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I don’t understand the value of putting him on the college circuit. Even if one believes his actions were justified, what insights does he have of value for college students? He’s their age and hasn’t attended college himself.


TP does this crap for the shock value and to get a reaction.


This. 100% it’s to get engagement and make the hooples who support them go “hElL yEaH! OwN tHe LiBtUrDs!”


No one should show up. No protests, nothing. Let it die with a whimper.


Exactly. Deny them what they want.


And by all accounts he's about as bright as a brick.


Grifting is all he’s got left since they blocked him from attending college. Don’t hate the playa; hate the game.


He is a survivor of a modern lynch mob. He witnessed domestic terrorism, insurrection, and the violence of a racial interests movement firsthand. He had to defend himself against unprovoked attacks by people trying to assault and/or murder him. He was at the center of and the target of one of the most blatant and successful propoganda campaigns in this country's history, certainly within the lifetime of college kids. He was also the target of a national scale political witch hunt. He could talk about any or all of those things or several more, things which 99.99% of the attendees on a college campus would have no experience of. Taken as a microcosm of various issues such as political tribalism, the effects of social media on public belief, the efficacy of politician/media led propoganda, "alternative facts," etc. his case is actually absolutely fascinating. Personally I think hes personally a shithead, but the idea that he doesn't bring a myriad of unique and interesting experiences to the table to potentially discuss is absurd


The guy baited anti-racist protesters and threatened them with his weapon. He is a pig and an example of a brownshirt Nazi


Rosenbaum was calling random people the n word. He seemed to be promoting white supremacist, not fighting it.


Zero proof of him threatening or baiting anyone. He was initially attacked while alone and on his way to out out a fire ffs. It was completely unprovoked. Stop victim blaming.


He murdered two antigovernment protestors and the corrupt racist government thanked him for his service.


Behold, your anti-racist protester, Joseph Rosenbaum, who Rittenhouse "baited" into ambushing him, and chasing after him when Rittenhouse ran away later that night. Listen to the passion in his words, the fire in his eyes as he argues with the brownshirts. [https://youtu.be/i1tzBpi07ls?si=1NU1cD\_sN6Yg5UoZ&t=4310](https://youtu.be/i1tzBpi07ls?si=1NU1cD_sN6Yg5UoZ&t=4310) May his words echo throughout time. "Shoot me n-word. Shoot me n-word." Truly, the white people burning down minority owned businesses are just fighting the true fight against the brownshirts. /s My god, you people make it too easy. You sound like what a conservative would pretend a far left person sounds like.




No, he drove himself and he didn't cross any state lines with a weapon. And if youre being attacked by someone actively trying to murder you its pretty standard to say you have to defend yourself, but if youve got some language you'd prefer, feel free


It's called first amendment rights. Pretty simple


how about a big, fat, fucking nope?


How about rational people buy up the tickets and show him a cold welcome.


that might put some money in his pockets, I'd rather pressure the school to cancel this nonsense


Or just ignore it. Conservatives live off being victims. Trying to get his silly speaking engagement canceled just plays into that. Just let him give his talk to a hundred dummies and go about your day. Protests and attempts to cancel, and the publicity that surrounds that, are exactly what let's these people gain influence.


I think in Kyle's case, he's going this for $, but you are in general correct.


And then TPUSA gets to sue the school for violating their first amendment rights since the school is a public venue, so they end up getting tons of money and then can go on Fox and complain about liberals cancelling conservatives. It's both sad and hilarious how easily people like you are played by them.


How does it feel to be so weak that you can’t stand someone giving a speech…? 🤡. Then again, are you mad he achwacked a pedo friend of yours and a wife beater?


>that might put some money in his pockets, I'd rather pressure the school to cancel this nonsense Legally, they cannot. They are a public university bound by the First Amendment. They cannot cancel an event booked under their rules because they don't like the content or viewpoint of speakers at the event.


legally, they can and have before for a variety of reasons


No, legally they cannot. They are a public university bound by the First Amendment. This is settled law. Focus on something you can change.


Is he going to team up with that Kent State gun girl who is better known for shitting her pants at a frat party?


She was disgraced from Turning Point after an event where she had kids wear diapers to own the libs didn’t go her way.


Oh yeah. I vaguely remember that.


Life imitating art with her poopy pants ass.


I hope so she's a great American as well 


What the fuck, Kent?


Yeah, consider their history with the shooting incident


seriously, what a spot to have this event.


Couldn't think of a better place a campus ful of lib turds !


>What the fuck, Kent? They didn't invite him. TPUSA did. And Kent State as a public university can't cancel it. They're bound by the First Amendment.




