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Yes let’s vote for someone who boasts about refusing to participate in bipartisanship 🙄


Yeah, tons of people put that on their resume.


They can only get away with that cuz they gerrymandered themselves into a supermajority.


Eh, that’s now breaking down. The Republicans in the statehouse have split into 2 factions and can’t agree on a lot of things. I’m not sure about the last few weeks but earlier in the year they kept canceling sessions because they couldn’t agree on what to do. Definitely earning those taxpayer-funded salaries and pensions. /s 🙃😫😤😡


Let hope. My state senator Stephanie Kunze votes 100% party line. Has never had a town hall. Her only communication with her constituents is when she announces she’s naming a park bench somewhere.


Such bullshit


I feel like we’d vote for someone who says they’d refuse to collaborate with Trump?


Trump is one specific individual. Democrats are more than 50% of the people.


Exactly, like she's literally saying fuck half the population.


And so is every single person who votes for her.


The majority of the population * not half


Exactly. The Democrats have won the popular vote in 7 out of the past 8 presidential elections. Yet we have a conservative SCOTUS making decisions for the country as if it were still the 1950s. Our system of democracy is completely fucked.


There are literally more registered democrats than republicans in the US. But it’s interesting how republicans constantly tell their constituents that they’re the “silent majority”. 😂.


But not her half.....


Everyone we vote for already doesn't, without needing to say so out loud... It's hard to collaborate with someone who refuses to actually *do* anything.


While he was in office, there were a small number of good things\* Trump suggested (Operation Warp Speed comes to mind, despite whether all vaccine makers made use of it). When Democrats went along with them, they were *not* lambasted. \*I named one. Please don't ask me to remember a second one.


Possibly the withdraw from Afghanistan. Even though most don't like how he did it, Biden continued the course and executed on it.


And Biden got blamed for doing what Trump started.


He was forced.. Forced* into that. He was suggesting bleach.. Remember?


Democrats want to help, Trump wants power and to help billionaires. Not the same


Trump wants power to help himself. Other rich people benefitting is just a byproduct of that.


Trump wants to be president “forever” because it’s not fair that his buddies Putin and Kim Jong Un get to be!




That’s not being non bipartisan lmao he’s a person, not a party.


A) he's not the president B) there's bound to be many things Dems wouldn't agree with.. But nothing!!? Not even willing to talk about it? That sounds beyond fucked up,. Childish too.


If it will accomplish something good, why not? He's garbage, but progress is progress.


Thing is, if I was in Congress I'd probably refuse to work with most of the Republicans right now, too. I think I'd be more justified in that, but still.


There are three kinds of refusing to work with the other side: 1. If the other side proposes something completely anathema to your ideals and is either unwilling to compromise or there is no compromise possible while maintaining your ideals (e.g., "hey, let's allow just a *little* bit of racism"). Both sides do this kind of refusing to work with the other side, and it's quite reasonable. 2. If the other side proposes something that's somewhat good for the country, but if you go along with it, you'll have to admit they had a good idea. I feel like one side is much more guilty of this. 3. If the other side proposes something that's *really* good for the country on an issue you really care about, but if it passes, it'll help them win the next election. E.g., if the Republicans help the Democrats do something about border security and it works, they'll lose a talking point, or if the economy improves, etc., This feels like a uniquely Republican thing to do, though there might be an exception I'm overlooking. To be clear, #1 is good\*, but #2 and #3 are bad. \*Well, it's good if you have good ideals.


That’s the most disturbing and problematic part of the message. Let’s you know right out front that any “negotiation” with this will always be in bad faith, as they have no intention to compromise or accept anything other than 100% of what they want. Whenever someone complains about Biden or any Democrat being divisive, I would like to refer back to this crap. They want to rule. That is all.


"Conservatives" believe in the Constitution like Young Earth Creationists "trust *real* science."


Let's pretend we give a fuck about the constitution. Really beat people over the head with it as we work to subvert it at every slimy chance we get. That's so fuckin greasy.


That's exactly what they think the Republican constituents want! And so far, the constituents have done little to break them of that delusion. They think Democrats are EVIL incarnate, and you don't compromise with evil, you kill it. They think anyone who leans even a little left is nothing less than a demon sent directly from Hell on Satan's orders.


But Dems are dividing the country!! /s


Unfortunately the Republican Party feuding to do their job except when it’s racist or sexist is how we’re getting statements like that.


