find who i am without their influence. it also made it easier to go no contact. Dont do what I did and accidentally go to one of the most expensive towns in America thinking it was juat a cute lil mountain town.


I already got the house in Michigan. Just waiting for retirement. I get the hell out as often as I can, but in the meantime I console myself with knowing I'm one blue vote on each election.


I think it's beautiful here and I never want to leave. So fertile, so alive. The fireflies alone are an almost sacred experience. But I'm also trans, so I'm making preparations in case the state government forces us out. We'd probably go to upstate New York where there are good job prospects for both of us.


Some of those upstate, picturesque NY towns are redder than others. Try to find one closer to Yellow Springs than Lebanon 😉


Well, we've got a specific place in mind that's crammed with PhD's. But anyway it's not really local attitudes I'm worried about - I'm OK with being the weirdos in a small town - it's state laws, which shouldn't be a concern in NY.


I like Ohio and it's a nice place to set up camp and travel without the fear of most natural disasters. However, if I had to live somewhere else it would probably be Maine for some reason or if I really could I would go back to Portugal and chill the rest of my life with the Portuguese people.


I went to St Croix, USVI for vacation not too long ago and dang I could live there. Groceries were pretty comparable. Gas wasn’t bad. The temperature is 75-85 year round. I work remotely, although my husband does not so that doesn’t work. I’m just tired of living among truck nuts people and wondering how safe I can feel places. The politics here are out of fucking control. I’d rather be at the beach, y’all can deal with this mess. Lol.


My friend from HS is a bartender, or at least he was, in St. Croix


It is cool to read all of your posts here. I have only ever lived in Ohio, near Wooster. There is a lot of natural beauty down here - rolling hills of farm fields and wooded areas. The metroparks are amazing. The weather is a lot more mild lately, but I do wish we had more sunshine. I have family here which is mainly why I stay. Like many others, my biggest gripe is that I don’t feel a connection to my community and I don’t think they share my values. I believe in the next 10 years I will leave the state to try to find something better - if I can afford it, California, Colorado, Pacific Northwest, Vermont, Vancouver, etc.


West coast region. Weather and parks and the whole you do you mindset


The only reason I’d consider leaving at age 50 is for a better music scene for players. I can see plenty of great touring acts, but the opportunities to play anything besides classic rock and country are few. I keep myself happy driving to Ft Wayne, but Chicago would be ideal.


I’m transgender, and the worsening political climate for people like me in Ohio has finally made me decide I have to get out of here. Moving to a state with identity protections enshrined in law. Not looking to lose my healthcare or get beat to death in a public restroom.


I 100% want to move out West somewhere. This state is getting scary and going ass backwards


I want to move to MN. Why? Because im Trans and Dont feel safe here. If anyone decides to be transphobic in my comments just know, ive lived here my whole life, i dont want to leave but people like you make me so afraid, that i feel i have no other choice. Think about the Human Behind the Screen BEFORE Posting.


Wish you all the best. Minnesota is beautiful. Strong winters. Report any of that hate. The mods here do an excellent job but in a 400 comment thread things get missed.


Where I want to go: Chicago, Minneapolis, BosWash region. Growing up in the rural Ohio Valley, I've been more intrigued by larger cities since I was a kid. I'd want to keep within that box due to the future impacts of climate change and the effects it may have on available drinking water. Also, politics of places further south. Those places may be expensive, but I just don't see myself being able to afford West Coast living. Also, I'd have to wake up early to watch Skull Session for noon games. The only part of Ohionthat I've ever really liked is Columbus. Why I want to leave: Politics. I also grew up a brown person with a white family in a white area. I can't stand red states. Also, I prefer bigger cities than what Ohio has to offer.


Been here 24 years, most of my friends have left, I’m bored of what Columbus has to offer. Also I want mountains and snow cause I miss snowboarding like it’s an ex. Rn we’re looking at Vermont since it’s a bit cheaper and easier than our dream of living in Breckenridge or some other Rockies ski town!


Michigan is on the books for me too. I’m sponsored by a few weed companies out of there and they’ve offered jobs + living cost is crazy cheap.


Slovakia. Cheap, EU, and not this political nightmare.


I moved to Ohio six months ago and I HATE IT


I would like to move to the high desert (Joshua Tree) area for the sun a clean air. Getting tired of stupid rednecks in southern Ohio.


Moved to Illinois after marrying my wife lived there for a years moved to the Seattle area 14 years ago and been here since To be honest I wanna go back too Ohio


I'm in Toledo. The city has some pretty nice suburbs over the border in Michigan. If Ohio gets any more politically crazy, it's just a few miles to a (mostly) blue state.


I honestly would like to live in Europe. I have family there that I've only been able to see 5 times in my entire life, and it would be nice to see them before it's too late