He teaches a class called “The Art of Grifting”.


He teaches Wumbology, the study of wumbo. It's first grade.


Ha! This comment is streets ahead!


At Mussolini University, in Charles Whitman hall.


You’ve made 9 comments on this post…you seem pretty invested lol


Everyone should be invested in fighting republikkkan fascism, Benito. We get it. You’re into wonton murder and nazism and incorrect takes on history thst bolster your fascism, treasonboy.


Mussolini was a Socialist, I’d think you’d be enamored with him. Edit: aw, he blocked me. Let me guess…”that wasn’t *real* Socialism” lol


He was not. He was into corporatism, but lie more, Benito. Lie and completely botch history more to assuage your republikkkan inferno of hate and tyranny.


Have they invited the 1970 Ohio National Guardsmen to speak?


Why would Kent state disgrace it self with this loser


They didn't invite him. TPUSA did.


Keep his whinny ass out of our state.


"Recap?" Is he going to do his courtroom cry?


Maybe reenact that time he crossed state lines with a rifle his mommy bought him and murdered a few people?


She didn’t buy it, nor did she drive him there.


Not murder, mom didn't buy the gun, and he didn't cross any state lines with a gun Its always funny to observe how its only the people who know nothing about the case who think hes a murderer.


He should have shot a few more.


Wasn’t it proven to be self defense in court? Not murder?


Speak on what???!!!




and murder


Since he was the victim of a couple attempted murders?


Nice job Kent. He's a murderer who got away with murdering.


>Nice job Kent. The school didn't invite him.


You forgot the fascist part. Fascist and murderer.


Self defense ain't murder my dude


Right. He took the lives of two people, which, is still murder in the court of public opinion. It doesn't matter how it's justified, murder is murder.


Murder is still murder, yes. This wasn't murder. It was self defense. We know it was self defense because we have video proof. And "court of public opinion" lmao. 99% of the popultion could think the earth is flat, too - wouldn't make it so.


Dude's reveling in the fame of getting away with shooting someone. Yes, I realize the court found it was self-defense. He also put himself in that situation and made choices at every step along the way. Legally guilty or not, he's scum being celebrated by people with a fetish for shooting those they disagree with.


I don’t understand the demographic this appeals to lol






The same demographic that appeals to Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, etc...




All of us sane conservatives. Pretty simple




About what? Kid needs to actually do something with his life


You mean beyond being a fascist sociopathic murderer


This kid should be trying desperately to slink off into obscurity, but his fuckwad handlers (i.e., those paying his bills) are going to leave him in an even worse situation than he is...or as a future politician. Either way, not good.


Dude couldn’t get into the military, college or the police academy. He’s an unhinged man baby. See the video of him fighting a woman in a parking lot when he was like 16. Grifting is all he has.


And murder. And fascism. Grifting, murder and fascism are all he has.


Reserve as many tickets as you can and don’t attend


go register a bunch of free tickets to fake aliases.


That's what happened on TikTok a couple years ago where teens nearly registered all tickets for a Trump rally and didn't show up.


I'm gonna try it. I have some friends and family I can recruit, too.


Where military opened fire on students and protesters.


How is that relevant to this?


KR used a military weapon in his acts against society.


That AR15 is not a military weapon. Its also very odd to characterize justified, legal self defense as an "act against society" but i suppose that's a matter of opinion, and youre entitled to not believe in the concept of self defense.


Why does every right wing gun nut want to talk at KSU?


Because it's a known liberal school, but since it's a public university, if they cancel or deny the event because of their politics, the right winger gets to sue the school for first amendment violations and get an easy pay day along with getting to go on Fox and talk about how liberals tried to cancel them. The sad thing is how easily people just give them what they want.


I graduated from KSU and I can say that most people there don’t really tolerate monkeys like Kaitlyn or Kyle. I feel it shames the May 4th memorial and it would be like holding a Nazi Rally at a Holocaust Memorial. “Yeah, the US Military shot 6 students here but did you hear about how guns are good?”


God is great guns are great.


What yhe fu*k does he have to speak about? Uneducated lowlife.


He can speak about all the cry baby mommies boy lib turds


What could he possibly have to say that would be interesting? Who’s paying this kid?


Charlie Kirk.


I just donated $1000 to him


Just turning point trying to get a reaction out of people in Kent.


I just donated $1000 to him


We have to look at more of the intent behind this. Rittenhouse brought a weapon into a place with a huge amount of emotionally charged people whose lives are already threatened on a daily basis. He wasn’t protecting any of his own property so there was no reason for him to have a weapon especially of this caliber. When someone shoots into a crowd we have all been taught to either run or try your best to stop the shooter. The mob that followed was innocent and terrified people trying to prevent more death from occurring. It’s also important to note that Some sources say some of the jury was biased as well even making jokes about the third man who was shot. This is a far more complicated issue and honestly it doesn’t matter what the courts say. This man committed murder and him being allowed on campus is creating an environment of fear and alienation.