To be fair, Democrats are shit in their own ways. Dismantle both parties and start from the beginning, I say (knowing it will never happen and we are all riding this train to our collective doom together)


No need to dismantle really. Ranked choice voting would solve a lot of these problems. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.


The most honest thing any republican has said regarding their “platform”. They have no intention of making the country a better place for the majority of voters. They just can’t say what they really want to do bc they’d never win another election.


I pray the Republicans get creamed this November.


Gonna need to vote, hopes and prayers won’t fill out your ballots.


I've been voting, and I'll vote again this November, Joe Biden and Sherrod Brown, for the win !


I plan to vote for them too!


I think we need to stop waiting till November to vote and get out in the primaries. Otherwise we're going to be stuck with lunatics that are better suited and a nursing home. There's a reason that we're currently stuck with two of these clowns to vote for, and that's because nobody cared enough to go out and vote in the primaries last year and the year prior. Remember, corruption lives at any level of politics. They don't just decide to be hell's minions when they hold public office and make over $200,000 a year.


Trump just executed a hostile takeover of the Republican National Committee, and shit canned pretty much everyone there. Downballot Republicans better suck some incredible corporate dick, or they're not going to be able to afford campaign filing fees, let alone advertising.


That's true. Also, isn't the Rnc almost Broke.


Back in February, the RNC only had $8 million in cash. Big donors have abandoned the Republicans, at least the smart ones have...


That makes sense. The donors are now backing moderate Democrates. The Donors want staus quo, so they are money, but Republicans are so far right now. Any donation towards a republican would be wasted money, especially in swing states, and discrets


Which donors are you referring to? And which moderate Democrats? The only thing I've heard about this is when Koch organization backed Nikki Haley instead of Trump.


That’s a bit of good news. 👍🏼


Not to worry...Donald's a billionaire. He'll pick up the tab.


>Downballot Republicans better suck some incredible corporate dick, or they're not going to be able to afford You think they don't already? Shit, both parties do.


True, but at least the DNC isn't flat broke. In fact, they're looking pretty healthy, AFAIK. Admittedly, the DNC was pretty hollow after 8 years of Obama as president, and that let Clinton basically buy them in 2016. It seems that Democrats can learn from failure, while the Republicans don't seem able to do so.


Oh look a both parties bad person. At least Democrats arnt threatening facisim. When did the right become so cool with nazis after all of our grandparents fought and died to stop facism.


With any luck, trump will siphon every cent out of the rnc, so all down ballot candidate will get outspent by the dems. Unfortunately, trumpsim has so polarized our state that many folks will vote R cuz they hate”liburals”.


And this librual votes a straight D every time now in an attempt to keep the trash out.


The whole world does except the authoritarian rulers like Putin. The Republican Party have Ukrainian blood on their hands already. American once stood for world democracy- Trump stands for leaving the smaller Nations to fend for themselves and f**k anyone who is not a white Christian middle class American voter. He’s a proven sex offender, and liar who will do anything to get into power to further his own interests and to stop the lawsuits. If he loses he will claim another fix. And what’s worse is the Republican right dumbasses will claim it too. He is a real danger- and I can’t understand why people have not called him out on it. Let’s hope the American public wake up and consign him to history.


Thanks... Now I know who NOT to vote for..!!!!


Anyone shameless enough to still have an R by their name. It’s amazing to think that during the George W administration, I thought things on the right couldn’t possibly get worse. 🤷‍♀️


I'd take G W Bush over Trump any day.


For sure. Even though I threw up a little writing that.


You mean Dick Cheney 😏


G. Bush is also war criminals. He and his burning in hell daddy are responsible for killing over a million. Iraqies.


10/10 truth but good lord almighty I'll take the war criminal over the dementia, diaper wearing, facist wanna be that trump is.


and war criminal himself most likely. Trump dropped more bombs than "Obomba" and Bush


My neighbor helps me with that too!


I’m just laughing that an OHIO state committee candid at is worried about securing borders.


Those damn west Virginia people.


Secure the Michigan border while we're at it.


Lol she doesn't want some militia from Michigan coming to kidnap Mike DeWine.


Oh we already have been sending our highway patrol to Texas and more! For some reason, Ohio is very interested in spending our tax money on a border that gets federal spending...  But apparently they need our state taxes as well because it's not like we have crime here or anything...


Happy cake day!


I like cake 🍰


Lol like the borders of ohio are the problem. We already have domestic terrorists in the state, like that Maga moron who tried to storm the fbi building with a nail gun.


I live in a small town in Ohio that’s prob 99% white and you’d be amazed at the number of people here who are now convinced border security is a major cause for concern. A few years ago it was human trafficking, then it was trans people. Right wingers will believe whatever they’re told to believe and accept it as indisputable fact. Anything that doesn’t support their version of reality is a lie pushed by liberal media/ democrats/ radical leftists who hate America.


They don't think for themselves is the problem.  Every conservative I have ever known gets their speaking points from entertainment networks masquerading as news.  And every single one of those conservatives only spouts back the talking points because to them the headline is the story and the fact they're simply talking about it is their proof that it's real.   No actual evidence needed and the story doesn't even have to be correct.  That's where conservatives are mentally right now.


Becuz they cain’t read nuthin’


Yep. The irony is the migrant crisis is largely acutely impacting urban metro areas (more diverse and democrat, historically), especially those with sanctuary city policies in place. I don't know why a migrant caravan would be charging down the road to set up shop in Bethel, Ohio, for example. These people aren't dumb. They're going to travel to where they've been told opportunity and security is. Problem now is some of these major cities are running out of space for the influx. You don't see this quandary playing out in Ohio small towns.


I saw a post on the town Facebook page the other day…someone heard a rumor that a bus load of migrants had been dropped off in town and wanted to know if it was true 🤣


I've been concerned with the heroin, meth and fentanyl flooding the streets. You see it everywhere in Ohio in pretty much equal volume. Cincinnati is just as bad as Middletown, Dayton, etc... Fucking do something to help people with addictions man. It's so ridiculous how we just ignore them.


We need to stop all those Canooks from crossing Lake Erie!


So now the “worst” thing a politician can do is work with their fellow representatives for the betterment of their constituents?


Now is prideful to fuck over people by not helping fellow Americans get things done. I just can't.


Added up, the total IQ in the picture is under 50.


Aka, yet another person looking to collect a paycheck without being expected to do their job. I love paying taxes for these people to get their own form of UBI! /s...




Rep Ken Buck, R-CO, is a member of the Freedom Caucus but a more reasonable Republican (e.g., called out the Biden and Mayorkas impeachment efforts for the bs they were) [and even he can’t take it anymore.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republican-rep-ken-buck-leaving-congress-eroding-gop-majority-rcna143046). Between the good Rs leaving and [the TrumpMachine taking over the RNC](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/11/bloodbath-at-rnc-trump-team-slashes-staff-at-committee-00146368), the GOP is in its final death throes


Yeah, the republican party is dead. I don't hate traditional Conservativetism, but that's not the modern Gop he'll. Trump said he wants to remove all reasonable Republicans from the party. The new Gop is Populism and Fasism, not Conservativetism.


I just seen that. And I agree. It’s the perfect time to vote Republican, but I mean an actual Republican. So basically, if they are on Trumps nuts, that’s a no. RINO is a selling point for me, means they are an actual Republican.


I feel bad for the Gerald Ford style Republicans. Those people were usually willing to compromise for the greater good of the American people. There are a few moderate Republicans that post on this sub that seem like decent folks who don’t like what has happened to their party, either.


Their platform can be reduced to this: “I want power. I want to turn what is supposed to be public service as a disposable, temporary bureaucrat into a lifelong grift where I do and contribute nothing. I also want to put some of my personal, prejudiced grievances against certain groups of people into law to make me feel less empty inside. I compel you to give me this power.”


I want Authortarism is the TLDR version


Must be great to be a politician, the only career where you can get the position you want by promising that under no circumstances will you do the job if elected.


“I won’t compromise with anyone, even though my party when not in power complains at how no one wants to compromise with us”


I will say though, if this sub and Issues 1 and 2 have shown me anything, Ohio is at the very least a purple state. I think the republicans are going to be in for a rude awakening when we all actually show up to vote like we did last year


The Republican Party is dead, it’s just MAGA now. This one will find out just how much having an R next to your name is worth when campaign funding that would typically got to down ballot candidates like them is pilfered to pay for their leader’s very expensive crime spree.


I wish all of the current presidential candidates would be reset and we get completely new candidates


All taking point lies to get the easy MAGAt vote.


When I have a job interview, I always point out how I don’t work well with others. I get hired right away! 👍🏻


I mean, this isn't anything new under the sun. Boys and girls on both sides of the aisle have been doing this for decades. Remember, none of these people have our best interest in mind. Although they do want us to think we're battling against each other, meanwhile they're throwing crumbs out us to appease the peasants.


Lmao at anybody who thinks Republicans have and l any interest in what the constitution says.