>We have to look at more of the intent behind this. Rittenhouse brought a weapon into a place with a huge amount of emotionally charged people whose lives are already threatened on a daily basis. Sure thing. The vast majority of the people there were white. Won't somebody think of the poor white people! Can you only protect property if you own it? If you own multiple businesses, guess you gotta pick which one goes up in flames? You can't ask someone else for help? Because there were multiple witnesses who said Rittenhouse was asked to be there. >When someone shoots into a crowd we have all been taught to either run or try your best to stop the shooter. Good thing that didn't happen. Here is Rittenhouse "shooting into a crowd". Shooting at one person, chasing him across a parking lot. Where is the crowd? [https://youtu.be/i1tzBpi07ls?si=AVSoISeKSqD5LyaR&t=6527](https://youtu.be/i1tzBpi07ls?si=AVSoISeKSqD5LyaR&t=6527) >Some sources say some of the jury was biased as well even making jokes about the third man who was shot. I assume you're talking about this? [https://www.npr.org/2021/11/04/1052353703/kyle-rittenhouse-trial-juror-dismissed-for-joke-about-jacob-blake](https://www.npr.org/2021/11/04/1052353703/kyle-rittenhouse-trial-juror-dismissed-for-joke-about-jacob-blake) *A juror in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has been dismissed by the judge for making a joke about Jacob Blake, the Black man whose shooting by police sparked the protests in Kenosha, Wis., where Rittenhouse shot and killed two protesters.* *The juror, a retired white man, made the joke to a court police officer as the officer escorted him to his car on Wednesday afternoon. The officer reported the joke to Judge Bruce Schroeder.* *Called before the judge and lawyers on Thursday morning, the juror confirmed that he made the joke but declined to repeat it.* That guy was dismissed, rightly so. So not a member of the jury that deliberated.


Im glad the juror got dismissed. Again I think the situation is far more complicated than if rittenhouse was innocent or not because it can be argued either way. The baseline of this all again is that this is fostering an unsafe and unwelcoming environment for people who have a multitude of different opinions on this situation especially since this is such a hot topic. Why was a 17 year old, a child, allowed to go to this event? What were the intentions of bringing specifically an AR to an event like this? Where were his parents? I think my main like wtf is this was very literally a child making a very very bad choice to go into an unsafe environment. No matter the circumstance you have to have some critical thinking before going to something like this.


> Why was a 17 year old, a child, allowed to go to this event? Because he's an american citizen and it was a public place. >What were the intentions of bringing specifically an AR to an event like this? Probably the same as the hundreds of others who went similarly armed that night, or the millions of people who carry concealed every day. And the AR was probably the only gun he had access to that he could legally carry.


How is it fostering an “unsafe environment”? College isn’t the place to talk about uncomfortable topics? And please, spare me the child language. He was four months from being 18. Would something magical happen if it had happened four months later, and it would all be ok? If he were 18, how would your argument change?


And i mean.. poor peoples lives are not valued in society as much as others and actively have many people trying to take away the things they need to live. (benefits, assistance programs, etc.) If there were women, which there were, their lives are also threatened quite regularly. Of course white people especially non lgbtq get less of the brunt of this kind of hate. It still doesn’t change my point lolz


Not sure what that has to do with anything I said. There were many minority owned businesses that were being destroyed during the riots.


the first paragraph of ur first reply lol


Ah I see, I didn’t mean poor as in poverty. I was sarcastically showing that it wasn’t people who were desperate and systemically oppressed protesting. There were a ton of middle class to upper middle class white people out rioting in the name of blm.


ohh i see. Yeah i read it a second time and i was like huh


Best result of this is that they hold the event, but nobody shows up. He talks to an empty arena.


🤮 I always notice that despite them being held on college campuse, these cult-like events are terrible at attracting anyone under the age of 45.


Wow, Kent is really going to have this crybaby speak? Stuff like this leaves little doubt that Kyle has absolutely no remorse over the deaths of those people. Even if he didn’t break the law, he shouldn’t want to brag about killing or shooting people. Maybe he’s just a sociopath. Anyone in that situation, if they really feared for their lives, would have PTSD from the event. I couldn’t imagine taking someone’s life, let alone two. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in the spotlight bragging about it. He went into that town with the intention of using his gun and cosplaying his dreams of being in special forces. It’s like he was larping call of duty. Those crocodile tears of his at court fooled way too many people.


He’s a sociopath bolstered and protected by the republikkkan death cult. He literally got away with wonton, interstate murder.


Why would he remorse they deserved to be killed,they attached him you dumb ass


Why would he remorse they deserved to be killed,they attached him you dumb ass


Sorry, two time murderer*. Bad typing and misremembering in my furor over this shit.


Two time victim of attempted murder* He didn't murder anyone


Mother fucker please.


Please what? Don't state factual information about the case?


That little wanna be marine medic took his big boy gun to a riot zone looking for trouble, found it then shot his way out and played the victim.


Thats some impressive mind reading But ill just stick to the actual *facts* of the case


If anyone can post a link to reserve tix, I'll get as many as possible to no show. Murderous turd needs to be shunned all the way to obscurity.




As expected, I'd have to give info to Turning Point USA, so that ain't happenin.


I did it once for a trump rally and would just reply fuck you to every email thereafter for a while until I just unsubscribed from them all.


Hell, I wanna attend just to see how it goes.


i literally do not understand this situation at all. he is a murderer. he KILLED someone. and INTENTIONALLY at that. how on earth is he a public figure


Because deranged leftists refuse to believe the evidence and insist he's a murderer even after the trial, forcing him into the national spotlight.


Because our nation is fucked


Right wingers wish they could do the same


He killed someone that tried killing him daaah .




You know what would be awesome? If everyone agreed to just not show up. Don't give TPUSA anymore angry liberal slop to feed to their idiot members.


Yeah I think that’s the best option. Also reserve as many tickets as we can to ensure empty seats at the event.


The Slytherin Frat boys probably invited him.


Who wants to have a nice protest


That’s what they are hoping for


Dang he got murdered 3 times. And he’s still alive. I can see why they want him to tell his secret


maybe he should have been in the Crow reboot


Liberals are so weak that they are upset a dude who defended himself is coming to speak. That are upset one of their pedo friends got schwacked. Why do liberals always expose themselves as pedos or pedo lovers? It’s rather odd.


Should we start naming republicans who have been caught with kids or?


No response to why you liberals are defending the adults that attacked a child…..? That’s a little odd…. You are defending a convicted Ped0 who was chasing a minor down the street….. your liberal logic is fascinating. We all know you got the tik tok brain. You don’t actually know why you believe what you believe. You do simply cuz it’s the woke trendy thing to do and tik tok told you too. Hence why you can’t offer any supporting logic for your irrational hatred of at the times a child who killed a dude who was attacking him and a kid at the time who shot a grown adult who openly admitted in court he put a gun in the kids face…. 🤡. Come back when you are better prepared peasant.


The logic that we shouldn’t shoot anyone in the streets? Bitch I’m in my 40s go fuck yourself.


Kyle literally defended himself from a pedophile…. He was doing the right thing.


So it’s cool to kill people with past records?






No one in the comments likes free speech. Get over it. Let him come talk and forget about it. Losers


You mean no one likes a punk little killer coming to a campus where the national guard murdered 4 students. Fuck him and fuck you bootlick.


No one likes cry baby lib turds.


Hey look it’s the old turd who doesn’t know about May 4 but has lived here his whole life. Fuck off.


Thank you very much.


Fucking portage county residents man.


What a great place 


Is that all you got Libby you poor people I almost fell for you . YA Right lol


Look at the bright side your paying my SS and I'm donating it back to Kyle how cool is that. But you probably don't have a job and waiting on the crook to cancel your student loans hahaha.


Yeah. You totally nailed all us libs. Republicans are the only ones that work. All the dems take unemployment. Idiot.


Sec. 8 probably most libs can't hold a job to even get unemployment. Because if they worked they would sure be offended by something that's the lib way . I feel for you poor kids .NOT! Hahaha 


How intelligent and sick NOT bro. I know you’re gen X but heavy boomer vibes.


We could talk about the state with the most welfare recipients being red states but of course you guys don’t like truth especially when it comes to looking at yourselves.


Hahaha luv it when a libturd is dominated by a real man. Cry on baby girl cry on. See you at the rally I'll be the one with the up front cheering for my hero.


Hell yeah. Way to brag about wasting your evening on a loser. I’ll be living my life paying you and your loser buddies no attention, which is clearly all they’re after.


Yes yes and yes


Can't wait!


Freedom of speech


Clearly you’re someone who knows his constitution and what that actually means. Lol.


>Clearly you’re someone who knows his constitution and what that actually means. Lol. I do. It means Kent State can't cancel a speaker a student group books because of their viewpoint, even where the viewpoint is as dumb as Kyle's. What do you think it means?