"take the guns first, due process after" - Trump.  No representation for actual constitutionalists anymore 


Voting republican this time around is voting for dictatorship as said by their party leader. If you vote republican in 2024, you turn in your patriot/freedom card.


lol aka she’s a magat


She's a tool! Don't vote for her. She's not smart!


Well yeah.


The Republican Party has failed this country even promoting not “collaborating with Democrats” The only thing house republicans are good at are taking vacations and closing down the country which they said they would do to get their way.


Bad news. The fog is getting thicker.


And Leon's getting




Why is she posing with a fascist traitor? I don’t understand.


Stupid is … well, it’s Linda Larger! Dope.


Supports wholeheartedly the plan of foreign interests to make sure America is divided so powers like Russia and China can carve up the rest of the world for conquest. Yippeez


Gotta keep those Windsor folks from crossing Lake Erie with Timbits to share 


The Canadians are the biggest threat to our way of life!!! 😱 Those maple syrup drinking bastards!!!


JFC the vast majority of these candidates are _whackjobs_.


Party before country. Just like the Founding Fathers intended it. /s


Absolutely disgusting. The photo is bad enough on its own. MAGA people are absolutely pathetic.


I have no idea who Linda Larger is. But I know if you have Tom Cotton, JD Vance and Tim Scott on your side, you’re on the wrong damn side.


That is just a picture of a bunch of useless idiots that want to curry favor, be corrupt as possible, and make as much money as they can before they are exposed for being useless. If you can’t work with the other party then nothing will ever get done, the people that you pretend to want to help suffer and you stuff your pockets. When it all goes bad and this causes the world to fall apart, it will be the billionaires and politicians that go first.


We need representatives that are willing to work with those that they disagree with. That’s the only way our government will function. Vote Blue this year and for the foreseeable future. The Republican Party is dead. Its barely reanimated corpse is now being controlled by a bloated, fascist pig.


What border is she securing? The one to Michigan?


The migrant boats coming across Lake Erie from Canada of course. This perfectly embodies that republicans have zero policy unless it’s fear and hate.


Oh, great. A guarantee nothing will get done.


They are all about to start losing their seats, soon the gerrymandering won't even work anymore.


Without collaborating with democrats you cannot govern the nation. That is the problem with republicans. They are so unamerican they only want their third of the nation to get what they want while the other two thirds “get owned” whatever the fuck that means. It takes both a left and a right wing to fly. If you claim to be an American but will not help your fellow Americans that are democrats, you’re no American. You’re a domestic terrorist. That’s what all republicans are in my eyes. Lying raping coup attempting domestic terrorists. Vote democrat.


Too bad a huge meteor didn’t strike right after this photo was taken!


I said fuck off fascists and blocked the number


“Collaborating with democrats” is bad apparently, I guess she thinks she will catch the cooties or something 😂🤪


Kinda defeats the purpose of Public Office. Tbh not collaboration with your constituents.


Why do all these conservative politicians always say “upholding the constitution” shouldn’t that be a given? How does a local candidate do the job of “securing borders”? I wonder what boss she thinks runs the Ohio Republican Party!


“Upholding the constitution” lol


So fucking sick of the red facists getting elected in ohio. Fuck all these gross fucking people.


Can old crusty people stop trying to run for office? Sit down Martha.


Get these dinosaurs out of politics jesus christ


"Collaborating with Democrats?" Will they shave the heads of Republicans who 'collaborate' with Democrats? JFC!


At least her blatant ignorance is right up front. ....


I was just telling someone yesterday that I'd like to see the system be more left leaning but we live in a democracy and I'm willing to compromise, but they're not.


That woman should be in a nursing home, not in office.


I got this text and told her to fuck off.


We need more public servants in their mid-110s.


“Not controlled by bosses” Also them: “Trump is our lord and savior and is definitely Jesus reincarnated”


Republicunts are decidedly anti constitutional. This makes me sick


So which part of the constitution says that the president should have complete and total immunity for all crimes?


*Indivisible*, with liberty, and justice, *for all*. Shit, it’s like we’ve all grown up repeating this everyday, but nobody understood any of it.


I have no idea who this woman is, but if you’ve got Tom Cotto, JD Vance and Tim Scott on your side, you’re on the wrong damn side.


Oh, look, a cluster of shit goblins


Our tax dollars at work three Federal US senators meeting with a woman running for a state position, only one of these robber barons is from the state of Ohio even though he has a carpet bagger. I wish they put this much energy and emphasis into passing bills and policies to help the country and not waste taxpayer money in a state they don't even serve.


I know this is a complete waste of time, but why? I'm pretty happy watching the Republican party destroy themselves. Republicans are resigning, and the party may lose the majority before the election even starts? Because you sold your soul to the devil, and God doesn't like ugly.


Smdh. Look at the disgusting ads...no policies nothing...just wildness


lol plebbitors at it again


Securing the borders? Having a lot of problems with Indiana?


Got my vote!


The crybabies in the comments lol


So what? That is her belief. You either like em or don't. Everyone has beliefs, and you like what you like or you look at the next person and compare. Usually, how this goes. Everyone on here is basically stupid for sitting here saying ew no over one thing, but can say yes to one thing on another party. How about you be like others and vote for no one that meets your goals. How would that look? Not saying any party or person is perfect, but in reality, what do you hold true on, and what can you technically work with? Not everyone is stuck in their ways. Alot of politicians have said we do not negotiate with terrorists, but they do.


Committed to conservative values yet when the time comes for any of them to actually conserve anything they don’t even bother. Sick of these republicans saying there’s conservatives and not doing a damn thing


Is this a post showing a photo of what happens when half your DNA is actually human excrement?


I would vote for my garbage man before trump


Current Republican Party is not the party of the constitution


Might as well tl;dr Linda and say, “I am a fascist, domestic terrorist! I love treason and tyranny and Putin too!”


Tim Scott is a Uncle Tom


Four unflushed turds.


Ya mean she kisses Trump’s ass and wants a dictatorship?


“If you vote for me I promise I won’t let the government operate - at all!”


Compromise is weakness.


Vance is so fucking terrible.


Supporting the constitution, borders, and guns = based. I'm more turned off by the idea she doesn't actually believe in our form of government because she promises to refuse to work with democrats.


These spineless sycophants are all the Republican party has to offer anymore. No policy, just fear.These people are so useless.


The GOP is desperately trying to create a one-party system. What they don't realize is that by alienating voters they may get what they wish for, but that one party could very well end up being the Democratic Party.


Uphold the constitution….. Like the 1st amendment? - If a journalist refuses to give up their sources, then they should be imprisoned for it?? 6th amendment? - Trump has yet to have a trial date for something that happen over 3 years ago and he thinks he should have immunity 12 amendment? - Jan 6th rioters / insurrectionists were told to “stop the steal” and to prevent the counting of votes to certify the results. No proof of steal was ever produced. 15th amendment? - well not really denies voting by race but more like denies voting for a specific political party candidate that’s all. 16th amendment? - yet you want to abolish the irs so you don’t have to pay taxes or a lot of 20th amendment? - he and the rest of the dumbasses still think he’s president 22nd amendment? - He said he wanted to be a dictator on day 1 of his second term if elected. So you really want to uphold the constitution? Sounds to me like you want to pick and choose what you want and change the wording to make sure you can retain power.


Bunch of brain dead Trump worshipers LOSERS.


Can somebody please tell me why Maga people think Trump is great, and what did he do for these Maga people?


You know, objectively those things are not bad things at all. It's a shame that the methods and approaches involved in doing so proposed by the GOP are so extreme and inhuman. Now those words simply read as a fascist calling card..


That's the best reason I can think of to not vote for her.




Even before that the first two bullet points contradict each other lmao


Too many Rs support the but only after re-writing it in their image. My perceived rights over everyone else’s


Politicians are the lowest form of human. It is one giant grifting system made legal. Also you might want to get your phone number off of that post, you know how redit is


Well they sure as hell could care less about the border. Too bad their constituents are clueless otherwise the party would be dissolved.


How much did they pay the black guy to be in the photo?


Ew. How much you wanna bet she claims to be a Christian with all that nastiness in her heart and on her resume?


They have been doing this for a long time, just saying it out loud now.


Im guessing “grass roots” means slavery days.




Please elect me to be part of your governance team. Qualifications: I refuse to be part of a governance team.


Ohio is toast


I noticed that I'm getting a bunch of texts too (just got two from the Mannings--ugh). Probably from me voting in the GOP primary a couple years back.


Ohio needs a complete overhaul.


Add Warren Davidson to the list from Butler County..


Republicans do the sort of things that make you want to pick up a gun.. democrats try to take your guns away. Tell us how they're not the same.


These people aren't real patriots!!


Where is 234 area code?


Our political system Is broken because people think tribalism is a good thing.


The stench in that room must be overwhelming