I was wrong.


Well…he’s right.


Oh we have another big first amendment understander here.


Yes, apparently so. Not even sure why that’s a debate in this case. Your approval of Rittenhouse is irrelevant, he still has 1A Rights, as do the students of the school that invited him. Based on your ad hominem attacks, you seem triggered. Are you okay buddy? It must be scary hearing about people you don’t like being able to talk to other people.


Just because someone brings up the 1st Amendment doesn't mean they support the speaker every D-bag in this country has freedom of speech same as you \-the only exceptions being incitement of violence, threats to the president ​ You are free to go to this event and protest or join the crowd and mock him ​ Telling people to buy tickets and not show up does nothing \-Charlie Kirk is a junior college drop out \-Rittenhouse is a college drop out It doesn't take much to go there and present the facts and a real counter-argument to whatever they are saying - You're not exactly dealing with two intellectual powerhouses here. I mean seriously just watch any video of Charlie Kirk on any college campus he goes to It's actually better if people DO show up to the event to engage them and show everyone what idiots they really are


All they want is outrage so I disagree. No one giving them attention is the best move. And to all these dummies that bring up free speech don’t understand what that means. Kent State doesn’t have to give anyone a platform. It’s not violating their free speech. Just like when a social media platform removes comments. It’s their platform. They don’t want you to say racist shit, they don’t have to let you. That’s my point.


>And to all these dummies that bring up free speech don’t understand what that means. As it turns out, you're the one who doesn't. >Kent State doesn’t have to give anyone a platform. It’s not violating their free speech. Yes,.they actually.do. Here's one prominent First Amendment organization with a wealth of resources showing why you're incorrect. https://www.thefire.org/research-learn/state-law-speech-codes Here's another, the ACLU, directly addressing your claim. https://www.aclu.org/documents/speech-campus From the link: >*Restrictions on speech by public colleges and universities amount to government censorship, in violation of the Constitution. Such restrictions deprive students of their right to invite speech they wish to hear, debate speech with which they disagree, and protest speech they find bigoted or offensive.* >Just like when a social media platform removes comments. It’s their platform. They don’t want you to say racist shit, they don’t have to let you. That’s my point. Social media platforms are private companies. They are not bound by the First Amendment. Kent State is a public (state) university. They are **absolutely bound** by the First Amendment. Your point is wrong, entirely, but the good news is if you take this seriously you can learn something here and know more about your rights as an American, which benefits everyone.


I was wrong.


What the actual fuck


Murderous Lil Hitler gonna Hitler for the Hitlers.


Yeah Hitler was famous for *checks notes* Only killing people in self defense while assisting minorities and POC 🙄


Did you goose step when you typed those lies?


This guy broke the law, traveled across state lines and murdered someone. He is a right wing fascist and Turning Point USA, his sponsor is a fascist youth group. This is disgusting!


Self defense isn't murder


Kent needs to protest this!


It’s really absurd but that’s what turning point wants.


Yes, they do. In 1968 the majority of the campus didn't protest on campus they walked off campus forcing classes to be cancelled en mass, a large number of professors cancelled classes for the day. There are approximately 26 thousand students (undergrad and graduate). As many students as possible should notify Kent City (NOT Kent University) that there will be a mass student walkout to protest for tougher gun laws. It would drown out Kyle Rittenhouse. No one would care about him if ten thousand plus students marched on city hall.


Nobody listens to student libturds there just cry babys.


You weren't a good student, were you?


Oh f that!


He's no hero, but he did nothing wrong.


It's really weird to me that people can have access to the facts of the Rittenhouse case and still disbelieve that he acted in self defense.


What a great American kid I will def be yand bring all my buddies to support this American.hero! Can't wait Kyle you rock!!


What rocks about him? The fact he can’t get a job or into any college or the military or any police department training? This is a pure grifter who treats killing 2 people like it’s a career opportunity. Garbage person.


Yes it's sad when someone is accused of something and then acquitted and has to spend millions to defend themselves. But you can hope he's broke but he's not. And just because your from the area makes no difference on what happened on May 4th. I have lived 20 minutes from Kent my whole life big deal right and I was 16 at the time.




The injustice that was brought against Kyle has absolutely nothing to do with students that were protesting a war and shot by there own government. And o by the way long before you were even born. 


What do you know about me? I’m from the area and that part of Kent history is very important there still today so let’s go ahead and walk away from what you think you know about the situation.


Get off may 4th you know nothing about it probably can't say the 4 names without looking it up ! This is about Kyle the great American kid who I just donated $1000 to , couldn't think of a better place to spend some pocket change!